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Become a God-Hunter (S4)

6 0 31,806
by l2rave updated February 24, 2017

Smite God:

Build Guide Discussion 26 More Guides
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Hey everyone, welcome to my Hunter guide! This guide will take a look at every Hunter in Smite, and tell you the ins and outs of each one, so that you can outbox your opponent and carry your team to victory.

Who are the Hunters?

As a hunter, your role is to be a source of consistent damage, and you do that by using their auto attacks. In fact, it's almost like playing an FPS when you're playing a hunter - shoot the bad guys and win. Most of the time, you should be focusing the tanks because if they go down, then it will be easier to take out the squishier damage dealers on the enemy team.

General Hunter Advice

Naturally, you'd just want to hold down the left mouse button and fire at the enemy, like in an FPS, but you're not gonna get very far if you do that. The thing is, there are a couple of mechanics in Smite that make shooting with a Hunter different.

The first is a basic attack movement penalty, where your movement speed is reduced by 50% while basic attacking. This is huge because take for example, you're boxing, or 1v1ing another Hunter, and you're holding down the left mouse button. The opponent is most likely going to juke, or try to dodge your attacks while trying to hit you, and you most likely will miss shots while making it easier for the opponent to land shots on you. You're making the enemy's job easier for them, so don't do that.

The second is that every hunter has unique abilities that can be used to gain an edge in a boxing situation, or in a teamfight. If you just hold down the left mouse button, you're not using your god to their full potential. Use your abilities to gain an edge, and then auto away.

Now, if you're not supposed to hold down the left mouse button, how are you supposed to use autos? Treat your hunter like a semi-automatic rifle, where you have to pull the trigger for every shot. This will help improve the amount of shots you land because you're focusing on getting each one.


A Hunter will want to build power, penetration, attack speed, and lifesteal. However, some hunters are different from others. Some have attack speed steroids, some have steroids that give a higher critical hit chance, and some will have good scaling on their abilities. You will want to build to your selected Hunter's strengths in order to maximize their potential. In order to get you started, I gave a few sample builds below.

Funballer's Build

Basic Attack Crits (With Lifesteal


Transcendence Unicorn

Power + Pen

Late Game Trades

Many of the items that a hunter gets early game should be traded out in the late game so that they can do more damage. Here are the items you should be trading out, and what you should get to replace them.

You should be trading out Ichaival for the Crusher. I know that it may be better on ability based hunters, but it has attack speed and penetration, and 1 second off your cooldowns can help in a clutch situation.

You get Warrior Tabi in the early game so that your autos can deal damage. This is all well and good when your boots are your only source of power, but late game, 20% attack speed helps a lot more.

Asi is a nice, cheap source of attack speed, penetration, and lifesteal, but you should trade it for Bloodforge late game. You can make up the attack speed with Ninja Tabi, and the penetration with other items you may have, but the 75 power in that stage of the game is too good to pass up.

Hastened Fatalis gives attack speed and penetration and the passive, but if you feel like your damage is lower with it, then don't buy it and buy either Brawler's Beat Stick or the Crusheer - whichever one you want. Choose Brawler's however if the enemy team has healers, because then they can be countered.

Ah Muzen Cab

Ah Muzen Cab

Health: 450(+73)
Mana: 230(+40)
Speed: 365{+0)
Range: 55(+0)
Attack/Sec: 0.95(1.7%)

Basic Attack
Damage: 38(2.2) + 100% of Physical Power

Physical: 12(+3)
Magical: 30(+0.9)

HP5: 7(+0.71)
MP5: 4.4(+0.38)

Ah Muzen Cab has good ability scaling, but where he really shines is in his strong boxing potential. He can potentially Disarm his opponent for 1s, which is huge in a boxing match, and his Hive gives 50% attack speed and 30% movement speed, which is basically a permanent steroid as long as he can keep a hive up, which lategame, is most likely going to happen. His Honey acts like a Frostbound Hammer without needing to buy it, and it has good damage scaling too, and his Stinger is mainly used to cripple enemies who are about to run so he can finish them off.

