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A Guide to Making Item Builds (Conquest & More - S2)

54 2 150,853
by Zilby updated November 16, 2015

Smite God:

Build Guide Discussion 79 More Guides
Tap Mouse over an item or ability icon for detailed info


Welcome to my *special edition* guide for making item builds!

My name is Zilby. I am a semi-competitive player who primarily plays conquest. My preferred role in conquest is the solo lane, but I play all the roles regularly.

One of the biggest hurdles I had to tackle when I first began playing Smite was learning how to build gods. I had never played a MOBA before, but was attracted to Smite because of its 3rd person perspective and larger focus on dynamic action. However, one aspect that initially turned me off of Smite was the importance of item builds. I hated the thought of doing poorly because I was new to the game and didn't know how to build properly, even if I had more than adequate in-game skills. To overcome this, I dedicated myself to learning how to build items properly and since then have made a number of god guides to share my discoveries with others and get feedback on what to improve.

I hope this guide will hasten the process of learning when and how each item should be used for both new players and old. I will be going into detail regarding all the items in Smite, but I would appreciate feedback if people have anything to add, because there will be a lot. Like most players, I do not personally fully utilize every item in Smite (eg: Odysseus' Bow), thus if you see an item that could have more details added to it, let me know!

This is my tenth smitefire guide, and by far my largest (this took way too long). I intend to update it, so feel free to comment things that should be added/edited/updated.

Regardless, lets move on to the guide itself!

Lotus Crown

Travelers Shoes

Magi's Blessing

Shield of Regrowth

Warlock's Sash


What Are the Item Stats and Terms In Smite?

Stats & Terms

In Smite, aside from unique passives, every item provides certain stats. These can be anything from power and defense to movement speed and lifesteal. An explanation of each stat and some terms used in smite's items can be found below.





Starter Items

Starter Items

This section will cover all items that are categorized as starter items, as well as some other common pickups you get the first time you leave base.

Offensive Starter Items

Death's Toll
Bluestone Pendant
Vampiric Shroud
spiked gauntlet
Tiny Trinket
Lost Artifact

Defensive Starter Items

Bumba's Mask
Watcher's Gift
Mark of the Vanguard

Offensive Items

Offensive Items

This section will cover all items whose core purpose is to boost your offensive output, whether that's through power, CDR, penetration, attack speed, etc. This will not include items that boost both power AND defense, those will be specifically covered in the next section.

Magical Power Items

Movement Speed

Shoes of Focus
Shoes of the Magi


Obsidian Shard
Spear of the Magus
Demonic Grip


divine ruin
bancroft's talon
pythagorem's piece

Warlock's Sash
Warlock's Sash
Warlock's Sash
Book of Thoth
Doom Orb

Raw Power

Chronos' Pendant
Gem of Isolation
Rod of Asclepius
Soul Reaver
Rod of Tahuti

Physical Power Items

Movement Speed

Ninja Tabi
Warrior Tabi


Titan's Bane
The Executioner
Brawler's Beat Stick
The Crusher
Jotunn's Wrath


Devourer's Gauntlet
Soul Eater


Golden Bow

Raw Power

Hydra's Lament
Odysseus' Bow
Qin's Sais

Neutral Power Items

Strangely, there's only one item that falls under this category.

Hastened Fatalis

Power & Defense Items

Power & Defense Items

This section will cover most items that promote both power and defense. Any items whose primary purpose is to offer a mix of protections and power will be covered, even if they do not directly provide power or defense. Warlock's Sash and Soul Eater are categorized under power items to keep the stacking and lifesteal items in one place.

Magical Power Items

Power & Physical Defense

Celestial Legion Helm
Dynasty Plate Helm
Lotus Crown
Lotus Crown
Lotus Crown

Power & Magical Defense

Void Stone

Power & Health

Telkhines Ring
Ethereal Staff

Physical Power Items

Power & Physical Defense

Runeforged Hammer
Shifter's Shield
Void Shield
Shield of Regrowth
Shield of Regrowth
Shield of Regrowth

Power & Magical Defense

Runic Shield

Power & Health

Frostbound Hammer

Neutral Power & Defense Items

Similar to how Hastened Fatalis is the only neutral power item, its other branches are the only neutral power & defense items.

Winged Blade

Defensive Items

Defense Items

This section will cover all items whose primary purpose is defense. Any items that have both a defensive and offensive purpose will be covered in the previous section.

Magical Defense Items

Movement Speed

Travelers Shoes
Travelers Shoes
Travelers Shoes
Reinforced Shoes

Raw Defense

Bulwark of Hope
Stone of Gaia

Physical Defense Items

Movement Speed

Talaria Boots
Reinforced Greaves

Raw Defense

Breastplate of Valor
Mail of Renewal
Hide of the Nemean Lion
Midgardian Mail
Mystical Mail

Mixed Defense Items

Hide of the Urchin
Spirit Robe
Magi's Blessing
Magi's Blessing
Magi's Blessing
Heartward Amulet



This section will cover all items that are categorized as actives.

Offensive Actives

Achilles' Spear
Girdle of Inner Power
Girdle of Support
Greater Blink

Defensive Actives

Aegis Pendant
Greater Aegis
Shell of Absorption
Combat Blink

Offensive & Defensive Actives

Greater Purification
Enfeebling Curse
Weakening Curse
Greater Sprint
Heavenly Agility
Shield of the Underworld
Fist of the Gods

Utility Actives

Greater Meditation
Shielded Teleport
Teleport to gods
Wrath of the Gods

General Building Tips

General Building Tips

This section will discuss some tips for making builds for any role and game mode.



