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God Idea: Buto, The Cobra Goddess

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » God Idea: Buto, The Cobra Goddess 10 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by shakz180 » August 30, 2013 6:00pm | Report
I really want to create an idea for a jungler.

Buto , The Cobra Godess

Pantheon Egyptian
Health 445 (+79)
Mana 210 (+41)
Speed 395 (+0)
Range 12 (+0)
Attacks Per Second 1 (+0.02)
Magic Power 0 (+0)
Physical Power 38 (+2)
Magic Protection 30 (+0)
Physical Protection 13 (+3)
Health Regen 9 (+0.67)
Mana Regen 5 (+0.46)
Tags Mage, Assassin
Release Date May 31, 2012
Favor 5500
Gem Cost 200


Passive: DEVOUR : Buto can devour a dead lesser being ( minion or a monster ). Although, the digestion takes time to process only giving her healing per second during the ingestion process. Can only consume one being. During these times, Buto ignores damage from lesser beings (monster and minions)
Healing per tick- 15/25/35/45/55
Ingestion Duration - 1.5 minutes
Damage reduction- 20%

Active~1: Feast upon: Buto Releases a group of cobras to feast upon her enemies. When an enemy is hit, the cobras will inflict damage over time for a duration. If the target is successfully killed during the duration, the cobras will search and attack the nearby target.
( I don't know, should I put in when Buto has Active 2, her cobras can inflict the poison equal to the auto attack poison bonus)
Cooldown- 15/14/13/12/11
Duration: 7 seconds
Damage over time- 55/65/75/85/100 + (25% Magical power)
Mana Cost- 75/85/95/100/100

Active~2: Passive: Enemies hit by Buto's auto attack will be inflicted with poison. Active Buto spits a poisonous projectile. After the hit, the poison will explode to a large area area near the target, inflicting poison damage to enemies in the area.
Cooldown- 16/15/14/13/12/10
Poison- 40/50/60/70/75 +(50% Magical Power)
Poison basic attack- 5+(10% Physical Power)
Reduced Healing- 15/20/25/30/30%
Slow-20% slow
Mana Cost- 85/95/105/115/125

Active~3: Eyes of the Cobra: Passive: Buto has increased sight and senses, making her able ignore any unit collision. Active Buto performs her fiery gaze in a short distance in front of her. This applies low damage but applies a flash over the opponents screen (Like Ra) and silences the target for a short duration, (maybe increased duration for poisoned targets?)
Cooldown- 25/23/20/16/15
Danage-25/45/65/85/105 +(25% Magical Power)
Silence Duration- 1/1.5/2/2/2.5
Mana Cost- 70/75/80/95/100

Active~4: Buto goes into a cobra stance unable to move. During that stance, Buto will be able to only cast one skill which is to perform her deadly bite. Two tries of the bite can be only cast. When a bite is successful, The skill inflicts a deadly poison dealing damage every second for a duration. After the duration ends, The target is stunned. When a second bite is successful on the same target it cuts the time for the stun in half and increasing the Damage over time damage.

Poison Damage-75/95/105/125/130 + (80% Ability Power)
Poison Duration: 4 seconds
Same Target Bonus: 20% more damage, 2 seconds before stun
Stun Duration:
Mana Cost- No Cost Until Bites are Casted. - 80/90/100/120/150 Per bite

I Might have made her Overpowered. Please be honest about criticisms and tips.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » August 30, 2013 6:17pm | Report
Ok this is a little..odd. Her passive is good early game, but becomes increasingly useless late game. The minion protection is near negligible past early-mid game.

I think there's a better idea than literally throwing a snake at someone. The scaling is a bit extreme - sure it's over time, but it's still a LOT of damage.

I don't think you should make her two do damage over time, AND a slow, AND a healing reduction. Pairing this with 3, which is a blind AND a silence, you have nearly every single CC in the game save a stun.

Her ult is....odd. I fail to see how a 'bite' has a ne-zha type range. I don't like the idea of two attacks, only one being successful. I'd suggest it does 1/2 damage the first attack, and biting the same target enhances the speed the venom travels through the body, doing more damage and increasing DoT damage taken for a brief period afterwards.

I don't see how she's a jungler, tbh. She's a mid-lane mage with nasty waveclear, and a lot of escape mechanisms via slow, blind, and silence.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by shakz180 » August 30, 2013 7:11pm | Report
We haven't made any magic damage jungler as far as I know.

Passive: I just wanted to make this as her chasing utility, Arachne has a pull, while the other junglers have dashes. I fail to see either a quick dashing snake or jumping snake. So rather than make a speed bonus , I wanted to tackle the fact that snake preys on the target which they already venomed and giver her the movement speed bonus when she has to pass through a group of minions while ganking.

