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Yo, Stuke once again for another guide. This is going to be different from any of the other guides I wrote as it does not focus on one god or goddess. This will be a guide looking at all the warriors smite has to offer.
Note: you don't have to follow this guide to the smallest detail, these are suggestions on how to play these warriors. I encourage you to look at the comment section below and see other suggestions.
Warriors do not rely on their ability to deal damage but on their ability to do things to annoy the enemy team. So, build around their kit and try to use it to your full advantage, this also depends on what your role is as well, and will be the focus of building up your warrior. Here is some sample build that should get you started depending on what kind of warrior you're playing:
In Conclusion, all these warriors, some better than others, are all intricate and have many potentials for serving other roles like being great support or excelling in the jungle. If any more warriors come out or the gods receive a stat buff or nerf I'll be keeping updated on it. Hi-Rez's idea of what a warrior should serve has been right on the money and hope they make more in the future.
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Inters3ct also suggests this.
I think a hybrid build, but with an early ability focus, would be better.
One thought...maybe you can offer 2 builds for each category? Hybrid 1, Hybrid 2, etc.?
Shogun's is an aura item, yes. But by 4th/5th item, you're already rotating and starting to teamfight. It gives you magical prots to balance physical ones you might have gotten earlier, has AS to support a hybrid or basic-attacker, and when you group up for fights or objectives, it makes ALL of your nearby teammates deal more damage.
Void as another aura item is purchased even earlier, but as one of the few bruiser items that provides good physical prots, some power, and some health, you're mainly getting it that early for those stats, not the % pen so much. But if you also consider that at the point you're picking up Void, the enemy's also probably built against you, so their physical prots are probably in the range of 100 or so. That means this item provides maybe around 15 flat pen equivalence, which is not a bad early-game amount.
Most hybrid builds usually focus a bit more on their ability damage so seeing a ninja instead of warrior.
iirc correctly in earlier seasons the assassin hybrid build often included:
this one is kinda 1-4 (1-5 if we count shield)
Why are you so fond of Mystical Mail? I see it in pretty much your every build for an AA based Warrior. I mean, it's obviously not a bad item, but I think it gets outclassed by the alternatives. On auto attackers with good abilities/ability damage, building BoV for the CDR and mana can be life saving, while on pure auto attackers there are better items for phys. defence, for example the buffed Witchblade or the Hide of the Nemean Lion.
Every warrior is 'close-range', so with
Plus it's great for finishing low-health enemies trying to run without actually needing to be right next to them, got a few kills that way. :P
Amazing Guide. IM gonna go through this very thoroughly :o
Much appreciated on my end
Not possible man, some of the other gods do not complement my play style, hard to use, or just gods I flat out hate because they are OP or UP. I'm just going to stick to warriors as they are the front man to every fight, and use their balance of offense and defense to win the game.N
No problem, thanks for the guide.
Thanks for making this Guide for warriors can you make one for all the classes? Thanks
Xbox Gt:StringingSmile3
Not possible man, some of the other gods do not complement my play style, hard to use, or just gods I flat out hate because they are OP or UP. I'm just going to stick to warriors as they are the front man to every fight, and use their balance of offense and defense to win the game.
Xbox Gt:StringingSmile3