Ah Muzen Cab should use the Transcendence Unicorn or Unicorn build because he's mana hungry in the early game, and it gives him a decent power spike. This boost to his auto attacks and his abilities can help him dominate starting midgame.

However, if doing Conquest, Funballer's build is recommended because he's a really good boxer, and with his hives, can abuse crits.

He is one of the most vulnerable Hunters because he can't escape and he doesn't have a CC immune ult, but he trades it off for boxing potential. He's like Anubis in the sense that you kill the opponents before they can kill you, but you still need to watch your positioning when you use him. Ah Muzen Cab can only be found in the ADC role.



Speed: 365(+0)
Range: 55(+0)
Attack/Sec: 0.9(+1.7%)

Basic Attack
Damage: 40
Progression: None

Physical: 11(+2.8)
Magical: 30(+0.9)

HP5: 8(+0.69)
MP5: 4.5(+0.32)

Anhur is one of the few hunters that are good in the early game. His passive Enfeeble lets him deal true damage to most ADCs in the early game. His steroid is Shifting Sands, and that lets him slow the enemy and gain a hefty damage increase on anything caught in the sands. Impale knocks back the enemy, and if they hit a wall, they are stunned, letting you get off a couple more autos onto them. Disperse is a decent escape, and can be used offensively if you see the opportunity. Just don't use it to engage. Finally, Desert Fury deals a lot of damage if you can land all of the spears. Anhur's ideal combo is to use Shifting Sands, Impale them into the obelisk, and either auto away or use Desert Fury.

The ideal build, in my opinion, is the Unicorn build. While Anhur can use crits, he has no attack speed boost, and if faced against an ADC with one, he will fail to outbox them. The Unicorn build gives him the speed he needs to compete with them, and gives additional protection and health shred. If using Anhur in the Mid lane, the Transcendence Unicorn build is the way to go.

The way to use Anhur is to find ways to outsmart the opponent, akin to his lore. If an opponent throws projectiles at you, use Shifting Sands to block them if you can, and it can be used for zoning. Nobody wants to get slowed, so use it in a way so that they get close to a wall, and then use Impale. If the enemy gets in close and there's no one else nearby, you can use Disperse in the same spot to give yourself a window to beat the opponent, or situationally, get away. Desert Fury should be used when the opponent is CC'ed, or under the effects of crowd control for maximum effectiveness. The applications can be endless.

Anhur can be found in either the ADC or Mid roles.



Health: 450(+77)
Mana: 365(+40)
Speed: 365(+0)
Range: 55(+0)
Attack/Sec: 0.95(+1.7%)

Basic Attack
Damage: 40(+2.6)
Progression: None

Physical: 12(+2.7)
Magical: 30(+0.9)

HP5: 8(+0.69)
MP5: 4.6(+0.4)

With the recent change to So Beautiful, Apollo is good again. Apollo is also fairly good in the early game, combined with his passive, Audacity. So Beautiful is your standard wave clear, and is good poke early game. Serenade adds physical protection and mesmerizes enemies, which helps while boxing your opponent, or if you're getting ganked. The Moves is an escape, and a good one at that, and also functions well as a chase ability. Across The Sky gives Apollo his trademark high mobility and split pushing potential, letting him get out of a sticky situation.

The ideal build for Apollo is Funballer's Basic Attack Crit Build. He has the attack speed to make good use of it. If you're feeling a bit spicy, you can go with the Power and Pen build and still do well in a boxing match.

Apollo's kit is simple to use, but there are still some tricks you can use. Before a fight, charge up Audacity to 9 auto attacks, and then when you next fight, all you have to do is land one auto and then blow them away. The other trick you can do is while split pushing. Say you're attacking an enemy objective, and one of the people on the enemy team comes to fight you. Use Across The Sky to run away and join your team. You'll have a 5v4 matchup for a good long while if the person that went to fight you doesn't have any mobility, although if they came to fight you, they had mobility to get there... still, a 5v4 for any amount of time is a good thing.

Apollo can be found mainly in the ADC role.



