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Welcome to my first week build of my new favorite gods so I am going to six week event that I will show and explain my favorite builds for my new favorite gods so expect a lot from me in the future.
Hard As Rock
Decreases the damage bonus on crits. This passive is the best counter against Hunters. This allows to go into fight and soak up crits all you want making the damage doing much less than before. The only back side to this is Deathbringer this actually nerf your passive making it from 25% to 65% bonus crit damage. So build extra physical protection if you see someone with Deathbringer.
1. Tanky.
2. Has a great move to travel and escape.
3. Has two versions of beads.
4. He has some utility in some of his abilities.
5. Has a ability that helps his teammates fight longer.
6. Very superior in Mid to Late game.
1. Weak Early game.
2. Could get easily cocked blocked my enemies.
3. He has to rely on his 1 and his 4 to escape.
4. He is a slow moving god.
These two build are also in different game modes not being so stuck in Conquest only. Geb is an interesting guardian being how much utility his abilities have. This what makes him unique that when you fight one you have no clue what they are going to do. With all the season 3 item changes Geb's item build has been buffed a lot making him more powerful on the battle field. So if you are constantly looking on your Cooldowns and your Mana then you could survive in fights. And also keep track of the map and battle situations then you will be superior in the game. And As Always Happy Killing!
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Also it will be good to write some tactics, cause I have no idea how to set up kills with geb.
Good luck with ur ivent