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Kamohoalii, Hawaiian god of sharks

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » Kamohoalii, Hawaiian god of sharks 1 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by necroshadow » January 24, 2015 7:20am | Report

pantheon: Hawaiian

lore: for centuries the people of Hawaii have lived of the produce of the sea. however each trip out to the vast expanse of the sea was fraught with danger for the Hawaiian seas are filled with predators, however one thing is known, those who return safe from the realm of sharks have but one god to thank. Kamohoalii, king of the sharks and patron of fishermen.

Kamohoalii is known for his pride and prowess in battle, only having been beaten once in his rule by a mighty octopus who made Kamohoalii swear to protect fishermen therefore giving him his role as patron of them. it is with this pride and battle prowess that he emerges from his aquatic domain ready to fight for the future of man, and gods, alike.

Passive: king of the sea
All of kamohoalii’s abilities inflict “mark of the deep”. All of kamohoalii’s basic melee strikes against an affected target do 50% more damage (works like Ymir’s frostbite)

Shark rush
Drawing on the powers of his ocean domain, Kamohoalii dashes forwards before dealing a heavy blow with his shield to all in a 190 cone ahead of him. (Surrounds himself in a layer of water and then rushes forward with his surfboard at the ready, leaving a trail of water ripples in his wake)

jaws of the deep
Summoning forth the hunger of the sharks, Kamohoalii summons 3 sharks to burst out of the land at the target location dealing damage while knocking all struck enemies up and back (the ground at the target location turns into water from which the sharks jump out)

Lord of the waves
Taking his surfboard and summoning a body of water, Kamohoalii rides his shield giving him increased speed (30%) and attack speed (15%). Activating this ability again before it runs out causes Kamohoalii to jump backwards while dismounting his shield, while any enemies near the dismount point are dealt reasonable damage as the sharks strike from below the water.

Ultimate: eternal predator
Hungry for prey and the thrill of the hunt, Kamohoalii leaps into the air for a time, choosing a target. Once a target has been chosen he dives down for the kill chomping down on his enemy. If the enemy is at 35% health they will be executed allowing Kamohoalii to rise back into the air and land at a chosen location damaging all enemies in an area around him for 300 damage while slowing them by 30% for 1.5 seconds.

notes:design wise Kamohoalii would look like the picture but he would wield a bone sword in his left hand and a Hawaiian style shield with bladed edges attached to his right wrist that doubles as his surfboard. his alternate "savage hunter" skin would give him a blue and white coloration with black Hawaiian style tattoos


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