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Chronos - Multiple 0rgasm?, NO PROBLEM!

2 3 19,831
by HiGHFiVE updated July 12, 2013

Smite God: Chronos

Build Guide Discussion 5 More Guides
Choose a Build: Tanky / Mid & Late Game Build (My Favorite)
Tanky / Mid & Late Game Build (My Favorite) Aggressive Build Balanced Build
Tap Mouse over an item or ability icon for detailed info

Chronos Build

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Demonic Grip Demonic Grip
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard

Possible Active

Build Item Purification Beads (Old) Purification Beads (Old)
Build Item Aegis Amulet (Old) Aegis Amulet (Old)
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings
Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune

Viable Item choices

Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth
Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Wall of Absolution Wall of Absolution
Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi

In-Depth Guide following Soon !

In-Depth Guide is following as soon as possible !


Hello, folks!
This is my second Guide on SmiteFire and its focused on Mid-Lane for Chronos.

Keep in mind that English is not my mother language and this Guide was released on 11/07/13 and its currently not finished, im working really hard to improve this Guide for you !

Chronos is a Magical ranged God.
He has great survivabillity, mobility & a huge load of Damage ;)

I always wanted something like a God of Time and im glad that they released Chronos - The Keeper of Time.

Feel free to post suggestions & Ideas / Tips, critisism and your own opinion for this Guide!

You can aswell send in some Screenshots from your Game History where you followed one of my Builds, i will put them in this Guide !

Remember: Never follow a Guide completely, all games are situational

Changelog and Chronos Updates


Keep in mind that this is in the CET/MEZ Time Zone

  • 11/07/13 - Guide is published!
  • 11/07/13 - Added new Item Build options / Fixed overall spelling / Reworked Skill Section
  • 12/07/13 - Chronos hotfix: Accelerate+20% Initial + 10/15/20/25/30 Movement Speed buff over time, passive now grants 1,5% HP per Second instead of Magical Lifesteal (About 1 Health Potion at any time) // Reworked overall Builds / added new Image


  • Big thanks to fswag ( for just being awesome !
  • Thanks to jhoijhoi for this amazing spacebars and an amazingly good Guide on How-to BBCode
  • Thanks to IceCreamy in Mobafire helping me using Columns properly !
  • Thanks to MoonFrost, for that wallpaper with all Gods !
  • Thanks to SteveSketches for that awesome Artwork (:
  • And thanks to everyone that reads this, you're awesome ! (:

Pros and Cons

Pros & Cons


+ Good harassment
+ Good Farmer & Pusher
+ High Mobility
+ High Sustain
+ Good Damage
+ Decent Crowd Control
+ Awesome teamfight presence
+ Amazingly good Passive
+ Is Ranged !
// Chronos is a great pick in solo queue. His overall potential is insanely good, even, his Laning Phase is just awesome, he can choose from his passive between survivability, more Damage & Mana cost reduction. His duelling, harass & farm potential is awesome, his Kit includes a nice CC, great Damage, survivability & Mobility !, most important when considering Chronos, is his Ultimate. He can tower dive almost with no risk to die, thanks to Rewind


- Is very squishy
- Very Mana hungry
- Needs Practice
- Weak early Game
- Vulnerable if Rewind on CD
- Needs good positioning in Team Fights
- All Abilities needs cast time
// Not figured out yet. (Gets updated soon)

Skills and Combos


Wheel of Time - So this is your Passive, if you lock in Accelerate it will give you a Buff, depending on the Section you locked in. This is what makes Chronos so versatile. Do you need 1,5% HP per Second (That matches almost a Health potion at any time), are you getting out of Mana soon and you need to go back but you cant?, do you want to just harass your enemy and then get out? Or are you going all in and let your Auto Attacks do the work with Polynomicon / Demonic Grip after all your abilities are on CD? This passive is amazing, it has almost everything, Sustain, Farm, Burst, sustained Damage .. AMAZING !, remember that Magic-power enhanced attacks (Section 4) benefits from Magical Lifesteal.

Skill Order:

Rewind - Simply always put a point in if available, exception would be if your Rewind is on a longer Cooldown, put then a Point into either your Time Rift or Accelerate, this will give you more damage while your Rewind is on Cooldown, putting a point in Rewind gives you nothing except a lower Cooldown, as soon as Rewind comes off CD you will most likely be already one level up and be able to put the missing Point in to it. Rewind is what makes Chronos the squishiest but most survivable Mage in the Game. You have a 150% speed steroid with no penalty while Auto Attacking, a second life depending on the situation, an AoE Slow + CC & a good nuke on your 1.

Time Rift - I max this first , simply because it has a 5 Second Cooldown and the Damage/Harass is overall better then Stop Time's/ Accelerate. Keep in mind that the safest way to land Time Rift is in combination with Stop Time. The downside is, after casting it, it needs about half a second to actually trigger the damage, overall its hard to land it on moving targets.

Accelerate - I level this ability second, simply because it gives you so much Mobility. This ability is awesome in combination with Polynomicon. You wont get any Movement speed Penalty for auto attacking, in addition you even gain +20% Initial Movement Speed on activation and another 10%/15%/20%/25%/30% Movement Speed over time, we're not done yet, you also get 20%/25%/30%/35%/40% Attack Speed which is why Chronos synergies so well with Polynomicon and Demonic Grip as well as his overall Kit.
The common Combo is stunning your enemy first with Stop Time and going for a Time Rift, after that activate your Accelerate with Section 4 (35% Magical Power on Basic Attacks) and chase him down. In a escaping Scenario simply Stun him and escape with Accelerate right after that.

