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High clear/poke pressure start.
Can alternatively go 1 Healing Potion and 2
Mana Potions with this start.
Can swap Spear of Desolation or
Spear of the Magus for
Divine Ruin if needed.
Charon's Coin can be built after your 2nd flat pen item if you don't need the percent penetration as early, and aren't worried about mana sustain yet.
High clear/poke pressure start. Slightly stronger stats on T1 item than Start 1 while also giving a slot for an extra potion.
Can alternatively go 2 Healing Potions and 2
Multi Potions with this start.
Can swap Spear of the Magus for
Divine Ruin if needed.
High mana sustain/cooldown start.
Can swap Uncommon Staff for
Magic Focus for slightly better damage levels 1 to 5 and to rush
Spear of the Magus sooner for a stronger 1st item spike, at the cost of delaying the stacked
Warlock's Staff spike.
Can swap Spear of the Magus for
Divine Ruin if needed.
Can swap Charon's Coin for
Obsidian Shard for a better burst option if you don't care about the movement speed from evolved Coin. Although, the mp5 from Coin does help keep your mana closer to it's maximum to get more power out of the passive from
Pendulum of Ages.
Go Aegis of Acceleration over
Aegis of Judgement if you think you'll need the extra movement speed to help reposition / be in a safe spot to use
Divine Ruin may be necessary in some matches for Anti-Heal.
Obsidian Shard is the higher damage alternative to
Charon's Coin.
Pythagorem's Piece is a decent lifesteal / penetration option to pair with
Typhon's Fang in certain build paths.
Ethereal Staff can be picked up potentially into tankier comps and if you also need some extra health in your build.
Demonic Grip is good for some extra protection shredding, although harder to fit in a build path.
Hastened Ring isn't strongly statted and can be harder to fit in a build path, however the passive can sometimes get good usage in fights with the extra mobility for both helping to land more AAs you wouldn't hit otherwise and to act as a pseudo defensive option.
Bumba's Hammer is a strong starter upgrade for
Chronos (lets him spam
Time Rift /
Stop Time constantly and keep
Accelerate active), though let down a bit by it's weaker early pressure tier 1 starter.
Gilded Arrow is suitable for extra AA damage early game, though the lack of power reduces your early clear speed and poke damage with abilities, especially compared to
Conduit Gem.
Mantle of Discord is a generally decent lategame anti-burst option to help you get your
Rewind off / help survive heavy dive.
Magi's Cloak is situationally useful into heavier beads burning enemy comps / comps reliant on a single hard CC setup.
Winged Blade can be decent into slow heavy comps, the extra movement speed can not only be used to run away but also to chase or juke better while boxing.
Celestial Legion Helm can be considered if the enemy team has a lot of physical damage and/or you're going to be being targeted by a high burst physical jungler.
The Alternate Timeline can be considered to give you a chance to recover (if you aren't positioned too poorly) in a fight if you think you will be focused and bursted down, although the long cooldown is a heavy drawback. Can sometimes work better than
Mantle of Discord if you think you'll be bursted before the passive procs.
Can prioritise maxing Accelerate before
Stop Time optionally, especially if your build gets attack speed later on or you really need the movement speed.
Tap each threat level to view Chronos’s threats
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k, thanks. will test those out when i get the chance.
Edit: On 2nd thought I tried it in a recent game and I quite like it with cdr boots and dynasty early. I updated the builds anyway.
The only reason i ask, for situations like i had earlier, when i had locked in and no one went guardian/warrior. yeah, not something i was looking at wanting to run but maybe help a bit when no one chooses tank and i have already locked in.
yeah, sometimes i don't feel like being responsible when a bunch of strangers aren't. I just want to play my choice. lol. Thanks for the tips.
Also, having played so many in your face melee types, it is a struggle going..wait...just because i am running his auto based doesn't mean you just walk right in every time..i mean my brain knows this but i am slowly weeding that out on him.
as an example i saw a dmbrandon vid for bellona that was 1 1/2 hours. i would just search online and have results come up and a lot of the ones that happened to come up would be way longer than i was willing to get into.
So, bancrofts, pen boots, breastplate, talisman, divine ruin, obs shard.
Can start warrior's blessing and tiny trinket.
Or another example, pythags, pen boots, celestial/dynasty helm, shogun's kusari, gauntlet of thebes/witchblade, gem of iso. (supporty-style build).
Edit: Or, pen boots, dynasty plate helm (or celestial legion helm), stone of fal, witchblade, ethereal staff, mantle of discord.
Edit 2: I guess if you wanted to put yourself through pain for the most optimal tanky build you could try build warlocks, so using one of the solo builds I listed on Page 3 or one of the ones I list in the testing builds.
So, bancrofts, pen boots, breastplate, talisman, divine ruin, obs shard.
