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Chronos - Freeze Your Enemy In Time! (HoG Update. Tested.)

9 2 50,572
by darks352 updated February 7, 2014

Smite God: Chronos

Build Guide Discussion 12 More Guides
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Chronos Build

Starter Items

Build Item Magic Shoes Magic Shoes
Build Item Hand Of The Gods (Old) Hand Of The Gods (Old)
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Core Items

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Shielded Teleport Shielded Teleport
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Demonic Grip Demonic Grip
Build Item Fist of the Gods Fist of the Gods

Situation and Preference

Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Gem of Binding Gem of Binding
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Fatalis Fatalis
Build Item Ward Ward
Build Item Telkhines Ring Telkhines Ring

Chronos's Skill Order

Time Rift

1 X Y
Time Rift
2 7 8 9 10


2 A B
3 13 14 15 16

Stop Time

3 B A
Stop Time
1 4 6 11 12


4 Y X
5 17 18 19 20
Time Rift
2 7 8 9 10

Time Rift

1 X
Chronos creates a rift in time, damaging all enemies in the area.

Ability Type: Circle, Damage
Damage: 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+80% of your Magical Power)
Radius: 10
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 5s
3 13 14 15 16


2 A
Chronos accelerates himself over time, allowing him to move faster initially and gain speed over time. While active, his Attack Speed is increased. This ability also stops the Wheel of Time.

Section I: Heal 1% Max Health Per Second
Section II: 100% Mana Refund On Abilities
Section III: +35% Magical Power
Section IV: +35% Magical Power Contribution to Basic Attacks

Ability Type: Buff
Movement Speed: 20% Initial + 12 / 14 / 16 / 18 / 20% over time
Attack Speed: 25 / 27.5 / 30 / 32.5 / 35%
Lifetime: 7s
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 12s
Stop Time
1 4 6 11 12

Stop Time

3 B
Shooting forward spinning gears of time, any enemies hit by Chronos' attack have their Attack Speed reduced and Ramp to a Stun, taking damage on the initial hit and again when they are stunned.

Ability Type: Line, Crowd Control, Damage
Damage (Applied Twice): 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 (+45% of your Magical Power)
Stun: 1s
Cost: 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 / 85
Cooldown: 16 / 15.5 / 15 / 14.5 / 14s
5 17 18 19 20


4 Y
Chronos travels through time to where he was 8 seconds ago, gaining Health and Mana back to the values of that time. All of his Cooldowns are instantly reset as well.

Ability Type: Buff
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 100 / 95 / 90 / 85 / 80s


First guide. Working on "prettying" it up, as well as expanding on content and putting more depth into Gameplay. Also plan on adding a "difficulty against certain laners" section. As it is my first, criticism is more then welcome.

Color Meaning:

Purple = Something Important
Red = Something REALLY Important (Excluding Cons)
Orange = Passive Quadrant



Chronos. The God of Time. We all love owning with him and love to hate him. Chronos is one of the few hyper carry's in the world of Smite.

A Hyper carry, by definition, is a character who has a very sub-par early game but if farmed or fed right, build's into a devastating end-game. Along with Mercury and Freya, Im sure you have run into a Chronos who stunned you and killed you before you could even move.

Hyper carries are very dependent on getting their items as fast as possible and getting through the early game with minimal deaths and maximum farm and food.

Chronos has the advantage of an amazing ultimate and speed that few god's can ever keep up with. These are your main tools of survival and ones I suggest you master as quickly as possible. Learn to aim while constantly on the move and predict when and where you will need to ulti.

Unfortunately, being the hyper carry that he is, he does have a weaker early game and playing him Mid is usually ill advised as his lane clear is very sub-par compared to most mages. I personally believe he is built for solo lane and has some jungle potential, though there are better choices and jungling just doesnt give you the farm you can achieve in solo lane.

With this guide and proper practice, you'll be zipping passed your enemy's, killing them before they realized what happened in no time.


What Speeds Me Up!!! / What Slows Me Down...


  • Fastest god in the game
  • Incredible late game burst
  • No auto attack slowdown during Accelerate
  • One of the best escape ultimates and very close to ungankable
  • Very good early sustain
  • Very useful all-game passive
  • A lot of utility


  • As most burst mages, is very squishy
  • Very sub-par early game clear compared to most mages
  • Weak early game all-around (Cautious play is advised)
  • All damage are skill-shots (Practice aiming)
  • Has no efficient hard-movement, just speed and a semi-unpredictable ulti
  • Late game relies heavily on awareness and prediction



How you build Chronos will be essential to how your playstyle will turn out early game. Depending on whether you want more sustain or burst will change up your purchase order but by end game, most people will be playing Chronos exactly the same. Killing you in 3 hits. Fun, I know.