Stop Time - I level up Stop Time last, simply because you wont burst anyone down in the early levels, the sustained Damage and Mobility from Accelerate is more important then a bit more Initial Damage (As longer a fight lasts, the more Accelerate will be a better choice to max it over Stop Time) . Keep in mind that Stop Time doesnt Stun instantly, it first Slows and about 0.5 Seconds later Stuns the target!, always remember to use Time Rift right after you stunned your opponent, you can also follow this up with Accelerate [S3] or [S4] to chase & finish your Enemy off.

Using Combo's Effectively:

Simply harass him with Time Rift, keep in mind that you can choose between [S1], [S2], [S3] and [S4], i recommend you to use either [S2] or [S3] for harassing with Rift of Time

A simple Combo that has a great harass potential. If the enemy is low enough, you can engage with Accelerate, hit him a couple of times and lastly finish him off with Time Rift.

> > >
Engage with Stop Time go for a Time Rift, keep going with Accelerate [S4] and finish him off with another Time Rift. If hes not yet dead but almost, dont be scared to tower dive if Rewind is up, but keep in mind that the enemy Jungler *seriousness off* THAHAHAHAHAJJAJAA DO THEY EVEN EXIST ANYMORE XD *seriousness on* can be around and he will most likely gank you!, therefore, if you really want to play aggressive, buy Wards.

> >
This is for a Scenario where you're most likely dead, simply use Rewind and either fight against him (If you're having enough HP after rewinding) or back off by stunning him with Stop Time and escaping with Accelerate


Viable Item Choices:


aegis shield Magic Resist

Health Warlock's Sash

Pure Magical Damage

siphon blood Magical Lifesteal

Cooldown Reduction

More to come soon ..

More to come soon !


Chronos is overall a strong pick in Solo- as well as Team que and the listed builds synergies well with Chronos, he has great CC, his passive called Wheel of Time is amazing, he has great sustained damage and his overall burst particularly from his Time Rift is amazingly good for a 5 second Cooldown.

If i helped you & or you liked this Guide, please Vote as it shows me that i can keep going and improve.

Keep in mind that this Guide is never finished, i will keep Updating it and if i have time i will add even more Sections for this Guide.

Other Guides that i made:

Chronos Skins

Default Skin

Time Lord

200 Gems / 9500 Favor

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macabrocabral | July 16, 2013 10:39pm
IMO, playing more offensive on mid if you see that you're getting out farmed, gives a balance to the game, but you have to pay attention on ganks. When I play mid, I get Demonic Grip first for the advantage on enemy attack speed and penetration, so the enemy will play more defensive or even hug tower.
I want a opinion, would Book of Thoth be better than Warlock Sash? Because it gives you some mana, magic power, additional mana and magic power based on mana.
And about spear of magus, I don't know if its viable, because u have to cast 2 abbilities to make it worth, and another within 5 seconds, so u have to make that time rift hit the target right after the cooldown. I liked your guide, gave me some more thoughts about my build and playstyle. Nice Job! (VVGN) xD
PowaManG (4) | July 13, 2013 8:07am
Your items section is kind of meh, it starts off with a picture of the old item shop, and then just gives a bunch of generic items that look like a copy and paste from your He Bo build. You should use that to explain your build and why you think it is effective.

Build wise I just have a couple comments:

-To be completely honest Chronos's early game farming abilities kind of suck, whenever I play him against Ra/Poseidon/Ao Kuang/Isis/Anubis I get out farmed pretty easily. This makes it much harder to get last hits and stack up Warlock's Sash which is an item that definitely isn't worth it until it's fully stacked up. This item essentially weakens Chronos's laning phase. I personally like to play a more aggressive laning phase and then if I need the extra health mid-late game I will go for the sash.

-Polynomicon/Bancroft's Talon are definitely core items to have any kill potential with Chronos.

-Spear of the Magus is better than Obsidian Shard on Chronos because of the 3/1 combo.

Also you should try to put in more content and less imagery, it does give a nice touch but I think we all know what Chronos looks like... yah.
HiGHFiVE (1) | July 11, 2013 11:54pm
Raventhor wrote:

I think I've got my build down. Boots of the Magi, Demonic Grip, Demonic Grip, Demonic Grip, Rod of Tahuti, Spear of the Magus.
am i doin it rite? :D
Love the picture diagrams, though!

This was not meant to be like this :P Its just a choice ^^, by that i mean, you could grab Voidstone as your 2nd Item, Demonic Grip as 3rd and Poly as 4th ^^

You could also go for Demonic Grip 2nd, Voidstone 3rd, Poly 4th, its just a choice you can make :P

Lassen wrote:

Very Informative Guide !
Even if you made some spelling mistakes though.

awesome Guide, nice looking ! +1
Keep it up (:

Thanks !
Its really hard for Guides to really get going until they get Votes, spread the word! =)
Lassen | July 11, 2013 11:23pm
Very Informative Guide !
Even if you made some spelling mistakes though.

awesome Guide, nice looking ! +1
Keep it up (:
Raventhor (158) | July 11, 2013 7:41pm
I think I've got my build down. Boots of the Magi, Demonic Grip, Demonic Grip, Demonic Grip, Rod of Tahuti, Spear of the Magus.
am i doin it rite? :D
Love the picture diagrams, though!
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