February 11, 2014

A Happy Blog? Inconceivable!

Views: 1016 TormentedTurnip
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Yay Me
Well, it'd be nice if the typical blog post here was a happy post rather than the depressing material we've seen lately. So I guess I'll go first: I've recently been accepted to Clemson University! It's probably not as well-known as Harvard and Yale, but I'm still really happy to be headed there. I'll be starting my Junior year of college there this coming Fall semester, so if there's anyone else there who'd like to get in touch and kick some virtual *** in Smite during when we've got free time, feel free to send me a PM.

On a completely unrelated note, enjoy this video:

But beware, you'll likely end up realizing three hours have gone by after repeatedly clicking related links. Not that I know that from experience, or anything...