Starting Items

Shoes of Focus

Now this may be a part where some people may disagree with me but my logic is simple. I want my ultimate up as often as possible without having to put points into it. This will do 2 major things with a small side bonus.

1. I can spend skill points in much more damaging abilities sooner

2. I can still have my ultimate up which means more escapes and less dying. More money and more items.

Bonus: CDR boots are cheaper then Pen boots and I get to save a bit of gold for the future

Therefore I like to start with Magic Shoes and on my first Back finish into Focus

Actives: Shielded Teleport & Fist of the Gods

Actives are a major choice in any game and are extremely important in your ability to survive and dominate.

I like to start with Level 1 Hand of the Gods and 2x Mana Potions along with my shoes. This will make it so I can get Blue Buff on my own much quicker and help with emergency clear if needed. I usually like to finish into fist for that extra WTF! moment stun but not before starting my Core Item build as having a second stun is not as important.

NOTE: Hand of the Gods Has been nerfed. As of 2/6, HoG1 now has a 90 second cooldown. From the couple games I have tested, Chronos does not need HoG for clearing unless absolutely outpushed. I have continued with my usual gameplay, keeping HoG1 and finishing my core before moving on to Fist. 90 seconds is still much shorter then buff camp respawn and it should hardly be noticeable if you are clearing correctly.

As for Shielded Teleport, if possible, I like to save enough gold that the first time I Back, I can finish my shoes and get level 2 Teleport to Tower. If I only have enough for level 1, so be it. It is better to go back and not die with a level 1 then stay to my death,though staying longer with Chronos is easier then most thanks to his very good sustain and survivability.

Core Items

Now how you choose your purchase order is very important to how you want to play your mid game. I choose the more aggressive route and will list my buy order, but after all the items Ill explain the alternatives.


This item is almost guaranteed on any major AA Mage and Chronos is no different. This will make up for the burst Chronos is missing by not having a damaging ultimate and even if you dont buy it second like me, you MUST have it in your build. I prefer to get it as soon as humanly possible so that my burst vs enemy gods can grow as quickly as possible. And it also has the added bonus of Magical Lifesteal which gives me a tad bit more sustain. And hey, Im not complaining.

Now granted, getting the item this early will not bring in huge pops of numbers, but Poly can hit ts too, which means if you get the chance to hit the enemy's tower, activate Accelerate and hit that tower with a solid 150+ damage! Early game, that is unreal, and it will only grow.

Get it. Love it. Make babies with it.

Rod of Tahuti

If you have ever played a mage, Im sure you know this item. This is the Deathbringer of mages and will give you more raw magic power then any other item in the game. Once I finish this, everything I have will hurt like crazy. My abilities. My Polynomicon. Even my auto attacks will hit MUCH MUCH harder thanks to my 2, but Ill go more into that later.

The simple fact is, if you havent been getting this item, you better start. It is extremely important to your burst potential and killing enemy gods will be infinitely more easy.

Demonic Grip

This item, much like Polynomicon, is a must for an AA mage. Again, Chronos is no different. The magic power you get out of it isnt the best, but the attack speed and free penetration are must have's for quickly burning through even the tankiest of gods.

This item synergizes perfectly with Chronos and his playstyle and again, you MUST have it.

Purchase Order:
My purchase order relies on building my burst potential as quickly as possible, but seeing as Polynomicon only hits one thing every 4 seconds, it is really only most useful against enemy gods, siege minions, and towers early-mid but can tack on just enough burst to get those close finishes or finish someone quick enough to bail out soon after. I can't count the number of times I activated Accelerate and hit the enemy god with that last prov of Poly to finish him just before he got away.

If you are looking for more sustain and safer play, I suggest getting Rod of Tahuti before Poly then. This will give you lots of Mp5 and make clearing waves much easier. You wont have as much burst as Poly, but your sustain will be substantially higher, as your abilities will hit harder and minions will die much faster. Mana will hardly be a problem anymore either as long as you arent spamming.

