Now comes the fun part! How to achieve the death of others.
Passive: Wheel of Time |
You will have a Clock on your HUD with 4 quadrants. It will have a dial that is constantly spinning and depending on when you activate your
Accelerate, depends on what buff you get. It is a very good all-around passive that will be
useful the entire match. Master keeping an eye on it and not activating your
Accelerate until you get the buff you need.
For now, Ill list what each section does. Ill go deeper into their uses while explaining Accelerate.
Quad 1.
Heal 1.5% Max HP per Second
Quad 2.
75% Mana Refund on Abilities
Quad 3.
+20% Magic Power
Quad 4.
+35% Magic Power to Auto Attacks
Time Rift
This ability will be your greatest source of continuous and burst damage. Now while it is an AoE, it is a noticeably small one and as such, I wouldnt suggest trying to aim it at more then one person at a time if you think there is any chance at missing. However, it does some serious damage with 85% scaling and its on a
freakin 5 second CD!
Also, something
BIG to take into account is this ability has a slight
wind-up time. Get used to aiming where your target will be, not where they are. Timing is key. Practice it. This is an ability your going to want to launch without much thought yet still be able to land it.
While laning, your going to be wanting to pretty much be dropping this on the melee minions every wave. If the enemy laner is a melee god, I suggest waiting for them to move up to drop it and hopefully get them in the cross fire. While the lane is clear, this is a good source of harass.
In arena, level this
ASAP. Toss it at any god you can once mana doesnt become a problem. In conquest you wont level this as quick but once you start putting more then the initial point in it, max it immediately. You are going to need the damage.
This is your all in one
sustain, survivability, and end-game domination. Early game, you will be using this mainly for your clock passives and the wonderful advantage of no slow-down while Auto Attacking. Late game, this will give you a massive 40% movement buff that builds over time and 35% attack speed buff to zip around pelting tennis balls at everyone insight.
Now as noted earlier, this ability activates your passive, and may I say it is one of the most useful passives in the game if you can get the timing down. It should also be noted that if you activate this skill as soon as it is off of cooldown, it will
ALWAYS land on the last quadrant you activated. This is especially useful late-game when you want to be continually activating this abiliy on
Quad 4 over and over again. Ill go ahead and list each passive and how I feel they are most useful.
Quad 1.
This is basically free HP sustain. If you are in lane and taking damage with plenty of mana to spare, feel free to pop this between every wave and watch your HP be full again in no time. If you are low on mana, it might be time to go back to base or otherwise use this sparingly.
Quad 2.
Now comes the Mana sustain. If you pop this right before every wave, your mana problems will be a thing of the past. With blue buff, this quad isnt as needed but still useful if you feel like harassing. You can shoot your 1 off twice with CD before this passive goes back on CD itself. Free harass. Now you shouldnt have max CDR till late game, so again not useful if you have blue buff, but if you dont? Use it every minion wave.
Quad 3.
I consider this the most useless of the passives and will basically only help you during mid-game teamfights. Once your core items have been bought, never use this again. Till then, if a fight breaks out, feel free to pop this and throw out some abilities. They will hurt a good bit more, but Quad 4 is just too useful to even glance at this once your core is built.
Quad 4.
This will be your late-game wrecking ball. Move over Geb! This tennis ball will do way more work then your boulder ever will! +35% of your magic power is instantly sent to your Auto Attacks. Once Poly and Rod have been bought, I suggest using this every fight. Your AA's WILL hurt like hell and you better keep firing till your finger gets tired. People WILL melt under your blue balls of steel.
Stop Time
Now this ability comes with a bit of good/bad. One the one hand, its the biggest non-ultimate AoE stun in the game. On the other hand, it is also the
SLOWEST moving ability in the
ENTIRE game.
On the one hand, this ability does almost as much damage as your
Time Rift, has a slow and a stun. On the other hand, the damage is split in 2 over 1 second as is the slow then stun.
The fact that this ability moves so slow means I either suggest at using your speed to your advantage and get in someone's face then pop it or have a very good prediction on when they will be and good timing on its travel time. The latter will take a good amount of practice before becoming good at.
The fact that this is so large also makes it a superb zoning tool. Run into the jungle, turn around and toss this out quick, and people
WILL have trouble avoiding it. Do the same during a chaotic teamfight and you are sure to nail a couple people. And the helpful part about the split CC is it last's twice as long. This is a very good secondary tool for escapes.
I like to level this to 3 before starting to level
Time Rift as it is a much more consistent form of clear that does just about the same damage. Level 3 will give you enough to kill the archers and a Time Rift to the melee's should do the trick.
Another more we all love to use and love to hate. This ability will literally bring you back 8 seconds.That includes HP and Mana. This
IS your escape and what makes you virtually un-gankable if used correctly. Now this also has 2 major flaws
1. It has a wind-up time. Later in the game when burst is at its maximum, you MUST use this ahead of time. Predict when the burst will come and use it before hand. If you see yourself running into an otherwise inescapable situation just USE IT. Better to waste an ulti then die.
