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Christmas is about a month away. If you're a kid like me, Christmas is amazing! However, adults see it as the death of their bank accounts. But what I loved the most were the shows they showed. Charlie Brown and Frosty the Snowman. A few years later, and Ymir was born into the wonderful world of SMITE, and is still the most popular guardian played. This is my 5th guide now, and this one is true to my name. Just as a reminder, this guide is for all modes.
There are four more of these hidden messages. Find them all, and comment what the final one says. You shall find the first one right under your nose.
- Unique wall ability - Highest base health - Great team presence - Ok CC - Ok Clear |
- Slow - Ult on CD once activated - Long ULT charge - Can block allies with wall |
I'm surprised that Ymir's kit has barely been touched after all this time.
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All of Ymir's damaging abilities apply ![]() ![]() |
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This is a wide line in front of you. When you smash your club, it takes a quick second for it to actually do damage, so don't try to use this if enemies you are chasing are on the edge of it. Also, it does stop you in place for you to cast. On a good note, it does slow for a third of their movement speed for 4 seconds. Applies ![]() This will be your first ability because it deals the most damage except for your ult. Thus, maxing it out first will maximize your damage against minions as early as possible. |
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This is a cone in front of you that damages and stuns enemies for 1 second. Applies ![]() This will be maxed out second. Not only does the damage increase as you level it up, but so does the stun time. At max rank, it reaches 2.25 seconds, but does not deal as much as ![]() |
"How can you be a fed guardian?" More older players will see that the ludicrous amount of CC that guardians have can give you kills, but will still keep you in the clear, as they are naturally tanky.
Note: In the event that separate builds share the same item, they will not be reiterated in the later one. If it seems that a build has too few items, please do refer to the earlier builds to find the item you were looking for.
![]() To see how long 70, 55, 35, and any other number of units is, go to: Settings Targeting Distance Line Ruler This will now show how far everything in the game on your current character will go. This is a good setting for beginners getting used to a new god, until they are proficient enough to predict and get correct their abilities, mana usage, timing, etc. Note: This and ![]() |
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![]() For those who don't know, CC=Crowd Control, which is stuff like Stuns (they make you unable to do anything) Roots (they keep you in place) Knock Ups/Backs (they knock you out of position) Slows (they make you slower) and Cripples (the make you unable to use a jumping, dashing, or teleporting ability. With CC reduction, you will get affected less by these things. Every time you get damaged, you gain a stack of 6 protections, both Magical and Physical, that lasts for 6 seconds, with a maximum of 3 stacks. Protections reduce the amount of damage you take. Go big or go home. |
Travelers Shoes |
This is the cheapest of the boots tree. It provides a measly 20 magical power, along with the standard 18% movement speed. When out of combat, you gain 14% movement and 25 HP5. Also, when you hit a god, you gain 30 extra gold. This can occur every 90 seconds. 30 gold may seem small, but this can finish an item for you in certain situations. Seeing as in Conquest, you gain 3 gold every second, this shaves 10 seconds off your stay in base. For those who don't know, when you do an ability or basic attack, you are in combat. If you stand idle after doing such an action for 5 seconds, you are out of combat. There are also visual cues, though subtle, to tell you in which stance you are in. Thus, this effect occurs 5 seconds after you stop attacking. |
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![]() It is better to build it earlier in the build, as with any stacking item, so that you can build up stacks. However, because it is only 10 stacks of kills/assists and not minions, it can be pushed further back into the build in games that drag out longer, such as Joust or Conquest. |
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Lastly, ![]() When you are below 30% health and take damage, a shield generates around you. This shield is equal to 150 health + 10 per additional level, meaning that at level 1, you have a 160 health shield. This blocks all incoming damage and lasts for 20 seconds. When the shield either takes too much damage or the time runs out, you are returned to the amount of health you had before the shield appeared. This is what true defense is. Not only does it give health for beefiness, CC reduction for escaping death, and protections, it also gives a shield that takes damage for you. Nuff said. Note: Just because this is a shield does not mean you can activate it and go back into the fight like nothing happened. Either try to run far enough to be safe and recall, or help your teammates until the shield expires. |
In my opinion, ![]() Any enemy towers and phoenixes within a range of 55, which is the circle at which a ranged character can go into and damage one, have their attack speed slowed by 30%, and allied towers and phoenixes have their attack speed boosted by 30%. This is good when you are assisting a split push, which is an attack on an enemy tower or pheonixes that is unprotected while your teammates and the enemy team are off fighting together, or for a very hard push with your team, thus keeping a majority of your minions. To tell if the effect has been applied, looking at enemy towers and phoenixes will have a red swirl, and yours will have blue swirls. |
