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Guan Yu - Hold Your Horses

21 5 76,766
by Jordenito updated March 27, 2014

Smite God: Guan Yu

Build Guide Discussion 27 More Guides
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Guan Yu Build

Recommended Build

Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin
Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item Void Shield Void Shield
Build Item Runic Shield Runic Shield
Build Item Shifter's Shield Shifter's Shield

Choose One

Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin
Build Item Mystical Mail Mystical Mail
Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia


Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi


Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath

Physical Defense

Build Item Runeforged Hammer Runeforged Hammer
Build Item Void Shield Void Shield

Magical Defense

Build Item Runic Shield Runic Shield
Build Item Pestilence Pestilence

Universal Defense

Build Item Shifter's Shield Shifter's Shield
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak


Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane

Viable Actives

Build Item Greater Aegis Greater Aegis
Build Item Greater Blink Greater Blink
Build Item Greater Purification Greater Purification
Build Item Girdle of Support Girdle of Support
Build Item Weakening Curse Weakening Curse

Example Build - Unkillable Rider

Build Item Mystical Mail Mystical Mail
Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Pestilence Pestilence
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak
Build Item Runic Shield Runic Shield

Example Build - Bloodlust Warrior

Build Item Armored Cloak Armored Cloak
Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane

Guan Yu's Skill Order


1 X Y
2 8 11 12 14

Warrior's Will

2 A B
Warrior's Will
4 15 16 18 19

Taolu Assault

3 B A
Taolu Assault
1 3 6 7 10

Cavalry Charge

4 Y X
Cavalry Charge
5 9 13 17 20
2 8 11 12 14


1 X
Guan Yu's courageous leadership is infectious and, when focused, heals himself and his allies. Healing friendly gods reduces all Cooldowns by 2s for Guan Yu and 1s for his allies.

Ability Type: Circle, Heal
Healing: 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120
Boosted Healing: 2x Normal Healing
Radius: 30
Cost: 45
Cooldown: 14s
Warrior's Will
4 15 16 18 19

Warrior's Will

2 A
Guan Yu charges forward, his Green Dragon Crescent Blade extended in front of him. All enemies in his path take damage and are Slowed. Hitting enemy gods lowers all of Guan Yu's Cooldowns by 2s. Guan Yu is immune to Roots, Cripples, and Knockups while dashing.

Ability Type: Dash, Slow, Damage
Damage: 80 / 135 / 190 / 245 / 300 (+60% of your Physical Power)
Slow: 20%
Slow Duration: 2s
Boosted Slow: 40%
Cost: 50
Cooldown: 13s
Taolu Assault
1 3 6 7 10

Taolu Assault

3 B
Guan Yu spins his blade in a controlled but furious display, slicing enemies for damage every .3s for 3s. Each hit steals enemy Protections, giving them to Guan Yu. Guan Yu is immune to Knockback for the duration.

Ability Type: Line, Debuff, Damage
Damage per Hit: 17 / 27 / 37 / 47 / 57 (+20% of your Physical Power)
Protections Stolen: 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 (Max. 3 Stacks)
Protection Duration: 6s
Boosted Protections Stolen: 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 (Max. 3 Stacks)
Cost: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Cooldown: 13s
Cavalry Charge
5 9 13 17 20

Cavalry Charge

4 Y
Guan Yu mounts his warhorse and charges for 4s. While mounted, he can steer and attack and is immune to Crowd Control. Enemies hit take damage and are Slowed. Each hit increases damage from consecutive hits against that target by 20%. Enemies hit on the dismount are Stunned. You can dismount at any time by canceling.

Ability Type: Circle, Stun, Damage
Damage: 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 / 185 (+30% of your Physical Power)
Damage Escalation: 20% per hit
Slow: 25% for 2s
Stun: 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 / 1.4 / 1.5s
Boosted CC: 40% Slow and 2s Stun
Cost: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120
Cooldown: 90s


Hello there, I'm Jordenito

Hey, you there! Yeah you. Hold your Horses! My name is Jordenito, and I've been playing SMITE ever since Chang'e was introduced. My actual game skills in SMITE are questionable, my I can assure you, that I'm much better at writing guides than actually playing the game. It seems that I can understand the mechanics of a certain god and their playstyle better than actually playing them in practice.

