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Amaterasu, Buff Required For Meta

3 9 70,940
by NeoXceptr updated April 21, 2019

Smite God: Amaterasu

Build Guide Discussion 53 More Guides
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Amaterasu Build

Final Shine

Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Shifter's Shield Shifter's Shield
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais


Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Frostbound Hammer Frostbound Hammer
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item Stone Cutting Sword Stone Cutting Sword
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence


Build Item Breastplate of Regrowth Breastplate of Regrowth


Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Bulwark of Hope Bulwark of Hope


Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane
Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Void Shield Void Shield


Build Item Demon Blade Demon Blade
Build Item Malice Malice
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer


I find myself having to create a disclaimer for guide purposes.

[*] I, NeoXceptr, will be guiding towards CONQUEST ONLY, no other game modes.
[*] I, NeoXceptr, don't utilize ANY gods the same way they're viewed by popular demand or per build.
[*] I, NeoXceptr, define builds provided aren't required for the same transition in match as on Smitefire.
[*] I, NeoXceptr, only provide opinions that best meets personal satisfaction when utilizing the gods.
[*] I, NeoXceptr, also don't vouch the proper way to build ANY god since it's left optional by Hi-Rez for creativity.

If all is understood, then we can continue with one of many guides that exist for Amaterasu.


Please vote & comment good or bad feedback

"Final Shine" build is not recommended for novice players that are learning the game or yet alone the character.

Hello! New here to Smitefire, but I'm active on Smite and Amaterasu is my only Mastery X warrior out off all I have mastered. My Susano Guide has been a huge success so I was thinking I should share the love with his sister. This guide is going to compliment how I utilize Amaterasu on a regular basis. Most warriors are able to be build in multiple ways; therefore there's no right or wrong way to build Amaterasu.

As a warrior, Amaterasu is great at everything, yet masters nothing at all. She has an impressive team fight presence like as her brother Susano, but she excels at a higher degree. Unlike her brother, Amaterasu is a basic attack god which is evident based on her passive lluminating Strike. Even as a basic attack god, Amaterasu still has impressive scaling on two of her skills, the only negative impact is they're very predictable.

Amaterasu's transition early game is rather weak due to poor clear, but once power is applied & Heavenly Relfection & Divine Presence has been leveled her mid/late game becomes very effective to initiate team fights. Be mindful that "Final Shine" can be adjusted by equipping certain items early than others.



+High Sustain
+High Mobility
+High Area Damage
+Damage Mitigation
+Strong Team Presence


-Slow Early Game
-Stance Exploits
-Crowd Control Reduces Effectiveness


Skill Sequence

Lane Sustain

Minion Clear

This passive is effective for putting pressure on the target, even more so if Amaterasu is in the Valor aura Stance. Illuminating Strikehelps when focusing one target which adds on to additional damage being given from allies. It's recommended to activate this passive before releasing Heavenly Reflection or going into Dazzling Offensive

[*] Valor to initiate fights or to take down objectives.
[*] Benevolence to chase or to aid escapes.
This ability heals Amaterasu when switching stance while also providing an aura Benevolence/Speed & Valor/Power. This is the main reason why Amaterasu difficulty is considered average because her stance can make or break plays.

Amateratsu core skill when it comes to ability based damage. This ability helps with damage mitigation, meaning that damage received is decreased making her more tanky for a short duration. This ability is visual and has a sound effect while charging; therefore enemies will have warning and will attend to disengage or dance around you to avoid the damage.

[*] Used as an escape if not blocked by enemy god
This ability passes through minions and stops at the first enemy god that's hit. In addition, this enables a silence onto the target which disables channeling abilities such as Thor's or Anubis Plague of Locusts.

[*] Can be used defensively when ganked/stun enemies to make an escape.
Three phases of attacks with each adding benefit to increase effectiveness. This ability is the reason why Amaterasu has high area damage, enough to catch the whole enemy team in radius if aligned.


Abilities - 1:Divine Presence, 2:Heavenly Reflection, 3:Glorious Charge, 4:Dazzling Offensive

Combo A: 1:Divine Presence> 2:Heavenly Reflection> 4:Dazzling Offensive> 3:Glorious Charge
[*] Valor strengthens Amaterasu's power as 2:Heavenly Reflection charges while executing 4:Dazzling Offensive. Once 4:Dazzling Offensive has been completed in success the stun allows a few basics as 2:Heavenly Reflection explodes additional massive damage at full charge. If the target somehow survives you can use 3:Glorious Charge to seal the kill while temporarily preventing an escape.

Combo B: 2:Heavenly Reflection> 3:Glorious Charge
[*] This combo is used to create an illusion that you're aiming from a distance, but you dash in close with 3:Glorious Charge while impacting the target with 2:Heavenly Reflection. This will take practice mainly because you're timing your charge to your dash for two ability impacts.

