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Anubis - The Master of Arena

1 0 3,673
by gatygun updated August 26, 2015

Smite God: Anubis

Build Guide Discussion 0 More Guides
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Anubis Build

The only one

Build Item Talon Trinket Talon Trinket
Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Shoes Shoes
Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi
Build Item Magic Focus Magic Focus
Build Item Spell Focus Spell Focus
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Enchanted Spear Enchanted Spear
Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Lost Artifact Lost Artifact
Build Item Restored Artifact Restored Artifact
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti

Anubis's Skill Order

Plague of Locusts

1 X Y
Plague of Locusts
14 15 16 18 19


2 A B
2 4 8 11 12

Grasping Hands

3 B A
Grasping Hands
1 3 6 7 10

Death Gaze

4 Y X
Death Gaze
5 9 13 17 20
Plague of Locusts
14 15 16 18 19

Plague of Locusts

1 X
A plague of locusts bellows forth from Anubis' mouth, smothering all enemies in the area and doing damage every .25s for 3s. Anubis is immune to knockback while channeling and moves at 50% speed.

Ability Type: Cone, Damage
Damage Per Tick: 18 / 26 / 34 / 42 / 50 (+22% of your Magical Power)
Range: 35
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 10s
2 4 8 11 12


2 A
Anubis fires a bandage projectile, mummifying and stunning his target.

Ability Type: Line, Stun
Stun Duration: 2s
Range: 70
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12s
Grasping Hands
1 3 6 7 10

Grasping Hands

3 B
Anubis calls for help from the underworld as hands penetrate the ground and claw at his enemies, doing damage and slowing every 0.5s for 2s.

Ability Type: Circle, Slow, Damage
Damage Per Tick: 25 / 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 (+35% of your Magical Power)
Slow: 25%
Range/Radius: 55/20
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 14 / 13.5 / 13 / 12.5 / 12s
Death Gaze
5 9 13 17 20

Death Gaze

4 Y
Anubis focuses all of his energy into a piercing gaze, doing damage to all enemies in the path, every 0.1s for 3s.

Ability Type: Line, Damage
Damage Per Tick: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (+13% of your Magical Power)
Range: 70
Cost: 90
Cooldown: 90 / 85 / 80 / 75 / 70s


Arena and anubis not a good match in general you would think. Zero mobility, and easily farmed by other gods specially as two out of the four skills will immobilize you and pretty much sets you up for getting killed.

Whenever i joined a arena match and had anubis inside my team or the enemy team it would be a easy kill for anybody pretty much. It basically made the god a joke and i wanted to change that.

So i decided to focus on anubis and help players out here to not feed but actually dominate the entire arena with it.

Also i'm a huge stargate fan, so the skin helped a lot with me loving this god :P.

With this guide, we make anubis mobile, do high amounts of damage. Make it a tank killer and make him impossible to be killed easy.

Have fun reading it.



1) Bancroft's Talon

First we build towards this item, it's a must for starting. You will have it at the first return to your base, this allows you to do more burst damage the moment your hp pool will be lowered ( really handy when you burst down a loki that attacks you, the more damage he does to you the higher your ult damage will be ), which probably will be the case at the start of the match. It also gives life steal and a lot of magic damage. A good starting item.

It also works really well with your passive.

2) Shoes of the Magi

Our focus will be on magic pen, as the enemy's that will hunt you down are mostly tanky characters with defenses with damage dealers hiding behind them. Your job will be to destroy those and kite the hard hitters behind it.

Movement speed isn't nessesary at the start, as you can simple keep your distance, but at this point in time you need to buy the boots simple to keep up with the enemy running speed. It also helps it provides damage something you need.

3) Obsidian shard:

As our the biggest issue in arena are tanks or other ones that make your life a hell as you can't run away, it's important to directly invest into magic penetration as much as possible. this will make tanks die as fast as anybody else on the field.

The first and best item for this is obsidian shard ( after the boots ). It also help's it's a cheap item and also adds more damage which helps with damaging non tanks also.

4) Spear of the Magus

The same reason as obsidian shard, this will make tanks die throughout the entire match without much issue's. And it will basically melt anything that comes into your burst.

The magic damage on the item is somewhat weak, but your damage ability's will do enough to keep your burst above anybody else.

