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God Idea - The Minotaur Returns

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » God Idea - The Minotaur Returns 5 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Macawmagician » April 9, 2014 10:11pm | Report
Hello Everyone. I finally decided to post something. Being my first post, I gotta make it nice. So I present to you my god idea of our lost protector, The Minotaur.


Type: Melee Physical Warrior
Mana: 200 (+30/800)
Attack Speed: 32
P Protection: 17(+3/77)
M Protection: 30(+.75/45)
Basic Damage: 40+2.25/lvl (+100% of your Physical Power)
Attack/sec: .75 (+0.01)
Progression: x1/x1/x.75/x1.75
Speed: 340

Now to the abilities

Passive: Enrage:
The Minotaur gains protections the more damage he takes. Gains Protection for every 10% of his health is missing.
Protection per stack: 3

1: Charge:
The Minotaur lowers he head as he builds up energy to run forward. (the longer the charge, the further the range and the faster he charges) He charges forward, pushing gods and minions that get in his path. Enemies Take damage and are stun within the charge, if the charge is stop by a wall, the charge applies a stun at the end.
Damage: 60/90/120/150/190 (+40% of your physical Power)
Stun: 1.5s
Cost: 70/80/90/100/110
Cooldown: 16 seconds
Ability: Line
Casting Time: .6 seconds
Range: 70 feet
Speed of charge:Slightly slower than Charge Prey

I wanted him to have some kind of initiation ability. I thought about Magnus from Dota 2 and his charge. Figured that works for the Minotaur. *After making this, I realize that this ability is very similar to Driving Strike.
2: Wrestle:
The Minotaur grabs an enemy, lifting them up over his head, then slam the enemy on the ground behind him, damaging and stunning them for a short duration.
Damage: 50/60/90/120/150 (+30 of your physical Power)
Stun: .1/.2/.3/.4/.5 seconds
Cost: 80/90/110/130/150
Casting Time: .1 second
Hitbox: Simular to Bakasura's Eat Minion hitbox
Cooldown: 12 seconds

I wanted him to have some sort of reliable cc. I took the idea of Sobek's throw and Diablo's grab in Heroes of the Storm (I believe Diablo has something like this).
3: Cleave:
The Minotaur does an overhead swing and slams his axe onto the ground, sending a shockwave in front of him in a straight line (like vulcan's basic attack but bigger), slowly widing out the further it goes. Deals large amount of damage where the axe landed. The shockwave does 50% of the damage.
Damage: 100/180/250/330/420(+80% of your physical power)
Cost: 65/75/85/95/105
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Range the Axe Slam: Melee
Range of the Shockwave: 55 feet.
Casting Time: 1.5 sec

Reason (oh dear a large wall of text)
This is his main wave clear and his damage ability. This is also his only range ability. . The animation and casting time takes some time so the opponent will have some chance to dodge the attack. I try to balance out the immense damage by having a small hitbox for the full damage. Reason for such a high amount of damage is so the shock wave can be strong enough to be a good constant damage dealer and wave clear with a somewhat-easy-to-hit-hitbox. I'm a bit of a fan of multiple role gods so I tried to make his kit in a way that he can viably work in any role (but made guardian be his main role due to his 3 cc abilities.) During the casting time, he'll be doing the overhead swing (similar to King DeDeDe smash side attack in Super Smash Bros Brawl).

Ultimate: Uncontrolled Chaos:
The Minotaur yells into the sky and tunes in within his inner rage. Once the his rage is released, Minotaur charges forward, slowly gaining speed and knocking enemies out of his way. Minotaur then jump into the sky with his axe ready and then slams into the ground, shaking the earth around him, stunning and knocking up enemies in the area. Bonus damage base on the amount of missing health.
Damage: 140/190/240/290/340 (+120% of your magical power)
Charging Damage: 50/90/130/170/21(+60% of your magical power)
Bonus Damage: 30 more damage for every 10% of your health is missing.
Ability: Line (The run up)
Range/Duration: 4 seconds (max)
Ability: Ground (The slam)
Radius: 30
Stun: 1/1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90 seconds
Casting Time: 1.5 seconds

Reason/Explanation (Hey this wall of text is a wee bit smaller)

What the ult actually does is a steerable charge (similar to how Geb's Roll Out works) with a jumps into the air (similar to Xbalanque's Rising Jaguar), then a Tyr Ult Lawbringer slam with a Stun. Now there is a build up to the ult, just like Mercury's ult Sonic Boom. The longer you let it charge, the further he'll run. You can left click again to jump before you reach the end of your charge. Due to all the CC on this ult, I made the damage fairly low (similar to Sun Wukong's Damage on his ult Somersault Cloud).

So I tried to make him have a very cool kit that synergies well and tried to make him as balance as possible. I wonder how op you think he is.

**Updated 4/11/2013 - Changed from magical guardian to a physical warrior. Some number changes and added a little more BBC coding.

Constructive Criticism is always appreciated. Thank-you for your time. I'm glad people like the idea of the Minotaur coming back.
I'm a magic bird!


Notable (1)
Posts: 33
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sloogz » April 11, 2014 10:30am | Report
Very well done. This guy just screams "in, in, in, in, in, in!"
Engage heavy team-comps would love having the Minotaur on their team.
The amount of initiation and CC this guy brings is great.
He's got a lot of mobility for a tank, which is fine as long as they've got a skill cap that's worth learning.
This is another one of those, kinda, dudes. He's not really a god or deity or anything, but damn is he iconic.
He could have a skin that changes his looks to that of the classic Minotaur, that would be pretty sweet to have the Guardian on your team.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SurvivorZombeh » April 11, 2014 2:19pm | Report
I would love to see this in, doesn't matter if its not a god (again most of Smites characters aren't gods) So I again would love to see this in the game. #RememberTheMinotaur


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » April 11, 2014 2:43pm | Report

I would love to see this in, doesn't matter if its not a god (again most of Smites characters aren't gods) So I again would love to see this in the game. #RememberTheMinotaur

I would definitely in no way say that most smite characters aren't gods. Most are. Few aren't, and many of the mortals you'd be referring to BECAME gods (Like Xbalanque, Zhong Kui, etc)

Either way, yeah the minotaur would be a decent god idea. I would absolutely not have him a magical guardian though, I'd have him a warrior. That's what he was when he was the final boss - an auto attacking, bruisery type thing.

Making a huge axe wielding brute a magical tank doesn't make much sense and I wouldn't want to see him incorporated that way.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Macawmagician » April 11, 2014 3:18pm | Report
A warrior does fit him much better than being a magical tank. Support tank is my favorite role so I am kinda bias on what role he was made in. I'll have to change some of his damage numbers/base protection to make it fit the role better. Having a physical damage with the states he has right now would be too much with the items in the game. Regardless, the warrior role does fit him much better. I'll change his role and tweak some numbers.
I'm a magic bird!


Notable (1)
Posts: 33

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