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Going for Gold: A Guide to Starting Ranked

12 2 40,195
by Subzero008 updated March 6, 2014

Smite God:

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I am Subzero008. I have been playing ranked since the second season. For your information, I'm in Gold Conquest, but that's not important1.

So, you want to play ranked. But playing ranked isn't as simple as just being skilled at playing a certain god or role. There are rules and little things that you must know if you want to advance in League2. This guide's purpose is to show you these things, and how.

I refuse to acknowledge the existence of Joust 1v1 League.

1Someone is inevitably going to ask.

2You know what I mean.

Step One: Knowing Your Roles

This may sound obvious, but before you even click the "Enter Queue" button, you need to have a general understanding of Smite. You need to understand common game terminology, you need to reliably hit with all of your abilities and basic attacks, and you definitely need to know how to play your god.

But there are a few crunchy bits in this otherwise silky bisque of competition. (I am truly the master of metaphors.)

You must know how to play every role.

And I mean every one. It's a fact of life that you meet more bad people than good ones, and Smite's ranked queues are no different. Most of the people you will meet are complete *******s. Some call out a role and refuse to play another one. Others refuse to be flexible and use their position on the top of the ranked queue to dictate who does what. You might even meet people who know how to play one role and nothing else. In any case, you must be prepared to play multiple roles if you want to win.

I do not ask you to master all roles. But in order to survive in ranked, you must at the very least be competent as a mid, a support, a hunter, a jungler, and a solo laner. It is always better to have a guy who knows how to play his role and a guy who is playing his best role versus a guy who is playing his best role and a guy who is stuck with a role he has no clue how to play. This leads to point # Dos.

Master at least two gods in each role.

Three would be even better, but two is the absolute minimum. You never know if an enemy or ally might pick your god, especially if he/she is a pick for multiple roles. Or perhaps an enemy might select your chosen god. Your god might even be banned.

You need to be flexible in your choice of god for these reasons. Don't put all your eggs into one basket.

Step Two: The Meta

The meta, as much as I may dislike, is important.

Understand and consider the current meta at all times.

Why? Because the meta has been proven to work. It may not be the best solution, but it is certainly the most practical.

For example, let's say you are undecided between Sobek and Ymir support. Ymir support is viable and works no matter who tells you what, but if you are feeling uneasy about your chances of success with Ymir support, then Sobek support would also work, and more importantly, is a reliable option.

If you are ever uncertain about anything, whether it is a build, a god pick, a ban, or anything like that, remember that the meta is a good fall-back plan.

But this doesn't mean you should pick a god by reputation.

Don't pick a god just because he's normally banned or is the "meta."

I've seen so many teams lose because they pick Mercury or Zeus because someone forgot to ban them. They picked a god solely out of reputation, and end up losing because they haven't mastered the god. Never be this stupid.

Step Two-Point-Five: What the Meta Is

The Meta is basically what the "pros" are doing, and what the "non-pros" are copying. If Cloud9 doesn't ban Zeus in the upcoming tournament, people will start banning him less, because people are insecure. Sounds cynical, but it's true.

Here's a list of the current "meta" gods.

Bans: Zeus, Zhong Kui, Geb, Thanatos.

Support Tanks: Sobek, Athena, Bacchus, Sun Wukong, Geb.

ADCs: Anything goes, or at the very least no one will throw a hissy fit if you pick Cupid over Apollo.

Mids: Ao Kuang, Agni, Zhong Kui, He Bo, Zeus.

Solo Laners: Chaac, Ra, Zhong Kui, Tyr.

Junglers: Thanatos, Fenrir, Mercury, Thor.

Step Three: Teamwork, Etiquette, and Communication

The thing about any MOBA, is that the importance of teamwork is directly proportional to average player skill level. As the general skill level of all players rises, teamwork becomes more important than any individual's skill.

What this means is, even if you have over 2000 masteries as a god and you have a 100% win ratio with that god, you have to work with your team. I don't care if you think you are carrying your team, that just puts more responsibility on your shoulders to be a good team player.

Be a team player.

Know your role, and its synergies with other gods. Never assume you can do a Solid Snake and lone wolf your way to victory.

The next bit is NOT optional.

Be polite.

You might think that being polite is a lot to ask for from a MOBA player, but people tend to underestimate the importance of courtesy. Teamwork is built around trust, and raging at a teammate will only help to sever that trust.

Also, rage is a huge detriment to a player's, and by extension, his team's focus. It's a simple fact of human psychology that being angry does not help you with delicate tasks, or at least for most people. You can get tunnel vision on an enemy, you might rage-type in the middle of combat, and you might even lazy back.

Let me put it this way: A tested and completely viable strategy in League of Legends Ranked is to find a struggling player on the enemy team, and say "Your [Struggling Player] is trash." Cue instant arguments and BM-ing and raging, and more often than not, a loss for the enemy team.



This sounds obvious, but you will not believe the sheer number of players in ranked queue that just don't talk. They never say anything, and what words do come out of their mouths are gibberish, a product of an alien mind.

