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Hades - Do You Fear Death?

1 2 15,262
by riomhaire updated August 29, 2014

Smite God: Hades

Build Guide Discussion 6 More Guides
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Hades Build

Basic core

Build Item Demonic Grip Demonic Grip
Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti

Mid game items (choose two situationally)

Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard

Good Actives

Build Item Aegis Pendant Aegis Pendant
Build Item Combat Blink Combat Blink
Build Item Spiked Shell Spiked Shell
Build Item Enfeebling Curse Enfeebling Curse

Hades's Skill Order

Death From Below

1 X Y
Death From Below
2 4 10 14 15

Shroud of Darkness

2 A B
Shroud of Darkness
6 12 16 18 19

Devour Souls

3 B A
Devour Souls
1 3 7 8 11

Pillar of Agony

4 Y X
Pillar of Agony
5 9 13 17 20
Death From Below
2 4 10 14 15

Death From Below

1 X
Hades descends into the ground and erupts from below at his ground location, doing damage to all enemies in the area. If the enemy is Blighted, they are also Slowed. Applies Blight.

Ability Type: Circle, Leap, Damage
Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+60% of your Magical Power)
Slow: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
Slow Duration: 2s
Radius: 20
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 14s
Shroud of Darkness
6 12 16 18 19

Shroud of Darkness

2 A
Hades silences all enemies in a cone in front of him. If the enemy is Blighted, they are also Feared. Applies Blight.

Ability Type: Cone, Crowd Control
Silence: 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2s
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9s
Devour Souls
1 3 7 8 11

Devour Souls

3 B
Hades devours the souls of his enemies, dealing damage in an area around him. Blighted enemies hit by this ability are Detonated, dealing damage to enemies and healing your allies around the Detonated targets. Enemy gods only take 50% of the damage from Detonating Blights.

Ability Type: Circle, Heal, Damage
Damage: 75 / 125 / 175 / 225 / 275 (+85% of your Magical Power)
Detonated Damage: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Detonated Healing: 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80
Detonation Radius: 20
Radius: 20
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 10s
Pillar of Agony
5 9 13 17 20

Pillar of Agony

4 Y
Hades calls to all enemy souls nearby, creating a Vortex which drags targets toward him, dealing damage every .5s for 4s. For each enemy hit Hades reduces his ability cooldowns by 0.4s. If the enemy is Blighted, their Protections are reduced. Hades also gains Protections and 10% damage mitigation for the duration.

Ability Type: Circle, Vortex, Damage
Damage per Tick: 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 (+35% of your Magical Power)
Protections: 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160
Protections Debuff: 10% + 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30
Protections Debuff Lifetime: 4s
Radius: 30
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90 / 85 / 80 / 75 / 70s

Welcome to the Underworld

Hello there fellow Smite players, most of whom I know are better than I am! I am Riomhaire, and this is how I like to play Hades, the real god of the dead. This is probably the god I have played the most (since a bunch of it was before the new statistics system, we'll never know for sure), and his kit has always appealed to me.

As I am not exactly excellent at writing guides, I will probably leave something out that is important to the continuity of the guide, whether it's why I picked a certain item over the other possible choices or an entire section on matchups. If you notice something missing that you want to see here, please tell me in the comments, and I will probably begin work on it within a couple days. Also, if you have some insight into Hades that you think players need to see, tell me! I haven't seen everything, and any little tips or tricks (and of course upvotes and +Reps) would be greatly appreciated.

That all said, let's look over what Hades has to offer.

Pros and Cons


AAAGood farmAAA
One of Hades's strong points is his farm. His Devour Souls can potentially hit an entire minion wave with a bit of preparation by basic attacking the melee minions, and the fact that Blighted minions explode is a good way to keep your enemy from hiding among the creeps. This means that he can really benefit from stacking items, such as Book of Thoth or Doom Orb.

AAAGood natural defenseAAA
As a Guardian, Hades comes with a nice tendency towards being a tank, with a good amount of HP and protections without items. This leaves slots that would normally need to be taken up with a defense-oriented item available for more pure damage output. This is part of what makes Hades such a viable and versatile character: he naturally tends toward survivability.

AAAGreat sustainAAA
Not only is Devour Souls a stellar way to clear creep waves, but the heal it provides allows for Hades to stay in lane much longer than most other mages. In fact, as long as he has mana, he can just sit in lane and farm up a huge lead. Couple this with the fact that he naturally starts out with more health than his opponents in mid, and you have a god that is able to push the lane when his opponent leaves without worrying overmuch about being ganked.


AAALow base damage outputAAA
Hades is a Guardian. That is a tank in non-HiRez talk. As such, his base damage is bound to be lower than that of any self-respecting mid or solo laner he comes up against. This is not a killer by itself, because his passive, Blight, helps with that a bit. Nonetheless, don't expect to be knocking giant holes in enemy health bars. That's just not what Hades is built for.