Health: 450(+72)
Mana: 205(+34)
Speed: 365(+0)
Range: 55(+0)
Attack/Sec: 0.95(+1.7%)

Basic Attack
Damage: 35(+2.5)
Progression: None

Physical: 12(+3)
Magical: 30(+0.9)

HP5: 8(+0.68)
MP5: 4.4(0.25)

Artemis is a late game hypercarry. Technically, any Hunter is a late game hypercarry, but Artemis fills this role better than others. The tradeoff is that her early game is hot garbage, so play it safe then. Just because you know how big you can get doesn't mean you're big at that moment, so you need to respect that. Transgressor's Fate, Suppress The Insolent, and Calydonian Boar can be used to open up opportunities for Artemis to attack, dealing very high damage with the combined effects of Still Target and Vengeful Assault.

The ideal build for Artemis is Funballer's build, but an you can also go for the variant with lifesteal to help her sustain. An argument for Odysseus' Bow can be made for her, and if you buy it, you buy it after your second item and skip Hastened Fatalis.

As said before, Artemis is one of the weakest hunters in the earlygame, so play passively and bide your time until you come online, which is after you get the Executioner. Now for some tips and tricks. Transgressor's Fate can be placed directly in front of where an opponent is moving, or at the jungle entrances to your lane to help deal with incoming ganks. Suppress The Insolent helps get a slow on your opponent - fair ans simple, but Calydonian Boar can be used for a long amount of CC immunity and hits hard. Deploy it in teamfights to gain CC immunity.

Artemis can be mainly found in the ADC role.



Health: 460(+75)
Mana: 225(+40)
Speed: 380(+0)
Range: 55(+0)
Attack/Sec: 1(+1.1%)

Basic Attack
Damage: 35(+2.35)
Progression: None

Physical: 12(+2.8)
Magical: 30(+0.9)

HP5: 6(+0.65)
MP5: 4.4(+0.38)

Chiron is an ability based Hunter that also gains mileage from auto attacking, so that he can get his Masterful Shot off. He has some supportive capabilities added in as well, like a CC cleanse on his Training Exercise, or his passive Herbal Medicine. His ultimate, Centaurus, adds a targeter for Masterful Shot, that can deal some clutch kill secures. Sadly, he's not in that good of a spot because he barely has any CC, attack speed, Giddyup! can be easily cancelled, and Centaurus can be hard to hit. But he is still decent and can take some names.

Chiron is best suited for the Trans Unicorn build with Executioner replacing Titan's Bane because he needs power for his high scaling abilities, but benefits off of attack speed as well in order to land autos for Masterful Shot, and Executioner synergizes with Masterful Shot for a 40% protection reduction. The Power + Pen build can also be used because his cooldowns are long.

Chiron should be using Training Exercise either for waveclear or to help cleanse CC for his allies because there is more utility from that. Other than that, Chiron is fairly simple to use - support your allies while dealing damage.

Chiron can be found in either the ADC or Mid roles.



Health: 445(+72)
Mana: 230(+39)
Speed: 365(+0)
Range: 55(+0)
Attack/Sec: 0.95(+1.8%)

Basic Attack
Damage: 35(+2.3)
Progression: None

Physical: 11(+3)
Magical: 30(+0.9)

HP5: 8(+0.67)
MP5: 4.6(+0.35)

Cupid is the god that has it all. Lots of damage, CC, mobility, attack speed, and heals to top it off. Cupid needs to keep his passive, Lovestruck up for max effectiveness on his abilities. Heart Bomb has amazing scaling and the slow that it has when it is fired at max passive, plus the stun, gives you a huge boxing advantage. Share The Love helps Cupid sustain and can also help his support sustain too. Flutter gives extra attack speed, giving him 1.6 attack speed at Level 20 without any items - pretty impressive. Fields Of Love is extremely useful in teamfights to prevent people from getting away and for zoning.

Cupid can make good use of both Funballer's build and the Transcendence Unicorn build - both accentuate different parts of his kit. The former lets him abuse his high attack speed for even higher DPS, and the Transcendence Unicorn makes use of his high scalings to help him weave abilities between autos and actually have them have an effect in the lategame.

