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Become the Guardian of the Gods (S3)

9 0 16,263
by ThePerfectPrism updated December 19, 2016

Smite God:

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'Ello there everyone! ThePerfectPrism here for a different type of guide. I would like to welcome all of you to this project, which shall take a look at every Guardian in smite! As a warning, this will not be a in-depth guide of each god, but rather an analysis of them, recommended playstyle, and a optimal build under common circumstances.

~Who are the Guardians?~

Sacrifice: the surrender or destruction of something prized or desirable for the sake of something considered as having a higher or more pressing claim, or permit injury or disadvantage to, for the sake of something else.

Everyone who dares play Guardian in the Battleground of the Gods should know this befores the match even loads. The Guardians exists to help their team, whatever their role may be. Be it Jungle, Support or Solo, Guardians were made to sacrifice themselfs for the greater good of the team, and their sacrifices are not only their lifes, but their abilities, builds, and their gameplay methods as well.

Note: I suggest you to know all of the Guardians' abilities before reading the guide, since they shall not be explained.

~How to Build your Guardian~

I wanna start saying that every guardian is different, and there isn't a single good build for every match you'll have. With that in mind, this section is a generic "What you should aim for" builds with some "Important items in certain situations" in the end.
Generic Go-To

More Passive
ritual dagger
More Aggressive

Situational Items
Travelers Shoes Lotus Crown


Health: 485 (+90)
Mana: 200 (+37)
Speed: 360 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec 0.9 (+1,25%)

Basic Attack
Damage: 38 (+1,55) + 20% of Magical Power
Progression: 1/.75/1/1.25 damage and swing time

Physical: 17 (+3)
Magical: 30 (+0.9)

HP5: 8 (+0.67)
MP5: 4.6 (+0.42)

Ares is an aggressive god that focuses on bullying the enemy out of lane, to the point of killing them. Using his Shackles, he is directed towards aggressive and lethal damage, if he's being precise with his aim. However, with Bolster Defenses, he can still be a good support, giving a big buff to the team. His Ultimate, No Escape, is centered towards his theme, of destruction and to force the enemy to fight.

Ares should use Aggressive Builds, more focused towards Auras, since they help him with his passive, while also focusing on mana, since he's such a mana-hungry god.

Ares is a force to be dealt with. If you ignore him/underestimate him early, prepare to be punished at level 5 and in the late-game, if he gets ahead. Good Ares players can wreak havoc upon any team, and is mostly seen on the Support role, for his insuficient wave clear.

If you want a more in-depth guide about this god, check out Stuke99's Ares Guide for all the details


Health: 500 (+100)
Mana: 190 (+34)
Speed: 365 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec 1 (+1,2%)

Basic Attack
Damage: 35 (+1,5) + 20% of Magical Power
Progression: 1/1/2 damage and swing time

Physical: 20 (+3.2)
Magical: 30 (+0.9)

HP5: 8 (+0.9)
MP5: 4.6 (+0.42)

Athena is a hybrid goddess that focuses on keeping the enemy team busy while her team nukes them. With Confound, she can disorient the enemy team, being it in order to kill them, or in order to save another god. With her Preemptive Strike, she can safely get in and out of teamfights, and coupled with Defender of Olympus, she becomes the best Guardian when it comes to map presence.

Athena can use any of the 3 builds, since she's mostly a hybrid character, she can mostly get the Generic Go-To build, since it completements her playstyle, but she can benefir from all of the other builds, if they compliment the player's playstyle.

Athena is just an annoyance for the enemy team. If they don't focus her, she distracts them, if they focus her, they're wasting time on a tank that can buy time for her team to kill her chasers. She can be seen in Solo, Support and Jungle roles, since she can do all 3 just fine.

If you want a more in-depth guide about this god, check out my Athena Support Guide & my Athena Jungle Guide for more details


Health: 495 (+85)
Mana: 200 (+40)
Speed: 365 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec 0.88 (+1%)

Basic Attack
Damage: 37 (+1,5) + 20% of Magical Power
Progression: None

Physical: 19 (+3)
Magical: 30 (+0.9)

HP5: 8 (+0.8)
MP5: 4.8 (+0.4)

Bacchus is an aggressive god that focuses on dealing insane amounts of direct and DoT damage with his Belly Flop and Belch of the Gods. Having an amazing exemple of the Support's Sacrifice motto, he sacrifices his escape, Belly Flop, to peel and help his team destroying the enemy team, while being able to do damage himself, with Intoxicate and the high base-damage numbers for both Belly Flop and Belch of the Gods

Bacchus should go for the Aggressive build, since he can be the biggest threat on the enemy team, by his CC, coupled with his damage, he is jokingly refered to as the "Support for those who don't want to Support".