And this is Guan Yu

Guan Yu is the red faced Chinese God, Saint of War, Wielder of the Green Dragon Crescent Blade. In Smite, Guan Yu is a Support-Warrior (AKA Bruiser), capable of sustaining his allies and himself, play as an off-tank, deal a significant amount of sustained damage and ride an intimidating red horse to battle. He is one of the most versatile gods, having very few downsides. Guan Yu fits almost any situation, and though he lacks a bright, absolute specialization as opposed to some other gods in the game, he can always donate to any situation and play a big, helpful part, both solo and in team fights.

NOTE: The guide was previously called 'Guan Yu - Wilder of the Green Dragon Crescent Blade'
NOTE #2: Please, I don't mind how you vote for this guide, but please, if you downvote, leave a comment below telling me what you think was wrong so I could take it to my attention and improve/fix it.

Pros / Cons


High Sustain
High Mobility
Great Utility
Defense Shredder
Awesome Damage Output



Weak Early Game
Mana Hungry
Ability Reliant
Lack Of Burst Damage
Lack of Immediate Hard CC

In Short



Much like Guan Yu being extremely versatile when you look his entire kit, each and every of his abilities are multi-purpose and have many varied effects.

Painless: The more hits you take, the more your heal is charged up, up to 2x, which is achieved by 20 hits. Note that the amount of hits matter, and not the damage, meaning that a single hit from spirit's tempest and a single arrow from the archer minions will charge up your heal for the same amount.

Conviction: The uniqueness of this heal is not only the scaling which come from your passive, but also the physical protection buff you and your allies get once healed, making this ability one of your built-in-defenses. Additionally, if you heal a friendly god, all of your current cooldowns are reduced by flat 2 seconds.


Warrior's Will: Guan Yu's Green Dragon Crescent Blade skewering ability. This is a short dash, which, apart from dealing a fairly large amount of damage, also slows, and, much like Conviction, yes, you've guessed it! reduces all active cooldowns by 2 seconds.
warrior's will

Taolu Assault: Your signature ability and your main wave-clear ability Not only it can take down half of a mage's health when fully hitting them, it also debuffs them; reducing their protections while buffing you for the same amount. This is your entire essence - without it, Guan Yu is worth nothing. It allows you to shred through enemies' armor, while strengthening yourself.

taolu assault

Cavalry Charge: Guan Yu's ultimate ability is one of the best ultimates in the game. I cannot stress it enough how useful it is. It is one of the best initiating abilities in the game and one of the best escapes in the game as it provides insanely high mobility, inflicts great damage, slows enemies and eventually stuns them upon dismount. All in a small AoE. During this ability you are also immune to all CC. This ability can be pared with some other ultimates to increase it's effectiveness such as Ring of Spears The Pony Cage.

cavalry charge

Skill Order

Recommended Skill Order




















Bloodlust Skill Order




















Leveling up Taolu Assault first is essential. It is your most important skill and your main wave-clearing ability.

Now, the choice between leveling Conviction or Warrior's Will after Taolu Assault is in your hands:
If you are comfortable Guan players should go with Warrior's Will.
If you've just started playing Guan and don't feel comfortable enough, level up Conviction first.

Of course that whenever possible, put a point into Cavalry Charge.

Skill Combos







Tips & Tricks

  • When being chased, instead of using your Warrior's Will to simply escape, you could also use it to damage and slow down your enemy, by leading them to face you while you face your base/safe spot (e.g tower) and dash through them to slow them down.

  • If you are hit by something like, lets say tornadoes, your initial instinct will tell you to use Conviction right away. But no, you shouldn't. Not unless you would die if doing otherwise. What you should do is wait for tornadoes to end and fully hit you and then heal yourself as you'll benfeit from Painless.

  • I'd recommend putting Warrior's Will on instant cast. It's a short dash that you'll usually need to use in a sudden or immediately. Making it an instant cast will help you do those more quickly.

  • While mounted on your horse, you can press the 'S' key to slow yourself down, thus making it sometimes easier to constantly hit the same enemy.