Magi's Blessing
Another sort of underpicked item. Magi's Blessing gives 350 health and a mediocre 15 protections of both kinds. Every 70 seconds, you are able to absorb, or nullify, a hard CC, which is type of CC that prevents you from doing anything for a period of time, or a root, which is a type of stun that still allows you to rotate your character and fire basic attacks and abilities. After this nullification, you gain 1 second of CC immunity. Compared to Purification, a relic that nullifies any current CCs and gives 2 seconds of CC immunity, but with a cooldown of 3 minutes, this is a lesser version that can be activated twice before Purification comes back. |
Meditation |
This is a relic. You get these for free at the beginning of the game, and can get another one at level 12. They have long cooldowns, and once you leave the base, they're stuck with you. Meditation heals all allies within the area, including yourself, for 15% of their health, and restores 35% of their mana. This has a 120 second cooldown. This is great after a fight, and you need your team to get back to a position where they can remain where they are instead of backing. |
Curse |
Curse slows all enemies in the area by 40% and reduces all healing effects and regeneration by 50%. This has a 150 second cooldown. This is great for chasing an enemy, or for initiation and setup for your team to kill most of the enemy team. |
Shell |
Just imagine a guardian that had a passive that gave them increased benefits from defensive items. This item gives everyone in the area 45 protections of both kinds and a 15% damage reduction buff, and has a 140 second cooldown. This is a great defense item if you walk into a fight and your team is kind of losing, or if they are running away in fear of losing. |
Sprint |
Lastly, you can't have buffs without speed. Sprint makes everyone in the area 40% faster and immune to slows for 5 seconds. This can be activated every 150 seconds. This is good to get to a place fast, or to leave and disperse. |
This is a starter item. There are 5 to choose from, and they cost 800 gold. These are essential to getting you ahead in the game, as they provide benefits that will later be shadowed by more expensive items. ![]() This starter reduces all incoming damage by 5. Seeing as basic attacks from hunters early game will do around 30 damage, and guardian abilities do around 100 damage at level 1, you can see how this can be your earliest form of protections and can save your life. This item is for an aggressive start, if you want to go head in after all minions are killed, or want to wait until your enemy makes a misclick. It happens |
Another starter item, ![]() When you assist in a minion or jungle monster kill, but don't actually kill it, you get 4 gold, including the gold for getting an assist, and restore 7 health and 7 mana. This item is great for supports. Seeing as your hunter will need the minion kills and stacks for their items, it still allows you to stay right where you are in terms of exp and gold. This more supports the passive play-style, letting your enemy make the move before you strike, or just gaining great farm. |
![]() This is a stacking item. You get 10 mana per stack, with a minion equalling 1, and a kill equalling 5. At a maximum of 75 stacks, you will have gotten an additional 750 mana just from this item. Lastly, 3% of your mana is turned into magical power. Since this item gives you a total of 875 mana, and you start out at 200 mana, with 32 mana for each level (so 232 at level 1) you will have 1107 mana at level 1, which gives you 158 magical power at level 1!. This number will only increase as your level and your build increases. Some of you may be wondering why this is the first item. I know that it costs almost 3000 gold, but with the inclusion of the later items, this will truly spike your power. Also, you will need time to stack this item. 75 minions or 15 kills. Seeing that each group of minions is 6, it will take a long time for you to fully stack, meaning that it is okay to push back boots with items like these. This is the start of your power spike. Because some of the other items in this build gives mana, this will add more power to the already given power. |
![]() For those who do not know, penetration is how much armor you ignore from your opponent's protections. Flat penetration gives you a certain amount of power against protections. An example of this is ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Just wait for it. ![]() ![]() When you activate an ability, the next basic attack within 8 seconds deals an extra 75% of your magical power as damage. This can occur every 3 seconds! ![]() Thanks to Elite Ownage for helping me with the following calculations. The basics in this build is 245 basic attack damage, 793 magical power, and 30 penetration. We will be doing this on a ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() When you damage an enemy god, they take an extra 10% of their maximum health as additional damage, and if more than one person is hit, then the one with the highest maximum health takes the extra damage. This effect can occur every 40 seconds. This effect is referred to as true damage, as no protections are taken into account. Another item that does this is ![]() Using the ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Now that I look back, this build really does have a lot of damage to be simply called "Burst." Nonetheless, ![]() This one item can increase your overall magical power by 25%. Specifically, it multiplies the amount of magical power that each item with magical power gives by 1.25, which basically multiplies your whole power by 1.25. |