Situation and Preference

The last two items in your build are basically the icing on the cake. With the built in sustain, speed, and survivability Chronos has, I really dont prefer building anything tanky so Ill explain some of the common damage items people pick up and why.

Obsidian Shard

This is just about always my 5th item pick. It gives more penetration then anything else once you enter mid-late game, even against base defense, and I highly suggest it for a major increase of burst as well as cutting that annoying tank armor down to size.

Chronos' Pendant

It has Chronos's stinkin name in it. If that wasnt reason enough, by late game, you are going to be in major teamfights and you are going to want to be shooting abilities out as quickly as humanly possible. As Chronos already has decently low CD's, I would not advise getting this item till 5th or 6th item when the longer teamfights start to get underway. Though it is very useful for only being off of Accelerate for about 3 seconds. It is very useful, but not needed.

Gem of Binding

By late game, you will be rocketing out AA's so fast it will drive people nuts. This will make them totally insane. They will be moving at a crawl and you will zip back and forth by them laughing your cheeks off the whole way there. If you prefer to AA vs spamming abilities, pick this up instead of Chronos Pendent.


This is an item I am personally very much against. But if you want to zip around the field without a care in the world, this is your choice. Be warned: this item has absolutely no extra power attached to it and its only source of increased damage comes from extra attack speed. This is meant for people who want to go fast at the expense of not hitting as hard.

Soul Reaver

Last but not least, the king of burst. This item will literally let you kill gods before they realized what happened. The only problem is it comes with a 60 second CD and if it isnt up, it is a waste of an item passive. This is for if you want to pick off someone really quick at the expense of more sustain throughout the rest of the teamfight. If you want stupid, stupid burst? Get this.

Telkhines Ring

This Item was suggested by a friend but I FULLY disprove of it, and here is why. First off, it is mainly bought for the defense, and I have explained why I think Chronos should not be built for defense, but offense. Much like a solo Loki would build, but magic of course. Second, the power it does give you is relatively low, so again it is a defense item. And finally, the passive itself might be good if it was true damage, but it isnt. It is magic damage and thus the already pretty low 40 damage can be dropped further with magical protections, which all god come with as soon as the game starts. Stay away from this item. Simple as that.

Side Note: Ward

Once you hit mid-late game, I dont care if you are an ADC who is half as farmed as the enemy ADC. Buy wards. As a solo laner, you may want to do so even sooner, though with proper awareness, Chronos's ulti should more then suffice. Doesnt mean you cant help the team later on. Do everyone a favor; buy some freakin wards!

Thus ends the item section of this guide.



Now comes the fun part! How to achieve the death of others.

Passive: Wheel of Time

You will have a Clock on your HUD with 4 quadrants. It will have a dial that is constantly spinning and depending on when you activate your Accelerate, depends on what buff you get. It is a very good all-around passive that will be useful the entire match. Master keeping an eye on it and not activating your Accelerate until you get the buff you need.

For now, Ill list what each section does. Ill go deeper into their uses while explaining Accelerate.
Quad 1.
Heal 1.5% Max HP per Second

Quad 2.
75% Mana Refund on Abilities

Quad 3.
+20% Magic Power

Quad 4.
+35% Magic Power to Auto Attacks

Time Rift

This ability will be your greatest source of continuous and burst damage. Now while it is an AoE, it is a noticeably small one and as such, I wouldnt suggest trying to aim it at more then one person at a time if you think there is any chance at missing. However, it does some serious damage with 85% scaling and its on a freakin 5 second CD!

Also, something BIG to take into account is this ability has a slight wind-up time. Get used to aiming where your target will be, not where they are. Timing is key. Practice it. This is an ability your going to want to launch without much thought yet still be able to land it.

While laning, your going to be wanting to pretty much be dropping this on the melee minions every wave. If the enemy laner is a melee god, I suggest waiting for them to move up to drop it and hopefully get them in the cross fire. While the lane is clear, this is a good source of harass.

In arena, level this ASAP. Toss it at any god you can once mana doesnt become a problem. In conquest you wont level this as quick but once you start putting more then the initial point in it, max it immediately. You are going to need the damage.


This is your all in one sustain, survivability, and end-game domination. Early game, you will be using this mainly for your clock passives and the wonderful advantage of no slow-down while Auto Attacking. Late game, this will give you a massive 40% movement buff that builds over time and 35% attack speed buff to zip around pelting tennis balls at everyone insight.