Core Stats

You are one of the most ability reliant non-mage gods in the game. You need CDR, and a lot of it. The only case in which you shouldn't get max, 40% CDR is when you go for Spirit Robe. Since your heal doesn't scale according to power, only CDR helps it, and your abilities are so powerful that you must have them ready as quickly as possible.

True, you are not the carry of the team, but your damage output is very high. It's spread out, but it is very significant. And since you have quite high scaling, power is very important.

You need to be able to take damage. You need to be able to withstand throughout fights while being in the middle of the action. You need protections. Moreover, since Painless is charged according to the amount of hits, you can actually be healed for more of the damage that you taken.

Again, you must be able to deal damage. And while yes, you do have a built-in defense shredder, you must have at least one penetration item. Even the 21 shred isn't enough late game on its own.

Profitable Stats

Much like protections, the reason why health is a good pick for Guan is because it can help you endure fights and lots of incoming damage. But, protections are better than health, because you have a heal, and the amount healed doesn't change if you have lots of health. So, you can heal for 250, and that's 250 more health of 180 protections - if you build protections, but if you build health in a higher priority, you are going to heal for that same 250 health, but 250 health of 120 protections.

Useless Stats

You are not an auto-attack based god. You are an ability-reliant god. Rarely will you auto attack. You don't need attack speed, nor lifesteal, because lifesteal applies only on auto attacks, and you already have enough sustain from your heal.


Starting Items

Physical Protection

Magical Protection Start

Universal Protection Start

Purchase Order







magi's blessing

NOTE:All items that are not in the top of their column are alternatives for the other items in their column. Moreover, apart from the first row, the rest of the items in the rows have nothing to do with each other, meaning that they do not necessitate the other items to come in conjunction with them in the same build.

Beginning Items

One of the best items in the game, hands down. It provides both physical and magical protection in a considerable amount and some health and mana. On top of that, its passive is incredible. For each kill or assist, you get 2 protecitons, both physical and magical, up to 10 stacks. Meaning, that when fully stacked, this item grant you 65 magical AND physical protection. You should finish this item ASAP so that you'll get its passive rolling.

Lots of physical protection and health, but more importantly, the passive. Every second, enemies around you will take 40 magical damage. Now, this item is superb for helping your early game and it suits Guan's play style perfectly, since Guan Yu's kit is all in melee range. And don't forget, the protection debuff from Taolu Assault helps the damage.

Providing the most base magical defense than any other item in the game, Stone of Gaia will also help you sustain yourself, as it provides much HP5 & MP5, in addition to the percentage based health regeneration and some health. It provides immense early sustain.


Start investing in your movement speed after finishing Hide of the Urchin so you could rotate and gank more easily. Ninja Tabi provides some physical power and CDR in addition to your movement speed, which are more than welcome. This should always come right away after Hide of the Urchin.

If you have been attacked by a sudden bloodlust, then get this item. I'd recommended getting this over Ninja Tabi only if you plan on getting another CDR item, such as Spirit Robe or Hydra's Lament.

Cooldown Reduction

This item provides you with lots of power, some penetration and CDR. It's an excellent item for guan, as it provides lots of utility.

If you are faced with many physical threats, Breastplate of Valor is the item for you. Providing lots of physical defense, this item also grants you 25% CDR on top of the mana it adds, which while not being that important, serves you well as a mana-hungry god. 90% of the times though, you'd want to get Jotunn's Wrath, but if you feel like you need more defense against those physical enemy gods, get this instead.

Physical Defense

Physical protection without giving up on power, and a nice aura that lowers the physical defense of all nearby enemies - which syncs with Guan's playstyle very well.

If you happen to fight against 4 or more physical enemies, than get this item. Lots of physical protection and health, in addition to an amazing passive that converts some of your physical protection to power.

Magical Defense

Not only can you get up to 90 magical protection just from this item when its passive is active, you also don't give up physical power. Runic Shield is a great bruiser items that will easily help you face Mages in a man fight. Additionally the HP5 is nice.

At a very cheap cost, Pestilence provides quite lots of health and magical protection. Additionally, its passive is good for countering heavy-sustain enemies like Hel or Chang'e.

