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What is Goodwill?

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Forum » New Player Help » What is Goodwill? 20 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by highvolts » March 24, 2013 11:04am | Report
How do you get it?
What does it do for you?

And thanks in advance for your answer!


Posts: 18
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ragingstorm » March 24, 2013 11:40am | Report
Adds a bonus to your favor.

For every game you complete it gains % on goodwill.

For every game you leave it resets goodwill to 0%.

Basically it adds the multiplied amount of favor gained that match+ 0.xx depending on % of goodwill.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Animusliberus » March 24, 2013 10:10pm | Report
I heard a rumor that you'll need 50% goodwill before you can enter a ranked soon :p

so that people cant just keep leaving ranked after ranked :p
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Jovy » March 25, 2013 3:47am | Report
Is goodwill only for conquest? o: I won a few games on conquest, then I lost one on arena and then I won a couple on conquest. Even so my goodwill remained 100%, so iunno.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sunfall » March 25, 2013 4:11am | Report
Goodwill has nothing to do with wins and losses. It's all about your in-game behavior.

If you play nice and obey the rules, you will maintain your 100% goodwill. But should you leave games or continually invoke toxic behavior, you will lose your goodwill.

Also, I actually do like the idea of requiring a goodwill minimum to play in ranked. It will discourage all of the people who continually dodge queues and ragequit just because they didn't like the team they got. I understand ranked matchmaking is a mess right now, but there is absolutely no reason to take it out on the players who wait patiently just to have a serious game.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Jovy » March 25, 2013 4:18am | Report
Ah alright, that makes more sense. Having a higher percentage of goodwill = more favor, then?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheAmazingComicBookGuy » March 25, 2013 4:27am | Report

Ah alright, that makes more sense. Having a higher percentage of goodwill = more favor, then?



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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by LaserAddict » March 26, 2013 2:03am | Report
Sunfall wrote:

Goodwill has nothing to do with wins and losses. It's all about your in-game behavior.

If you play nice and obey the rules, you will maintain your 100% goodwill. But should you leave games or continually invoke toxic behavior, you will lose your goodwill.

Also, I actually do like the idea of requiring a goodwill minimum to play in ranked. It will discourage all of the people who continually dodge queues and ragequit just because they didn't like the team they got. I understand ranked matchmaking is a mess right now, but there is absolutely no reason to take it out on the players who wait patiently just to have a serious game.

I admittedly have only just started playing (And the closest thing to a MOBA that I've played before was SMNC), but I do like this idea. Because it would give me an incentive as a new player to try the Competitive instead of Casual matches, due to better odds of having a match where somebody doesn't Disconnect 5 minutes. Even if it won't do anything about the players who only stop being AFK to demand another surrender vote.

Getting a match where everyone stays the whole match, on BOTH teams, feels like it's going to be infinitely harder than "Getting Good".


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HerroPinki » May 2, 2013 10:37pm | Report
It's definitely not leave-based, I was at 100% earlier, now at 13% for some reason and I didn't leave any...


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheAmazingComicBookGuy » May 3, 2013 12:10am | Report
HerroPinki wrote:

It's definitely not leave-based, I was at 100% earlier, now at 13% for some reason and I didn't leave any...

It is leave based, but there were some bugs that made you loose it, also if you harras, or get to many repports :P


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