Now as noted earlier, this ability activates your passive, and may I say it is one of the most useful passives in the game if you can get the timing down. It should also be noted that if you activate this skill as soon as it is off of cooldown, it will ALWAYS land on the last quadrant you activated. This is especially useful late-game when you want to be continually activating this abiliy on Quad 4 over and over again. Ill go ahead and list each passive and how I feel they are most useful.

Quad 1.
This is basically free HP sustain. If you are in lane and taking damage with plenty of mana to spare, feel free to pop this between every wave and watch your HP be full again in no time. If you are low on mana, it might be time to go back to base or otherwise use this sparingly.

Quad 2.
Now comes the Mana sustain. If you pop this right before every wave, your mana problems will be a thing of the past. With blue buff, this quad isnt as needed but still useful if you feel like harassing. You can shoot your 1 off twice with CD before this passive goes back on CD itself. Free harass. Now you shouldnt have max CDR till late game, so again not useful if you have blue buff, but if you dont? Use it every minion wave.

Quad 3.
I consider this the most useless of the passives and will basically only help you during mid-game teamfights. Once your core items have been bought, never use this again. Till then, if a fight breaks out, feel free to pop this and throw out some abilities. They will hurt a good bit more, but Quad 4 is just too useful to even glance at this once your core is built.

Quad 4.
This will be your late-game wrecking ball. Move over Geb! This tennis ball will do way more work then your boulder ever will! +35% of your magic power is instantly sent to your Auto Attacks. Once Poly and Rod have been bought, I suggest using this every fight. Your AA's WILL hurt like hell and you better keep firing till your finger gets tired. People WILL melt under your blue balls of steel.

Stop Time

Now this ability comes with a bit of good/bad. One the one hand, its the biggest non-ultimate AoE stun in the game. On the other hand, it is also the SLOWEST moving ability in the ENTIRE game.

On the one hand, this ability does almost as much damage as your Time Rift, has a slow and a stun. On the other hand, the damage is split in 2 over 1 second as is the slow then stun.

The fact that this ability moves so slow means I either suggest at using your speed to your advantage and get in someone's face then pop it or have a very good prediction on when they will be and good timing on its travel time. The latter will take a good amount of practice before becoming good at.

The fact that this is so large also makes it a superb zoning tool. Run into the jungle, turn around and toss this out quick, and people WILL have trouble avoiding it. Do the same during a chaotic teamfight and you are sure to nail a couple people. And the helpful part about the split CC is it last's twice as long. This is a very good secondary tool for escapes.

I like to level this to 3 before starting to level Time Rift as it is a much more consistent form of clear that does just about the same damage. Level 3 will give you enough to kill the archers and a Time Rift to the melee's should do the trick.


Another more we all love to use and love to hate. This ability will literally bring you back 8 seconds.That includes HP and Mana. This IS your escape and what makes you virtually un-gankable if used correctly. Now this also has 2 major flaws

1. It has a wind-up time. Later in the game when burst is at its maximum, you MUST use this ahead of time. Predict when the burst will come and use it before hand. If you see yourself running into an otherwise inescapable situation just USE IT. Better to waste an ulti then die.

2. Now this is good and bad. It not only rewind's HP/Mana, but positioning. If you were somewhere you werent supposed to be 8 seconds ago, like under a tower, well guess where you are going to be again? Under that tower. On the other hand, if the wave just started, you run from your tower to clear it and get ganked? Well now you get to fly right back to YOUR tower. While it's impractical that you keep track of every 8 seconds of the game's past, try to remember where you were and prepare for the outcome of your new positioning accordingly.

Now another major thing to remember is that this resets your CD's as well. That means if you are using this in a 1v1, pop everything you have before using this to redo all the damage they did to you and come at them with a fresh assault. If you are using this as a counter-gank, again pop your stun at the bad guys, ulti, then get ready to stun again if they are still chasing as well as re-accelerating for a quick getaway

Last but not least, I only put 1 point into this at level 5. After that, all leveling it does is reduce its cooldown. If you arent playing super crazy, there is no reason to be spamming this every time it is up. I have probably died because of this decision, but I feel I have gained much more kills then deaths by leveling this last.

Ability Level Sequence

Ability Level Sequence


So now that you understand what each skill does and some ways to use them, Ill go on to explaining what I level, when, and why.

