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Health:416(+66 HP per level)
HP5(HP per 5 seconds:7.45(+0.45 per level)
Mana:338(+58 per level)
MP5(Mana per 5 seconds):5.16(+0.36 per level)
Anubis is a amazing at killing noobie players, but with season 3 here. Anubis I feel like can be more viable in ranked joust or conquest.
This is Anubis' passive Sorrow. Sorrow is NEEDED on Anubis because one his protections are **** and two he scales off lifesteal a little. Here's what the passive does: All of Anubis' abilities steal Physical and Magical Protection from the target and he gains increased Scaling to his item-based Magical Lifesteal. In addition, Sorrow grants Anubis an additional 30% reduction to all Crowd Control durations. When Anubis steals the protections he adds them onto himself for a duration allowing him to survive 1v1's easier.
One of the reasons Anubis does a ton of damage, Plague of Locust enters his kit with a bizarrely short range yet large cone in front of him. Unlike most mages Anubis doesn't simply burst down a opponent. Burst means to quickly and efficiently deal LARGE amounts of damage to a single opponent. Instead all of Anubis' damaging abilities are in ticks. Plague of Locust doesn't reach very far, but the cone is almost a complete 180 degrees meaning anybody who is circling you isn't going to come unscathed.
Damage:35/50/6080/95(+40% of your total magical power) if all ticks hit then Damage:210/300/390/480/570(+240% of magical power).
This is Anubis' setup ability Mummify. This is a one of the best stuns in the game capping at 2 seconds max. Not only if the opponent doesn't have purification, if a smart Anubis decides to use this he ain't going to combo you instead he wants to bait out your purification so he dish out the pain. Remember if a opponent has purification BAIT it out FIRST! You don't want to end up in a sloppy situation. Mummify is also a skill shot stun so careful aiming and timing is required to be good at Anubis. Take note this ability applies a stack of Sorrow.
Grasping Hands is Anubis' 2nd main damaging ability. It does tick damage like Plague of Locust, but it's a large ranged area of effect slow as well. Grasping hands will slow and do damage allowing this ability to do more overall damage thanks to the slow. Use grasping hands when you mummify a target to do very good overall damage.
Damage:25/40/55/70/85 per tick (+35% of Total magical power), if all ticks hit Damage:100/160/220/280/340 (+140% of total magical power)
The Anubis ult his bread and butter the one thing everyone should fear Death Gaze enters Anubis kit as his MOST damaging and brutal ability of his entire kit. If all of his ticks hit on this ability he can essential One shot squishy enemies and kill a huge chunk of a tank's health. When using this ability he roots himself and gives himself CC. If you mummify someone use this ability to almost all of your ticks and probably get a kill.
Vampiric Shroud is a very good starting item for most mages due to it's ability to help you regain health and mana. This allows you a Anubis to stay in and have good sustain clearing minion waves, also when playing Conquest get 3 first then go for 2 and 1. Then max out your 3,2,1. Grab a point into your ult as soon as it allows but you may sacrifice it if your ability is nearly maxed. Purification relic allows you to remove hard CC so that you won't die to a jungler who ganked you. Shoes of Focus is for obvious reasons, you get a little bit of everything a mage needs power,cooldown reduction,movement speed. Buy it first. Spear of Magnus compliments well with Anubis' abilities due to them being mostly ticks allowing Anubis to do more damage due to reducing target's protection even further. Bancroft's Talon for good laning and it scales well with Anubis' passive allowing him to almost outsustain most mid laners. Book of Thoth allows Anubis to do more damage. Rod of Thauti obviously is here because of it's obviously good passive seriously it's a sin not having this on most mages though some do work better without it. Spear of Desolation is a luxury item that is most likely a late game buy choice, but it's passive is what made me think of it. With it's passive all of your ability cooldowns are reduced by 8s this allows you to quickly follow up your combo onto to your next target, plus it gives a powerful boost to your magical power and penetration. I hope all of you learn something today and I hope this build works very well in ranked games tell me if anything needs to be changed. Good Day and I will Smite on as Anubis!
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the other siggestion is instead of starting with tier 1 boots you could better start with a part of another item as boots only provide movements speed. while something like
Also in the god builder you can add a skill order.
And you could add combo's into the skill section too.