Building For Your God


Counter Building


Cost Effectiveness


Well Rounded Building


Build Order


Mid Lane Building Tips

Mid Lane Building Tips

What's your role?






Additional Build Components


Support Building Tips

Support Building Tips

What's your role?






Additional Build Components


ADC Building Tips

ADC Building Tips

What's your role?






Additional Build Components


Jungle Building Tips

Jungle Building Tips

What's your role?






Additional Build Components


Solo Lane Building Tips

Solo Lane Building Tips

What's your role?






Additional Build Components


Siege Building Tips

Siege Building Tips

What's Different?


Assault Building Tips

Assault Building Tips

What's Different?


Arena Building Tips

Arena Building Tips

What's Different?



Thanks for reading my guide! I really hope that it will contribute to making the guides on this site and the players who visit them become even better in the future. Keeping this guide up to date is going to take a lot of work, so I encourage you to help out and comment if anything is incorrect or outdated. Happy smiting ~Zilby

BBcoding Reference

Building the aesthetic for this guide took quite a long time. In doing so I took a lot of time learning some new bbcode (thanks to jhoijhoi) and creating some entirely new effects myself. If you'd like to use some of my original code you can find 3 of my most used elements below, but make sure to give me credit in your guide!

BBcoding Reference


While gameplay and testing provided a lot of the resources needed to assemble this guide, I drew from many other sources of information as well. Aside from Smitefire, I've selected my favorite resources here below.


Special Thanks

Because of their exceptional amount of help towards making this guide ever better, I would like to give special thanks to the following members of smitefire

Branmuffin17 ___Bullfrog323 ___ThePerfectPrism

As well as everyone who helped in the comments section. You guys are the best!

Testing Builds

This is something I've never really mentioned or disclosed on the site before, but I have dozens of never-to-be-published guides on smitefire with builds (and sometimes skill orders and/or tips) for most of the gods I play.

While many of these are not up to date and were really only made for my personal reference, I'm willing to post them all here (puns in the titles included). If you're curious what I'm building for various gods, feel free to have a peek, but avoid commenting or messaging me about these builds. They're called testing builds for a reason.

Smitefire no longer allows users to see others' unpublished guides. I may archive these guides at a later point so that others may see them but for now ignore this section.

Other Guides

These are all the guides I have made so far, feel free to check them out.





Ao Kuang







A Guide To Making Item Builds

And More!

This is all the other stuff I've done in regard to smite/smitefire

Z's Comedy Club


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PsychoPr1nc3ss | March 29, 2017 11:32pm
Thanks for posting this. I totally needed a guide breakdown on how to build my god on SMITE.
Technotoad64 (46) | May 23, 2016 11:07am
Is this ever getting a Season 3 update?
Zilby (132) | May 23, 2016 11:36am
Very unlikely, maybe by Season 4
Technotoad64 (46) | March 30, 2017 12:56pm
Looks like that's a "no".
DucksRock (41) | May 24, 2016 8:28am
you know zilbs, if you get on that and finish it we can probably start with the smitefire distributing.
Technotoad64 (46) | May 24, 2016 8:27am
Or, if SmiteFire is even still around by then, maybe Season 5?
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Adamizer | March 18, 2016 7:09am
I know this guide was made forever ago, maybe sometime we could go through and find all the items that have been updated in season three (primarily the Active Item to Relic conversion).
Zilby (132) | December 8, 2015 5:16pm
It's a niche item. Can be used on supports as a means to help clear camps and guarantee early objectives ie: gold fury, or even late objectives if your team lacks a strong nuke. Junglers can also use it the same way, but they more often than not need both active slots.
GameGeekFan (50) | December 8, 2015 4:55pm
Is HoG still usable? Just basic opinions?
Zilby (132) | November 20, 2015 4:52am
I'm not making a clash section until its way out of beta. I may make a joust section, but I need to gather my thoughts on it since building in joust has always been more unique than other game modes (3v3 or 1v1).
Devampi (105) | November 20, 2015 1:49am
Zilby you are going to make a clash section to (and hopefully a joust section to as IMO building in joust is still a bit different then in CQ. mostly because stacking items have less value as otherwise the adc and mage are contesting farm for their stacks)
Zilby (132) | November 3, 2015 11:56pm
Thanks nanoyam :) also thanks for pointing out the Telkhines Ring bit, normally when there's an update I just change the wording but you're right the section should be shifted for that item.
nanoyam (13) | November 3, 2015 11:45pm
Wow, the crazy amount of work this guide has required... Can't even imagine that. Good work :)

Everything is nicely detailed and I really like the organization. Althoug I did notice that you have Telkhines Ring under Power & Magical Defense section while it should be under Power & Health. (Rising Dawn patch 08/04). Also Shadows of Olympus Patch brings you something to update.

Definetly +1 from this absolutely helpful and comprehensive guide!
StaatS 5 | September 12, 2015 3:31am
Nice guide man. Very informative without to over explaining t=things to the point where new players cant understand it.
StaatS 5 | September 12, 2015 3:31am
Nice guide man. Very informative without to over explaining t=things to the point where new players cant understand it.
Zilby (132) | July 15, 2015 9:28pm
oooff I was just going through updating things and I still missed all that >w<
I'm trying to make the sections more general so as to avoid this in the future, but thanks for keeping me aware. Will fix that now.
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