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Just wanted to make a short guide about counter jungling after doing a few games where I had junglers who apparently did not know how important it is. It basically makes you a pirate and who does not want to be a pirate?
It is forcing a lead for your team to possibly snowball on and then win the game. It also makes the enemy jungle obsolete unless he is something like Thanatos,
Tyr or
Thor who can do well even from behind as long as they get followup from the team.
For example if you pick up the enemy baby harpies, some of your teammates can take your baby harpies which is a good 71 gold and 184 exp. Just by doing this you give your team a gold and experience lead which will shape the game in your favor. A 1000 gold lead can easily snowball to a 5000 and 10000 lead in a matter of minutes if your team knows how to play when ahead.
It also makes it harder for the enemy jungler to gank, because he is behind and lacks the damage to do much. There is exceptions of course, like Thanatos who can be lvl 2 vs lvl 6 and still gank like a boss. Which then leads to your team being able to farm a lot safer and being able to be aggressive in lane. As well as making it easier for you to gank, because the enemy jungler does not have the opportunity to lose out on more farm by counter ganking.
First of all you need/should have a god with good mobility/escapes and damage enough to kill the camps fast. Here is a list of what gods I personally find best for counter jungling. Note that it has nothing to do with what gods are good etc *cough* Arachne *cough*
After picking your god and getting into the game you have to do is put some pressure on the jungle and solo laner, hopefully with the first wave of minions. So clear the camps as fast as you possibly can then move to the lane and push. If you get a good clean push before the enemy solo and jungle comes to the lane you can go straight to enemy baby harpies or you can stay and hopefully get some good poke on the enemy gods or even a kill to be able to invade more safely. Because if the enemy team are on the ball they should rotate from mid to protect the jungle camps and if the enemy jungle is at full health he can just leave the solo lane and make it a 2v1, which could end up with a easy first blood for them. So look at that minimap! Can't see anyone in mid and just the solo laner in solo lane? GTFO ASAP (unless you are Arachne ofc)!
After doing the baby harpy camp cross over the mid lane between the tier 1 and tier 2 tower and steal the other baby harpy and/or the damage or speed buff depending on what side you started on. Just keep an eye on the minions so that you do not get spotted while walking over the lane!
I can add more videos as I get some good games showcasing counter jungling if that is something ppl want. But I think this at least shows the basics (leave the annotations on if you want my thought process during the game).
Guess I'm not really done with the guide. But i'm stuck, so tell me what to add if you feel there is anything that is missing. And I will add stuff along the way :P
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Here's a link to the current map.
Accidentally pressed publish instead of save :P
****ing changelog maybe?
Geez Marki u suck.
Fixed annoying typo
Geez Marki u suck.
I just have a small question about this amazing guide (I upvoted :3) but my question is
: what items should you have?
I would believe that it would be
Bumba's mask
HoG Lv2
2 Wards
but hey, you made this guide and so I'm just asking you would those be the items you use?
If you are going to counter jungle from minion spawn, wards would be a good idea.
But for when you are just going to do your camps, then push the lane hard before stealing some jungle camps. I would suggest just (as you said) Bumbas, HOG2 and instead of wards go for one of each pot (maybe 2 health pots if you are starting red side, but you are normally not going to be able to push hard enough to start countering from red side). This is because you need to have health and mana in chase you get rotated on, which will happen vs competent players :P
As long as you know that the enemy jungler is in the solo lane still you are safe to invade, but be careful you are super easy to kill if mid rotates. So unless you see the enemy jungler (and mid) on the minimap or have teammates that have vision of them (voice com helps a lot, or just the VGS).
As a newb to jungling in general, this helps a ton. Thanks for the excellent guide :D.
Glad it could help, it is cheesy as **** and a downright disgusting tactic to use. But when it works out jungling becomes a walk in the park :P
It will improve your jungling skills by like 9000, but it also teaches you to play from ahead. Which is bad because you will rely on being ahead to play good. So when for some reason the tactic fails (you get rotated on etc) and you get killed or something. You suddenly have no idea how to farm and get back into the game.
: what items should you have?
I would believe that it would be
Bumba's mask
HoG Lv2
2 Wards
but hey, you made this guide and so I'm just asking you would those be the items you use?
And whats even more fun when the enemy still choose a 2-1-2 (very rare. screwed insta-locking or something like that) And you have the whole jungle for yourself (when hopefully the solo can handle the 2 vs 1)
You might also want to add that Arachne can place eggs after clearing a camp or after an enemy clears it, just to secure it later, or make the enemy jungler's life more difficult.
And be my guest Firraria ;)
go **** yourselfjust let me know and I'll remove it. :)