Solo Lane (Conquest)

First off, most people will level Time Rift first. Why do they do this? Well because it does more damage Duh! BUT I SAY NAY! So the thing to remember is Chronos has very mediocre early-game clear and damage. "Well how do we fix this?" you might ask. Well level a different ability, silly! Now while looking at the ability description, Stop Time may SEEM to do a lot less damage, it actually hits twice. So 30 turns into 60. 40% into 80% and so on and so forth. Well hell! now it only does 20 less base damage and 5% less scaling then Time Rift! Boys our problem is solved!

So with all of that in mind, I level Stop Time to 3 before moving on to my higher damage and lower cooldown ability. NOW I max Time Rift since I now longer have to worry about the struggles of lane clearing. Now wasnt that easy?

Now everything becomes much more standard. I will of course put one point into Rewind, but as with most non-damage ultimates, I shall not put anymore into it until I am finished with everything else. "Well why?" Ok if you would stop interrupting me, I would just tell you. Yes, it is your ultimate ability, but does it help you kill people? Maybe indirectly by resetting your cooldowns, but the ability itself does nothing to actually help you kill your enemy.

From there it is like every other god. Max one ability and move on to the next. Start with Time Rift, then finish Stop Time, then work on Accelerate before finally finishing Rewind.

"Well wh..." SHUT UP! I dont level Accelerate till after my other two abilities, because until you actually build some legit attack speed and magic power, your auto attacks arent going to be doing ****. It is simply a means to activate your passive and get rid of auto attack slowdown. So now you know...


Now in Arena, you have 4 other crazy gods to help you with clearing minions! Well there goes that problem! Things become much simpler because of that.

I now want to dish out as much damage as possible as quickly as possible. Well come on now... We just went over this one. Time Rift is on the lowest cooldown while also doing the most damage. Level it first!

From there the same rules apply to Accelerate and Rewind. So level Stop Time next then move on as normal.

Not much else to it! Move on Time Lord in Training!

Laning and Combat Basics

Laning and Combat Basics

This is a simple explanation of lane-phase clearing as well as some common combat situations.


As with most gods, it is best to start with an ability with either your best CC, or your best clear. Thankfully for Chronos, both of those are put into 1 skill. Your first point should just about always go into Stop Time. Followed by Time Rift to help you clear the whole wave, then Accelerate to start using your passive.

As Ive said before, Chronos is a hyper carry, and as such has a very weak early-game. This means caution is very much advised. If at all possible, be sure to grab blue buff as often as possible. This will make using your passive for the HP sustain very consistent and just that much more useful.

As for clearing in general, as I said, level your Stop Time a bit to up your clearing potential. Until it is leveled to about 3 your probably going to have to use your Time Rift quite a bit to clear. HoG if absolutely needed, but try and save it for Blue Buff. Once Stop Time is level 3, start maxing Time Rift ASAP to maximize your damage. Try and time your Backing with your Shielded Teleport cooldown and always keep aware for potential ganks.

Now since I have a beautiful escape ulti called Rewind, I usually dont buy wards till later in the game, but if they have a good burst jungler, the moment you see him jump in, just ulti out. Better safe then sorry.

Besides that, once you have a few levels, a Stop Time followed by a Time Rift to the melee minions and maybe a couple auto's to the siege minions and the wave will be cleared right up.


Early Game
This is the fun stuff. Early game, if the wave is clear, feel free to pop a Time Rift or some auto attacks at the enemy. Focus on clearing then harassing. If they get low enough feel free to engage and if things get dicey, Rewind to full HP and finish them off with your refreshed CD's. This is useful in all forms of 1v1 combat until you have the burst to finish them quick, and is the best way to turn your ulti into offense.

Now if you get a gank from jungle, hopefully he told you he is coming and your Stop Time isnt on cooldown. The moment he initates, be ready to throwout that stun, Time Rift, and auto attack away. Practice those skill shots because Time Rift is great for finishing off running enemy's if you can get the timing down.

One vs One
Now once your Core Items are complete, you should have sufficient burst to simple melt any squishy on the field. The most common way of doing this is using your speed against them. Activate your Accelerate on Quad 4, try and get as close as possible, hit them with your Stop Time. As they slow, make any adjustments needed then instantly drop your Time Rift under them. Now Auto Attack them to ruin. With a Poly and Rod, the first auto attack WILL hurt a LOT. This is a very good make-up for missing out on a damage ultimate, and if they have any breath left in them, keep wacking tennis balls at them till they are no more.