Cupid can fire his Heart Bomb without full stacks for an instant burst of damage - good to finish off an opponent. Share The Love can be bounced off a wall so that the distance between dropped hearts becomes smaller, and Fields Of Love can be used at the beginning of a boxing match to give a huge advantage.

Cupid can be found in either the ADC, or less commonly the Mid role.

Hou Yi

Hou Yi

Health: 480(+78)
Mana: 240(+38)
Speed: 370(+0)
Range: 55(+0)
Attack/Sec: 0.9(+1.2%)

Basic Attack
Damage: 38(+2.8)
Progression: None

Physical: 13(+2.8)
Magical: 30(+0.9)

HP5: 8(+0.68)
MP5: 5(+0.35)

Hou Yi is an ability based hunter that also boasts the highest base basic attack damage of any hunter. Ricochet is waveclear, but can be also used for insane trickshots, and for jungle camp clear. Mark of the Golden Crow helps gain an advantage in a boxing match, and gives his other abilities additional effects. Divebomb is an escape that is also pretty good because it counts as a leap and removes you from the fight for a bit. Sunbreaker has massive base damage and scaling, but is a ground target so you're more likely to get off 4 or 5 suns however.

Hou Yi is suited for a Transcendence Unicorn build because he has good scaling on some of his abilities, and he needs attack speed to make good use of them along with his high damage autos. As stated before, any Hunter can build into critical hit items, but they won't match the Hunters that have an attack speed steroid.

Hou Yi should be weaving in autos between is abilities. Ricohet and Divebomb open up opportunities for auto attacks, and using Divebomb onto a marked target can help land Ricochet better. Sunbreaker, like any other huge ult can be used to zone and gain an advantage while boxing a target.

Hou Yi can be found in the ADC and Mid roles.



Health: 450(+77)
Mana: 210(+35)
Speed: 365(+0)
Range: 55(+0)
Attack/Sec: 0.95(+1.7%)

Basic Attack
Damage: 40(+2.4) + 75% of Physical Power
Progression: None. Kamas return to Izanami after reaching max range

Physical: 11(+2.9)
Magical: 30(+0.9)

HP5: 6(+0.7)
MP5: 4.4(+0.38)

Izanami has the most unique ranged autos in the game, and this also gives her the best waveclear. Her lifesteal takes a penalty, however due to her autos' ability to hit multiple targets Izanami's passive, Death Draws Nigh, lets her get more dangerous the longer a boxing match progresses, but caution should be taken with this because one wrong move and she's dead. Sickle Storm gives her deadly boxing ability and some of the best objective push in the game. Spectral Projection is mainly used for waveclear and the slow you get. Fade Away is another of her weak points, however - the windup is long, and experienced players can track your stealth. Dark Portal is like your typical high damage mage ult, but the silence can be useful during a gank to throw the attacker off course.

Izanami makes use of Funballer's build very well due to her steroid, but I also feel she can use Transcendence Unicorn too, because she's mana hungry in the early game, it gives her a power spike which she desperately needs to box other ADCs whose basics hit for 100% of physical power every time, and Qin's Sais also helps shore up her damaage.

Choose whichever one you prefer, but if in Conquest, choose the former for ADC role and the latter for Mid role. However, if choosing Funballer's build, get Titan's Bane instead of Executioner because the percentage penetration synergizes with her passive well, allowing you to penetrate up to 53% of an opponent's defenses.

Izanami should obviously be using Sickle Storm during boxing matches and teamfights, and Fade Away can be used well to gank, but you sacrifice your escape if you do that.

Izanami can be found in the Mid or ADC roles.