Can start warrior's blessing and tiny trinket.
Or another example, pythags, pen boots, celestial/dynasty helm, shogun's kusari, gauntlet of thebes/witchblade, gem of iso. (supporty-style build).
Edit: Or, pen boots, dynasty plate helm (or celestial legion helm), stone of fal, witchblade, ethereal staff, mantle of discord.
Edit 2: I guess if you wanted to put yourself through pain for the most optimal tanky build you could try build warlocks, so using one of the solo builds I listed on Page 3 or one of the ones I list in the testing builds.
Thank you for the additional thoughts on that, Kriega. it is greatly appreciated. I'll definitely take a look at those options for when i run into that situation. I never would have thought to ask but i saw so many defensive options in some of your item lists.
Probably could swap thoth in that build for soul reaver, seems to still 1 shot if I remember correctly.
Right now speed is OP, so I didn't mind going shoes, into the rings, into Bancroft late.
Only reason I got
But you could very easily build him more of a standard mage-type early and just nuke with your 1 a ton...transitioning to more basic attack function late. Here, I'd probably suggest something like this, and Kriega can suggest adjustments as necessary.
Right now speed is OP, so I didn't mind going shoes, into the rings, into Bancroft late.
Only reason I got
But you could very easily build him more of a standard mage-type early and just nuke with your 1 a ton...transitioning to more basic attack function late. Here, I'd probably suggest something like this, and Kriega can suggest adjustments as necessary.
Man, quick response. Good on you, old chap. Thanks for laying that response out so quickly.
Also, i already love your first build idea. when i first started and was lvling Ymir and tinkering with
Deso can be okay, but for Ob Shard, you're already going Demonic, which should typically be more than enough for most enemies unless you're going with the more ability-focused direction, and you're facing a team of majority tanks. I'd then say same for Reaver, but Tahuti is fine in the 6th spot in the basic attack build if you're doing well.
We can keep debating this, and I'll keep saying the same thing, because I'm talking situationally, AND giving reasons, and you tend to ignore that and just focus on me bringing it up in the first place.
I do what i want!
Well, in khepri's hades guide you made it clear you wouldn't want my popcorn anyways :p
Edit: Mid: A, ADC: A+/S-, Solo: B+.
I'm divided when it comes to
I don't think Warlock's needs a buff, but they definitely could reduce the number of stacks required. 70 would be fair.
I don't think I ever build Warlock's on
It does, but it also improves his lategame as well, which as we know is where he's strongest. It's not a core item, no, (at least for Mid/ADC), but it still can be a useful consideration. Also you spend a lot of time farming, so building the stacks shouldn't be hard. Alternatively, for Mid lane, you can start tier 2 bancrofts, rush bancrofts, get pen boots online and then get warlocks and start stacking it.
As for ADC, if you want to be stronger in the early to mid game you can just rush bancrofts/pen boots/Dynasty Helm.
Also certain matchups like
And.... I have included 2 alternative build paths for Mid, and 1 alternative to ADC if you do not want to build
Im not sure what your point is here.
I'm just saying that I found this start interesting, because the few times I played Chronos I went for Warlock's first item, and I really missed the sustain from lifesteal. Going
Oh, indeed at times they can still work in Arena, but if Arena was the focus, certain item choices would be more attractive, and others less attractive (e.g.
KREE-guh? Kree-eh-guh?
Boogie pronounces it the 2nd way, and it honestly drives me crazy.
Also im not sure what you have to do to intrepret Kriega as "Kree-eh-guh", you're literally inventing extra syllables.
Also, Kriega, I only found out about this about a week or so ago. If I'd known way earlier, I would have disassociated with him before he became my illegitimate (and impossible) son, since there's no way I could be his father with our age difference.
Also, Kriega, I only found out about this about a week or so ago. If I'd known way earlier, I would have disassociated with him before he became my illegitimate (and impossible) son, since there's no way I could be his father with our age difference.
Once a muffin man has a muffin boy he has to make sure that muffin boy grows up right after all....
On lvl 1? No. But on lvl 2, a lot of times.
Yes, I had, but it’s so rare that I never found it a disadvantage.
Yeah, and that is a bit of an exaggeration, just found that meme a funny way to present how i think about Conquest right now. it is pretty overwhelming though hearing other people talk about it and having been roped along for a couple of matches previously having almost no knowledge of the game at the time.
I know part of it is random group comps but even joust is a headache sometimes and i ran with Muffin, Boogie and a couple others from here on 2 or 3 clash matches and was pretty out of my depth on that currently on those.
If i can ever get the time to devote to it I might try to seriously learn, but Arena, and to an extent Joust is in my match length sweet spot. I really can't commit to regular lengthy matches most of the time.