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A Template For Guides

42 1 27,919
by Zilby updated March 7, 2017

Smite God:

Build Guide Discussion 14 More Guides
Tap Mouse over an item or ability icon for detailed info



Hello! and welcome to my template guide for making your own guides on Smitefire. My name is Zilby, and I have made quite a few guides on this site. People have generally found my formatting/bbcoding for guides to be one of the easiest to utilize and produce a guide with, so I thought I'd share some of it here as well as some basic information regarding what should and should not go into each section. So let's begin!

Builds & Chapters

Builds & Chapters

Every god guide consists of one or more builds, each with item purchase orders and a corresponding skill order in its header. The body consists of several sections called 'chapters'.

For a guide to be complete, you should have at least one build with 6 items and one filled out skill leveling order. Item purchase orders can be done in several ways, but the most common ways I have done are:
  1. A primary 6 item build, and a couple alternative 6 item builds for different situations.
  2. A core item build consisting of 3-5 items that you always build and several options for the other item choices, sometimes with alternate core items as well.
And finally I'll usually have another item purchase order for my choice of actives AKA relics.

For chapters, there are several chapters that are essential, and a few that are accessory, but are very nice to add. I'll list them here, and go into further detail and templates below.





So, without further ado, here are some templates that I use when I go to construct a new guide.

Template - Introduction

Template - Introduction

For my introductions, I use one of two different templates, a basic and a more complex one. For my basic, I'll use Artemis and for my more complex, I'll use Bellona.

Template 1



Template 2



Template - Stats

Template - Stats

For stats I use one basic template, in this case I'll be using Sobek's.



Template - Pros / Cons

Template - Pros / Cons

For pros / cons I use one basic template, in this case I'll be using Chang'e's.



Template - Skills

Template - Skills

For my skills sections, I use one of two different templates, a basic and a more complex one that includes videos of each god's abilities (you can find a youtube video link for any god's abilities on their god page linked here). For my basic, I'll use Sobek and for my more complex, I'll use Chang'e.

Template 1



Template 2



Template - Items

Template - Items

Items are by far the most complicated section to make a template for since there are so many variations on builds and build orders that you can use. Regardless, here are a few basic templates for items that I've used

Template 1

These are two basic templates for two items in an item section for Eset and Sobek respectively.

template 1


template 2


Template 2

Oftentimes I'll write alternative options for an item selection in that item's section, in which case I'll do something like this.



Template 3

I'll leave an example of the full items section for Sobek here. I had several builds and alternative options for him, so it really shows how in-depth an items section can be. Don't think that you necessarily have to have such a complicated items section though. Only use what you need! (For a more simple items section, just look at the "solo build" section).



Template - Warding

Template - Warding

For warding I use one basic template. You will need to create your own images of where to place wards for whichever position / map you need warded. This is an example template for where to ward when playing support in Season-2.



Template - Gameplay

Template - Gameplay

For gameplay I usually split up into 3 chapters, Early Game, Mid Game, and Late Game. For each chapter I'll write a description of what to do during that stage in the game. Depending on how in-depth you go, you may want to divide it into additional sections (eg: in early game you can divide into start, laning and ganking, mid game you can divide into laning, ganking and teamfights, etc) and possibly write a summary at the end. I'll leave an example of my basic Late Game template for Chang'e here.



Template - Match-ups

Template - Match-ups

For match-ups I use one basic template, in this case I'll be using Bellona's. You may only need one section depending on how varied your lane is (eg: solo lane has many matchups, while Mid has fewer).



Template - Conclusion

Template - Conclusion

For conclusions I use one basic template, in this case I'll be using Bellona's.



Template - Other Guides

Template - Other Guides

For other guides I use one basic template in all cases. It's easiest to copy paste this section to be the same in all of your guides.



Template - Headers

Template - Headers

So I'm sure by now you've noticed the headers I've put at the top of each section. These were made entirely out of bbcoding tables and can add some flare to your guide. I've made them in all colors of the rainbow, (some turned out better than others). You can of course modify the colors using hex colors yourself to try to get them more to your liking. Sites like this can assist you in this task.