Bacchus is that god that a lot of people love to play, but none love to find him on the enemy team. He can, even if playing support, kill an ADC with his bloated base damage, and hus passive just brings him to a whole new level of annoyance. At least Hi-Rez did make him not the tankiest character out there, and pretty mana-hungry! He can be found in the support and jungle roles.

If you want a more in-depth guide about this god, check out BranMuffin17's Bacchus Guide for more details


Health: 490 (+90)
Mana: 200 (+34)
Speed: 365 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec 0.9 (+1.2%)

Basic Attack
Damage: 38 (+1,5) + 20% of Magical Power
Progression: None

Physical: 23 (+3.3)
Magical: 30 (+0.9)

HP5: 8 (+0.75)
MP5: 4.6 (+0.46)

Cabrakan is an aggressive god, focusing on hunting targets and easy picks on the enemy side. His unique move, Tremors, makes his damage unpredictable, since it depends if the enemy is able to get out of it through an ability/relic, or if he needs to walk his way out. Normally coupled with Tectonic Shift, this 2 abilities alone can kill most squishy characters in the game, giving Cabrakan his feared presence.

Cabrakan should go for the Aggressive build, since he can be the biggest threat on the enemy team, with his insane damage. While he can play more passively, it wouldn't benefit his playstyle at all

Cabrakan is a underapreciated character, normally ruled off as weak, since most players don't know how to play him. Dedicated Cabrakan players can bring out his true power and be able to bring havoc among the enemy team. Normally played in the Solo lane, due to his inneficiency as a support and his 1v1-induced kit, he is one of the scariest gods to meet in the battlefield.

At the moment, there are no good Cabrakan guides out there.


Dragonic Corruption

Health: 495 (+90)
Mana: 200 (+40)
Speed: 365 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec 0.9 (+1.2%)

Basic Attack
Damage: 37 (+1,55) + 20% of Magical Power
Progression: 1/1/1/1 damage and swing time

Physical: 21 (+3.4)
Magical: 30 (+0.9)

HP5: 5 (+0.54)
MP5: 4.5 (+0.45)

Fafnir is a hybrid god, in which in his own gameplay there are moments in which he benefits from being more passive, and moments he benefits for being more aggressive, in the same match. Early on, while Coerce isn't that strong, he mostly focuses on being an aggressive bully that stuns, slows and disarms his enemies, and, later on, he becomes a damage sponge and buff giver for the ADC (Under normal circumstances).

Fafnir can build all the 3 builds, but mostly benefits from the Generic Go-To, since it gives him the edge he needs, and enough mana and CDR to spam Coerce later on.

Fafnir is a really popular Guardian, with his steroid buff and pure strangth, he represents an aggressive prick that can dive your team alone, to buy time for his team. While he mostly benefits from playing aggressively, he still can be well played passively.

At the moment, there are no good Fafnir guides out there.


Health: 510 (+90)
Mana: 190 (+34)
Speed: 360 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec 1 (+1.2%)

Basic Attack
Damage: 38 (+1,5) + 20% of Magical Power
Progression: 1/1/1/1 damage and swing time

Physical: 19 (+3)
Magical: 30 (+0.9)

HP5: 8 (+0.8)
MP5: 4.6 (+0.4)

Geb is a hybrid, but mostly passive god. Focusing on the defense of his allies, Geb mostly has CC in his kit to buy time for his team. Shoc wave knocks-up enemies, Cataclysm stuns them, Roll Out knocks them back, and Stone Shield cleanses and gives "temporary health" to his allies.

Geb should build the Passive build, since he needs to be alive so he can help his allies in succeding in teamfights.

Geb is the perfect passive Guardian. He can deal damage himself, but he is geared towards aiding his team, and not himself. While he is mostly found in the Support role, some brave souls play him as Solo, and some of them even succeed in the function

If you want a more in-depth guide about this god, check out TheZodiacWolf's Geb Guide for more details.


