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In this guide I will tell you my perspective for what is best for Arachne.
This is my first guide so there may be some typing errors or other problems so bear with me. This Build for Arachne is best for a jungler/ganker build where you also have to farm alot of minions. I love playing Arachne and she is one of the best gankers in the game, Arachne is all about positioning and doesn't have a nuke ability, she is more utility. Arachne is famous for her ultimate which you almost always initiate with.
Poison Claws | This is a very good passive as it adds a lot of damage to Arachne. This is a good cover for no nuke ability so when attacking gods always get 3 hits to maximize the stacks |
Tangled Web | Tangled web:A full utility skill but a very good one, It has a good radius persists long and still slows even if they're not in the zone. Can be used with brodlings to save a teammate trying to escape from an enemy. You should upgrade this a couple of times then upgrade it last. |
This build is mostly for jungling and ganking in conquest.
Core Build
Bumbas mask: this is a really good item for junglers. Even though it is not mandatory for Arachne the health and mp5 benefit is really nice.
Warrior tabi: This is a must, the physical call power and move speed really help.
Devourer's gloves: more physical power and lifesteal, with lifesteal I found that I always was hovering at full health.
executioner: Good physical power and attack speed theres nothing more to say.
Situational Defence
Voidblade: This item is pretty good for most assasins, but you already have pen with executioner and you can get physical defence from other items.
Hide of the leviathan: A good split in defence, also the cc reduction is pretty good. You may find that other items are better though.
Bulwark of hope: This item is good if they have strong magic dealers. Also the passive might just give you enough time to lifesteal back up again to a safe health percentage.
Runic sheild: This item gives you good magical defence and extra physical power. The passive is also great for staying in the fight longer.
Witchstone: This item is good for countering the enemies team assassin and hunter. It gives good physical protection and offense. I will usually take witchstone over voidblade.
Situational Offence
Frostbound Hammer: This item gives good health and physical power giving a bit more tankiness.
The passive is really good for stacking with tangled web. With this item it will be very hard for the enemy to get away and you will be able to hit your drain life easier.
Deathbringer: This is a very good item for assassins and hunters. The only issue is this is more of a late game item and Aracne needs to build tanky late game.
Rage: this pairs off with deathbringer very nicely. But with the same issues as deathbringer and taking the pair takes two item slots leaving only one slot left after selling Bumbas.
Qin's blades: This gives good offensive stats plus 150 health which gives a bit more tankiness. This is a very good antitank item and paired with exicutioner can burn down tanks very quickly.
Brawlers beat stick: This is onlygood if they have a major healer on the other team. With onle mediocre stats I would get a better item.
Asi: This gives a bit more lifesteal and when your low on health this can save your but if you can get in enough auto attacks.
good abilities
Hog: This is not neccisary but can really help early game camp clearing and with can safely get fire giant at teir 3.
Creeping curse: Probably the best choice after Hog, because it is great for ganking and can be used when your Tangled WebTangled Web is on cooldown.
Heavenly agility/sprint: these abilities are good for escaping and chasing but depends on what situation you find yourself in. If you are constantly with an ally get Heavenly Agility. If your usually alone get Sprint.
Aigis/purification beads: this is a good item if you find that you are getting trapped in aoe so it can help you stay alive more often.
You always want hand of the gods then the second is situational and for whatever works for you.
Eye of providence: A very good item for warding your jungle in conjunction with your broodlings. Also your team will love you for it late game.
Arachne is a great jungler with her broodlings and drain life help her get through jungle camps quikly even with out hand of the gods (even though you shouls still get it since it helps early game).
Jungle camps
Blue:This is better for your solo laner. Plus bumbas should help with your mana problems early game.
Red:A very good buff for ganking with the right combo of skills can almost always ensure a kill.
Orange:A good buff to get to get around the map quickly and get to jungle camps before the enemy team.
Try to always have one buff before you go to gank so you ensure a kill. Always listen when your team is looking for a gank, as a successful gank puts your team ahead.
Around level 10 make a nest of broodling near the gold fury. You don't need to stay in the area just put one down when your passing through. This will ensure you can solo it plus make it easier for your team.
Tips forPoison ClawsPoison claws: Poison claws is a pretty solid passive it's not like Agni or Poseidon making you rely on getting basic attacks in to enhance your abilities, or getting last hits like Bakasura, or getting specific items for Ares or Ao kuang. It is a simple dot you get when you basic attack any enemy giving extra damage, even though it is useless if you don't basic attack, but that happens like never. This passive works well with
drain life since it still does damage while your sucking the brains out of them. Make sure to get three stacks on a target, and move on once you since you can spread out damage faster and your not wasting your passive.
