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Anubis - Ranked Joust Guide (updated)

16 2 185,886
by Kezama updated October 17, 2014

Smite God: Anubis

Build Guide Discussion 18 More Guides
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Anubis Build


Build Item Vampiric Shroud Vampiric Shroud
Build Item Shoes Shoes
Build Item Aegis Amulet (Old) Aegis Amulet (Old)


Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant

Full build (purchase order)

Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth


Build Item Aegis Pendant Aegis Pendant
Build Item Girdle of Inner Power Girdle of Inner Power

Anubis's Skill Order

Plague of Locusts

1 X Y
Plague of Locusts
2 8 11 12 19


2 A B
3 14 15 16 18

Grasping Hands

3 B A
Grasping Hands
1 4 6 7 10

Death Gaze

4 Y X
Death Gaze
5 9 13 17 20
Plague of Locusts
2 8 11 12 19

Plague of Locusts

1 X
A plague of locusts bellows forth from Anubis' mouth, smothering all enemies in the area and doing damage every .25s for 3s. Anubis is immune to knockback while channeling and moves at 50% speed.

Ability Type: Cone, Damage
Damage Per Tick: 18 / 26 / 34 / 42 / 50 (+22% of your Magical Power)
Range: 35
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 10s
3 14 15 16 18


2 A
Anubis fires a bandage projectile, mummifying and stunning his target.

Ability Type: Line, Stun
Stun Duration: 2s
Range: 70
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 17 / 16 / 15 / 14 / 13s
Grasping Hands
1 4 6 7 10

Grasping Hands

3 B
Anubis calls for help from the underworld as hands penetrate the ground and claw at his enemies, doing damage and slowing every 0.5s for 2s.

Ability Type: Circle, Slow, Damage
Damage Per Tick: 25 / 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 (+35% of your Magical Power)
Slow: 25%
Range/Radius: 55/20
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 14 / 13.5 / 13 / 12.5 / 12s
Death Gaze
5 9 13 17 20

Death Gaze

4 Y
Anubis focuses all of his energy into a piercing gaze, doing damage to all enemies in the path, every 0.1s for 3s.

Ability Type: Line, Damage
Damage Per Tick: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (+13% of your Magical Power)
Range: 70
Cost: 90
Cooldown: 90 / 85 / 80 / 75 / 70s


Hey everyone, I've being doing ranked joust with Anubis for a while now and thought I would share my build and tricks with other people wanting to get into ranked matches.

Pros / Cons

Crazy amounts of damage.
good minion clear
Amazing Jungle clear
very fast titan kills

Struggles against Bruisers
Can be very squishy
No way to escape CC



All of Anubis' abilities steal 7 physical and magical protection per tick from the target and he gains 33% scaling to his item-based magical lifesteal per tick, for 5s. Max of 3 stacks. In addition, Sorrow grants Anubis an additional 30% reduction to all crowd control durations (does not stack with Resolve).

This is an Awesome Passive that has 3 parts to it

first part
he steals physical and magical protection per tick from the target meaning for the next 5 seconds you're hitting harder and harder to kill

Second part
he gains 33% scaling to his item-based magical lifesteal per tick meaning any items you have bought with LS on will now steal more 33% more life in ranked joust this couldn't be better

Third part
sorrow grants Anubis an additional 30% reduction to all crowd control durations (does not stack with Resolve). meaning all forms of CC will now be shorter

Ability 1:
A plague of locusts bellows forth from Anubis' mouth, smothering all enemies in the area and doing 35/50/65/80/95 (+40% of your magical power) damage every .5s for 3s. Anubis is immune to knockback while channeling.
Cost: 60/70/80/90/100 mana.
Cooldown: 15/14/13/12/11 seconds.

This is simply a damage dealer, a best time to use this is when you are stuck in a root and have no way out, you can't move while using this ability but you can turn so you can scare off some would be attacker until the root is broken.

Ability 2:
Anubis fires a bandage projectile, mummifying and stunning his target for 1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8/2s.
Cost: 60 mana.
Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14 seconds.