Let your team know what you are doing. Let them know what you need, what they need, and don't hesitate to offer suggestions. If you need wards, let your team know! If you think your team should focus their Ra, say it! The difference between good communication and radio silence is the difference between snagging a gold fury after a triple kill and starting it late and dying from a vengeful team.

Step Zero: Maximizing Your Chances of Victory

This is basically a list of tips that are, while not exactly necessary, tremendously useful toward helping you win.

Always call fill.


To put it simply, filling lets your less talented teammates play who they want. The more players who know how to play their chosen god/role, the better your team, and by extension, you, will be off.

Be patient in the queues.

The way Smite's ranked queues allow a limited player pool per session. So if you have a match, and half your team is toxic and/or are bad players, chances are, if you play the next game, you will be playing with those same people; maybe on your team, maybe on the enemy's.

If you don't want to take that risk, then take a break. Go eat something, go to the bathroom, whatever. Just enter the next queue. There's no rush.

For the love of God, if you have a ****ty connection, play casuals until it improves.

I completely understand when your internet ***** its pants when you just entered a ranked queue. But you have no excuse if you go into another right afterwards. Do everyone a favor and relax.


This has been a quick little thing to help those who want to start playing Ranked but aren't sure. If you have any questions about entering Ranked that this guide does not answer, please give a comment and tell what so I can answer it.

Thank you.


Update Log

3/6/14: Further explained the Meta, and added a list of the current meta.

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Pentargonite (62) | June 3, 2014 10:46pm
Thana isn't high pick anymore, Bastet and Hun are (you probs already know), zeus isn't ban material anymore. Zhong is meh as ban and poseidon is picked like always. So is Aphro.
I'm suprised you didn't update that since you updated it yesterday 0.o
Ractor | April 18, 2014 4:44am
As someobody who has been playing a lot more smite over league of legends lately (Diamond league player, still leveling up in smite) this is pretty helpful to understand the meta so you have my thanks for that. But something important to note is "going on tilt". If you lose a game or two in a row, you're more inclinded to lose your next game as well as you're likely to be hacked off due to team mates or your own poor performance. Best thing you can do is take a 15 minute break, so many of my friends fail to do this and their League remains far lower than mine as a result.

TL;DR a clear head does wonders ;)
Sugarpixie | April 8, 2014 3:31am
HollowsEdge wrote:

The only thing I cam think of thats missing from this guide is a basic explanation of the draft pick mode and basic etiquette on how players should go about deciding on what gods to pick and ban and what roles they want to play.

This is something I would be very interested in as well! Besides that, great guide! Working on my final masteries now before jumping in!
TheGenocideLord (13) | April 7, 2014 3:12am
Upvote even though I wish this guide could cover how to deal with ****s, lol.
RampageRiley (2) | March 25, 2014 3:16pm
Could just use a little more BBC Coding, but I personally had no trouble reading it and absorbing information. Good job overall, here's an upvote.
HollowsEdge (5) | March 13, 2014 7:14pm
Great guide Sub! It has a lot of usefull information that I needed. I couldn't agree more on the Connection issue as thats the reason why I have never played league due to my ping always being over 300 and I dont feel like it will be fair to my team if I cant play to the best of my ability due to technical issues!

The only thing I cam think of thats missing from this guide is a basic explanation of the draft pick mode and basic etiquette on how players should go about deciding on what gods to pick and ban and what roles they want to play.
LeDozo (1) | March 13, 2014 5:45am
This is an amazing guide. Very nice looking, and explains a lot. Only thing, isn't Tyr in the top tier of jungles right now? just wondering. Great guide! I have to force my friend to read this because he thinks that RIGHT AFTER HE HITS LVL 30 he is playing league. I am not lvl 30 either but i know what it takes. Anyways, thank you for making me stick to casuals for the next year xD
Pentargonite (62) | March 12, 2014 10:17am
Really nice guide, I like that it's short but still has a lot of information, and I definately feel more confident going into ranked :) I don't like I have to know support though :P +1
DroboBrandegee (2) | March 11, 2014 10:26am
Alright thanks for that. I am a mainly arena player so that will help now that I'm starting league. It would be awesome to have an arena section in this just to touch on some of those things. This is still really helpful though, +1 :)
Subzero008 (112) | March 11, 2014 8:00am
Yes. Arena is a bit more flexible though, and it has different tier lists. Whoops.
DroboBrandegee (2) | March 11, 2014 6:41am
What you said about being able to play 2 gods in each role well... does that also apply to arena league?
Subzero008 (112) | March 6, 2014 3:43pm
Thanks for the feedback, all of you. I'll be sure to explain the meta, and I'll put a list of what the meta is, and why.

Uh, the meta is basically what is fashionable right now. Ideally, it stands for Most Effective Tactic Available, but in reality, it's just other players copying high-level players. It ain't perfect, but it works.

Meta Support Tanks: Bacchus, Sobek, Athena, Wukong.

Meta Mids: He Bo, Ao Kuang, Agni.

Meta ADCs: Anything can go here, thank goodness.

Meta Junglers: Thanatos, Fenrir, Nemesis, Mercury, Thor.

Meta Solo: Ra, Chang'e, Zhong Kui (Good luck playing him, though), Chaac, Bakasura, Guan Yu, Vamana, and tohers.
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