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I am Subzero008. I have been playing ranked since the second season. For your information, I'm in Gold Conquest, but that's not important1.
So, you want to play ranked. But playing ranked isn't as simple as just being skilled at playing a certain god or role. There are rules and little things that you must know if you want to advance in League2. This guide's purpose is to show you these things, and how.
I refuse to acknowledge the existence of Joust 1v1 League.
1Someone is inevitably going to ask.
2You know what I mean.
This may sound obvious, but before you even click the "Enter Queue" button, you need to have a general understanding of Smite. You need to understand common game terminology, you need to reliably hit with all of your abilities and basic attacks, and you definitely need to know how to play your god.
But there are a few crunchy bits in this otherwise silky bisque of competition. (I am truly the master of metaphors.)
You must know how to play every role. |
Master at least two gods in each role. |
The meta, as much as I may dislike, is important.
Understand and consider the current meta at all times. |
Don't pick a god just because he's normally banned or is the "meta." |
The Meta is basically what the "pros" are doing, and what the "non-pros" are copying. If Cloud9 doesn't ban Zeus in the upcoming tournament, people will start banning him less, because people are insecure. Sounds cynical, but it's true.
Here's a list of the current "meta" gods.
Bans: Zeus,
Zhong Kui,
Support Tanks: Sobek,
Sun Wukong,
ADCs: Anything goes, or at the very least no one will throw a hissy fit if you pick Cupid over
Mids: Ao Kuang,
Zhong Kui,
He Bo,
Solo Laners: Chaac,
Zhong Kui,
Junglers: Thanatos,
The thing about any MOBA, is that the importance of teamwork is directly proportional to average player skill level. As the general skill level of all players rises, teamwork becomes more important than any individual's skill.
What this means is, even if you have over 2000 masteries as a god and you have a 100% win ratio with that god, you have to work with your team. I don't care if you think you are carrying your team, that just puts more responsibility on your shoulders to be a good team player.
Be a team player. |
Be polite. |
Communicate. |
This is basically a list of tips that are, while not exactly necessary, tremendously useful toward helping you win.
Always call fill. |
Be patient in the queues. |
For the love of God, if you have a ****ty connection, play casuals until it improves. |
This has been a quick little thing to help those who want to start playing Ranked but aren't sure. If you have any questions about entering Ranked that this guide does not answer, please give a comment and tell what so I can answer it.
Thank you.
3/6/14: Further explained the Meta, and added a list of the current meta.
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I'm suprised you didn't update that since you updated it yesterday 0.o
TL;DR a clear head does wonders ;)
The only thing I cam think of thats missing from this guide is a basic explanation of the draft pick mode and basic etiquette on how players should go about deciding on what gods to pick and ban and what roles they want to play.
This is something I would be very interested in as well! Besides that, great guide! Working on my final masteries now before jumping in!
The only thing I cam think of thats missing from this guide is a basic explanation of the draft pick mode and basic etiquette on how players should go about deciding on what gods to pick and ban and what roles they want to play.
Uh, the meta is basically what is fashionable right now. Ideally, it stands for Most Effective Tactic Available, but in reality, it's just other players copying high-level players. It ain't perfect, but it works.
Meta Support Tanks: Bacchus, Sobek, Athena, Wukong.
Meta Mids: He Bo, Ao Kuang, Agni.
Meta ADCs: Anything can go here, thank goodness.
Meta Junglers: Thanatos, Fenrir, Nemesis, Mercury, Thor.
Meta Solo: Ra, Chang'e, Zhong Kui (Good luck playing him, though), Chaac, Bakasura, Guan Yu, Vamana, and tohers.