5) Rod of Tahuti

This will be your main burst item, after you finish this you won't have issue's with any character anymore. They will melt infront of you like it's nothing.

6) and beyond

After the first 5 items, there really isn't much needed anymore on the damage department. You can pick whatever you want.

I personally would invest into defensive trinkets like Aegis Pendant and Combat blink at this point. As you want to avoid being killed at all time.

If defense or ultility isn't needed, simple go for soul reaver to add even more damage towards the mix or any item you would like to have.

7) Potions and other items:

Whenever i return to base i take 1 or 2 multi potions with me, it's not a issue if you can't at times when money is tight. And that's about it.

Tactics and Playstyle


Movement and kiting is king in arena, the moment you stand still and damage somebody close in his face you will be melted away by overlapping crowd control and hefty amount of overlapping burst. Avoid as much as possible. The only way you can do this is when you ult and your position is good.

Follow the following rules in order to be succesful:

1) Never die, there is no point in killing anybody if you die. It's better to not attack that person at all then and just keep playing defensive.

2) Only attack when you are for a 100% sure you won't get ganked or nobody is attacking you.

3) never overextend, always stay towards the middle of the arena or close to your base. Never stand in front of the group always stay behind it and walk around your group when the enemy moves around them. Just pick enemy off one by one that overextend

Nine out of the then times the enemy is looking at how fast you react and how much risks you take. They will take this into there attack pattern to burst you down. This is why you need to keep distance at all time.

4) Track enemy's positions that are dangerous to you at all time.

For example loki, he can burst you really hard so it's important to keep him on a distance. If loki is at the right pillar when his group is attacking the middle and your group is trying to hold them back, you will not focus on anything else then loki, keep your 2 and 3 skill and wait for him to go invisible.

This is where you want to stand:

Bleu arrow anubis
brown squares enemy
blue squares team mates
red arrow loki

You keep walking around your own team so that your team stays in between loki and you. Loki will have a impossible job to attack you as you are simple said to far away. He will then focus another champ.

The moment he goes invisible, you look which teammate he can go for that is easy for him to target and walk towards him. he will attack that teammate you will use your 3 and then 2 and walk away as his other team will move in.

This will kill him or leave him with such low hp that he will simple run away towards his team mates just to die by your team.

Loki dead? or returned to his base? it's time to focus the mid field and see what you can do there.

If you get this under control, enemy's will get extremely frustrated and will take huge amounts of risk to attack you. which will only result in you killing them easy or your team mates just wrecking them entirely.

If loki somehow is capable to reaching you because you didn't pay enough attention the best way is to burst him down hard, you will burst harder then loki, and with your higher mummify level you can simple nuke him down without a issue ( it also helps that your first item increases your damage when your hp is lower ).

Just throw 3 under you, then 2 on him and ult. He will be dead before he leaves mummify.

Do this 2-3 times in a match and loki will not bother you again ever.

5) Focus tanks whatever you can.

There probably isn't a god with your current build that can deal better with tanks then you. If champs like loki are completely shut down from attacking you like you like i showcased above.

Tanks will try to attack you or simple throw chaos into the fight in order to pick you up as easy kill when your team splits up.

Never attack tanks in the middle of the map unless they are low hp and you can simple finish them off.

Attack tanks close to your base which will happen a lot as they simple do not aspect you to burst them down as easy as anybody else. As pretty much nobody has the burst for it.

What you want to do is, throw your 3 under them, then root. Do not do this the other way around, you will lose precious root time. This takes some time to get used to if you are used to do it the other way around.

The reason for this is that you got now a lot more damage to throw without them having any possibility to get away from it.

So basically 3 > 2 then ult ( never use 1 ).

The damage on a tank with just your 3 > 2 will probalby already be 50% of his health, that's how much damage you do. Your ult will just lazor right through him and kill him off.

At this point your team can easily rush in and pick up kills on the midfield while you keep behind them. ( never overextend ).

6) If for example ares pulls with his ult, make sure you got your 3 under him and use your ult on where he pulls them, even if you do not kill anybody you pretty lowered there hp so drastically that they will simple be picked off 1 by 1 by your teammates or they will run back to there base which makes it easy for your team to push adds into the portal.

Keep in mind that even if your team runs towards the enemy portal, you are better of staying in the middle or even closer towards your base. Specially if there are gods that can jump far distances etc. Most of the time people die because they overextend.


