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Set/Seth Egyptian Diety of the Desert and Chaos

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » Set/Seth Egyptian Diety of the Desert and Chaos 3 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CometCrawler7 » July 19, 2016 5:50pm | Report
Also Welding a sickle weapon similar to that of Osiris's.

Lore: Born of the Earth and Sky, Set, brother of Osiris, Isis, and Nephthys, was the embodiment of Chaos, Violence and the Barren Desert. For many years Set defended the great Ra from the Chaos Snake Apep. Until one day Set grew Jealous of Osiris's status as lord and bringer of civilization, and so Set dismembered his brother and cast his remains across the world. Assuming lordship over Egypt, Set Reigned, but it was short lived, as the Son of Osiris, Horus, grew up in secret. Set and Horus battled for kingship over Egypt. Set representing Upper Egypt and the red sand, and Horus representing Lower Egypt and the black soil. Horus eventually defeated Set after conflict that lasted 80 years, casting Set off to rule the Desert.

Set is a basic attack orientated mage.
Health - 420 (+76)
Mana - 310 (+44)
Speed - 345
Range - 55
Attack/Sec - 1.01 (+1.75%)
Damage - 36 (+1.6)
Physical Protection - 14 (+1.3)
Magical Protection - 30 (+0)
HP5 - 6.56 (+.41)
MP5 - 5.46 (+.39)

Passive: Desertification: When an enemy god dies, a circular patch of sand is spawned at their death location. This patch of desert lasts for 4 minutes of game length, when an enemy god or minions walks over the pit the sand is tracked by them and grows for 2 seconds. Enemies on Set's sand take 10% more damage from set. All enemies are effected by all sand, each patch is about as large as a janus portal and will spread with this size.

Ability 1: Sandstorm: When activated, Set gains increased movement speed and attack speed and begins to create Sand in a path behind him. This sand has the same effects as Desertification.
Speed: 15/20/25/30/35%
Attack Speed: 15/20/25/30/35%
Duration: 4 seconds
Mana Cost: 30/40/60/90/110
Cooldown: 8 seconds

Ability 2: Fervor: Set's staff grows in length, increasing his basic attack melee range from 12 to 20 for a duration.
Duration: 4 seconds
Mana Cost: 65/75/85/95/105
Cooldown: 13/12/11/10/9

Ability 3: Chaos Bomb: Set throws a three stage explosive, dealing damage on impact and then twice more every .8 seconds. The next explosion deals 25% more damage while the final explosion applies a knock up. This ability reaches out as far as a Janus portal placed onto the ground.
Damage: 20/40/50/80/110 on each explosion (+75% of magical power)
Duration: 1.06 seconds
Size: 10,15,20 (for reference, Raijin's teleport/mesmerize is 15,25)
Mana Cost: 50/70/80/110/130
Cooldown: 15/14/13/12/11

Ultimate: Lord of the Red Sand: When activated, all of Set's desert (sand) grows by 200%, any enemy god on the Sand will become corrupted by chaos and attack other enemy gods and walk towards an enemy for a duration. Additionally, sets bonus vs enemy gods on the sand raises for a longer Duration. The send then shrinks back to its original size after 10 seconds.
Duration of Enemy corrupt: 1/2/2/2/3
Duration of Set Buff Vs Enemies on the Sand: 3/4/5/6/7
Damage Buff vs Enemies on the sand: Raises to 12/15/19/25/30%
Mana cost: 120
Cooldown: 85

Information about Set's Desert: Any time sand is created, either by Set's 1 or his passive, the sand has its own timer. A tracked sand trail, similar to that of Arachne's webs does not adopt the timer of its sand of origin. For example if a sand patch had 30 seconds left until it disappears, and an enemy walks on it, the new sand doesn't have the 30 second timer, new sand gains the 4 minute timer. The sand patches and paths will be the size of arachnes webs when they are spread. keep in mind they can be connected and grow in every direction during his ultimate to become large sand splotches and what I like to call mini deserts, hence the name of the passive "Desertification".

While in any lane in game modes that have them, Set should use his one to create sand at the entrances to the jungles or other high traffic areas. This way, enemy gods that do not leap over the walls or sand have to walk through it, spreading into or out of the lane. Once there is sizable amounts of sand, Set should use his 3 to poke enemies who walk onto it, timing it for the knock up. Additionally, any low health gods or squishes Set can kill easily, you might consider using your one and two to run right into the enemy, forcing them to track sand. If successful, this guarantees that set can get his 10% bonus damage on the enemy tracking sand.


Posts: 10
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GameGeekFan » July 19, 2016 6:10pm | Report
Remember that your 2, Fervor has to be leveled. Make sure that when you level it you get benefits. Maybe the cooldown gets shortened everytime u level it. And the mana cost has to INCREASE.

Also the passive should be 10% cause 9% is weird, and enemies should be affected by every source since its kindve a low number. Make sure you state how big the sand is, or else we wont know how much it grows.

Ultimate part, make sure to not make the enemies corrupted too long, 5 secs is longer than it seems. Maybe 3 secs at most. Cooldown of ult and mana cost added when u have the chance.

Im intrested to know his class.

EDIT : Found his class sorry bout that.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CometCrawler7 » July 20, 2016 3:08pm | Report
Thank you for your feedback, The post wasn't fully done when it was posted, i merely put it on smite fire because my comp will sometimes shut off and delete my progress. I have added mana cost and cool down to the second skill and edited the percentage of the passive. The enemies are affected by every source of sand. However I am debating whether or not it should effect minions, as this may lead to huge lines of sand in the middle of the lanes that would never go away due to constant minions waves. 5 seconds was too long so i lowered the time on the ult and I am now considering increasing the percentage of the sand growth. Further edits will be added to the post such as possible tactics and information on Sets desert.


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