Team Fights
During teamfights, things are always of course a bit more chaotic. Your main mission is to basically act as an ADC, but your a mage. Go figure. That being said, try and trow out your Stop Time in the most chaotic part to do the most damage and keep letting Time Bombs... I mean Time Rift, blow.

By late-game youll be hitting almost as hard as an ADC but with twice the speed. KEEP MOVING. Dont ever be an easy target. This is true of any and all fights. Chronos's biggest and best advantage is his speed. Get used to shooting on the go and KEEP MOVING. This means the whole fight you should be spamming Accelerate on Quad 4.

As your Stop Time gets off of cooldown, be sure to keep a lookout for any friendly's that could be in particularly big trouble. If so, dont hesitate to toss out a stun their way. This is a TEAM game after all. And with the overall massive size of your AoE stun, you have a powerful peel in hand to save a friend in need.

In-Depth Look at Gameplay

In-Depth Look at Gameplay

So now that you know the basics of how to build your main man, Chronos, lets get into the specifics and fine-tuning of many of the gameplay situations you will have to deal with.

Solo Lane (Conquest)

Starter & Early-Game

So if you've read most of this guide already, you should already have a pretty good understanding of what you need to buy and how you should play. On the chance you just skipped to this part of the guide, welcome! Anyways, lets dive right in.

Everyone starts with 1500 gold. Right away, you should be buying Magic Shoes, Hand of the Gods, and 2 Mana Potions. This will give you the sustain and clear you need to get through a large portion of the early game before having to return to base and buy.

Orange = Speed Buff

Blue = Mana/Cooldown Buff

Red = Damage Buff

Small Gold = Harpy Camps

From here, you are going to follow your jungler to your side of the jungle field. HELP YOUR JUNGLER! This is a team game, and if you help your teammate, he is going to help you right back. If you start on the left, you guys should be clearing Speed Buff then Blue Buff for you. If you start on the right, you will be helping with Mid Harpies before moving on to Red Buff and, once again, Blue Buff for you. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you are always getting blue buff every time it is up. Feel free to HoG ( Hand of the Gods) Blue Buff right away to speed the clearing process.

From here, the gameplay becomes much more situational and I will begin listing possible Solo Enemy Gods and an approximate difficulty rating you will face while against them. Fell free to click any you have interest in for more details.



To finish up, Chronos is a movement-speed dependent hyper carry, a magic Auto Attacker, and still carries a good bit of utility. If you can master skill-shots and learn when and where to act, Chronos can be truly devastating.

With the caution and skill to get past the early game and get decent farm, you will become a time-warp of destruction that can blow squishys out of existence in seconds. ADC's will have mountains of trouble aiming at you as you zip around them and the moment they think they have you, your 8 seconds in the past ready to try again as they quiver with weary arms.

Time is your weapon and none can control it but you. Speed yourself up or slow them to a stop. Blow a hole in time itself or just reverse the very fabric of occurrence. Whatever your choice, Chronos will have it and you will forever have time on your side.

Proof For The Mad Guy xD

65% win rate with about 100 games. That is of course including Arena and such. In just conquest I have a 70% win rate. Rank 6 with him. This is mainly for the guy that is super mad in my comments below. Enjoy!



I like to give credit where credit is due. This being my first guide, I myself, have watched it grow incredibly from where it first started. If people like it, I will try to make more with just as much passion and some newly honed skills.

1. Myself

Who better to give credit to then myself? xD All jokes aside, I'd much more specifically like to thank my addiction of Smite which gave me the knowledge to create this guide. I have been playing Smite since closed beta, (almost 2 years now! Chronos - "Time Flys when I'm around" just ignore that hideous pun...) and have had a lot of time to practice and theorycraft. Smite is a passion of mine and one I would like to help the community grow in.

2. Bojanx2x

Thanx for the link to a guide of a guide. xD It helped more then I could have imagined.

3. Sanguis

Whos Ymir Guide, I took the time to look through and gained a lot of inspiration from in building my own guide.

Also for the wonderful and ridiculously long code for the Ability Leveling Sequence bar. Thanx for saving me an hour or 2 trying to figure that one out xD

4. Jhoijhoi

Who is the creator of this epic border that is blue and has gears (Chronos?) so I thought they were perfect!

As well as making this awesome guide to a guide which has made my own guide as pretty as it is.