This is Anubis' CC ability and it has many uses ranging from setting up a kill for yourself, stopping a kill getting away and even saving yourself from becoming someone else's kill if they are chasing you turn around throw your number 2 out and carry on running just don't miss or they'll gain some distance

Ability 3:
Anubis calls for help from the underworld as hands penetrate the ground and claw at his enemies, doing 25/40/55/70/85 (+35% of your magical power) damage and slowing them by 25% every .5s for 2s.
Cost: 70/80/90/100/110 mana.
Cooldown: 15/14/13/12/11 seconds.

This is your main damage dealer for clearing minions and putting out poke on the enemy it also slows, so it can be used as a way to keep people from running away if number 2 is on cool down.

Anubis focuses all of his energy into a piercing gaze, doing 23/28/33/38/43 (+15% of your magical power) damage to all enemies in the path, every 0.1 seconds for 3 seconds.
Cost: 90 mana.
Cooldown: 90/85/80/75/70 seconds.

For me this is my favourite Ultimate in the entire game match this with gem of isolation and there's not many gods that will get away and survive this or if they do they'll be running back to base very quickly this ticks every 0.1 seconds for 3 seconds
so imagine even at level one with 0 magic power you are still hitting them for 690 damage.


Bancroft's Talon - The reason I buy this item first is mainly the life steal, it's the only LS item I buy because I never feel like I need more plus the 100 magic power makes this a very nice early burst item, plus the passive is amazing, for every 1% life you lose you gain 1% more magic power, meaning as you lose life you're hitting harder and also because you are hitting harder you benefit from the Life steal more.

Shoes of Focus - 9/10 I tend to go for cool down reduction more than penetration more CDR more damage however if I'm up against a Bruiser I will stack more Penetration.

Gem of Isolation - although your number 3 ability is a slow there's nothing more annoying than someone escaping your Ultimate so using this item they are slowed while in your Ult meaning they have to be extremely lucky to escape it.

Chronos' Pendant - This item matched with your boots means you are capped on CDR the reason I go for this more than Breastplate of Valour is simply the magic power this build is a fast paced. high damage build not a tanky build.

Rod of Tahuti - Simply a must have for every mage loads of Magic power and the passive increases Magic power by 25% and it has mana regen.

Book of Thoth - I've played around with the last item quite a lot and this one for me wins in most cases it has a lot of Magic power and mana and it also turns 3% of your mana into Magic power once I have this Item it's very very rare I run out of mana totally.


Ok so for me there are 2 combo's both starting with;

then Followed up with

this is where it changes you can either go


either work depending what you need your Ultimate for I'll go over that in the next Chapter.

Dirty Tricks

I've noticed a lot of people fail to mention their Tricks and tips, because they don't want them used against them which is a smart move but, I'm here to share my build and I prefer matches with people who have tricks up their sleeve, it makes the match much more interesting.

some of these are just General Smite tips but they are all good to know.

These are just General Anubis Tips I have done Tips for gods, items and abilities in different sections.

Tip number one

We are not tanks Anubis is a very squishy god, although you can deal a lot of damage don't run in thinking you can out damage them, although you probably can all they have to do is dodge your moves then they will move in and kill you easily.

Tip number two

Only go for the kill if you know you can get it as said above we are not tanks we move in we kill we get out.

Tip number Three

Pretend to go for camps then hide the middle camps in joust for example the enemy can see you running for them and will most likely follow you, hide round the corner then jump out with Mummify and follow up with Grasping Hands and Plague of Locusts if I know for a fact they are coming I will use my Grasping Hands first so they take more damage in the stun.

Tip number Four

As I said in the previous Chapter plan your Ultimate the last dirty trick I have for you is a fun one, our ultimate combined with number 3 can finish off a joust titan in 3 - 4 seconds if their Phoenix is down either kill them with a 2, 3, 1 combo or if you can't kill them wait down the sides of a jungle close enough to run in fast but far enough away so they won't see you as they run past let them get to at least your tower then run in and steal the win. If they are at your phoenix and about to kill it and you are near their base with their phoenix already down don't portal back just run straight in and kill their Titan you will always win that race.

Anubis Vs types

As the Chapter says this is against types not each God.