Universal Defense

Two things: Power and protections. When you need the power - when you are above 50% health, you gain even more power. When you need the protections - when you are below 50% health, you gain more even more protections, from both kinds.

A lot of magical protection, some physical protection and health, and some CDR, which is great, as while it doesn't completely maxes your CDR, it still gives you the option to get warrior's tabi over Ninja Tabi. On top of that, the passive is overwhelming. The damage mitigation might not seem like much, but it's very detrimental.

magi's blessing Want to be an unstoppable warrior of manhood? If so, get this item. With it, you'll have no need for Purification Beads as CC won't affect you that much, and it's especially good against gods such as Anubis or Ymir.

Power Items

Providing all of the mana you'll ever need and roughly 100 physical power on its own, Transcendence is the item for you if you feel manly enough to equip it. It is a perfect item for Guan as it completely solves your mana issues and grants you an insane amount of physical power. Your mana issues are mainly present in your early-mid game, so if you go for this item, I'd recommend getting it as soon as you've finished your Ninja Tabi.

If you really have nothing to get for your last item and feel like going man-mode, Titan's Bane will help you against teams with beefy gods like Hercules or Athena. Though I must say, sometimes % based penetration isn't the best on Guan Yu as your Taolu Assault reduces the targets' protection and thus reducing the effect of the % penetration, so you should think twice before getting Titan's Bane, as sometime flat penetration will benefit you more.

Lots of power and flat penetration, in addition to an astounding, anti-sustain passive. You could get this item purely for it's base stats if you need some penetration, as sometimes it bests the penetration of Titan's Bane, and if you do need the passive, it's even better when coupled with Pestilence, as healing reduction is additive.

If you feel manly enough and secure enough to stay alive, get this. A LOT of power and some movement speed at an ever-so-cheap cost. Usually I prefer Transcendence if you want to go full power, but this can also work.

The raw power it gives is great, and the CDR means that you can get warrior's tabi and still have max CDR. The passive on this item is superb if you want to have more burst damage. It also suits your kit very well, as you can Warrior's Will > Hydra's Lament or Cavalry Charge > Hydra's Lament with ease.

Active Items

Aegis Amulet or Aegis Pendant come in handy at almost any situation, especially against gods with heavy hitting ults, like Ao Kuang and his spirit tempest, or Thanatos and his Hovering Death. You can never go wrong with aegis (apart from Aphrodite maybe)

Much like Aegis, Purification Beads will always have a place, especially against No Escape, Pillar of Agony etc. I generally prefer Aegis over Beads because you have your CC immunity via Cavalry Charge. Nevertheless, it won't always be ready and Purification Beads just might save your life.

I'll be honest with you, I almost never use this item, but it sure does help your team. The extra damage and penetration your team gets from Girdle of Support just might decide the outcomes of a team fight. I'd recommend using this only with the support build. If you are using the damage build, go with Girdle of Inner Power.

I'd recommend using this item only for both builds. This item is very aggressive and while yes, Guan Yu already has insanely high mobility, he doesn't have a leap mechanic since Warrior's Will has a short range and Cavalry Charge speeds you up but isn't a dash. So, it'll make your initiation capabilities even greater. Only use this as luxury though, not as a resort.

The anti healers item, Weakening Curse absolutely denies every enemy sustain and slows them down significantly. It a superb item against enemies like Hercules and can also be used in combination with your ultimate.

If you find yourself wondering whether you should go with tier 3 Hand of the Gods or Fist of the Gods, wonder no more!
  • If you have a team mate with tier 3 Hand of the Gods you should get Fist of the Gods. It really helps you and makes up for that lack of immediate hard CC.
  • If you haven't got a team mate with tier 3 Hand of the Gods, do a favor for your team and yourself and slap on that active. It really helps with securing and sometimes stealing a Gold Fury or a Fire Giant.

Creeping/Clearing Jungle Camps

Basic Map / Jungle Knowledge

SMALL FURIESSpawns: 0:10
Respawns: 1:40
Difficulty: Easy
MID FURIESSpawns: 0:10
Respawns: 2:00
Difficulty: Easy
BUFF CAMPSSpawns: 0:10
Respawns: 4:00
Difficulty: Medium
GOLD FURYSpawns: 0:10
Respawns: 3:00
Difficulty: Hard
FIRE GIANTSpawns: 10:00
Respawns: 3:00
Difficulty: Expert

Map Awareness

Map awareness is a key for wining games. I cannot stress that enough, how important it is. Be aware of your surroundings. Know where your team mates are, know where your enemies are. Be careful if you don't have vision on some enemies.

