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God Idea: Qi-Lin.

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » God Idea: Qi-Lin. 9 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Dark Jaw » July 16, 2013 9:08am | Report
Hello, folks. Here it is one more god concept for you!

Qi-Lin, The Chimerical.

~ Lore ~


In SMITE, Qi-Lin strikes his enemies as a Melee Mage.
Pros: High Single Target Damage, High Crowd Control.
Cons: Low Defense.


Qi-Lin's next basic attack will apply 70% of his magical power after using an ability.
Ability: Buff.
Affect: Self.


Qi-Lin spits Fireworks in a line, doing damage and knocking enemies to the side.
Ability: Line.
Damage: 110/150/190/230/270 (+75% of your magical power)
Cooldown: 10 sec
Cost: 70/80/90/100/110 mana.

Rainbow Blast.

Qi-Lin summons a explosion of rainbows in the target ground location, doing damage and applying a small stun.
Ability: Ground Target.
Damage: 60/100/140/180/220 (+60% of your magical power)
Stun: 0.5/0.7/1/1.3/1.5
Cost: 50/55/60/65/70 mana.
Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10 sec

Fearsome Roar.

Qi-Lin shouts, boosting himself and allies. Qi-Lin gets an movement speed buff, while his allies gets additional defenses. Qi-Lin does not acquire additional defenses, and allies does not get movement speed buff.
Ability: Buff/Allies.
Defense Buffs: 10/15/20/25/30.
Speed Buff: 20%.
Buff Duration: 7 Seconds.
Cooldown: 15 sec.
Cost: 75 mana.

4~Active~'' Ultimate''.

Qi-Lin starts to dance over the music playing, spriting and damaging all enemies it passes through. While dancing, Qi-Lin is immune to crowdcontrol.
Ability: Buff.
Damage: 130/170/210/250/260 (+35% of your magical power)
Dance Duration: 5 Seconds.
Cooldown: 90 sec.

Creator's Thoughts:
I wanted to make a Chinese God. The problem is, the Chinese Pantheon is VERY different from the famous pantheons( Norse, Egyptian and Greek). Their concept of ''god'' or ''deity'' is completely different and complex. Well, let's talk about Qi-Lin's Abilities! His passive foretolds the enemies' next movement, showing the enemies' ability icon on Qi-Lin's screen( does not show for the rest of the team). Qi-Lin can choose what god he'll predict the ability; but only occur each 50 seconds. His 1 is his main damaging ability. His 2 complements his 1. While his 3 is just a escape/buff. His ultimate would play a typical chinese-party music, while Qi-Lin sprints and you can choose Qi-Lin's directions while sprinting. Sounds fun, eh? I've no idea what gods are similar to Qi-Lin, tho.

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Dark Jaw

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by M4XiiMUS » July 16, 2013 9:43am | Report
The passive is a little hard to do, and doesn't mad sense with his kit. And for the ultimate increase the damage.i mean if enemies can be hit twice, ok. But if its as hard to move as Vamana then no.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Aphnex » July 16, 2013 9:54am | Report
First off, let me just say that me and you need to do a barrage of god ideas together. lol~ :D

Passive: I don't exactly understand the passive, realistically, you can't predict a god's next move, and if you could, it'd be very complex. The passive should be redesigned, because it's very confusing, and for some reason it feels op.

1: Love it. Simplicity is good, ya know?

2: Seems weak and it's too weak for that long of a cool down. Unless it applies more than one hit and it's more of a Sun Wu- I mean Hun Batz sorta thing to where the more you're in it the more damage it does, then it's fairly understandable. However if it is like that, apply a slow or something, I'd just be too easily escapeable.

3: I don't see how you can roar and mesmerize people behind you, it'd have to be pretty loud. At any rate, it seems useful, though at level 1, 17 seconds is a long cooldown.