To start off with I'm going to tie Tanks and Bruisers together and Mages and Hunters together.

Tanks and Bruisers

These are the bane of my life in Ranked Joust it's 1 V 1 so they can go ahead and stack Magical protection taking away the whole point on Anubis,
So how I deal with them is all in the early game they're stacking protection as fast as possible and ignoring damage so I start playing really aggressively normally I leave towers for my Minions to take down to waste the other players EXP against Tanks and bruisers I smash the tower and phoenix down as fast as I possibly can after that I'll go on the farm stay in my tower kill minions and camps until I have my 6th item then I'll push their phoenix again, go back to base and start running down one of the jungles towards their base as soon as they are on my tower I run in and steal the will with a 3,4,1 combo on the titan.

Mages and Hunters

I love coming up against these they are trying to stack maximum Damage and they have little if any protections.

So how I deal with them is all in the Late game the idea of Ranked Joust is that it's not a race against these types just keep poking and retreating kill minions and camps whenever possible don't forget these types have a lot of damage and if you miss your abilities they can kill you pretty easily so only go in when you know it's a kill DO NOT KILL THEIR TOWER! I can not stress that enough use the towers to kill your minions so the other player doesn't get the experience and gold from them when you are a few levels ahead 2 - 4 is a good gap that's when you can start playing more aggressively and kill the Tower, Phoenix and Titan.

Anubis Vs Gods

Rather than doing every God I'm just going to put in the one's I feel are worth mentioning, if anyone wants me to do a God I haven't done in this section leave me a comment below and I'll add it to the list.

So first god

In ranked joust I've noticed a lot of people tend to go with Mercury he's fast, he's strong and he can finish most gods in a matter of seconds however with Anubis and our Mummify Ability he's actually an easy god to come up against when he runs in use one of the Combo's in the Combo section as long as you hit with Mummify you won't have any issues if you miss it's a race that he will normally win.

Tips for Mercury

Wait do not run in against a Mercury let him come to you once he engages you counter and kill, you can put out a lot of poke with Grasping Hands do not use Plague of Locusts as a poke, it's too close he can withstand the damage of it and kill you, then he just goes back to base to heal the damage you just put on him.

I tend to deal with Mercury same as I would with Mages and Hunters check the section above for that.

Of all the mages I hate this guy the most he's one of the few Gods that can kill someone as fast as Anubis with his Magma Bomb and Backfire combo at late game,
this is the only mage I will push towers faster for once I'm on his phoenix I'll sit back and farm.

Tips for Vulcan

First off be careful when he's ult'ing it's one of the few Ult's that will one shot you later game make sure you get Aegis Pendant even the first stage of it as fast as possible then you can dodge his ult and immune it when you can't run out of it.

Be careful of his combo if he gets it off you have little if any chance of stunning or immuning it the good thing is you can see when his Magma Bomb is coming towards you so you have 2 choices use Mummify if you can reach him then start your own Combo or immune the Combo then start your own

Of all the bruisers I like this one the least it's my third favourite god and I know how he works so coming up against him makes me play a lot safer than I normally would his Passive gives him more damage the more health he loses so don't be close when you're about to kill him unless you have Mummify on him.

Tips for Hercules

The most important tip is DO NOT stand at the edge of the tower trying to bait him into running towards you so you can Mummify he'll use his Earthbreaker to knock you up into the tower then Driving Strike you into the tower and squash you against it I've had so many kills by doing this it's funny so if he's in the tower stay away from him kill him outside the tower then push as fast as you can.

Same as I said in the section above I push his tower and phoenix as fast as I can then farm until I can ult his titan and kill it.

Anubis is a fairly common god with the amount of Damage he puts out so you will more than likely come up against your mirror God a lot.

Tips for Anubis

There are two main ways to deal with an Anubis vs Anubis fight.

One way which is more risky is to let them make the first ultimate, make sure you buy Aegis Pendant as soon as possible, if they get the Mummify off first be prepared to use your immunity and hold out against the combo then return it with your own Mummify and Death Gaze if their Immunity is on cool down 9/10 you've won the fight if it's not or you're not sure don't ult them just hold off and use the second tactic.