We are ending our journey of power. ![]() When you kill an enemy god, all of your abilities' cooldowns are reduced by 8 seconds. With some cooldown reduction, this can sometimes completely reset an ability's cooldown. This effect can occur every 30 seconds. This is the most expensive item in the game, coming in at 3800 gold. This is what it means to be fed. Buying this item tells your opponent, "I'm comin' for ya, big boy!" Not only with its passive, but its stats almost match ![]() |
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I am happy that this item recently got buffed. ![]() ![]() Damaging anyone with an ability slows them by 25% for 2 seconds. This item makes Ymir have 3 slows in his kit, and it does combine with your slow from ![]() This will make your total CC 3 slows and a stun. If your ![]() |
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I know that we have already covered this item in my FrostBite Build. However, in this build, it replaces the core item of ![]() |
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To have fast abilities, you must be able to be fast. ![]() Note: With this item, you will max out your CC% reduction, meaning that all CCs will affect you 40% less. When you get hit by a slow, it is nullified. Not only that, but you will be immune to slows and move 20% faster for 4 seconds. This can occur every 20 seconds. This thing has more mobility in it than ![]() |
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![]() When you get hit by a hard CC, which are CC's that render you useless, you get a 15% damage mitigation, or reduction, buff for 3 seconds. This can occur every 15 seconds. This can be well paired with Purification to give CC immunity for 2 of the 3 seconds. |
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For those who don't know, the Nemean Lion was a beast that ![]() ![]() Anyone knows ![]() ![]() |
Warlock's Sash |
I know that Ymir already has the highest base health in the game, but the highest just isn't high enough. Let's step it up a notch. Warlock's Sash gives you 50 magical power, 300 health, and 400 mana. Like ![]() |
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BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! Get ![]() I believe that this and Warlock's Sash have such great synergy. With this item, 2.5% of your maximum health is converted into magical power. These two items combined have 1000 health, which is an extra 25 power. |
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The king of Assault. This item gives 400 health, 15 HP5, and 10% Cooldown reduction. After every kill or assist on a god or major objective, you will regain 15% of your health and mana over the next 5 seconds. While the heal may not stack, the timer refreshes on every new occurrence. As we will talk about later, your job is to take a lot of damage from a lot of things. This item will keep you in the fight while every one is rushing to the next objective. |
It is inevitable: you will play conquest. Wether it be for curiosity, you were in a party, or even doing the tutorial, everyone plays conquest at least once. To keep playing conquest and starting to like the game mode is your choice. If you do decide to play it, and choose (or are stuck with) support, take Ymir in with you.
Early Game
Do: +Try to back only when you are weak, or have low mana.+ +Support killing minions+ +Assist on killing the enemy+ +Go for jungle buffs and xp camps with your partner from time to time+ +Tank some damage, and even kill yourself, if your partner's in trouble+ |
Don't: -Get aggressive- -Leave your partner behind- -Rotate to other lanes- -Back excessively- -Push minions, unless your partner is gone- -Take buffs- The third clue has been uncovered. Time to end your journey with one last speech. |
Mid Game
Do: +Help your partner+ +Push towers in other lanes+ +Initiate team fights and objectives+ +Be in the front lines+ |
Don't: -Split Push- -Attack objectives by yourself- -Forget/Ignore other lanes- -Be in the back line- |
Late Game
I wish Ymir was the only guardian. But unfortunately, its 2016, and people are spouting things left and right about diversity and equal rights. Thus, there shall be 13 guardians. But alas, a new challenger appears: the hunter. This chapter will help you understand what you will be facing.
It's a shame how you can't get most of Ymir's skins, because they are really cool. Also, why no recolor, I don't know, but I feel like Fire Giant was the easiest road to one.
Thanks for reading my guide. I hope you enjoyed. If you feel I left anything out, have something to improve, or just wanna talk, please do so in a respectable manner. Comment if you tried out any of these builds and if they worked out for you. If you'd like to, please check out my other guides. Finally, don't get parched mid-game. Have a tall glass of IceColdPappsi, but make sure there's no parts of Ymir in your cup.
Special Thanks to xZeroStrike for supplying me the code for the headers of some of the guide and for teaching me how to do tables. Private message him if you ever need some help with your coding like I did.
Special Thanks to Branmuffin17 for help with my guide. He's really familiar with the game and the website, so ask him for help in your comments and he shall come to the rescue. I would also like to thank him for creating super awesome guides.
