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As of right now, I'll just put down the minimum of a guide. As days go by, I will slowly add more and more like I did with my other guide. Just be patient with it and new chapters will come.
Once again, hello gentlemen and to the 2 or 3 ladies who will probably view this, welcome to my 2nd guide on Smitefire. By reading the title, you should know that this guide will no other be on the great and mighty Ares, The Greek God of War.
Ares is an MP bruiser with a main focus of buffing his team with aura effect items and abilities aswell as well as dealing a respectable amount of DoT (Damage over time)to multiple enemies.
October 10th
-Created guide!
October 11th
-Added changelog
-Added conclusion
-Added comboes to abilities chapter
October 12th
-Added friends chapter.
October 14th
-Added foes chapter.
October 15thThe Tank Item Revamp Update
-First of all, big thank you to Neongelo for the suggestions.
-Updated item build for tanks to specify what to build in certain scenarios.
-Added more depth to the tank item build in items chapter.
Ares' damage mainly focusses aroubd grouping your enemies and pummeling them with a barrage of DoT abilities. His mana costs are incredibly high for his low mana pool, so do not spam abilities early game unless you decide to purchase meditation.
A majority of your item build will be centered around your passive. It's just too good to not abuse. Also, building aura items is definitely not a bad thing, as your are essentially just a giant beacon of supporting goodness for your allies.
With almost every game, I start off with:
Reinforced BootsReinforced Boots
Healing Potion x3
Mana Potion x2
Being the bruiser you are, Reinforced boots provides everything you want for someone tanky, Armor, Magic Resist, lane sustain aswell as CC reduction.
When building both bruiser and pure tank, you want to start with this.
Void Stone
This item is amazing on Ares. It provides the magic resistance you need aswell as a ton of Magical Power because of your passive. Don't even question not buying this.
Pythagorem's Piece
This is just another great item for an Ares build focussing around doing a decent amount of damage. It's a great buff for the MP carry on your team, as well as fixing your major mana problem. From this one item, you gain +110 Magical Power early, it's nuts.
Hide of Leviathan
A great, well rounded item for all tanks, providing a decent amount in both physical and magical resistance. Also give health, always useful for a tank, as well as mana, helping out with Ares early game mana problem.
A great item for dealing with physical damage carries. Gold for physical damage tankiness- this is your item. Also gives health, which is nice. And best of all, the aura. Along with Bolster Defenses, this will provide a huge physical damage buff to your whole team. Also helps give that extra 'oomph' in damage.
Stone of Gaia
Like, Sovereignty, gold for magical resistance- this is definitely your item. This provides the most magical protection of every item. It also gives mana regen which is always welcomed for
Ares, as well as massive health regeneration. This item's passive will save your *** sometimes.
Rod of Tahuti
With this item, your damage will just rapidly shoot just straight up. Of course, it also helps with being mana hungry and all that jazz.
This armor provides a huge amount of armour as well as a bit of health which is nice. However, the main attraction comes from the aura. If there's an aura, Ares will take it. Build this is the enemy team has a Physical damage carry that is becoming a big threat.
Spear of the Magus
Gives health, damage and penetration so you can deal a respectable amount of damage to a magic resist builder. Overall just a great, straight forward item.
Mystical MarkMystical Mark
This is a pretty good item. It gives health and armor, both are very useful. But once again, the main attraction comes from the aura effect. The aura will deal damage to every enemy each second, which is perfect for some who's going to charge in the middle of a fight trying to group up as many poeple as possible.
Here's a list for the best items in each scenario.
Fed Physical power carry
-mystical mark: Another great item on Ares. Provides a good amount of health and armour and also has an aura, giving that extra damage to your abilities, as well as increasing farming capabilities.
- Hide of the Nemean Lion: This can be argued as the best physical damage resistance item over
Sovereignty. Gives health and a ton of armour, as well as returning damage dealt by autoattacks to the attacker. Essentially, if you're tanky enough, you can make any fed enemy physical damage carries commit mass suicide.
- Midgardian Mail: An alright item. Doesn't provide as much resistance as some items, but it definitely shouldn't be overlooked. If you're a god and can predict every shot the enemy
Artemis or
Anhur is going to take, then you will hinder them pretty greatly, as well as crushing their dream of escaping (well, maybe not [[anhur).
- Breastplate of Valor: Another great resistance item for
Ares. Gives the 3rd most armour in the game, as well as a ton of mana to boot. Also, a huge amount of cooldown reduction, bringing your ultimate down to 72 seconds cooldown.