Tips for
broodlings: Broodlings are very good for owning the jungle by warding, areas and attacking enemies when they come close discouraging enemies to freely roam the jungle and gank. Broodlings can also tank jungle camps for you or do a great deal of damage, especially to gold fury and fire giant where you can solo them around level 10 if you have 5 sacs of broodlings ready nearby. Broodlings are very good for escaping, if your low run into the jungle where you have 2-4 egg sacs so the spiders can do damage and slow if the enemy fallows. Also if your chasing someone down you can zone them into the jungle where your egg sacs are waiting to kill them or slow them for you to kill.
Tips for
drain life: Drain life is a life steal ability where you jump on an enemies head immune from their attacks but venerable to where they move, and other enemies. You heal a good amount of health getting about 480 health if you have 200 physical power at max level.
This ability makes a combo with poison claws and broodlings since the enemy still takes damage from the poison and the spiders. This is a good isolation ability since the person won't be able to attack you but other enemies can so do it only for ganks, or when the person you have jumped on is away from other enemies. Never do it in team fights since you are venerable to cc and ale.
Tips forTangled WebTangled web: Tangled web is a full utility ability and is quite a good slow in a big radius. Tangled web is best used for escaping, chasing and initiating ganks. It starts off with almost a quarter slow and finishes at almost half. It's travel time is actually quite fast now so it is better and can be place where enemies are or just ahead, if you put it too far ahead than they may be able to jump over the web. Overall a very good utility ability with a strong slow.
Tips for cocoon: This is what Arachne is famous for and why people fear her. This skill makes or brakes an Arachne. This skill does good damage and has good range but is known for it's utility to hook enemy gods to you, but has a narrow hit box. You want to start off your ganks with this to start with good damage and pull them in range. You can also use this skill to hook escaping enemies at the end of the fight. This skill is really hard to hit with a considerable delay and not able to move makes it an hard hit but if you do it has high reward if you fallow up with the rest of your kit. This ult is good for pulling enemies into deadly ultimates like Ymir or Zeus or into Vulcans turrets or an Artemis trap. In team fights this can be used to pull an enemy god to isolate them for an easy kill, be carefull not to pull an tank as your team won't be happy for that.
When ganking come from the jungle so they are less likely to notice you. First set one trap of
Broodlings, then use your ultimate to pull them in, quickly deploy Tangled web for the slow and cripple, Attack the enemy 3X then lay broodlings then keep attacking until the enemy is out of your web or untill the web disappears, use
To silence them and suck their brains, right after you jump off use Creeping Curse if you have it. The enemy should be dead by now if not keep attacking.
Note: You should usually gank the more squishier Gods like He Bo, Kali, or Bakasura. Mages are usually the best since their not good at up close battles and do most of their damage with spells.
So that is the end of my guide hope you liked it and hope it helps please comment your feedback.
put ability section to the item section 11-1-2013
Changed the build and added a build 26-1-2013
Changed build 1 27-1-2013
Changed pros and cons, and added tips and tricks 26-3-2013
Tweaked skills section and added Ganking chapter 15-4-2013
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I wouldn't mind some clarification why some items were left out, maybe give me an understanding why you decided not to include them? Bloodforge for example, I imagine that bloodforge is a pretty solid build for Arachne. Perhaps also Hydras Lament? Using it in conjunction with your ult could massively increase your burst damage.
That aside I really like your guide, get back to me on this I'd like to hear your take on it. Assuming you still read these :P
Let me start off by saying that I consider your level (11) kinda low to write a guide, but it's ok if the guide is ok :P the reason behind that is that people below level 30 can't know the full meta just yet, but now that is out of the way let me review it :)
- Good use of coding which makes for a good overall look
- You know about the god and her abilities
- No really obvious grammar mistakes
- Arena and Domi which is nice
- Questionable, but not all that bad build and skill section (even with your explanation I don't really think it is a very good build with gauntlet, not that sure about bow and I think dev's could be switched off with soul eater)
- Good guide, but a bit lacking of possibly more information (god matchups, arena and domi not explained)
- The rest of the guide is full of colors, but Ganking only has 1 icon :P
- Make this guide longer, include matchups, arena and domi ect.
- Try to level up and explore the game a bit more ;)
Final verdict is... 7.5-8! This is a very good guide, just lacking info
Which makes for an upvote!
Noticed that you said slowest recharge. I think you mean fastest.
Also, icons. Yup. That's about it. Also this guide needs a major overhaul. Cause of the deletion of some buffs.
oops I'll make sure to fix that.
Also, icons. Yup. That's about it. Also this guide needs a major overhaul. Cause of the deletion of some buffs.
Good use of colour but could add a bit more colour into the Skills section!