Every 5 seconds or so, you should look at the mini-map. I'm not kidding, but it isn't as hard as it might sound - soon enough it'll become a habit. That's about 12 times per minute.

Also, every time you go back home, buy yourself a Ward or two. Knowledge is power. If you know where your enemies are, you can easily surprise or avoid ganks. Good places to put some sentry wards are near the Fire Giant and the Gold Fury.

Creeping / Laning

Clearing waves as Guan Yu in a nutshell:
Step 1: Use Taolu Assault.
There is no step 2.

Guan Yu's lane-clearing is quite straight forward: Taolu Assault. This ability deals enough damage by itself that when you get your skill to about level 3, it can clear an entire minion wave (apart from the big melee minion) by itself. The reason for that is the knock-back effect Taolu Assault has on minions. It knocks them back, allowing you to hit both all of the melee-minions and the archer-minions simultaneously.

Early game before you get some skill points into Taolu Assault you might need to auto-attack some minions and HoG them. Just try and kill the archers as soon as you can before the melee-minions because the archers are more dangerous if their priority target shifts to you.

Clearing Jungle Camps

This is not a 'How to jungle as Guan Yu' section. This is not the guide for jungling him It is simply how to clear jungle camps.

If you do want to jungle as Guan, check out this guide by Subzero008: The Saint of Jungling: A Guide to Jungling as Guan Yu

To clear jungle-camps, you should start by auto-attacking the creep with the highest health (the one in the middle) or one of the furies in the mid camps. Immediately afterwards cast Taolu Assault while rotating yourself left and right to prevent yourself from missing any hits because of the knock-back. Then just auto attack the ones who stay alive.

If you have Hand of the Gods just auto attack the strongest creep and then HoG them and continue auto attacking (auto-attacks early game do more damage than Taolu Assault.

Tips & Tricks

  • Be careful from using Warrior's Will to clear waves. You will deplete your mana instantly if you do so repetitively and eventually need to go home just to restore mana. You'd fare better just using Taolu Assault on the minions, believe me. Save your mana Conviction if you get damaged.

  • If you need to heal yourself, try and approach near your minions, so that way you would heal them as well and make your enemy work harder to kill them. It's very simple but can make quite a difference early game.

Game Phases

Starting The Match

Solo Lane's On The Right
You'd wanna to start at the right Mid Fury Camps. Your mid should also be with you there. The jungler might also be there, but he can also solo the Red Buff while you and your mid take the mid camps. That way you'll spend less time outside of your lane.

After you've finished with the mid camps, head over to the Red Buff if your jungler didn't do it. He should HoG that buff camp. After you've finished with the Red Buff , head over to your Blue Buff. Now you should HoG the Blue Buff and then head over to your lane. Most of the times your jungler will come with you for 2-3 waves.

Be careful from enemies invading your own Blue Buff. You do not want to lose that mana regeneration. It really helps you to sustain yourself in the lane and stay in it longer before returning to base. To prevent an invasion, first, you should search the perimeter. See if there are any enemies near your Blue Buff. You can also stay near that buff and about 5 seconds before the minions spawn, go to the mid-furies.

I would not recommend invading when you start from the right, as the enemy team will most likely be very close to their own Blue Buff as most of the times they'll start from their Orange Buff.

Solo Lane's On The Left
You and your jungler will most likely start from the Orange Buff. Your jungler should HoG this buff and take it. Afterwards, you should go over to the Blue Buff near you. You should HoG it and take it.

Immediately after you've finished your jungle business, head over to your lane and clear the minion wave.

Now, if your enemies haven't showed up by now, after you've finished with the minion wave, head over to their Blue Buff. Who knows, you might find yourself a Tyr with 40% HP and a free enemy Blue Buff. It is best to do so when your jungler is with you, as their jungler will most likely be with their solo-laner.