2. Now this is good and bad. It not only rewind's HP/Mana, but positioning. If you were somewhere you werent supposed to be 8 seconds ago, like under a tower, well guess where you are going to be again? Under that tower. On the other hand, if the wave just started, you run from your tower to clear it and get ganked? Well now you get to fly right back to YOUR tower. While it's impractical that you keep track of every 8 seconds of the game's past, try to remember where you were and prepare for the outcome of your new positioning accordingly.
Now another major thing to remember is that this
resets your CD's as well. That means if you are using this in a 1v1, pop everything you have before using this to redo all the damage they did to you and come at them with a fresh assault. If you are using this as a counter-gank, again pop your stun at the bad guys, ulti, then get ready to stun again if they are still chasing as well as re-accelerating for a quick getaway
Last but not least, I only put 1 point into this at level 5. After that, all leveling it does is reduce its cooldown. If you arent playing super crazy, there is no reason to be spamming this every time it is up. I have probably died because of this decision, but I feel I have gained much more kills then deaths by leveling this last.
Nice guide btw.
Obsidian Shard is a great end-game situational simply for the fact that demonic grip's pen is applied through auto attacks. That means, unless you start with autos, that that pen is useless. Having Shard will make sure that when you initiate with 3 into 1 that they will truly hurt, as most gods get up to at least 60 magical protections base by the end of the game. It helps very much for those 3-hit 100-0 kills. But I would never suggest it before end-game.
I put that I personally disapprove of playing Chronos with defensive items. I feel hit built in speed, ulti, and sustain is more then enough to allow a glass cannon build with proper skill. However, as I said, I will probably add that simply for the hope of a broader guide.
As for TK? It is really just too much of a waste of money to me. It is helpful early game, but not for the price and the odds that you are probably going to sell it later anyways, losing even more money.
And finally on Beads, I will probably put that situationally as well, but if I am having that much trouble, I would probably just begin warding jungle and activate ulti before they have a chance to CC chain me. I honestly havent had a lot of trouble with CC as those that can usually land them on Chronos easier are melee gods with CC and keeping proper distance will usually keep you safe.
As for the tip on clearing minions, the only problem with relying on time rift to clear is that to stack the minions properly, you either need to hit the minions very early, meaning you may be far too far up, or you have to let the enemy clear first,k meaning you may be getting outpushed. I feel by leveling stop time just a bit, it allows me to clear safer and harass safer without having to be super aggressive and possibly ganked or be outpushed. Stop time is simply a much safer and quicker form of clear. But time rift's damage is surely very useful, which is why I explain my reason for not initially fully leveling it but adding 3 points to stop time first before finally rushing time rift. And because I do add 3 points to stop time first, you can indeed level time rift how I posted, not losing any time in maxing it, because if you focused leveling it before stop time, it wouldnt let you level it to 5 anyways until level 10. I will agree, it is far from the norm, but I have found it more successful for me.
I will, as I said, add your suggestions with your playstyle explained for those that may not fit mine. No god should be forced to play only 1 way and everyone can succeed in different ways.
I like the skill explanation and the BB coding, while somewhat unusual and sometimes overwhelming, is far from being too obstructive and 'blinding'.
The only problem I have with the skills is that you level up
As for the build; it's good. That's usually how I play
Just a final tip, the ideal way to clear waves with
2) Cast
3) Cast
-That way you don't waste much mana as you get a refund for 75% mana refund for
I'll be glad to upvote this guide and I hope you'll improve it.
On the other hand, this is my first trial with BBCode and I will take you up on that offer with a PM later on. This was thrown together with zero previous experiance but will continued to be updated and "pretty'd" up. Thats why I put that at the very top ;)
Ive also received a PM with a much different.... supporty bruisery Chronos solo build which I am probably going to add even though I cringe at a Chronos without real damage... But everyonehas their own playstyle so meh.
Either way, Thanks again!
PS. Ymir guide looks great even if I pretty much fully disagree with the build and such xD
There are only 2 problems I have with this guide:
1. I feel like I'm reading a wall of text. Try to liven the guide up. Pictures, videos, more aesthetics please! I wouldn't expect aestetic brilliance in your first post, but you should definately look into making it "prettier".
2. You picked a cookie-cutter God. There's nothing wrong with making a guide about Chronos, but the problem with him and several other Gods is that everyone uses the same build 99.99% of the time. What makes you different from all the rest. I think your on track to making a guide that gives us a taste of you, darks352, but for now I can't distinguish you from another Chronos guide.
This has great potential. Can't wait to check back on this guide later and see where you take it. If you have any questions regarding builds, BBCode, or anything in general, then hit me up with a PM!