"Final Shine" Explanation

Amaterasu's abilities aren't the core of her damage, they mainly provide edge to the basic attack damage being applied. Since Amaterasu basic attacks proc her passive the "Final Shine" build allows her to hit hard & fast with slight penetration thanks to The Executioner. This allows one to transition into her abilities for more damage with the proc applied. I've seen Amaterasu players use pure attack speed items such as: Asi, Hastened Fatalis or Ichaival; which can be included in your build since it compliments Amaterasu's passive eminently. I recommend items that have the combination of power & attack speed so her scaling isn't penalized greatly.

Team fights is where Amaterasu shines; therefore you want to ensure Amaterasu's presence is always available. Mantle of Discord passive literally negates any CC when at 30% health while stunning enemies. This has helped when being chased by enemies and the passive activates negating CC to aid in my escapes. Breastplate of Valor only will get you melted by mages, applying only magic protections will get raped solo lane. Applying both magical and physical protections as separate items will take away from the power and attack speed. This is why Mantle of Discord is the best item defensively, in my opinion, for Amaterasu.

Overall "Final Shine" isn't recommended for novice players. You want to build more protections & counter build against enemy gods to stay in the match longer if you're newer to the game. On the other hand, experienced players who know how to position and communicate with the team will succeed with this build.


[*] Increases scaling on abilities and strengthens basic attacks


[*] Increases basic attack speeds which can help proc passives
Attack Speed

[*] Helps against physical protected enemy gods

[*] Provides balance to defensive & offensive maneuvers

[*] Combined with attack speed critical's can greatly change a fight

[*] Provides protections & health which allows more battle endurance

Build Preference


[*]Below are builds seen or recommended to try with Amaterasu. Please comment your build and I can share in this section for players who seek additional guidance.

Build A: Pros/Cons

Build B: Pros/Cons

Shield of Regrowth

Build C: Pros/Cons

Shield of Regrowth

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Branmuffin17 (401) | April 22, 2019 12:34pm
Hey Neo,

Alright, gonna give my full feedback on the build/guide. Will try to keep the concept intact as you've stated, but still want to make some of my own points. You did say comment good/bad, so I'll take that as an invitation. I haven't voted yet, BTW.
  • First, you might look to actually update your writeup a bit. Your intro still says you're new to SF, but it's been like 3 years =P

  • Although based on your argument there's no right/wrong way to build her, I do believe there's always room for improvement and optimization.

  • You say that Amaterasu is a basic attack god, but rather, she's a hybrid that can get use out of both basic attack items and ability items. You don't ever want to define a god based on their passive. As an alternative example, take Da Ji. Her passive Torture Blades applies on basic attacks. However, she's much more ability reliant than basic attack.

  • BTW, your database linking is funky. Looks like you're making a very small icon, and then typing the skill/god and hyperlinking to the page for that reference. Instead, just use double-brackets and you'll get both automatically.
    [[Illuminating Strike]]

  • For Divine Presence, you say Valor is to initiate fights. Rather, if I were being a bit more specific, I'd say that you'd typically want to start a fight in Benevolence, and once you've started taking damage, switch to Valor to get the heal, and to ramp up the damage.

  • For Heavenly Reflection, you only talk about receiving damage, but the damage ramps up from dealing damage as well. One other "combo" you might also consider in early laning is to get one basic in (attack progression of 1 for the first hit), then activate Reflection and keep basic attacking to continue building the damage potential.

  • For Glorious Charge, you might better define as not just "passing through minions" but rather piercing through them as the ability states...passing through could be misconstrued as not dealing damage or something, example Medusa's Lacerate.

  • Now for official state for Combo A to start with Divine Presence. Again, I'll state that it's usually not something you lead with. Due to the healing effect, it's not an initiation ability.

  • Differing opinion here, perhaps, but you say in "Final Shine" explanation that her abilities aren't the core of her damage (partially true), but that they provide an edge to the basic attacks being applied (again, partially true). Really, neither of those points are really her main function. She's a teamfight presence god that buffs teammates around her, soaks damage, and just provides a lot of utility in general. Her focus isn't basics, they're a bonus, because she's not typically looked at to be a damage dealer. This generalization is for normal utilization of Ama, mind.
And now for build discussion.

Build Discussion
Kriega1 (143) | April 22, 2019 3:41am
Uhmm.... can someone give a guiding hand here? These builds do not look ok.
Branmuffin17 (401) | April 22, 2019 8:21am
The builds are funky. Don't personally like Jotunn's in basically every build, especially when Neo states she's a basic attacker due to her passive (disagree, she's hybrid and reasonably ability-reliant IMO despite her passive), don't like seeing Gaia in there either...and mantle is built too early in one example.

But in terms of the writeup, he's going for a different playstyle and that sort of justifies the different build direction. Definitely feel build could be optimized better though.
Kriega1 (143) | April 22, 2019 9:05am
We just ignoring the crit suggestions in there like it's Fine and Okay?
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NeoXceptr (1) | January 2, 2017 4:25pm
Much appreciated. She's a great jungler, good choice.
Septembermor | December 15, 2016 8:48am
It's a very solid build. When in jungle practice I put together different items to maximize the damage output from Ama's basic attack. The most effective build I found was: Warrior Tabi, Shifter Shield, Executioner, Frostbound Hammer, Stone Cutting Sword, and Mantle of Discord. Glad someone had the time to put this together. Good job!
Stuke99 (56) | October 21, 2016 6:31pm

1. NEVER get Crit items on Ama, she's not an auto-attack focused god.
2. The standard build you have given doesn't provide much protections besides MoD.
3. Ama DOES NOT need AA based items besides FBH, she dose nice with it but she's more of a hybrid warrior who can chain her abilities with her autos.