Jing Wei

Jing Wei

Health: 445(+72)
Mana: 205(+36)
Speed: 365(+0)
Range: 55(+0)
Attack/Sec: 1(+1.4%)

Basic Attack
Damage: 38(+2.7)
Progression: None

Physical: 11(+2.9)
Magical: 30(+0.9)

HP5: 7(+0.68)
MP5: 4.4(+0.3)

Oh, Jing Wei, how you've fallen from grace. Well technically not, because she still has her passive, Rapid Reincarnation. This makes her one of the safest hunters in the game because she can return to base while barely losing any farm, and in other gamemodes besides Conquest, she can get hit, return to base, and be back in an instant to resume the fight while everyone else is at low health. Persistent Gust and Explosive Bolts are her waveclear, which double as excellent boxing tools. Agility is a dash, plain and simple, and Air Strike adds to her high mobility by allowing her to take herself out a fight and reposition herself. Her combo is to load up Explosive Bolts beforehand, knock up an ememy with Persistent Gust, auto away, and then chase with Agility or Air Strike

Jing Wei is best suited to use Funballer's build, especially because she doesn't require any sustain, as she can back to base and return easily.

As for tips and tricks, if there's an Awilix, DO NOT use Persistent Gust and get knocked up by it, because she can pull you. You can activate Explosive Bolts in base and by the time you're in lane, you can activate it again when the charges run out, so that you effectively have 6 shots with increased crit chance, letting you blow people away. Another caveat is to not get get knocked up by your Persistent Gust and then use Agility into a fight because Agility no longer provides a removal of the basic attack penalty.

Jing Wei can be found mainly in the ADC role.



Health: 470(+77)
Mana: 220(+34)
Speed: 365(+0)
Range: 55(+0)
Attack/Sec: 0.95(+1.4%)

Basic Attack
Damage: 38(+2.6)
Progression: None

Physical: 12(+3)
Magical: 30(+0.9)

HP5: 8(+0.68)
MP5: 4.4(+0.25)

Medusa is considered an early game Hunter with a very assassin-like kit. She's also ability based because she has good scaling on her abilities, but her passive, Sidewinder, lets her box as well. Viper Shot lets her get a lot of damage off on 3 basics if she can hit them, adding residual damage while boxing. Acid Spray is her waveclear, which can hit the opponent easily if they're foolish enough to stand in the spray. Lacerate keeps the enemy from escaping and deals a lot of damage. In fact, it can be used to initiate in a 1v1 scenario while dumping her kit onto them. Petrify can hit hard and gives an opportunity for Medusa to dump her kit on an enemy. Her combo is to load up Viper Shot, initiate with either Petrify or Lacerate, Lacerate if you initiated with your ultimate, and then fire Acid Spray and Viper Shot.

Medusa should use the Trascendence Unicorn or Unicorn build. It's true that she has an attack speed steroid, but for 3 autos is meaningless, especially because she can't load them up and then activate the ability again like Jing Wei can. Transcendence Unicorn gives her the power she needs to clear and start dealing damage, and Unicorn gives her better boxing potential.

There's not too many bells and whistles with Medusa's kit, but remember to use Petrify on taunted enemies because this will guarantee the stun. A popular duo lane team composition is Athena and Medusa for this very reason.

Medusa can be found in either the ADC or Mid roles.



Health: 435(+75)
Mana: 230(+39)
Speed: 365(+0)
Range: 55(+0)
Attack/Sec: 0.95(+1.6%)

Basic Attack
Damage: 35(+2.3)
Progression: None

Physical: 12(+3)
Magical: 30(+0.9)

HP5: 6(+0.54)
MP5: 4.4(+0.35)

Neith is the most played god in the game, and is one of the only gods that functions like a physical mage - meaning she needs to build power and penetration. She is very earlygame, and this allows her to dominate the midgame. The tradeoff, however, is that she cannot box other hunters lategame because she doesn't have a steroid. A difference between a good Neith and a great Neith is how they can utilize their passive, Broken Weave. It can deal more damage, or heal more, so you need to figure out how to use them to your advantage, and use Spirit Arrow and Unravel accordingly. Back Flip is a lousy escape because your opponent can see where you're going to land, and this can let them come after you again when you land. World Weaver is a good kill secure, but value can come out of using the stun as well so your allies can get the kill.

The build Neith should use is the Power and Pen build so she can hit really hard with her abilities, even in lategame, and hit 400+ autos as well, without any crits. You can put Hydra's Lament as the 6th item in your build because her auto attack cancels are so good, and this makes your already hard-hitting basics hit even harder.