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darks352 (10) | March 28, 2014 6:43pm
Cause I googled them images. If they came from you, cool and thanx.
WarlockHolmez | February 25, 2014 11:42am
Why am I not in the credits for using the skill images from my guide and screenshots?

Nice guide btw.
darks352 (10) | February 8, 2014 2:00pm
I appreciate the feedback, and I may add some of it to the guide because I know not everyone plays him the same, which I think is great. A broad mindset on the guide can fit and help more people. With that in mind, Ill explain some of my reasoning.

Obsidian Shard is a great end-game situational simply for the fact that demonic grip's pen is applied through auto attacks. That means, unless you start with autos, that that pen is useless. Having Shard will make sure that when you initiate with 3 into 1 that they will truly hurt, as most gods get up to at least 60 magical protections base by the end of the game. It helps very much for those 3-hit 100-0 kills. But I would never suggest it before end-game.

I put that I personally disapprove of playing Chronos with defensive items. I feel hit built in speed, ulti, and sustain is more then enough to allow a glass cannon build with proper skill. However, as I said, I will probably add that simply for the hope of a broader guide.

As for TK? It is really just too much of a waste of money to me. It is helpful early game, but not for the price and the odds that you are probably going to sell it later anyways, losing even more money.

And finally on Beads, I will probably put that situationally as well, but if I am having that much trouble, I would probably just begin warding jungle and activate ulti before they have a chance to CC chain me. I honestly havent had a lot of trouble with CC as those that can usually land them on Chronos easier are melee gods with CC and keeping proper distance will usually keep you safe.

As for the tip on clearing minions, the only problem with relying on time rift to clear is that to stack the minions properly, you either need to hit the minions very early, meaning you may be far too far up, or you have to let the enemy clear first,k meaning you may be getting outpushed. I feel by leveling stop time just a bit, it allows me to clear safer and harass safer without having to be super aggressive and possibly ganked or be outpushed. Stop time is simply a much safer and quicker form of clear. But time rift's damage is surely very useful, which is why I explain my reason for not initially fully leveling it but adding 3 points to stop time first before finally rushing time rift. And because I do add 3 points to stop time first, you can indeed level time rift how I posted, not losing any time in maxing it, because if you focused leveling it before stop time, it wouldnt let you level it to 5 anyways until level 10. I will agree, it is far from the norm, but I have found it more successful for me.

I will, as I said, add your suggestions with your playstyle explained for those that may not fit mine. No god should be forced to play only 1 way and everyone can succeed in different ways.
Jordenito (66) | February 8, 2014 10:16am
An overall good guide.

I like the skill explanation and the BB coding, while somewhat unusual and sometimes overwhelming, is far from being too obstructive and 'blinding'.

The only problem I have with the skills is that you level up Stop Time before Time Rift. No, it isn't THAT crucial, but I still think that Time Rift is better. I know that it does just a little bit more damage and cannot hit the whole wave easily and that its cooldown doesn't scale, but it has a shorter cooldown by default and if you can stack the minion wave like a good Chronos does, it pay out better. But it isn't that crucial, like I said. Regardless it is best to start with time rift as your first ability because you'll start at the jungle and [[time rift will hit all of the jungle creeps and deal more damage with a shorter cooldown. So it is 99% Time Rift as the first ability. Also, I'm not sure if you could put that many points into Time Rift that early on. But I might be wrong.

As for the build; it's good. That's usually how I play Chronos but there are a few issues I'd like to address:

  • Obsidian Shard isn't a good situational item when coupled with Demonic Grip. Just because demonic gri[ reduces the targets' protection and Obsidian Shard accords to the current protection, even post debuff. So you won't get that many benefits as opposed to focused voidstone, lets say. Which brings me to:

  • Some situationals are missing. Especially defensive ones, such as Breastplate of Valor against heavy physical hitters, or focused voidstone against a heavy magical team. Yes, you already said that Chronos isn't suppose to be built defensively, but sometimes, even a Loki gets a Voidblade. And yes, you could say that Telkhines Ring has also magical protections, but sometimes you'd want the penetration with it. which brings me to (this is unintentional):

  • Telkhines Ring isn't a bad choice. But it isn't a very good one IMO. But if would recomend buying it, it should be as early as possible, as its passive falls of late game. Regardless, it's my opinion. Not yours. This is your guide. If you disapprove with something, don't put it in your guide. Even if it was warmly suggested. If you don't like it, don't do it.

