Artemis functions very differently throughout the different game phases, and so you must know how to deal with them to survive and eventually become the feared and famous hunter you are.
Starting The Match
There are two ways of starting a match.
- If solo lane is on the right, go to the blue buff near your duo lane and then go to lane.
- If solo lane is on the left, go to the right mid camps, then the blue buff, then go to lane.
Early Game
Farm: Your main goal is to get as much gold as possible, and to finish Devourer's Gauntlet as soon as you can so you could start getting those stacks. Getting last hits is advised, especially when your support has Watcher's Gift. Your best way of clearing waves stacking the wave by auto attacking the minions and then using Suppress The Insolent, so it'll hit most of the wave, if not all of it.
Normally, you shouldn't use
Vengeful Assault to help you clear waves. If you constantly do so, your mana will deplete quickly and force you to go back to base, thus losing farm. But, if you are being pushed or need to clear the wave quickly, there is nothing wrong with doing so.
But, don't forget, that this isn't Artemis' strongest aspect. Clearing waves isn't her greatest element.
Poke: Your 3 has insane range and almost no delay. With its fairly low cooldown, and with the bonus CDR and mana regeneration from the blue buff, you can constantly punish your enemies in lane. Your goal in poking is to reduce their health to the point where they'll have to return to base, and if they don't, they'll be very vulnerable and easy to kill.
You must balance your usage of
Suppress The Insolent between poke and clear. Ideally, if enemies stay near the creep wave, you'll be able to hit both them and the minions. But, you won't be able to do so every time.
If the wave isn't too close to your tower, and you think you can clear it before it reaches there, or if your team mates are about to gank your lane, by all means, poke. But if not, and if the wave is about to reach your tower, focus on clearing.
Jousting: There will be many times where both supports, yours and the enemy Hunter's, will leave the lane and roam. Many times in those situations you'll duel the enemy Hunter. You must compare your builds and sources of damage in order to win the fight, and having the minion wave with you will also increase your chances by granting you extra damage and body block the enemies' attacks.
For example, suppose you are fighting an
Ullr. Once he has used most of his abilities, namely
Bladed Arrow / Thrown Axe and
Hail of Arrows / Glory Bound, you have a green light on initiating and being extra aggressive, as your auto attack damage is much greater than his, thanks to your passive and attack speed steroids.
Mid-Late Game
By this point, your damage comes online and starts shredding through people.
You'll start to roam with your team and experience team fights. Nevertheless, keep an eye on your farm. If you completely stop farming, your damage will fall off.
Map objectives will become a major part, and many fights will revolve around the Gold Fury or the Fire Giant.
Because of your superb single target damage, you are an amazing asset in these kind of objective fights. But, there are other objectives.
Split Pushing: Because of her insane auto attack damage, Artemis is one of the best tower meleters in the game. With your attack the speed steroids, you can kill towers in a matter of seconds. Her wave clear might seem like a drawback, but it isn't as major as you may think. Suppress The Insolent and a few auto attacks are enough to kill an entire wave.
For you to split push, you must:
- Make sure the lane is empty.
- Know where the enemies are. Use wards.
- Clear the wave as fast possible.
- Be ready to drop everything and run away as soon see danger coming.
Now, granted, Artemis isn't really the
Mercury of mobility and escapism. But,
Greater Sprint or
Combat Blink are enough to allow you to outrun your enemies.
Uhm don't you mean spiked gauntlet?
Secondly, never buy more than one lifesteal item. It just isn't worth it. You need power, crit chane, penetration, attack speed. You can't put lifesteal on top of the priority, otherwise you'll do less damage. And yes, you might be beaten in a 1v1 manly boxing duel against a Hunter with
Lifesteal is vrey good on Artemis, and as of the recent Janus patch, I always start with
[devourer's gauntlet]] >
How is the update of the Qin's Sais stats in the website relevant to my guid?
Yes, I should update the EoP thing, thanks for letting me know, but other than that..? What do you have to say about the rest of the guide? Or is it not like the "pros use in league"?