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Just a reminder: Bad Players Blame Others

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Forum » General Discussion » Just a reminder: Bad Players Blame Others 24 posts - page 2 of 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Firraria » March 3, 2014 12:05am | Report
Giving helpful and constructive advice is unfortunately often mistaken for blaming. But then again, sometimes it is a mix of both.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Vaeldyn » March 3, 2014 12:05am | Report
I think you are too quick with that sentence. I almost never blame anyone, mainly because I`m not a good player myself. But I had a game today with a Zeus going 0/15 in Arena. I don't even bother to blame feeders, but that Zeus just went in 5v1, Ult and dieing almost instantly after his Ult appears. Or an Artemis using her Ult vs creeps.

I mostly try to be friendly, giving tips how they can do better (very friendly tips). But when I get flamed, then I blame them. I blame them for killing the whole team. And I'm not ashamed of it.

Blaming the worst of toxic players doesn't make anyone a bad player.

So you are wrong in my honest opinion.

Although I blame someone once a week :D


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » March 3, 2014 12:59am | Report
Blaming is interesting.

This is bad blaming: duolane feeds and blame's solo lane for not using teleport to gank while the solo laner won his lane and got the enemies tower down (yes this has happend to me) is already idiotic.

This is not bad blaming. Solo laner fed enemy who snowballed out of controll gets blamed for that

This example goes the same for duo lane.

The idea for the side lanes is. You ****ed up you are to blame and no one else.

The mid lane and jungle are a bit different.

The junglers and mid laners are debended on each other so if one ****s up the other will get it more difficult. The only one allowed to blame the jungler is the mid laner and vise versa.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Nex The Slayer » March 3, 2014 1:12am | Report
You can blame people if they are clearly doing badly, just don't be an *** about it.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ryvvik » March 3, 2014 6:59am | Report
HiFromBuddha wrote:

Now, if your talking about bad in the sense that it is the absence of good from one's attitude, then yes, I can only agree with you. Arrogance, a lack of receptiveness or simple blindness are all 'bad' qualities.

Ok Gandalf ;-)

But yes, obviously it 'CAN' be someones fault you lost. There are extreme cases as well. But in general, I am speaking on accusing someone for not doing something and saying its there fault.

For example, "you never gank my lane so I lost duo lane. You suck!". No my friend, it would be me that sucks since apparently I need you to baby sit my lane to do anything.

In addition, there are times when the team as a whole needs to recognize a problem area and fix it rather than blame. For example, just the other day in (I think a league), I was middle AO vs Isis. Vamana was in the solo lane vs Ra. He was having a lot of trouble. I recognized this early and offered to swap with him. I, of course, made it very clear I wasn't blaming or criticizing (since yes, people take offense really easy when given tips/suggestions).

Vamana and I swapped. He dominated middle. I dominated solo. We came back and pulled a win even though our jungle was very poorly mannered and had a bad start.

Many 'bad players' would have just stuck it out in middle and then complained that solo lane sucked.

There are always exceptions, but in general if a player feels the need to continually blame everyone else and never himself...he's not a good player. Especially when his blame game includes "I did bad because you didn't xxxx"

Of course...I still stand beside telling them 'Bad players blame others' and muting them. Best way to handle them, hands down.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ryvvik » March 3, 2014 7:04am | Report
Also, you really gotta watch blaming someone because of their score. The other day, again, three of my teammates ended up complainign to each other in the well and were not even playing. Rather than sitting in the well, I continued to try and defend and play. It was effectively 5 on 2 and I, of course, died a few times.

In addition, once a game starts to snowball, people can rack up a lot of deaths that really aren't in their power to avoid. **** happens. I don't think there is any reason to ever blame someone for 'feeding' unless they are doing it intentionally and refusing to listen to constructive advice.

Once you start to call a player a feeder, though, they will shut down mentally. They will quit playing well. They won't listen to advice. They'll go into hostile mode. (Typically)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Firraria » March 3, 2014 3:33pm | Report
All4Games wrote:

The mid lane and jungle are a bit different.

The junglers and mid laners are debended on each other so if one ****s up the other will get it more difficult. The only one allowed to blame the jungler is the mid laner and vise versa.

I agree with this. The midlaner and the jungler are like a team. If duo lane or solo lane loses, it isn't the junglers fault (unless the jungler went in and fed that lane).
Lack of ganks is no excuse for poor lane-playing.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ShinjiEvangelio » March 4, 2014 4:40am | Report
Well sometimes other people are to blame, we can't help it. But IMO blaming yourself for every loss will only help you to improve yourself. Even if rest of my team fed I always blame myself mainly, I could've won my lane faster and help the others, I coul've counterjungle harder and so on and so on. I found this kind of attitude really helpful.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Nex The Slayer » March 4, 2014 4:43am | Report

Well sometimes other people are to blame, we can't help it. But IMO blaming yourself for every loss will only help you to improve yourself. Even if rest of my team fed I always blame myself mainly, I could've won my lane faster and help the others, I coul've counterjungle harder and so on and so on. I found this kind of attitude really helpful.

True that, you can always have done better and there is no point in going around grumping about how your jungeler did terrible because there is noting you can do about it. But you can go and be grump about how you ****ed up that gank giving the enemy team a double kill, because next time you find your self in that situation you know what NOT to do.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ashwal » March 14, 2014 6:43am | Report
no, bad players blame others. What if that was the persons first game? Blamers always start blaming and dont say what they can do to improve. I just had a game where a guy named Chronosmala dissed, harrassed and swore at me and 2 other players. It was my first time playing... I have never played a moba before, and it kinda turned me off of mobas. I want to give it another chance, but i hate when I dont even get a chance to learn. And he spammed surrender when they were only level 6? To make others experience fun, try to help, rather than blame. I even got called a bot, intentional feeder, b****, and a lot of other things. I was told to uninstall too. Where can he go and tell other that? Isn't games to have fun? It is not fun when being blamed for my first time

-experience as a beginner


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