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Kamoho - Hawaiian God Of Sharks

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » Kamoho - Hawaiian God Of Sharks 5 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Aphnex » April 27, 2014 4:40pm | Report

Blood Waters

Each of Kamoho's abilities apply a bleed effect on contact ([3 x Current Level] + 10% of your physical power). The stacks up, granting an additional 5% bonus physical power per stack (max. 4 stacks) and deals damage over time every second for 3 seconds. Additionally, once the bleed is applies, the enemy god leaves behind a trail of bloody water for the duration, granting him movement speed when walked upon.

Shark!/Inhumane Chomp

Kamoho sends out a great white shark, passing through all enemy minions, but bites the first enemy god, dealing 60/100/140/180/220 (+60% of his physical power) as physical damage and slowing enemy gods by 35% for 2 seconds. If the shark bites an enemy god, he may cast Inhumane Chomp freely within the next 3 seconds.

Cost: 40/50/60/70/80
Cooldown: 16s

Inhumane Chomp
Kamoho dashes to the enemy god bitten by Shark! and chomps them upon contact, dealing 60/120/180/220/280 (+60% of his physical power) area of effect splash damage and consumeing blood waters. If an enemy god is killed upon contact, he is backfired back to his original location.


Kamoho puts on his strongest coating of sharkskin, granting him 10/15/20/25/30 physical and magical protections and stacking Blood Waters, granting the bleed effect an additional 5/10/15/20/25% physical power for 3 seconds. The bleed effect stacks when an enemy god uses basic attack or abilities to cause damage to Kamoho.

Cost: 60/70/80/90/100
Cooldown: 18s


Kamoho charges toward an enemy, latching onto them and taking an enormous bite, silencing them and dealing 50/70/100/140/190/250 (+65% of your physical power) and healing for 120% of the damage done.

Cost: 50/60/70/80/90
Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14s


Kamoho sends out a group of sharks. If an enemy god is caught by the sharks, dealing 60/80/110/150/200 (+50% of your physical power) area of effect splash damage dealing 50% of the total damage to targets in the radius, and slowing the target enemy god by 10/20/30/40/50%. Each hit stacks Blood Waters every seconds. If the current target dies, or gains four stacks of Blood Waters he may cast Rapture again within the next 4 seconds.

Cost: 100/110/120/130/140
Cooldown: 100s


"Caution: Shark in the waters."
"Begin the invasion. This land is ours."
"Troubled by war, drawn by blood. I rise from the sea."

"All it takes is one bite for a single drop of blood."
"Your fate will be just like the others."
"Your fate was sealed when I smelled your blood."

Directed Taunts
" were saying?" (Fenrir)
"Om. Nom. NOM!" (Bakasura)
"Looks like not all sea creatures were at your command." (Poseidon)
"In a while, crocodile." (Sobek)

"Fish are friends. Not food."
"So...what was that movie they made about me?"
"New idea for a movie: Jaws - The Penta Kill!"
"Hammerhead time!"
"Did you hear about the aquarium owner? His shark was worse than his pike..."

"W-what?! I am the predator! Not the prey!"
"The food chain...broken!"
"You think...this'll stop me...?!"

Voice Pack
[VER]Good Fishie!
[VEG]So Great. Much Approval.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sloogz » April 27, 2014 5:50pm | Report
I like the Hawaiian pantheon. Nice.
His E is incredibly OP. Free damage, sustain, and no repercussions.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Macawmagician » April 27, 2014 9:14pm | Report
I like the idea of having a shark god. You can make some imaginative ideas with that.

I like the idea of your one being two abilities. Gives him the mobility he needs.

His 3 sounds rather OP, as Sloogz said. The leap back makes this ability to free. It doesn't put him in danger what so ever. His 3 is a mix of eat minions, Drain Life, and Pounce. Unlike Bakasura or Arachne, who both have to be in some danger to heal off a minion/god, Kamoho leaps back away from danger. I can see this working if he's on the target for as long as Arachne so he can be attack by other gods/minions. I imagine him as an assassin and the leap back would be useless in a chase (except as a finisher) since you'll lose distance with the leap back, hurting his proficiently at ganking.

The two fits him wonderfully since sharks have very, very rough skin (small spikes on their skin). Congrats on thinking that up.

For the ultimate, do that sharks attack like call cats or do they fire out straight in a line? In my opinion, it would be cooler if his ult is like Sobek's ult where he swims towards his prey then jumps up once in range. Yours does sound more original, but doesn't fit as well. Since this is a range ult, this doesn't put him in a lot of danger which can make this attack, like your 3, kinda "freebie".

I like that you put in the extra effort to add numbers in. It gives a idea where his main abilities are going to be at and knowing if the idea isn't going to be OP or not. If you didn't put the numbers for your 3, I would figure it would be a better eat minions. I haven't check the math if it does more or not. As long as it does less healing than eat minions, then it sounds ok (I would check if my internet wasn't being really slow right now).

Like I stated before, I didn't do the math if your numbers are too high or too low.

To sum it all up. I like everything except the leap back on the 3
I'm a magic bird!


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Posts: 33
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Aphnex » April 28, 2014 4:31am | Report
Well, I made him a Warrior because, realistically, we need more of those. Like for gods sake we have more guardians than Warriors now (I think), which should not be a thing. Also, I suppose I'll break down the skills a bit more:

His skill key one, Shark!/Inhumane Chomp is fairly simple. Lee Sin concept/ lane clear with Shark! and, as you said, mobility. Too be fairly honest, the fact I added the recoil if he kills a god gives him more than enough mobility than necessary for the recoil on the 3 exist, but I'll get to that later.

His two is fairly simple. I was actually worried about this one being overpowered, but I guess you're pretty happy about it. I got the inspiration from, yes, a shark (no, really?!) but also the fact that before Sharkskin clothing is made, rubbing it the wrong way can be very fatal, even more so than razors (as in, rubbing against the direction of the skin), so there's that.

As for the 'overpowered' ability, As you said, it has great kill potential. It has no repercussions except the fact that it lacks in ganking potential. I could either decrease the damage and healing, leaving the recoil ability or I could remove the recoil in general and leave the damage which actually increases ganking potential and not decreasing kill potential by all that much. Either way, I'll be happy about the outcome. And if you haven't noticed, all his skills are high cost high cooldown. It doesn't work like Eat Minions, but actually more like Arachne's Drain Life.

His ultimate actually does work like Sobek's. You cast it in a straight line (like Sick 'Em) and when connected with an enemy god, it turns into an AoE damage ability with sharks biting every second and applying a stack of Blood Waters. I think it's actually under-powered, but it's overall damage output combined with Blood Waters is the only thing telling me otherwise.

But as I said, most of his abilities are high cost high cooldown, requiring blue buff and forcing him to build utility, cooldown, and defense. All and all, as you said, the only condusing factor here is Consumption.

And when I get back home I'll add BCCoding and Taunts and Etc. Etc.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Aphnex » April 28, 2014 10:30pm | Report
Okay, updated everything and removed the leap back on Consumption.


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