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This guide is under development so please don't hat my guts for showing a incomplete Bakasura so I hope you guys enjoy but the build is all done.
Hello everyone to my Bakasura ranked duel build. Here I will cover the items, his abilities, how you need to play him, and some counters that Baka could destroy or destroy him. So I hope you like and I will see you guys later.
1. Has a very good Healing move.
2. He could single out gods easily.
3. He is deadly in 1v1 situations.
4. He could do lots of burst damage.
5. His ult is good a pressuring gods.
1. Sanctuary is his main weakness.
2. He could get over pressured real easily.
3. Minions is only source of good healing.
4. CC kills him real easily.
5. Hunters are his biggest weakness.
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Though some things need to be pointed out.
Bakasura benefits from going
Best defence item for Baka would probably be something from the
Your pros and cons aren't the best. One major Con you should put for Baka is that he has no form of lockdown or hard CC. A decent pro you should put is that he is very, very mobile.