AAACan't really chaseAAA
Once again, we come across the sad truth that we can't build a tank to act like a carry. It just doesn't work. Yes, we can add the damage, but that run-you-down-anywhere feeling just isn't here. Also, tied in with his lousy chase (which consists of waddling and his 1), he can't escape well either.

Abilities in Review

Here's where Hades's kit really kicks off. Blight adds a bonus effect to every ability he has, not to mention debuffing whoever has been Blighted. Really great effect to have. Makes your basic attacks really worthwhile, despite their low base damage.

To see a tank with a good leap? A huge plus in my book, especially if I intend to be using him at a position other than tank. Not only that, but this will slow any Blighted enemies in its area of effect, and it will also Blight them. Great skill; max this second.

A very admirable CC ability, especially with the added CC from Blight. In mid lane, I don't find this to be as useful early on as putting more points into one of the other skills (hence the skill order above), but in a duo support role this may have more merit and warrant a higher priority. Lategame this can be particularly frustrating to your opponents, as its very fast cast speed can interrupt many undesirable abilities.

Learn to love this ability. It has a good damage on it, coupled with a heal, and if the enemy is Blighted (hint hint: use your Death From Below to do that nicely), it makes more damage and more heals. And all this heals is before we decide to buy magical lifesteal. Yay! Max this first.

Ahh, the ultimate. What we have all been waiting for. This one is pretty straightforward: walk somewhere with a lot of enemies, make a circle, suck life out of them. Think Ymir's ultimate but with about a millionth the casting animation and a DoT effect rather than one big smack. Also, with Blight (I'm sorry, did I mention that we love this passive?), it removes some of their protections for a while too. Now this ult does have its downfall, namely that everyone with half a brain who you catch in this bugger is going to turn and hit you with everything they've got. Expect it, plan for it, and you'll be fine.


As always, item builds are more of a way of thinking about situations rather than a set progression from item to item. Remember that, and never be afraid to branch out with your purchases, as long as you can explain your choice to yourself.

Also, this build focuses entirely on dealing damage, rather than building on Hades' tankiness. As such, this is a good solo lane or mid lane build, but might not be the best for support. If I see that people would like one of those too, I will add it later.

Core Items

more detail
I like to take this first because I have no real need for movement speed early. It's extremely rare for me to have the opportunity for a kill as Hades before level 5, and I am more a fan of boosting my attack speed early. If you read my Chronos guide, you probably noticed that I did this there as well. Simply put, I like the item in the early game, especially the magical protection debuff. However, I do sometimes sell this item late game to open up a slot for something that is more late-game focused.
Now here, depending on how often I find myself running out of mana, I have a choice. I can either build my shoes here or build Chronos' Pendant. Generally, though, I find myself in need of more movement speed than MP5, so I will build my boots first. On the occasion that I need more mana, however, I find the MP5 more than outweighs the mana on the completed boots.
The penetration this item offers is really up there, second only to Obsidian Shard. However, I prefer this item in most situations because it also helps your mid laner (and maybe even your support), because instead of just using penetration, it also debuffs magical protection, leaving the enemy more open to the other magical damage sources on your team.
If you don't see this as pretty much a necessity for any damaging mage worth their salt, you haven't been playing mages enough. The fact that it gives you 125 magical power plus 25% of your total magical power (including that 125 you just got) is simply too good to pass up. This is the kind of damage we want to see out of our finished Hades. Yes, it's expensive. Buy it anyway.

Situationals for Mid

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This first item is always worth considering. It has a good amount of power, some lifesteal, and a nice passive that adds to your magical power as you lose health. This should mainly be used if the opposing mid is outdoing your sustain, but with it you will need no more lifesteal.
Verdict: B+
This is probably one of my favorite stacking items in the game, alongside Transcendence and Heartseeker. Hades' ability to farm means that stacking this item will be easy, and I am all for having more mana and magical power. Very viable item, but on the expensive side. That means this is probably not the best item to start buying if you're behind. Of course, if you're ahead, go for it. The massive magical power boost is always useful, and a mage always loves to have extra mana. Really stellar item to stretch your lead over your opponent.