Now, starting on the left side of the jungle is best if you want to invade the enemy team's Blue Buff. The best way of doing so, in my opinion, is to quickly clear the Orange Buff, while, again, your jungler should HoG it and take it, and then immediately head over to the enemy Blue Buff while skipping your own. You and your jungler should attack only the big Cyclope in the middle. Only when he is about 65% health, use Hand of the Gods on it.

Be careful when invading. It is very risky, but can also yield great benefits.

Just a general tip; most of the times, your jungler will buy a potion of physical might in the beginning of the match. That little red potion of manhood really helps them in the early game, either to gank or to clear camps. It is very important that they don't die so early after they've used their potion.

So if you see that they are going to die when they are in your lane, you should do all in your powers to save them. If you die, it's not too bad, because you didn't spend your money on a potion like that. But if they die, they are going to snowball. And not in the good way.

Early Game

As Guan Yu does not have such a good early game, there should only one goal: Farm and don't die. That's it. You'd want to stay in lane for a long time, sustain yourself there, and kill those minions. Nothing more. Of course that if you get to kill an enemy, good for you. But you shouldn't be looking for kills as much as you should look for being in lane for as long as you can.

The best thing you can do is stay in the lane for as long as you can finish Hide of the Urchin. If you can get 1670 gold before going to base, you'll finish this item and worry no more about the time it takes for you to stack its passive. That is the ideal way of starting your lane.

Be careful when reaching level 5. This is the time where the jungler ganks.

Now, if you find yourself in a bad positioning, never be afraid to use your ultimate. There is nothing wrong with blowing Cavalry Charge to ensure your own life. Remember, not dying is at least as important as killing someone. Do not hesitate.

As for the actual wave clearing, you might find yourself being consistently poked or out-pushed by the enemy. Now, believe me, there is nothing wrong with hugging your tower for a few levels in the early game.

If your lane opponent is a pushing-master like Ao Kuang, you can just stay in your tower. You shouldn't worry much about missing last hits because if they out-push you, they will kill your minions very fast, thus reducing the chance that your minions will kill some enemy minions by themselves.

If you are constantly being poked by your opponent, like Sun Wukong and his magic cudgel, there are a couple things you should do:
1) Learn your enemy. Know how they aim and poke. Try to be unpredictable.
2) Wait for the poke ability to be on cooldown.

Now, it is okay to take some poke damage as Guan Yu, as you have a heal. Conviction is enough to mitigate for some of the health you lose by being poked. Juts don't rely on it too much, watch for your mana.

Mid-Late Game

This is the point where Guan Yu starts to shine. Why? because team fights start to occur. And apart from the fact that you can dish out tons of sustained damage, all of your abilities have a supportive effect. How?

Conviction can heal your allies and bolster them with defense.
Warrior's Will slows enemies.
Taolu Assault debuffs enemies' defenses, making your entire team deal more damage to them.
Cavalry Charge provides a great distraction and CC.

Plus, you can serve as a meat-shield for your squishy little Carries and Mages.

Roaming in groups is the best thing to do after the laning phase is over. If you are caught with your underpants down, you will. No matter the amount of defense you have. Be careful. If there is one absolute thing I can say about Smite, is that teams win games.

No matter how skilled you are, if you don't play as a team, if you don't cooperate with your team mates, you will not win.

With that being said, Guan Yu is quite an effective split-pusher. Although he isn't ranged, his wave clear is superb late game, and if things go south, you can always mount your butt up on that sexy red horse of yours and ride like a cowboy away from the fight.


Since you are at the solo lane, you aren't as flexible in roaming as the jungler. Nay, even your mid. These are the places you should roam to if the need arises:
  • Middle Lane - It is a few meters away from you. If you see an incoming danger/gank upon your mid-laner, go help him. Unless he is at 2% hp and being chased by 2 enemies, you'll be able to reach them.

  • Your Jungle Side - It is quite obvious, I know, but still. You should always be ready to roam to all of the jungle at the side of your lane.

  • Team Fights - No matter where the team fight is occurring, unless you have planned it so that you'll split push, you should be in the fight.