Active 1: Maybe I should say that she releases the snakes onto the enemies? I will lower the damage scales definitely

Active 2: I guess I could say the poison will be an AOE with small damage . I wanted to use this as either utilization damage against jungle group mobs. Maybe instead of slow and healing reduction. . . I can say anyone with inflicted poison, Buto has increased damage over that target

Active 3: This one I was unsure of, because I wanted to leave this off, but I didnt want to leave this because it would not be lore friendly anymore. I guess I can take off the silence and just a low damage blind, for escaping utility.

Active 4: Great Idea Thanks!. . . . The Idea of Ne Zha range comparison is that a cobra stance, can make a cobra bite can be done in a distance quickly. I guess the ne zha range was more as an ambitious, overpowered range but Ill definitely input your idea on the ultimte.

Credits to you bud!.. . Thank you very much for the feedback


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by XenorrK » August 30, 2013 10:07pm | Report
Raventhor wrote:

I don't think you should make her two do damage over time, AND a slow, AND a healing reduction. Pairing this with 3, which is a blind AND a silence, you have nearly every single CC in the game save a stun.

mesmerize, taunt, fear, cripple...
Raventhor wrote:

I don't see how she's a jungler, tbh. She's a mid-lane mage with nasty waveclear, and a lot of escape mechanisms via slow, blind, and silence.

freya is a jungler mage isn't she? some other mages jungle too, but i barely see any junglers at all (as i usually only play non-conquest modes haha)
but i agree she fits mid-lane A LOT better than the jungle, differently than, say, the mage/assassin jungler Curupira i made (that is awful laning and great jungling)


Posts: 8
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by shakz180 » August 30, 2013 10:16pm | Report
LoL I give up. . .I think she should just be a mage.

I hate jungling myself and haven't tried it, I just made it because of the lack of magical gods being in the top roster for junglers in the SMITE community.

And As you can see. . . . My god preferences goes into mid mages :D

Thanks for the input XenorK


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » August 31, 2013 7:53am | Report
XenorrK wrote:

mesmerize, taunt, fear, cripple...

freya is a jungler mage isn't she? some other mages jungle too, but i barely see any junglers at all (as i usually only play non-conquest modes haha)
but i agree she fits mid-lane A LOT better than the jungle, differently than, say, the mage/assassin jungler Curupira i made (that is awful laning and great jungling)

Sorry, what I meant by every single CC, was every single one of the main CC's. THere's what, 2 silences, 3 cripples, one taunt, and one/two mesmerizes? Something like that? I meant the important one.
And Freya doesn't jungle, at least that's not her niche. She runs in the duo lane and the safe-adc (anhur/neith/apollo) runs solo against the tank, or vice versa.
But I'm with you there on not playing conquest as much. I love face paced arenas xD


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » August 31, 2013 7:54am | Report
shakz180 wrote:

LoL I give up. . .I think she should just be a mage.

I hate jungling myself and haven't tried it, I just made it because of the lack of magical gods being in the top roster for junglers in the SMITE community.

And As you can see. . . . My god preferences goes into mid mages :D

Thanks for the input XenorK

And no, you don't have to give up! Just try to fine tune it, make them have an ability that is suited to monsters, not minions. Bakasura, for example, jungles due to his Consume ability, which is obviously better on jungle monsters than minions. I mean any god CAN be played in the jungle, but they need 1) Sustain, 2) Clear Time, 3) Gank Potential, 4) Something that prevents them from laning well.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by shakz180 » August 31, 2013 11:01am | Report
So for her sustain:
I put a devour passive where she can consume a dead target ( because a cobra poisons its prey and feast upon it when it's dead) But i also put an ingestion process so it doesnt look like Bakasura's ( because cobras take time before the prey to digest)

2) Clear Time
She has 3 multitarget abilities, I don't know, I think it is sufficient for clear time.
3) Gank Potential
Like Baka who has no cc, maybe the slow from ultimate, I only gave her some chasing potentials and the viable ganking cc she has is her ultimate or the blind.
4) Preventing from laning
I don't know, maybe the fact that she has no escapes? only full offense. I lowered the damage for the active~1, still has great damage, but the duration is longer so, i guess enemy laners have more pushing powers compared to BUTO. I didn't want her to clean minion waves fast but a considerable damage against jungle monsters.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by FishTacklz » September 4, 2013 12:46pm | Report
to be honest i hate the picture

passive from what i understand is super op but i think i read it wrong.

To be honest i dont really like the god but i like that someone is finally putting passives into the abilities.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by shakz180 » September 5, 2013 12:19pm | Report
That's all a matter of opinion. . . But thanks for sharing


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