Other than using weaves to your advantage, there aren't really any other tricks to Neith. Early game you should be focusing on farming up, up till level 5, and then you can start killing everyone until about the 20 minute mark - then you should be taking caution because everyone that you kill will be coming for you with a vengeance in the lategame, and they can kill you in 1 or 2 seconds flat, so you need to watch your positioning and be opportunistic.

Neith can be found in either the ADC or Mid roles.



Pick Me Up

Health: 460(+76)
Mana: 205(+34)
Speed: 365(+0)
Range: 55(+0)
Attack/Sec: 0.95(1.7%)

Basic Attack
Damage: 40(+2.5)
Progression: None

Physical: 12(+2.8)
Magical: 30(+0.9)

HP5: 8(+0.65)
MP5: 4.5(+0.25)

Rama is basically a Hunter's Hunter, and a lategame one. All of his damage comes from auto attacks, with his only damaging ability being his ultimate, so you need to hit your autos to make use of him. However, this makes him susceptible to Disarms. Astral Strike and Pick Me Up are potent steroids, which can potentially let you keep stacking a slow on an opponent come lategame because your supply of Astral Arrows will keep being replenished due to Pick Me Up]'s effect. [[Rolling Assault is a chase/escape that can keep an enemy from escaping, and Astral Barrage is used as a kill secure, not a primary means of attack.

Rama is suited to Funballer's build or the variant with lifesteal because he has a steroid and can deal more DPS with critical hits.

There aren't that many tricks with Rama, except that Astral Barrage can bide you some time so that your Rolling Assault can come off cooldown. Also, while you clear the wave with Astral Strike, you don't last hit because you only get 5 Astral Arrows and they are better suited to boxing. Finally, if you're going to activate both your steroids, activate Pick Me Up before Astral Strike else its going to be an extra second to activate Astral Strike again, which is precious time in a boxing match.

Rama can be found in the ADC role, or less commonly, the Mid role.



Health: 470(+78)
Mana: 220(+35)
Speed: 375(+0)
Range: 55(+0)
Attack/Sec: 0.9(+1.6%)

Basic Attack
Damage: 35(+2.5)
Progression: None

Physical: 11(+2.8)
Magical: 30(+0.9)

HP5: 8(+0.69)
MP5: 4.5(+0.32)

Skadi is an Ability based Hunter that can turn any boxing match into a 2v1 with her buddy Kaldr. However, he can only take 5 ticks of damage, so he can't be out all the time. You need to pick and choose when to use him. Piercing Cold is your waveclear, slows your enemy, and lets Kaldr deal double damage on a hit target for a time. Rune Of The Hunt gives Kaldr a target. A combo with Skadi is to use Rune Of The Hunt and just before Kaldr uses his dash attack, use Piercing Cold, and Kaldr's dash attack deals double damage. Then, you can keep up the pressure and auto away. Permafrost is the closest thing you have to an escape, so you can't throw it out wily-nily, but it can let you get the advantage on your boxing opponent due to the slip and slide. Finally, Winter's Grasp lets you stick to the opponent further and heals up Kaldr. An extension to the former combo is that when Kaldr is about to lose his last point of health, activate [Winter's Grasp]], which heals Kaldr and prevents him from taking damage for a short amount of time - basically 9 ticks of damage plus the invulnerability time.

The best build for Skadi is the Power + Pen build, because she needs power for her abilities and Kaldr has only 50% of Skadi's attack speed, so that's a less valuable stat.

With this build, you're looking to poke and then when you can get someone into kill range, use your combo and burst them down, because you have no lifesteal. You can also get Asi, and if you do, forget getting the 6th item in the Power and Pen build and get it after you finish Warrior Tabi. Skadi is good in 1v1, but she loses some of her effectiveness in a teamfight because Kaldr can get bursted down quickly, so you need to be opportunistic and watch your positioning above all.