Health: 460 (+90)
Mana: 190 (+34)
Speed: 360 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec 1 (+1.2%)

Basic Attack
Damage: 38 (+1,5) + 20% of Magical Power
Progression: 1/.5/1.5 damage and swing time

Physical: 19 (+3)
Magical: 30 (+0.9)

HP5: 8 (+0.8)
MP5: 5 (+0.4)

Khepri is a passive god, focusing on the protection and oppotunity-oppening for his team to attack, or retreat. With Abduct, he can force a player out of his position, either helping your team in killing him, or aiding your ally into fleeing him. He can also get a edge againts the enemy with Rising Dawn, since it debuffs the enemy team, coupled with Solar Flare, rooting enemies in place. In dire cases, he can use his Ultimate, Scarab's Blessings, to revive his about-to-be-fallen allies.

Khepri should build the passive build, since he depends on his life to make sure his own team's life is also guaranteed.

Khepri specifies in making sure his team stays alive, making him an obvious pick for Support. Since he can deal some (bad) damage, he can help in lane clearing, but his main utility is to counter enemy gods, be it in stopping them, distracting them, or killing them.

If you want a more in-depth guide about this god, check out GameGeekFan's Khepri Guide for more details


Health: 490 (+100)
Mana: 200 (+34)
Speed: 365 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec 1 (+1.2%)

Basic Attack
Damage: 38 (+1,5) + 20% of Magical Power
Progression: 1/.75/1.25 damage and swing time

Physical: 18 (+3.2)
Magical: 30 (+0.9)

HP5: 8 (+0.75)
MP5: 4.6 (+0.42)

Kumbhakarna is an aggressive god, focusing on CC'ing enemies, keeping them out of fights, while doing some considerable damage in the process. Mighty Yawn is easily one of the most hated abilities in the game, and it's 3 second mesmerize is feared in the middle of a teamfight. His Groggy Strike banishes a player for a few seconds, which could be enough to win a teamfight.

Kumbhakarna should build aggressively, since his utility depends on him doing damage on the enemy team, while have some health, but mostly damage.

Kumbhakarna is one of the most feared aggressive guardians, with due respect. His damage is enough to play Solo, and his CC is impressive to the point of being a Support. Most players will run at the sight of a damage Kumbhakarna, but most of the times, it's useless.

At the moment, there are no good Kumbhakarna guides out there.


Health: 490 (+81)
Mana: 210 (+35)
Speed: 365 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec 0.85 (+1.4%)

Basic Attack
Damage: 38 (+1,5) + 20% of Magical Power
Progression: None

Physical: 19 (+3.)
Magical: 30 (+0.9)

HP5: 6 (+0.75)
MP5: 4.5 (+0.43)

Sobek is an aggressive god, with Charge Prey, he can put enemies in a bad position, normally getting melted right after by your team. Sickening Strike is a direct counter to healers, debuffing healing received by 50%, and Lurking In The Waters regenerates a lot of mana and does a lot of damage.

Sobek should build aggressively, but more focused toward mana and cooldown, since it's one of his biggest problems.

Sobek is often seen both on Solo and on Support, mainly because of his sustain, his CC, and his damage output. Sickening Strike heals for a lot, Charge Prey can guarantee kills, and Tail Whip is a good way to keep a CC-Chain going.

If you want a more in-depth guide about this god, check out Bernadozomer's Sobek Guide for more details


Nature's Protection

Health: 510 (+90)
Mana: 190 (+34)
Speed: 360 (+0)
Range: 40 (+0)
Attack/Sec 0.8 (+0.6%)

Basic Attack
Damage: 38 (+1,5) + 20% of Magical Power
Progression: None

Physical: 19 (+3.)
Magical: 30 (+0.9)

HP5: 8 (+0.8)
MP5: 4.6 (+0.4)

Sylvanus is a passive god, focusing on healing his allies, putting enemies out of position, and helping his team with attacking/retreating. Verdant Growth is good for both rooting a enemy so your team can melt him, or to create room for a escape. Wisps heals your team, while damaging your enemies, and Nature's Grasp is normally a guaranteed kill. Wrath of Terra is also another amazing CC tool and teamfight iniciation.