720p / 60fps Summery of the video:

1) you will see gods being melted down without any effort with just 3 damage.
2) you will see how strong the root when upgraded really is.
3) you will see where i use 1 for, when i level it up ( minions / loki that is low health and goes stealth )
4) you will see how i deal with ambushes that i can't escape from ;P.

I took a lot of risk in this video more then your normally would want to do, but i had a good overview on the battlefield and basically had loki 24/7 under my sight. I used a trinket simple because i wanted to take more risk but prevent me from getting ganked.


1) Plague of Locusts

You gonna pick Plague of Locusts as the last skill entirely. You would want to avoid casting this skill as much as possible or rather not use it at all until you are late game.


The skill simple doesn't do enough damage right out of the gate, it nails you on the ground and practically makes you a easy target for everybody else. Your role is to keep distance and keep moving at all time while doing damage, but that's not all you also have to keep your distance. This skill simple won't fit that bill at all and will be dropped and leveled as last out all the skills.

2) Mummify.

Most people tend to level this skill as last, we will as second. Reason for this is, that skill cooldown will be shorter which is always good, but also the stun duration will go from 1.2 sec towards 2 seconds which is a massive increase. This will make it possible to keep a tank trapped or a player as long as your ultimate casts and completely wreck them without escape.

It also is your only defensive cooldown to get away from things or prevent burst on you or another player, it's absolutely crucial to level this one second for arena.

Situations you can be in where mummify is needed:

1) Somebody jumps you and you need to escape
2) You set up a burst and prevent the enemy from getting out of it
3) you help other team players escape from being ganked by casting this on there attackers
4) you force beads or other from players so that "ares" can pull them in his ult
5) you cast it so your team mates can catch up with a enemy player and finish him off

My hint for this skill is:

You will only want to use this for burst whenever you are sure you can't be killed by another ranged enemy player. If you are not sure it's better to keep it from cooldown so that you can defend yourself.

3) Grasping hands

This is your main burst ability, this ability will hurt a lot ( it can lower on it's own people by 80% of his hp ), you will find yourself at the middle of the match killing people entirely with just this skill. It's absolutely crucial to pick this first and level this max. You can drop it far away and you won't ever have to look at it anymore as it does damage. Far superior then any other skill you got.

My advice is to do not spam this ability, you will need it off cooldown as much as possible only use it on adds if it's absolutely needed. If there are others killing them don't bother casting it but try to poke players with it from a big distance.

Situations you will use this skill:

1) Kill minion waves ( again rarely )
2) when people are trapped / crippled throw it under them
3) forcing enemy groups to split up
4) throw it in between a enemy player and a fleeing team mate to break the fight up

4) Death Gaze

You level this one up the moment you can, it's your absolute best burst ability and far more stronger then your first ability that's for sure.

You do want to use this ability:

1) burst a enemy down hard
2) kill siege golems fast in combination with grasping hands when needed.

My hint for this skill is:

Only use it when you are positive in taking a enemy down and are not in danger of being attacked yourself.

Even while this skill is a high burst ability, it's insanely good for defensive solutions by bursting your enemy down harder then he does you.


You will get a lot of enjoyment out of surviving the entire match without getting killed then you would think. Enemy's will get visible more frustrated then anything else as the so easy to kill anubis suddently is killing everybody without issue's and simple isn't getting caught at all.

Even if your team has a bad early game, the moment you get your ult and your penetration going it's game over when playing right for the enemy team. As you keep your distance they will have to focus other gods and when they do you will jump in and absolute wreck them.

I personally don't get trinkets as 9 out of the 10 times i won't need them at all. If there is a hades or ares just keep your distance from them, and it's impossible for them to gank you.

You are now a extremely mobile high damage dealing, tank killing anubis with a good cc.

As this is my first guide, it's a bit much text. As i have no clue how to really push things forwards. I hope you understand that.


The questions about CDR:

I do not go for CDR or any mana friendly item, as mana isn't a issue and CDR isn't needed. You don't need to spam your skills more, the burst is what counts and your skills have a solid cooldown already from itself. I rather have burst over it.

Pros / Cons


1) Extreme high burst
2) Mobile
3) Strong CC
4) Tank killer
5) hard to get kill


1) need to track the entire battlefield on dangerous enemy's
2) harder to play then other easy champs
3) has to play defensive over offensive

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