The second way is to use Mummify, Grasping Hands then plague of locusts and force them into using their immunity as soon as you see they have used it back off your job is done for the moment, if the enemy god has beads fire off a Mummify first and make it look like you are going in so they waste their beads, now both their beads and aegis are off CD wait for your abilities to come off CD and it's time to go in.

As always make sure you have your wards up at the end of both the middle tunnels if you see the Anubis is down there don't Charge straight in chances are they're waiting for you to do that so they can catch you with CC and burst you down either wait off to the side at the start of the tunnel so you can catch them with a CC and burst or if you know they are attacking the camps run down with your Mummify ready to cast slowly creep round the corner and hit them with CC and burst them down.

I treat Anubis as any other mage, hunter or Assassin letting their tower kill my minions and getting as many levels ahead as I can before pushing the tower.

I will be adding more Gods in the near future as I said if anyone wants to know about a certain god let me know and I will do that one next.

How to counter and counter Enemies counters

So i've Decided to split this section into three different parts countering Item's, Sticky (bad) situations and countering counters.

Part one - Countering Items

So there are a Number of items that can be used to attempt to counter an Anubis but there are ways around all of these it makes fights a bit more poke, run, kill but I prefer a good fight than one that isn't a challenge.

Magi's blessing - This for me is probably the most annoying one I've had a few Good situations ruined by this item but I get the kill a few seconds later, so the way I counter this is to simply cast Mummify and nothing else this sets the passive on cool down and allows you to then go in again with a full combo.

Aegis Pendant - As I said Anubis has two Combo's a 2,3,1 combo or a 2,3,4 combo how I counter this item is by getting off a full 2, 3, 1 combo which does so much damage they are forced into using the Pendant as soon as you see they have used it back away there's nothing else you can do until your Abilities come off Cool down, once they are back in you go with either Combo Plague of Locusts doesn't come off Cool Down until it has finished casting so it's off a few seconds after the others because of this my Second combo is normally a 2,3,4 combo to Finish them off.

If the enemy god has both of these items put them both together use Mummify wait for it to come off cool down go in for your first combo back away until they are back up then go in for the third this is the main reason I went for full CDR this is easily achievable before either Item comes off Cool down.

Treat beads of purification the same as you would Magi's blessing maybe add a Grasping Hands so they think you are going to go in with a full combo.

Spirit Robe - This is a pain but even this one can be countered by either using a Mummify then another as soon as it's off cool down or using Mummify then wait 3 seconds and run in with Grasping Hands and Death Gaze.

Jumps and Escapes - I know neither of these are Items but they are Definitely worth mentioning, so the way I deal with Jumps and escapes is to poke the god down first to Around 25% - 50% health before going in with my Mummify, Grasping Hands and Death Gaze combo.

Parts two and three will be made as soon as I have the time.

What's to Come

As I've said I'm pushed for time with work at the moment so there will be more coming for the guide but just to give people a heads up on what to expect here's a list.

More Gods in Anubis vs Gods
How to counter and counter counter's parts 2 and 3 to be finished
More builds such as Arena, Conquest, Assault and Grab bag (I can't find any builds for this so why not)
Different choice of Items and an explanation to why I would use them
A game play video
In game Pictures to help with explanations


This is my First guide and just thought I would share my Build and play style with others to hopefully help them out, I promise I will update the build to make it look better with colour and less writing but until then here's a Dinosaur to keep you happy.Thanks for reading my guide please leave Comments and Questions.

Change log

16.10.14 - Added Anubis Vs Gods section

17.10.14 - Added Anubis vs Anubis in the Anubis Vs Gods section
- Added a How to counter and counter Enemies counters part 1

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Aaronsharkgo2 (2) | February 5, 2016 6:42pm
Hey Kezama if your having trouble with tanks their are things like Spear of Magnus as it has very good synergy with most of Anubis' abilities due to them being ticks.
Technotoad64 (46) | January 29, 2016 7:55am
Very nice guide, I really appreciate that you shared your tricks, as not many players are willing to do that.
Thank you for the guide.