Ultimate: This confuses me too. I mean, does it pass through enemies, or is it a buff? Can you use skills or is it auto attack? Controlable or uncontrolable? It also seems very up for it to be an ultimate, unless it's like a Kali/Thor thing, then I guess it's ok. Visually I was thinking like a Sun Wukong ultimate or Ao Kuang ultimate radius, and in the radius you dance around it hitting enemies or something in that perspective.

Seems good, I want to see more ideas from you!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Dark Jaw » July 16, 2013 12:55pm | Report
M4XiiMUS wrote:

The passive is a little hard to do, and doesn't mad sense with his kit. And for the ultimate increase the damage.i mean if enemies can be hit twice, ok. But if its as hard to move as Vamana then no.

Aphnex wrote:

First off, let me just say that me and you need to do a barrage of god ideas together. lol~ :D

Passive: I don't exactly understand the passive, realistically, you can't predict a god's next move, and if you could, it'd be very complex. The passive should be redesigned, because it's very confusing, and for some reason it feels op.

1: Love it. Simplicity is good, ya know?

2: Seems weak and it's too weak for that long of a cool down. Unless it applies more than one hit and it's more of a Sun Wu- I mean Hun Batz sorta thing to where the more you're in it the more damage it does, then it's fairly understandable. However if it is like that, apply a slow or something, I'd just be too easily escapeable.

3: I don't see how you can roar and mesmerize people behind you, it'd have to be pretty loud. At any rate, it seems useful, though at level 1, 17 seconds is a long cooldown.

Ultimate: This confuses me too. I mean, does it pass through enemies, or is it a buff? Can you use skills or is it auto attack? Controlable or uncontrolable? It also seems very up for it to be an ultimate, unless it's like a Kali/Thor thing, then I guess it's ok. Visually I was thinking like a Sun Wukong ultimate or Ao Kuang ultimate radius, and in the radius you dance around it hitting enemies or something in that perspective.

Seems good, I want to see more ideas from you!

I'll reply both comments with one answer.

Well, Passive will be remaked. It will be a small Polynomicon, applying extra damage right after using an ability.

His 2 will now apply a small stun.

I compared his 3 to Apollo's Mesmerize, so I think it's pretty balanced. But since Apollo and Qi-Lin are TOTALLY different, I'll reduce the cooldown.

His ultimate is controlable, similar to Vamana's Sprint( 1). Doing damage to all enemies his passes. You cannot autoattack until the end of the ultimate.

Dark Jaw

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by z1103246 » May 14, 2014 4:40pm | Report
Okay........ first problem......

QI LIN IS NOT A F****** GOD!!!!!!!!!!
he's just a mythical creature, like dragon and phoneix...
Second problem..
HIs ultimate's move Qi-dance.. really? it translate to flag dance in Chinease, and I don't think that work on Qi-lin.

But overall a good idea.


Posts: 23
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Firraria » May 14, 2014 4:42pm | Report
z1103246 wrote:

Okay........ first problem......

QI LIN IS NOT A F****** GOD!!!!!!!!!!
he's just a mythical creature, like dragon and phoneix...
Second problem..
HIs ultimate's move Qi-dance.. really? it translate to flag dance in Chinease, and I don't think that work on Qi-lin.

But overall a good idea.

It doesn't matter if it's a god or not. Is Arachne a god? Is Bakasura a god? What about Hercules? They don't have to be gods.

also, much necro.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Aphnex » May 14, 2014 9:40pm | Report
Seriously, do people read stickied threads?

Also, necro-posting is bes, Kappa.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by FaTaLiTyFiReFly » May 14, 2014 10:14pm | Report
I like it...

The passive is nice because he's a melee, nice for burst

I like his abilities, nothing much to say about them.

His ulti, as I understand it, you activate it and start moving forward uncontrolably like vamana charge in larger aoe doing damage if you pass through enemies +cc immune and speed.

Is that right?
I like it either way
why does wukong look so much different now?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HiFromBuddha » May 16, 2014 4:27am | Report
Sorry guys, locking this thread because of necro... It's progressed a bit too far in order to unnecro it.
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