Health: 480(+80)
Mana: 230(+40)
Speed: 360(+0)
Range: 55(+0)
Attack/Sec: 0.95(+1.5)

Basic Attack
Damage: 38(+2.4)
Progression: None

Physical: 13(+3)
Magical: 30(+0.9)

HP5: 8(+0.71)
MP5: 4.4(+0.38)

Ullr is considered to be one of the hardest gods in the game because he has a total of 7 abilities (6 if you don't consider the stance switch), and his main damaging abilities are lines and a small circle. Bladed Arrow is your waveclear, Expose Weaknes is your power steroid in a boxing match or teamfight, which will give a little more oomph to your abilities and autos. Hail of Arrows has huge range and great scaling - 120%, but it's super hard to land, which is where your combo comes in. All of Ullr's combos begin and end with landing your Thrown Axe. If you're in close range, say, an assassin came in close and you landed the axe, just keep autoing in axe stance because it'll cost you valuable time to switch stance and use your abilities. If you're in mid range and you land your axe, switch to bow stance, auto attack, Hail of Arrows, auto attack, and then Bladed Arrow. Getting through this full combo in the time the opponent is stunned will take a lot of practice, but if you manage it, it'll be deadly. Finally, there is the long range combo. If you land your axe at max range, Hail of Arrows and then Bladed Arrow. Finally, Glory Bound is your escape or chase ability.

Ullr can be built a variety of ways because his kit has different strengths that can be emphasized on. His ultimate gives him increased attack speed in bow stance, which lets him abuse crits, so in that case, Funballer's build would work. However, if you do that, then you're not taking advantage of the sheer burst his abilities can bring. The Transcendence Unicorn can make better use of his abilities and passive attack speed steroid.

Due to having 6 abilities, Ullr has a lot more outplay potential than other gods because he has more ways to react to a situation, but that leads to a high skill floor on him. This is something you should look out for because if you're new to him, you'll likely have a bad time because of his complexity. But, if you keep at him, you'll eventually be able to outmatch anyone in the game.

Ullr can be found either in the ADC or Mid roles.



Health: 455(+75)
Mana: 220(+37)
Speed: 365(+0)
Range: 55(+0)
Attack/Sec: 0.95(+1%)

Basic Attack
Damage: 37(+2.5)
Progression: None

Physical: 12(+2.9)
Magical: 30(+0.9)

HP5: 8(+0.68)
MP5: 4.4(+0.4)

Xbalanque is a late game Hunter that can snowball really hard due to the 30 physical power he can get from his passive, Dead of Night. The exchange is that his early game is hot garbage, although its easier than Artemis' because he has an escape. His Branching Bola adds even more damage onto his auto attacks, but there is a high mana cost, so its not recommended to put points into it in the early game. His Poison Darts is his waveclear, but you need to stand to the side of the wave in order to clear efficiently with it. Rising Jaguar is one slippery escape that can be used in conjunction with Poison Darts to deal heavy damage to your opponent. In fact, the combo is to use the latter, and then use the former to circle towards your opponent to hit them, and then circle back. Finally, Darkest of Nights is one of the best teamfight ultimates because it blinds the opponent and forces them to stop moving else they be stunned, either way allowing for your team to catch up and kill them.

Xbalanque should use the Transcendence Unicorn build if you need the mana, or if you can manage your mana efficiently, then use the Unicorn build. Xbalanque has a lot of power, it's just that he needs attack speed.

Xbalanque is a simple hunter, but there are a couple of tricks to know. When using Poison Darts, Xbalanque fires from right to left. You can move your mouse to the right while firing to make the darts come out in a smaller arc, ensuring more would hit an opponent. You can also move your mouse to the left to make the darts come out in a bigger arc to hit more people. Look at the situation and act accordingly. Darkest of Nights can also be used against a single opponent. If they run, they'll be stunned, and you can catch up to them, and if they stand still, you'll catch up to them. It can also be used so that you have a range increase on your autos and hit your opponent under their tower.

Xbalanque can mainly be found in the ADC role.


In conclusion, each Hunter, despite being able to throw out good auto attack damage, is different, and knowing their ins and outs will help you unlock their full potential, so that you can start carrying.

I'll update the guide if new hunters are released, and/or if the hunter builds change.


Credits go to:

Stuke99, because I wouldn't be able to make a guide like this without him starting this format.