Sylvanus should build passively, since he mainly needs to be alive to be able to heal his team and reposition enemies for guaranteed kills. Be reminded Sylvanus should get Lotus Crown.

Sylvanus is one of the most interessting passive gods. His heal isn't amazing, but it's potent, and his ability to help his own team, be it his root or his pull, is simply too strong to be ignored. Coupled with his Knock-Up, he has a big synergy with Awilix, making him a good choice while having her on the team.

At the moment, there are no good Sylvanus guides out there.


Health: 500 (+96)
Mana: 200 (+35)
Speed: 365 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec 0.9 (+1.4%)

Basic Attack
Damage: 38 (+1,55) + 20% of Magical Power
Progression: 1/1/1/1 damage and swing time

Physical: 20 (+3.2)
Magical: 30 (+0.9)

HP5: 8 (+0.8)
MP5: 4.6 (+0.4)

Terra is a hybrid goddess. While her CC is tremendous and her teamfight presence is just overwhelming, her damage is unsuficient to be called aggressive. Standing Stones makes her invulnerable to Awilix, which is a great Support killer, and her kit has unique features, making her the most hybrid goddess in the game.

Terra should build Generic Go-To build, since damage increases her healing, but she still needs some tankyness to remain relevant. Also, Lotus Crown is an item recommended on hr.

Terra is a fun one. While you can go guns blazing in a teamfight, you can also pull a Gandhi and focus more on helping your team escape then attack in itself. I myself like playing Terra more passively, using Monolith mostly to heal, Crushing Earth to proxy the wave, and [[Terra's Blessing to save a teammate more often then to stsart a teamfight. Terra's mostly seen on the Support role, for her insuficient damage for the Solo lane.

If you want a more in-depth guide about this god, check out my Terra Support Guide for more details.

~Xing Tian~

Health: 485 (+90)
Mana: 200 (+40)
Speed: 360 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec 0.9 (+1.2%)

Basic Attack
Damage: 35 (+1,55) + 20% of Magical Power
Progression: 1/1/1/1 damage and swing time

Physical: 21 (+3.4)
Magical: 30 (+0.9)

HP5: 5 (+0.54)
MP5: 5 (+0.45)

Xing Tian is an aggressive god, focusing on dealing damage and smart CC on his enemies to keep them at bay. Furious Roar is a great poke ability and wave-clear. Whirlwind of Rage and Steel is an amazing knock-back ability that can slow down a entire enemy team from chasing yours, and Hook Slam is a great iniciator, together with Sky-Cutting Axe.

Xing Tian should build aggressively, since his utility depends on him doing damage on the enemy team, while have some health, but mostly damage. Be aware mana and CDR are also important for his kit to work better.

Xing Tian is underpowered at this point, but a good Xing Tian player can overcome this state and do some work with him. For his damage output and Smouldering Rage, he can be seen both in the Support and Solo roles.

At the moment, there are no good Xing Tian guides out there.


Health: 510 (+104)
Mana: 200 (+32)
Speed: 360 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec 0.85 (+1.2%)

Basic Attack
Damage: 38 (+1,55) + 20% of Magical Power
Progression: None

Physical: 23 (+3.3)
Magical: 30 (+0.9)

HP5: 8 (+0.9)
MP5: 4.5 (+0.4)

Ymir is am aggressive god, dealing high amounts of damage with Glacial Strike, stunning enemies with Frost Breath, blocking of enemies that are escaping/chasing with Ice Wall and Shard of Ice is great at zoning and doing extra damage.

Ymir should build the aggressive build, but with some CDR and Mana, maybe even Travelers Shoes to get extra movement speed.

Ymir is great at dealing damage while CC'ing his foes. All of his damage abilities applies CC, and with Frostbite, he has Jungle potential, well used by Ymir players. Normally found in the Support role.

If you want a more in-depth guide about this god, check out my Ymir Support Guide for more details.

~A Little Something Extra~


Guardians were the first class to call my attention, which was weird to me, cuz I like playing really high-damage playstyle on most games. Having played at least 60% of my Conquest Matches as support, my die-hard love for them shall never extinguish.

~Thanks To~

Stuke99 - For allowing me to do a Guardian variant of his Become the Deadliest Warrior guide.