  • Actives - While Chronos has a terrible early game, I don't think you should sped both of your actives that early and non-defensive ones. Sure, you can go with Shielded Teleport so you won't lose any farm, or with Hand of the Gods to farm better with more ease, but 90% of the times you'll need Purification Beads or aegis. If you go with HoG, don't go with teleport. If you go with teleport, don't get hog. Just my advice.

Just a final tip, the ideal way to clear waves with Chronos:

1) Accelerate at the 2nd quarter and auto-attacking minions to stack them up close together.

2) Cast Stop Time at the minions, try to do it while the passive buff from Accelerate is active.

3) Cast Time Rift and try to hit as many minions as you can, while again, try to get it while the passive is active.

-That way you don't waste much mana as you get a refund for 75% mana refund for Stop Time and Time Rift and you get to damage the entire minion wave or the most of it with both Stop Time and Time Rift. Just mote that it's the ideal way but not always possible, especially if you are laning against someone with a fearsome early game like Bastet.

I'll be glad to upvote this guide and I hope you'll improve it.
Sanguis (14) | January 26, 2014 11:21pm
Just checked him out. I wouldn't worry about him. His guide was atrocious. He plays 33 games (to date) and thinks he's pro. I left a scathing review. Those this guide has rough edges, I still see this guide becoming a great one. All that is needed is time and effort. Hit me up with anymore questions you have! I'd be happy to help!

darks352 (10) | January 26, 2014 3:59am
LOL ^ this guy is from this Geb guide. I obviously made him mad. You guys decide.
ThinkingAhead | January 26, 2014 3:12am
Worst Chronos guide to date- nobody wants to read a text book. Try again- posting your record may help build confidence in the success of your guide as well.
darks352 (10) | January 26, 2014 12:52am
Yeah I would expect to see your build in the solo lane. Id be a little worried if my support had that build xD at least until he proved me wrong, which Im sure you can do ;)
Sanguis (14) | January 26, 2014 12:41am
Haha yeah I get a lot of heat about the build, but it works. I typically don't berate someone over their build unless it's downright bad. My Ymir is a bit bruisier, but I'm currently in the works of updating it and having 2 builds. A tank and bruiser build.
darks352 (10) | January 24, 2014 4:27pm
I appreciate the feedback and the main reason I chose Chronos for my first build is he is one of my mains and I havent seen a guide on him in at least 3 months. I wanted to choose a main without a guide. Plus I cant count how many bad Chronos players Ive watched... And I havent seen many, if anny other players, rush poly 2nd item. So I thought it was different.

On the other hand, this is my first trial with BBCode and I will take you up on that offer with a PM later on. This was thrown together with zero previous experiance but will continued to be updated and "pretty'd" up. Thats why I put that at the very top ;)

Ive also received a PM with a much different.... supporty bruisery Chronos solo build which I am probably going to add even though I cringe at a Chronos without real damage... But everyonehas their own playstyle so meh.

Either way, Thanks again!


PS. Ymir guide looks great even if I pretty much fully disagree with the build and such xD
Sanguis (14) | January 24, 2014 3:25pm
I think this guide has some real potential. Your formatting is a little odd, but for what looks like a first step to a guide, it isn't that bad. Bojanx2x gave you an incredible link. Jhoijhoi is a goddess when it comes to crafting guides. I've had the pleasure to talking to her multiple times and trust me, her advice is amazing. Because of her and some great users in this community I was able to accomplish this in no time.

There are only 2 problems I have with this guide:
1. I feel like I'm reading a wall of text. Try to liven the guide up. Pictures, videos, more aesthetics please! I wouldn't expect aestetic brilliance in your first post, but you should definately look into making it "prettier".

2. You picked a cookie-cutter God. There's nothing wrong with making a guide about Chronos, but the problem with him and several other Gods is that everyone uses the same build 99.99% of the time. What makes you different from all the rest. I think your on track to making a guide that gives us a taste of you, darks352, but for now I can't distinguish you from another Chronos guide.

This has great potential. Can't wait to check back on this guide later and see where you take it. If you have any questions regarding builds, BBCode, or anything in general, then hit me up with a PM!

Bojanx2x (4) | January 22, 2014 4:35pm
here this( should help you learn some formating i my self am still learning some of it and it really ups the guides
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