- Wall of Absolution: I persoanlly don't like this item. I think it's poorly designed. I can definitely see some uses of it some times, but I wouldn't get it most of the time. So, gives a bit of armour, mana regen and mana, as well as reducing the magic resistance of any enemies auto attacking you.
Fed Magical Power Carry
- Void Stone: If you feel your damage is lacking and you can't farm right, then this will give the biggest increase in damage that would be still be viable as an item for tank
Ares. Gives a **** ton of magic damage with
Blessed Presence, as well as a fair amount if magic resist and enemy magic resistance reduction.
- Rod of Will: Gives magic resistance, mana and crowd conrol reduction, which is always nice.
-magi's blessing: Similar to Hide of Leviathan, this gives a fair amount of mana and health. However, instead of armour, it gives the ability to block a single ability once every minute. Good for stopping something like a
Searing Pain or a stun from the
Calydonian Boar.
No threats on other team
Then you should be building bruiser instead.
A friend of Ares is anyone with a hard to land ability with incredible damage dealt when it does land. Some Gods the work well with
Ares are:
All Gods have a counter, and Ares is no different. There are many counters to
Ares' ultimate, and his ultimate is crucial to his usefulness in teamfights. People and things in general you want to avoid when playing
Ares are:
If you haven't .already checked it out, please check out my He Bo guide on this website! Link here.
Once again, thank you for reading this guide. Please leave any constructive criticism along with any of your upvotes or downvotes. I will slowly expand my guide to be the best I can make it, so please do leave any suggestions as all will be taken into account.
If you want to add me anywhere on these MOBA games, feel free to, username being the same, HiFromBuddha. So anyway, thank you guys so much for reading through my guide, and I may post some more guides in the future.
There will be more chapters on the way. I just think I've done enough for today.
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Are archived guides visible to other members? I recommend to update it just for the sake of it being more helpful to new players.
Archiving a guide removes it from search results. If a new player comes to this site and looks for an Ares guide, they will not see it.
The guide is archived and out of date.
Are archived guides visible to other members? I recommend to update it just for the sake of it being more helpful to new players.
Again no CDR in build 1, he is the god who can go for full CDR build. Nobody buys reinforced greaves these days. They are neither viable nor economic.
The guide is archived and out of date.
Glad to help :) I hope I didn't come off as rude (I can be rather blunt). I look forward to seeing how the guide develops. I will be sure to use your He Bo guide, by the way. It looks great.
Thank you! And don't worry, you didn't come off as rude. If you're simply stating your opinions in an educated way then it isn't considered rude.
I don't think you should post the lore. It just bogs the guide down with filler text for me. I also don't like that you list 11 situational items for your tank build. That's not really a guide... anyone can just build a god as they go. I think it would be better if you give example tank builds. Perhaps 1 vs magic heavy, 1 vs phys heavy, and 1 vs mixed.
I do appreciate the effort that went into this guide. I like the combo suggestions and "tips and tricks" for each ability. I also like the friends / foes section.
Hey there and thank you for your feedback. First of all, you're the only person out of 13000 or so viewers of both of my guides that has complained about lore, so I'll leave that as be. However, I definitely do agree with the 11 situational items problem, so I'll start working on that as soon as I can.
I do appreciate the effort that went into this guide. I like the combo suggestions and "tips and tricks" for each ability. I also like the friends / foes section.
Sorry, I re-read it and what I intended came out he wrong way. What I mean is that I can see why someone would max
No worries :)
I agree, it seems to be the better farming tool, it costs less mana so its the better thing early game?!
I ALWAYS build and polan for mid to late game. So I look at those and see shackles will do better, and early game they do so much damage, they run you out of mana if you dont have blue buff, but holy jebus if you land those!
I never said to max
Sorry, I re-read it and what I intended came out he wrong way. What I mean is that I can see why someone would max
Ares is the only god right now that I would say buying meditation for was a good idea. He just eats his mana to fast early game and that needs to be fixed I think. 2 skills and your OOM is just not working for this game.
Really the only thing I can suggest, I have yet to play Ares, is moving mystical mark up as your first item. In doing so you get a bit more damage going and every time I have seen this built first, when he goes to kill someone early, triple shackle into flamethrower ontop of Mark kills them every time or brings them SERIOUSLY close to death and they didnt die because they got super lucky or your lane partner sucks lol.
Other than that I cant really say anything bad about this guide and dont really find any flaws in it. One of the first to max shackles first and I applaud you for that. It is the better skills to max first IMO.
Yes, I can definitely see why someone would max