December 2nd, 2016 ~ Guide Published !
December 19th, 2016 ~ Guide Updated, incluced Bernardozomer's Sobek guide.

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overld1 (18) | March 28, 2017 12:38pm
I know it's been a while since you touched your guide but it'll be great if you change ritual dagger to it's new name Relic Dagger.
Frozen84 (1) | December 20, 2016 1:01pm
Thank you very much. :)

I always find it really difficult to decide what God to play, but this really helped put the Guardians in perspective. Now... if only I could a) Settle on a God and practice or b) Find a God I'm good at and stick with it. ^^
ThePerfectPrism (56) | December 20, 2016 9:34pm
I would say start with the safe picks, Geb, Ymir and Khepri. From there, you can wonder off a bit. Liked the "Be In their Face" style of Geb ? Try Athena, Ymir and Sobek! Liked the "Bring Them Here!" Style from Khepri ? Terra, Sylvanus, Bacchus and ***hbakarna! But if you do fancy more damage, try Ares, Cabrakan, Xing Tian and Fafnir!
Frozen84 (1) | December 22, 2016 7:57am
Ah, thank you for the reply and the advice. :)

I often wonder how you measure how well you're doing as a Guardian. I know the whole Kills to death thing is a big deal for most people, but does that really apply to Guardians?
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Shlappz (4) | December 3, 2016 10:48pm
Do you plan to do this for the other 4 classes? I'd certainly read them if you do.
ThePerfectPrism (56) | December 4, 2016 6:59am
There's already a Warrior one by Stuke99. Click here to go check it out
IceColdPappsi (13) | December 22, 2016 10:07am
I can help you with mages if you're going to do that in the future.
Technotoad64 (46) | December 3, 2016 8:40pm
Spotted a typo:

Bacchus is that god that a lot of people love to play, but none love to find him on the enemy team. He can, even if playing support, kill an ADC with his bloated base damage, and hus passive just brings him to a whole new level of annoyance. At least Hi-Rez did make him not the tankiest character out there, and pretty mana-hungry! He can be found in the support and jungle roles.
Technotoad64 (46) | December 3, 2016 8:45pm
Another one:

Fafnir is a really popular Guardian, with his steroid buff and pure strangth, he represents an aggressive prick that can dive your team alone, to buy time for his team. While he mostly benefits from playing aggressively, he still can be well played passively.
ThePerfectPrism (56) | December 4, 2016 7:00am
Will fix them
Branmuffin17 (401) | December 3, 2016 3:55pm
Good start, Prism. Nice, clean, and simple. If I were to throw out a suggestion, I would say adding a categorization in the beginning for each God for quick reference. E.g. "Best roles: Support, Solo. Style: Conservative/Defensive" things like that. I know you mention them within the body, but that would be helpful as a one-liner.

If you consider expanding on certain ideas, let me know if you want to use the code from the CQ guide for any parts of the Support/Jungle/Solo roles.
ThePerfectPrism (56) | December 3, 2016 4:03pm
PM me the warding plea ? <3
Zilby (132) | December 3, 2016 10:27am
Unexpected but definitely a great guide. If you intend to add more content, I'd definitely add some more stuff in about gameplay (laning phase, late game, teamfight tips, etc) and maybe some explanations for your builds.

(Also maybe instead of saying "There are no good [insert guardian here] guides out there" just say "there are no [insert guardian here] guides that I would recommend," since there are guides for these gods and straight up calling them bad is kinda rude).
ThePerfectPrism (56) | December 3, 2016 11:41am
(Most of them are from S2)
Stuke99 (56) | December 3, 2016 10:11am
ThePerfectPrism (56) | December 3, 2016 11:41am
DucksRock (41) | December 3, 2016 3:29am
Great guide. BBCoding imo is great, easy to read, straight to the point and detailed. really looking forward to seeing what will happen in the future with this guide.
ThePerfectPrism (56) | December 3, 2016 3:29am
MOAR UPDATES! and maybe some tierlist and some teamfight info....
xZeroStrike (46) | December 3, 2016 3:16am
Really well done. Not only does this help players understand their Guardians a bit better, it also refers to some really amazing guides for them. Hopefully you'll keep updating this and keep it up-to-date!
ThePerfectPrism (56) | December 3, 2016 3:29am
Will do bae <3
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