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Hello, everyone. Here it is another guide created by Dark Jaw. This time is time for the Egyptian God Anubis!
Anubis is a heavy Magical damage mage, very reliant of his combo. He is also one of my few favorite gods of the game that I'm making guides about! With the recent buffs,
Anubis goes well with Magical Lifesteal, which many people found useless. Not on
Anubis, though! Hope you guys enjoy this guide as well as my others.
Check it out my other guides:
Fenrir guide:
Sobek Guide:
Many people consider ''Anoobis'' the worst god on the game. Of course he is on bad hands, you shouldn't blame Anubis like that! He is a face melter, pubstomper with a jackal head. You need to know what you're doing when playing
Anubis, or else you'll be casted to the Underworld.
Anubis is similar to Pudge from Dota 2, or Malzahar from League of Legends. Both are very combo realiant, are Pubstompers and can screw up a game if they don't know what they're doing.
With this guide, you'll take all your doubts about Anubis! Not about Pudge or Malzahar, though.
[*] TONS of Damage. If not one of the highest AP damage mages.
[*] Amazing Passive. Sorrow.
[*] Lots of sustain if built Lifesteal.
[*] Anubis is one of the most well-known Egyptian gods, also he has a jackal head.
[*] Pubstomper.
[*] Hard CC. Mummify.
[*] Very squishy.
[*] No Escapes.
[*] Combo reliant.
[*] 2 Abilities roots Anubis.
[*] No Escapes. Again.
SUMMARY ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Thanks for reading my guide. Hope you enjoyed it. :>
-KillianJones: Helped with some Good Partners( Ares) and names for the laning phases.
SMITEFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new god, or fine tune your favorite SMITE gods’s build and strategy.
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Awesome job. Thx ;)
Wait, wait, WTF. This guide is old as hell. Why do you find it good? I'm working on updating it.
Regarding Build 2:
even dough Doom Orb is good starting item on many mages I wouldn't recommend it on Anubis. I would rather go for Sash and Book and instead of Doom I would go with Gem of Isolation. Anubis's #3 provides 25% slow and with Gem that is extra 25% slow. Otherwise, I like the build.
There could be made slight change. Bancroft's talon is good on Anubis especially if bought early on. Since this is snowball build, priority take Sash and Book. Book on rank 3 provide nice passive 3% of mana is converted to magical power. So I would rather put Pythagorem's Piece. This item has 15% life steal and has +300 mana. Lifesteal stacks better with Anubis's passive while extra mana works good with Book of Thoth.
I'll make some tests and edit that reply as soon as possible.
What's your opinion for Jungle Anubis? :D
Anubis in the Jungle is something VERY interesting. Good at ganking and cleaning the camps; the problem is that he is reliant on the cooldowns. Only should clean the camps when your 3 and 1 are up. It's also player dependant, the player MUSNT miss his 2, or else he is doomed when ganking.
I plan to add an Jungle guide soon. I tried it once, and won. It's hard to convince people to go jungle anubis.
even dough Doom Orb is good starting item on many mages I wouldn't recommend it on Anubis. I would rather go for Sash and Book and instead of Doom I would go with Gem of Isolation. Anubis's #3 provides 25% slow and with Gem that is extra 25% slow. Otherwise, I like the build.
There could be made slight change. Bancroft's talon is good on Anubis especially if bought early on. Since this is snowball build, priority take Sash and Book. Book on rank 3 provide nice passive 3% of mana is converted to magical power. So I would rather put Pythagorem's Piece. This item has 15% life steal and has +300 mana. Lifesteal stacks better with Anubis's passive while extra mana works good with Book of Thoth.
Nice guide bro! Btw, have you ever considered anubis jungling? I tried it and it works decently well. Also, I find vamana is a big counter. He can burst you down fairly easily and his ult in the right hands can stop your burst working. But yeah, good job on that guide.
I tried to jungle. Failed so hard. I'm better at Mid laning and side-laning as Anubis. May be soon enough I shall try jungle again. The problem with Jungle Anubis is that he can clear a camp fast, but he needs to wait his 1 + 3 to be up to do so. Or else he is screwed. Specially early if he doesn't gets help.
It's a shame that it will be so hard for this guide to see the light, as most will likely flock to the top-rate Anubis guide. I think both yours and the second rated Anubis guide deserve much more credit as they both carry so much more information. It seems many of the original guides are subpar compared to newer releases, but it's very difficult to usurp their positions because of how long they've been there.
I would just like to say that all of your guides are detailed and I hope you continue to publish them.
I know right. Some guides should be deleted when they get too much out dated. Tons of guides on SmiteFire are out dated, and some are only builds.
Thank you! I was thinking about to publish an Ao Kuang guide. I guess it's time to unarchive it.
I would just like to say that all of your guides are detailed and I hope you continue to publish them.
Speaking of counters, I admit He Bo is annoying as hell. Those low cooldowns on his skills kills Anubis. But Poseidon and Agni rarely seems to be a threat really, Anubis' damage is higher and just owns them both. Unless you aren't at full health (which I am most of the time, lifesteal and picking your fights is a winner), then the Kraken mostly takes you down. Agni is just annoying because of the dash, so always let it be used first, which can be done with good positioning.
I hate Fenrir when I'm playing Anubis. That dog never gets killed by my abilities, and he seems to kill me everytime.
I have experienced laning with Arachne is awesome (I've done this a lot with a friend of mine, so yes, communication on Skype or the like really does the trick). That pull she does is a sure kill everytime, as long as you are aware of when to use your abilities. Arachnes slow seems to scare a lot of people, which is good, and her poison takes your enemy down with that DoT that Anubis doesn't have.
I love your guides your fenrir one has really helped me out could you please do one on freya im trying to learn her and after my "dark jaw induced" succes i fiqure you'd probably help me with her if not oh well . :)
Haha, thanks. I'll consider your request, about