I have two questions, though:
Why is Book of Thoth last? Aren't you supposed to get items that you build stacks for in the early game so that you have time to get to full stacks?
When are you doing the other game modes?
krokas | January 20, 2016 7:13am
too much MP5. in early game maybe its ok but in late nope not going to work + there is scary active against anubis shield of underworld so basicly you kill your self :P
Amadakon | February 28, 2015 3:07pm
Thank you! Your build has won me 90% of my conquest games! :D
SwarMRegs | February 7, 2015 8:42pm
Sweet guide!

There are a couple of gods I hate playing against.
What gods do you recommend banning before the games start?
nachonole | January 9, 2015 9:29am
Hey man, nice guide for 1v1. I hope u get the time to finish it, cuz It would get nice reviews for sure. If u ever consider adding conquest in this guide, I would star with Vamp Shroud and tier 1 Bancroft Talon. then finish it and instead off CDR boots, I would get Pen, just to pump up that dmg early. Once I finish boots and BT, I always go for Spear of the Magus for only one reason...ticks. U can´t go wrong with this item, ADC will melt for u, and tank will run away from u. The passive, also stacks up with your passive, so....they have even LESS armor. Then, Chronos pendant and RoT. Last item is up to u, but the first 3 items, should never change...or at least that is my opinion. If u have any cuestions, pls ask or if u want to change something, ill listen without a problem what so ever. Kezama, u have my +1 on this guide :P
darkhaste | December 29, 2014 6:02pm
amazing guide :D

loooveee the dinosour ;)

it helped alot.
Fayne | November 26, 2014 7:32pm
nice guide !
Kezama | October 18, 2014 5:02am
yeah as I've said I will be getting round to other areas such as conquest, arena and assault it's just finding the time at the moment work is hectic, but as soon as it calms down I will have a lot more time to finish the guide off.
TheZodiacWolf (23) | October 18, 2014 3:17am
Kezama I like that you do Anubis joust 1vs1. That takes a good amount of skill. Though if you really want to expand the usefulness of this guide. Add something on conquest to. Videos of you're joust matches also would jump up the usefulness.

Though all in all it's you're choice. Just throwing ideas out there. My guide was just for duo lane Fenrir when I started. Expanding made mine very useful.
Kezama | October 16, 2014 8:41pm
Hey Greenevers

As most chapters in this build have "I will do more later" means it's not finished yet and there is a lot more to come I'm just really busy at the mo and can't do it all at once.

As for it being easily counterable I have to disagree, yes there are certain item which help but none that totally take Anubis out of the running other wise what would be the point.

So first for the Items use Mummify once to waste the items passives next, start going in with a combo I normally go for a 2, 3, 1 combo making them waste their Greater Aegis, with the amount of CDR this build has I can fit a second and if I'm very fast a 3rd combo before their items and actives are off CD again so all you need to do is fake a combo before going in for the kill, with the fakes I do however the player either uses actives or they die. so no this god is not easily counter-able in the slightest, and even if they do beads your Mummify with Gem of Isolation a number 3,4 combo will finish them off before they make a few steps obviously excluding Gods with jumps / escapes and, as for Greater Blink yes it's not a bad idea but if it's a Mage, Hunter or an Assassin they can be taken down too easily to waste an active slot.

So again as said in the build there is more coming I'm covering the most important bits first then making my way through the build adding more when I have had time.

If you need help on Anubis, hel or herc as these are my 3 main gods feel free to PM me
Greenevers (105) | October 16, 2014 5:23pm

Anyways this is my take on Anubis in Joust ranked.

Anubis is a decent got but way too easily counterable. Items like magic's blessing, Spirit Robe, Greater Aegis, or Purification Beads easily counter Anubis. (Your best bet is Spirit Robe+ Greater Aegis because even if you're immune to cc Anubis can easily burst you Down from 100 to 0 if you beads too late or you want have enough health to retaliate)

Also, you might want to add a Greater Blink to catch people unawares and melt a titan without having to 1v1 your enemy.

Honestly there aren't many 1v1 guides on this site and you need a lot more counters/tips to make this a good guide. If you need any help feel free to PM me and ask me any questions.
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