Smitefire has gotten small over the years, and we need to do something in order to save the site, Smitefire has an amazing community, each one of us only wants his guides and other guides to grow and succeed, and i have met some amazing people here, And we need to bring smitefire back, because if we won't, no one will, and i'm not going to let this site go down without a fight, and i know you won't too.
I know smitefire is better, but we need to fix our problems so the rest of the community could also see that.
so, Checklist:
we need updated god guides for:

im taking care of:

GGF is taking care of:

Zilby, prism, me, and ggf are all updating our guides.
Stuke99 is taking care of all the warriors on the list.
CrimisonSkies has a great

We need to get ourselfs together as a community and make some defined and solid guides that define the basic builds (proven builds) although you can bring your creativity into the guides.
all we need is builds, intro, pros and cons, items, skills and basic gameplay, with intro and basic gameplay not being that urgent.
next, we need the mods's help, yes, you guys. we need filtering, after we have enough s3 new guides, we need the mobafire filtering system implemented.
after that, we're gonna need volunteers. we need to contact hirez, so we can have some attention as we can help them with the whole beginner help issue more then smite junkies will ever do.
Next up, to hype up the site, we will need some pro players, i am now working on contacting Incon, hopefully i will succeed.
and i dont give a **** that this sounds like a really wanna be an edior, i've been on this site for about 2 years and i cannot stand the bashing and the fact that the site isnt popular and ignored by the smite community.
You can volunteer to write guides in the comment section, and if you have a guide that you think is good for this cause, nominate it in the comment section below and we will try our best to review it.
Also, leave the link to the blog when you make your guide, to spread awareness around smitefire.
thank you so much for reading this, and iil be off to continue my chronos guide.
Edit: I have posted suggestions for what we can do in order to get a better build foundation in here
Always nice to see new members joining up! We sincerely hope you'll find the community enjoyable and will stick with us!
We also hope you'll share your creativity and thoughts with the rest of us and make your very own guide at some point! If you need any tools to help you with that, feel free to ask, there's a couple around on this very website!
Kind Regards,
FYI, the more current version of this thread is found here:
It's still a bit outdated in a way, as Season 4 is right around the corner (just a bit more than a week away), and we'll be looking at seeing updated guides where possible in the weeks following.
I did review that guide of yours, but I retain the same opinion from the comments I made earlier. I would like some others to review as well, and if they feel it's a guide they'd recommend to others, I'll add it to the list.
GGF? Zilby? Prism? Opinion?
Feel free to ask for any bbcoding help you need. XZero has sort of taken it on his shoulders to help with his coding guides/comments, but I can definitely help too.
It's a bit of a give & get economy on this website, however that the "give" part excels alot.
People create guides hoping to help people, but most of the time also to get noticed easier by others. They're hoping for some comments/votes on their guides aswell.
Admit it, seeing a comment on one of your guides is exciting: Somebody noticed your guide, viewed it, and took the time to comment, and that comment could be anything, so you want to check it.
However, this website doesn't really encourage such behavior. Hence why most people just come in to view a guide for a god, copy a build and then leave again.
For this reason, creators will feel left out, and feel as if their guides were useless/unhelpful. This can be very discouraging, and that could cause people to leave, and guides not getting updated, guides becoming useless, and people no longer having any use of this site.
It's basically an "economical circle", and it's going downhill on this website it seems. Very unfortunate, but true nonetheless.
There also isn't really a "holding" factor to this website. The site gives the idea to people that this site is just "guide" site: You come in, check a guide/build, use it and leave. The actual "community" part is hidden away behind this.
If the forums/blogs/etc... would be exposed a bit more, the sense of a community would be stronger, and there'd be a higher chance of people having the urge to stay around. A live chat would help here for example, where you would directly be able to chat with other people online.
It's not only the guides that are the issue (though they are a major factor), it's also a bit due to the lay-out of the website and the fact that the "community" part is hidden away.
My reason for making guides has never really been the views, but comments are definitely something I looked for. Originally I was making the guides to share my own experiences and to learn from people's comments to improve (if you look back on my early guides, you can see me being receptive to comments and having discussions and such). I will say though that I do think the website does somewhat encourage this, when I first joined all I did was comment on guides (idk maybe that's just me).
The biggest problem in regards to 'holding factor' I think is the game itself. I used to be way more into Smite, knew the meta at all times and played consistently. As such, updating my guides was repetitive, but easy. Right now I have all these guides but don't really play enough to keep track of the current meta so they just kinda sit there outdated. The problem is that the game isn't static, so any work you put into any of these guides has to either be completely changed / updated on a regular monthly basis or it becomes obsolete.
Thus while I stick around on the site to give the kind of advice that has no meta and to participate in Smite discussion, there's a strange sort of barrier between those that really know the current meta and those that don't that's odd to work around. I don't have any solution to this, but that's just the way it is with this game.
Hopefully i can help this community become the BEST Smite community !!
I believe in you though, good luck.
i already made ones for
RL tends to get in the way, so I never have time to play Conquest. I can offer you some footage in Joust, Siege, and Arena. But my guide is mostly made for Conquest.