Template - Navigation

Template - Navigation

Recently it seems that users have taken a liking to keeping their table of contents accessible at the bottom of each section. I think that depending on the length of your sections, this can be a useful navigational tool to add to help make your guide more easily navigable. In these templates I link text to each section of a guide. To link to a section you can use a goto eg: [goto = chapter1] that links to an anchor. Each section you create automatically generates an anchor called chapterX with 'X' being the number of that section in order (it also corresponds to the number next to it in the automatically generated table of contents).

Template 1



Template 2


Template 3




Thanks for reading my guide! I really hope that it will contribute to making the guides on this site and the players who visit them become even better in the future. Happy smiting ~Zilby

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Zilby (132) | November 17, 2016 2:19pm
Now without b's because the code tag was fixed! :D
Bullfrog323 (27) | April 1, 2016 12:34pm
Oh ... my bad.

I don't know why, but when reading I totally skipped the Accessory section for some reason.
It's cool then, more reading to do :)

Wonderful guide of course

EDIT: Ok I read the section, and it is clearly explained what are those b's.
However, I would suggest to put that text more apparent, as I find it easy to miss.
Zilby (132) | April 1, 2016 9:33am
Zilby wrote:

Do note: for the coding sections, code blocks do not show new lines, so these will be indicated with a b (ie: line break). To get the same code you see here, just delete the b's.
Bullfrog323 (27) | April 1, 2016 9:28am
Spoiler: Click to view

This code is taken from the section "Template - Introduction / Template 1 / Code", but it happens often in your guide.

I noticed that there are often lines with only a "b" character.
I think it's supposed to mean an empty line.
I was wondering if that is the right way to do it, or if it is an output mistake ?
Zilby (132) | March 29, 2016 3:14pm
nanoyam wrote:

Wow Zilby! Quick and good work! You have all the useful info here, your work will certainly be seen in the future guides.

I'm upvoting this and I'll link this in my guidecrafting guide whenever I get it finished. But it might take longer than 2 days to get it published ;)

Thanks :)
And yeah, we still need a guidecrafting guide, I gave a really brief overview of each section, but this guide is really more on just how to use the templates than anything else.
Devampi wrote:

(just a small point a build guide does need to explain skill order that's it)

I don't have a template for just explaining skill order so I'm just not going to mention that :P
Devampi (105) | March 29, 2016 1:04pm
(just a small point a build guide does need to explain skill order that's it)
nanoyam (13) | March 29, 2016 4:46am
Wow Zilby! Quick and good work! You have all the useful info here, your work will certainly be seen in the future guides.

I'm upvoting this and I'll link this in my guidecrafting guide whenever I get it finished. But it might take longer than 2 days to get it published ;)
Stuke99 (56) | March 28, 2016 4:50pm
This is going to definitely help in getting SF the respect it deserves. Upvoted.
Zilby (132) | March 28, 2016 3:04pm
After mulling it over and going through it, I'm not going to go super in-detail with what sections are required for a full guide and what are required just for a build guide. All that extra writing adds a lot of bulk to the guide and strays from its main purpose, which is just to provide a template for guides. I'm just going to write in the Essentials section which sections are necessary for just a build guide.

*edit: finished doing stuff mentioned above, also added a section for the headers I used in this guide, and edited the code so that it indicates empty line breaks with 'b' rather than not showing them at all.
Zilby (132) | March 28, 2016 2:56pm
@Devampi, I'll change essentials and accessories and break them into the 3 sections you described. I'm not going to mention different game modes and such simply because I can leave it as "and whatever else you can think of." If you're doing a guide that's that in-depth, you probably know what you're doing.

@Bran, I didn't notice that, I added on those blue headers at the last second, I guess I messed some of them up. *This guide was done in 2 hours so it may not be my best formatted*
Branmuffin17 (401) | March 28, 2016 2:49pm
Nice, Z. Should make it helpful for newer BBCoders to get in the visual game, and of course, your general format for your guides is super solid.

FYI, you probably noticed, but you've got a lot of incomplete [/center]s in the summaries at the tops of many sections.
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