Lastly, special thanks to all guides that I used in the Enemy Gods section. I may not have asked for permission to put it in mine, but I hope that I gave you publicity in some way.
I see that you were dedicated to this journey. Comment "Hit 'em with the freeze" and see how many get the reference.
Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
SMITEFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new god, or fine tune your favorite SMITE gods’s build and strategy.
Copyright © 2019 SMITEFire | All Rights Reserved
What generic statements?
That said, "I swear a baby can do better" is a bit over the top and unnecessary.
Regarding Magi's Blessing, well...just calling it a horrible Purification ripoff isn't very accurate...sure, you can't control when you use it, and it provides only 1 second of immunity to 2 seconds from the relic, but at the same time, you have to consider that it refreshes every 70 seconds, compared to 160 (more than double!) of Purification. That said, yes, the protections are low, and so it shouldn't be exactly considered a replacement for a stronger protection item like
@Papps, your guide has a ****ton of's crazy. So dude/dudette might not have gone through all of them, and is just stating thoughts. Yes, the comments lacked a bit of tact...but you can use feedback of all kinds and turn them into something positive...right?
Great guide, though. I advise you to do this for all of your guides after the contest, and not just the
Also, we have almost reached 10,000 views on this guide. I would like to thank everyone that has viewed the guide, and to the 10 people (2 dislikes) who voted and made me feel good about myself. Let's reach that goal! Pls?
Also, was thinking of adding Gameplay section to guide. Thoughts?
Protect ADC
Clear camps when available
Avoid as much as possible
Just an example.
Of course there's different ways you can do it: Columns, tables, lists, images/videos (probably requires you to make them yourself).
There's a variety of ways to present something to an audience. It's up to you to find out what method works the best for what type/amount of information you're trying to get across, and what is most appreciated by your audience.
How do I do a strikethrough?
"Polynomicon, Soul Reaver. What do they have in common? THEY CAN BE SEEN ON AN Ao Kuang!"
~my favorite.
Regarding the appearance; highlighted words with various colors are really well done and look tidy, but I'd say sometimes there's even maybe a little too much of them; like in
I also don't know if it's only a personal perception issue, but I'm having trouble reading words that are written in the purple color (like for example in the
From other thoughts with which you may or may not agree with, yet I'll allow myself to mention them:
Anyways, that's a well deserved upvote from me.
You have really improved this guide a lot since you created it. Keep on going, you (and your guides) have a lot of potential.
One of my thoughts was, if you could put a short explanation by your build names it would help people decide / remember which build they want to use. Ex: instead of just "Avalance" as the build title put "Avalanche (Support)" etc.
Also I like your Quick Combo idea. These are the kinds of things that really help new players. Perhaps removing it from the spoiler and showing the step by step order with the skill icons would highlight it's value better. Also adding any more combos you think of! :)
Also, how do i put the literal code into a spoiler like Zero does so I can show you if you decide to do the first option?
On the comment you did leave,
Here's a short explanation:
[table] and [/table] - These indicate the start and end of a table.
[table bgcolor=#000000] - The "bgcolor=#xxxxxx" is the color that the outlining of the table will have.
[tr] and [/tr] - These indicate the start and end of a row. Rows are the entire row of a table, from left to right, regardless of multiple cells added.
[tr bgcolor=#000000] - The "bgcolor=#xxxxxx" indicates the color of the background of your row. This background color takes effect over the entire row, for all cells within that row.
[td] and [/td] - These indicate the start and end of a cell. Each row has at least 1 cell. If you only have 1 cell, the entire row will be your cell. If you have multiple cells in a row, you'll have multiple "spaces" within a row.
[td padding=x width=x] - The padding indicates the height of a cell. If whatever you're trying to write doesn't fit inside the cell, the cell will auto-adjust itself. Use this to gain a consistent height over all your cells, provided your info fits inside them. The width indicates the width of a cell.
Per table, you only need 1 [table] and [/table]. You can create tables inside of tables, but do note that for each [table] you have, you need a [/table] or else it'll come out messed up.
You can have multiple rows in a table. To end one row (that has been started with [tr]), use a [/tr] tag. Now enter and use [tr] for the new row. For each [tr] that you have, you need a [/tr] or else it'll come out really messed up.
You can have multiple cells within 1 row. To start a new cell, use [/td] to close the cell (that has been started with [td]), press enter, and start the new cell with [td]. For each [td] that you have, you need a [/td] or else it'll come out really messed up.
Hopefully this helps you understand tables a bit better. Anyway, your items #1 look good, a lot better than before.