Zilby's Template for Guides, so that I could use the awesome headers.

xZeroStrike's BBcode guide for helping me to format my guide better.

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l2rave | March 29, 2017 10:47am
I updated my guide. Version 1.1 no longer says that Funballer's build is meta due to nerfs to Poison Star, and build recommendations have been adjusted to reflect that.
BlaineSilver (2) | March 25, 2017 11:17am
Jing Wei hasn't fallen from her throne.

It's just that when it comes to waveclear, she isn't the go-to god.

Well, hopefully we'll at least see a few more pro games with her. Great guide btw ;p
strassattack (1) | March 18, 2017 10:09am
First off, great general guide to hunters. However, in a future update, I'm thinking maybe you could put in links for the best guide on smitefire for each hunter (in your opinion).
ThePerfectPrism (56) | February 25, 2017 1:15pm
Tbh I think you could add a "I indicate this guide for this god" thingie, like every other "Become The" series. Nevertheless, Thank YOU for adding more knowledge about smite gods !
Bernardozomer (33) | February 25, 2017 1:52pm
Agreed. It's not even that hard, as there are few S4 guides per god right now.
xZeroStrike (46) | February 25, 2017 1:59pm
That's it, Bernardo does mages! Bam. Even easier since there's more mage guides! x)
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IceColdPappsi (13) | February 24, 2017 8:55pm
Alright, so
U know how people like to type?
That's where l2rave comes in, master of guides!

All jokes aside, for your FIRST guide, this is awesome, and I think you're gonna like it here at SF!
Haven't gotten around to reading it, but just skimming it took me a full minute. Excited to start! Nice job!
Branmuffin17 (401) | February 24, 2017 4:34pm
Wow, very nice addition to the "Become" series! Well done.

With regard to builds, I wonder how popular FunBaller's early crit build will be now...a lot of people jumped on that as soon as they heard he was using it, but the price for Poisoned Star and Wind Demon have gone up, and the power on WD went down a bit...if you look at this recent record of Rama builds, for example, even Funballer isn't using Funballer's build:

Don't know then that I'd call it the current meta build. That still defaults, I think, to standard crit. You might also indicate that Ninja Tabi is a common choice as well...not just Warrior Tabi, as it's balanced out in power pretty well by Devourer's Gauntlet.

Funny enough, I thought Trans Unicorn would fall off more, but it's still being used commonly for Medusa, Ullr, Anhur, Neith, etc. Figured it'd be used mainly just for Neith and Ullr, with somewhat less common use with others.

The Unicorn builds do often consider the use of Odysseus' Bow as a late-game replacement item for the starter.

Also, Hastened Fatalis may be picked up early in place of Ichaival or whatever, but I think in many situations, it's picked up more in the later game.

Anyway, you explain things well, and again, good addition to the series.
l2rave | February 24, 2017 5:56pm
Thanks for the criticism! Now answering your points:

As long as the shurikens have attack speed, they will be considered "meta". Rushing lategame DPS early is too good to pass up, and if the opponent picks up shurikens, you'll have to as well or you'll be out boxed.

I know that Devo's balances out Ninja Tabi, but at that point in the game, you want your autos to hit hard, not fast, so that's why I put Warrior Tabi.

I think Trans Unicorn is still good because you have power for abilities and attack speed for autos. What's not to love?

I did consider Odysseus' Bow for the Unicorn build, but the most important state on a carry is pen, and the Unicorn build doesn't have as much power as other builds, so it won't be able to make use of the passive as well as others, in my opinion.

It's true that Ichaival is better than Hastened Fatalis, but because of pen on Fatalis, everybody's gonna get it now, so you need to do so in order to match them.

Again, thanks for the criticism.
UndampedDuke8 | February 24, 2017 3:59pm
Nice guide you should do a guide for assassin
l2rave | February 24, 2017 4:26pm
I think someone already did assassins, but I wouldn't mind doing it for them as well.
Bernardozomer (33) | February 24, 2017 7:17pm
Yes, there is an assassin edition of the "become the" series already. I don't know if this applies to mages as well, though.
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