I don't even know what to say about this, ADC Amaterasu is not how she is meant to be played. Amaterasu is a bruiser that uses her abilities, crowd control, and passives to support the team with increase movement, power, or dealing extra damage. The way you have her build is the wrong approach to her, she needs items to dish damage and take a beating, having it so one sided with one protection item will make her drop faster than a house fly. Please rethink this as I can tell you're trying, but you're going at this the wrong way.
NeoXceptr (1) | October 21, 2016 6:56pm
Opinions... A website built to express those opinions with Smite builds. If you haven't tried it, don't knock it. It creates an image of you being narrow minded. Check the Build Preference portion of the guide. Maybe one applies to how you would personally play her.
xZeroStrike (46) | October 21, 2016 3:45pm
The only problem I have is that you have Transcendence as 5th item. That's bad. You may not even get full stacks anymore before the end of the game. (Ofcourse Conquest would probably be okay, but Arena and the like, not so)

Other than that it's fairly decent. However Deathbringer alone may not be a good choice since that's only 20% crit and you'll hardly make any use of DB, wasting gold and a valuable item slot.
NeoXceptr (1) | October 21, 2016 4:49pm
The "Final Shine" build provides 60% attack speed. Which means instantly her passive is applied, she hitting hard AND critical's are making it worse. So explain to me how it's a waste of gold with these other factors complimenting the use of Deathbringer or any other critical item?
xZeroStrike (46) | October 21, 2016 4:57pm
Because a 20% Crit chance is still fairly low.

Besides, the passive can work with pure power items as well, that's not even a valid argument to pick DB over another item with more power, or even equal power.

Regardless of you having 60% attack speed, if RNG dictates you're not getting any crits you aren't getting any, that's how RNG works. Let me clarify with an example:

A player with 30% attack speed but 40% crit chance, does 3 hits in 3 seconds, and has 2 of them critical hit.

A player with 60% attack speed but 20% crit chance, does 6 hits in 3 seconds, and has only 1 of them critical hit.

If you really want an attack speed build, Wind demon would be better.

Heck, even Qin's Sais alone with 60% attack speed is enough so you don't have to use 3.2K gold on a critical hit item that may return negligible results and buy an item that provides equal or more power, but with a more useful passive and lower cost.

Malice could probably be a better choice. If you hit 6 times (example), but only 1 is a critical hit, DB will only apply that 20% extra damage once, while Malice will atleast give extra damage on your following 5 hits.
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masterricu (12) | October 20, 2016 8:50pm
The problem with building a full squish warrior is youll likely die beofre you get your damage off. Sure you have Mantle of Discord but its way too late in the game where you have $1000s of gold to spend on other items first.

I also dont think deathbringer is a good item without other crit chance, and it makes the build wayy more expensive then it needs to be. If I would change anything, It would be getting earlier defense and removing DB from the build altogether.

I like the executioner on her because it takes advantage of her passive, so does qins, but trans just gives power and mana, two things I dont think she really needs. I'd suggest removing that and giving her frostbound instead. Better ability to stick to people, more health so inherently tankier, and it cost 300 gold less.

Overall my build path would look like Warrior Tabi Hide of the Urchin Frostbound Hammer Spirit Robe executioner Qin's Sais

550 more health, 90 more protections, spirit robe passive > mantle passive, can actually live and apply your damage, slows enemies for your team as well, all for $1800 gold cheaper.
NeoXceptr (1) | October 21, 2016 3:40pm
"Most warriors are able to be build in multiple ways; therefore there's no right or wrong way to build Amaterasu." This comment covered the aspect of what you're expressing. Cost is never a factor in a good match because you're going to get the gold one way or another. Either objectives, camps, gold fury, etc... Typically I build Mantle of Discord as the second or third item. If the build didn't work for me I wouldn't share it. I've had no issues utilizing the build with how I play and position myself in a match. Appreciate the feedback though.
GameGeekFan (50) | October 21, 2016 4:07pm
The argument for the cost of items I have to disagree on. Yes you would always get gold, but if your enemy team gets more gold than you cause they get more kills, objectives, or/and gold furies, then cost is not on your side, it is on theirs. They can get those expensive items fully before you even get Tier 1 of it. Its good to have options for items that cost less in case that happens.

And the build may work for you, but it will not work for everyone in EVERY scene. Ranked scene? Conquest? Only tank in Assault? I like the idea of damage warriors do not get me wrong. You may want to emphasize tho that this WILL make you more likely to die if you are not positioning well, no health pots, behind, etc. Not for being tanky or actual ranked games. Some new players wont understand the difference sometimes.
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