The only place to which you shouldn't roam from your lane is the duo-lane and the jungle at the duo-lane side. Of course unless there's a team fight there. Team Fights > everything.

Team Fight Tactics

Guan is a Bruiser. A Warrior. Warriors don't sit back in behind their team mates like coward dragons such as Ao Kuang, Warriors are men! They face their enemies and look at them in their eyes, being in the first line of defense. Warriors initiate fights, sponge damage, save their team. If you are not taking any damage, you are not doing your job, no matter how full-power you build yourself.

Now, being the manly Bruiser that you are, you do not approve of short, 'bursty' fights. They are for cowards! A real Warrior stays in a fight for a long time, constantly inflicting damage upon his opponents. Guan Yu has tremendous damage potential, but it is not burst damage. It is sustained damage. The longer the fight is going on, the more you impact it. I'm not saying that if you can kill an enemy within a couple of seconds you shouldn't do so, but keep in mind that you don't need to rush anything, as you can constantly heal yourself and your allies and deal damage.

Many times have I said this, you are very ability-reliant. If you don't have Taolu Assault or Cavalry Charge, you effectiveness tones down significantly. You have to be careful from non-knock-back hard CC when you use Taolu Assault, such as Aphrodite's Kiss. To avoid Taolu Assault being interrupted, it is best to approach an enemy god when they have their hard CC on cooldown. You can bait them into using it on you for no purpose or try to dodge it while channeling Taolu Assault.

God Match-Ups



sun wukong

ah muzen cab

old god-match ups piederman style


Well.. that has been me for Guan Yu. I hope you enjoyed this guide.

If you have a video of you rocking Guan Yu, I'll be happy to post it/some parts of it, especailly if you are using one of my builds (also if not :)

Also, if you hand an actual artistic talent unlike me, I'll be extremely happy if you have/make a Guan Yu banner. Or if you have a link to a banner someone else made.

Any comment/suggestion, regarding anything, is welcome. You can also P.M me if you want to.
Thanks again,
Jordenito Out.


Joanfran84 - For helping me with the gifs in the skill section.

Subzero008 - Has provided a very helpful review, in addition to some of my designs which are inspired by his guides.

Piederman - Many of my designs are inspired by his guide: Ao Kuang - You'll Never Break My Wind

Raventhor - Provided some useful tips.

Sanguis - The BBCoded skill-sequence under the 'Skill' section is thanks to him.

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Jordenito (66) | April 23, 2014 6:02am
Just because Guan Yu is used as a support more than in the solo lane doesn't mean it's not a viable pick. Additionally, League doesn't set what is right and wrong to do. It's just hoe the "pros" play, but that doesn't mean it cover them all. If there's a guide for Bakasura jungle, would you say it's out of date because most League players use Baka for solo lane? No. Currently, this is a guide for Guan Yu solo lane, and I don't know if you have tried it, but it's viable. League doesn't set up what should and shouldn't be played. There is also a guide for Guan Yu jungle made by Subzero. Almost no one in League plays him like that, but you can. On the same note you can say that a guide for Ares is out-dated because no one in league plays Ares.

Also, lately I've been experimenting with Guan Yu support and I'm planning to expand my guide for it.
azureblaze4 | April 22, 2014 12:12pm
This guide needs up dated, nobody in League uses Guan Yu anymore over Chaac or Ra. Search Guan Yu, league, he only gets used as support these days and it's extremely rare.
Jordenito (66) | March 11, 2014 9:51pm
Thank you Firraria. I do know that Breastplate of Valor is great combined with Transcendence, but most of the time I don't find myself having a lot of trouble against physical gods. 90% of the times I get Jotunn's Wrath, but sure, when you get 4 Assassins & ADCs, then BPoV is great.
Firraria (58) | March 11, 2014 4:01pm
Imo, Voidblade>MM>Ankh. Especially on Guan Yu.
Why? Because Voidblade gives a lot of power, and a tiny bit of penetration. While, yes, MM is better for defense, you should be good enough to not need it. Guan Yu already has a lot going for him in terms of escaping danger, and he has heals with a physical protection buff, and he steals protections with his 3, and his ult is one of the best escapes ever. He really doesn't need a ton of defense. Power is better, especially to assist his not-so-great waveclear.
Just my 2-cents.

As for the guide, it's very good. I usually like to build Breastplate of Valor right after Ninja Tabi, and then pick up Transcendence. BPoV and Transcendence compliment each other nicely.
Raventhor (158) | March 11, 2014 3:46pm
Repsol why are you acting so hostile towards me? That's not a good way to argue a point. I prefer civil discussions than mouth breathing when you think you're right.

And how do you prove your points? You literally just state you think the stats are better on mystical mark and that's it. You haven't said anything else.

Also, you don't immediately win if the opposing side build one of the two, but ok.

I don't even know why you brought this argument back up. Anyhow, I know you have valid points, just try to be respectful of other people when you're making them. I don't very much care for people who indirectly insult the intelligence of others.
Repsol-The-First | March 11, 2014 1:14pm
Raventhor wrote:

I said somewhere, sir. Not immediately, somewhere. Voidblade is a core item on bruisers. And it leads to farming easier than even the activeon Mystical Mark, because it contributes to the power contribution on Taolu Assault.

And you're still wrong. Voidblade is terrible. For the cost, the stats aren't worth it. A Hide of The Urchin would be far better.

Second, voidblade has been build by many, many professionals in lane, including Allied on nearly every bruiser he plays.

That's nice, is this how you try to prove your points? You just bring up 'pros'.?

I have no problem with Mystical Mark, but there's nothing wrong with the other two either. Don't think of the mark as an end-all-be-all, despite how good it is.

Except it is. You win the lane if the opposing solo has built Ankh or Voidblade. Period.
DroboBrandegee (2) | February 26, 2014 11:59am
Also the bb coding on Geb's god match up section is messed up a bit.
DroboBrandegee (2) | February 21, 2014 12:38pm
Only real thing is Eye of Retaliation. The database still hasn't updated it from the new update. No more lifesteal on it makes me sad. Still this is an awesome Guide :) +1
Jordenito (66) | February 20, 2014 9:57am
Okay... I see... I should have been more clear in the item description... Breastplate of Valor is like ankh of the bear - use it if you face lots of physical gods on the enemy team. 90% of the times you'd want to get Jotunn's Wrath. Breastplate of Valor is for when there are many physical threats.
arka222 (12) | February 20, 2014 9:49am
It has nothing to do with this guide but in general the rules of thumb for build are:

- Compensate for the lack of certain qualities in a god
- Buff the qualities that a god possesses.
- Counter for the enemy god

Guan Yu being a melee support/ bruiser, to me is unique because in most cases he must be a mix of all 3. That's why he's amongst the trickiest gods to write a guide for.

Without being a jungler and together with Ninja Tabi , Breastplate of Valor doesn't suit the physical Guan Yu in lane scenerios. I always believe his kit is meant for penetration physical/magical protection and power.

EDIT: Also in most cases, whether in a solo lane or a duo lane, Guan Yu has to counter magical gods and mage tanks, especially early game and Breastplate of Valor is not meant for that. It suits mages and tanks more for mana sustain and physical protection + CDR. For jungler Guan Yu, in most cases, he has to counter physical enemy junglers and Breastplate of Valor makes sense.
Jordenito (66) | February 20, 2014 9:35am
I never recommended getting this item as a fourth one. I didn't even say when it should be bought. All I wrote is that it doesn't need to be rushed, unlike Hide of the Urchin.

Now I get what you've said about the 'updation' as you meant for the new gods etc.

I don't see why Breastplate of Valor 'cannot digest' while playing support.
arka222 (12) | February 20, 2014 9:23am
Jordenito wrote:

..but to keep with upcoming times, it need updation..VVGN

Thanks. I don't get what you meant by needing updation... it is up-to-date.

In attack and support both, you used eye of retaliation as the fourth item , that's hard to digest and rarely people gonna buy that as a mid stage item. Also, by upcoming times, I mean to say, with item changes rapidly happening and expected in near future , also, with new gods coming in like nemesis, etc , it must be updated because it is very detailed and hard work has been put in.

EDIT: and in support Breastplate of Valor cannot digest that at all on Guan power build you are going with Hide of the Urchin and Ninja Tabi within the first 3 items?
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