Verdict: A
This is your go-to item if you find yourself in need of abilities but having to wait for cooldowns. The blend of extra magical power, MP5, and CDR is a very good item at a very reasonable price. However, if you don't find yourself needing more cooldown reduction, this is no longer as good of an option. Remember, it's all about the situation you find yourself in, not some magic item build that will magically make you a Diamond level player.
Verdict: B
The lifesteal on here is not the main reason to pick this. This is meant to shut down that annoying Ra who keeps healing himself just before you can pull off a kill. This is very situational, as the slot would be better utilized if the enemy god doesn't have a lot of healing.
Verdict: B+
If you are having trouble chasing down kills (which doesn't often happen for me, as my targets tend to go down quickly), this is a must. It turns every one of your abilities into a slow. And it still has good other stats, so we aren't sacrificing too much for that slow. A very playable choice, but not one that is always necessary.
Verdict: A-
This item can be very useful on Hades, as he tends to like to get up close and personal with his opponents, despite his ranged attacks. It adds effectiveness to all your damaging abilities, and stacks with the debuff you apply during a Pillar of Agony on a Blighted target. The protection is just an added plus if you need the extra tankiness.
Verdict: B
I like this item on Hades because of its passive. The extra damage on those basic attacks can make the difference between a kill and your target barely escaping. Since your chase is horrible, you need to prevent this. Also, makes your 2 even more useful. I usually finish this first, even before my boots, because the damage early game really helps.
Verdict: A
A very nice amount of magical power, plus all the penetration you could want. This plus Spear of the Magus usually means that building protections against you is useless.
Verdict: B+/A-

Good Actives

more detail
I could have just as easily called for Aegis Amulet and gotten the same effect, but I do like the ability to move while under its influence. Even if you can't Blink or Death From Below until it is done. IF you're getting jumped on but not CC-ed really hard, this can usually give your teammates a chance to get to where you are and peel them off you.
Verdict: A-
This is the item that gives you good chase and kill securing capability. It allows you to save Death From Below for use with Devour Souls, while still allowing you to jump into a teamfight unexpectedly and ult on everyone's faces. Some people who are confident that they won't be needing to escape that often once they have initiated might consider buying Greater Blink instead, as the cooldown time is drastically less, and it also gives a slight speed buff.
Verdict: A
This can be a lifesaver if you ult on a carry and they immediately turn and start hitting you with everything they have. Not only does this reduce the damage you take from their counterattack, but it also increases the damage done to the enemy. It's almost like having a miniature Circle Of Protection, only it prevents the damage rather than charging up and then healing it. Always get the spiked shell rather than the other, as the reflected damage is more helpful to the damage build than the extra protections.
Verdict: A
This is an item somebody on every team should have, but that there should only be one of. In other words, if nobody has it, get it. If somebody has it, find something else. This is one of the best ways to make up for Hades' lack of mobility. Enemy going faster than you, getting away? *foomp* They just got slowed, you can chase them down now. Enemies chasing you too hard? *foomp* Now they can't quite catch up to you. Very multipurpose. (Yes, I know that it doesn't make a sound.)
Verdict: B+

And that concludes my items build. Yes, everyone needs Purification Beads some games, but if you aren't at a level where you know that without me telling you (like I was until a few months ago), you probably aren't going to remember you have them (also, like I did until a few months ago).

Playing the Solo Lane

Okay, so most of what I am about to say here also applies to mid, but mid requires extra care. After all, there is nobody the jungler likes to eat alive more than mid.

Out of the Fountain

>> >> >>
This build is what I rely on early game. It has just enough movement speed that I am not pig slow in getting to my lane, but at the same time it doesn't waste unnecessary gold giving me speed I don't need. That money then goes into attack speed, which provides more Blight for my Devour Souls.

Okay, and now we are ready to begin the game. Run to the mid camp (remembering to press space a lot. Jumping at this stage is crucial to not becoming bored. Swap a few AA's with your mid and jungler; this is key to camaraderie. Now that there are minions to target, just use auto attacks. The abilities to burn this camp down should come from the mid.

Next, depending on your jungler, you will either hit the damage or go straight to the blue camp. If you hit damage first, give it to the jungler, who will likely use his Hand of the Gods on it. Now, go to blue. This buff is to be yours while you are in lane. As you enter lane, drop your Ward so that it has vision on the middle jungle path (the one that goes behind the closest objective).

Regardless of whether the jungler bothered with an early damage buff or not, he should stay in your lane to help you until level 3. Then he will resume his route. As you have practically no escapes, do be cautious once the jungler leaves, as he will not appreciate having to come back and gank for you often. The other lanes will need his help too.

The Mid Game

The mid-game in most amateur matches is when everything goes wacko. Some towers have been pushed down, and everyone is ganking everywhere. While it is unlikely that either team will make a Fire Giant attempt, be on the lookout for one or two of the enemy damage dealers, especially their ADC, trying to sneak a Gold Fury by you. Ward the Gold Fury. Or have the support ward it, if it's on the other side.

This stage is also called the teamfight stage for good reason. They will pop up everywhere. If you can get to one in time (that means if it just started and it isn't farther than one lane away from where you are), go join it. Do mop-up work, as teamfights tend to happen where there are no wards, and you can find enemies escaping who have no idea you're coming. If it's too far away (for example, the opposite jungle or long lane), just sit tight and splitpush. No, you aren't built for it. But it's better than the entire team ambushing you because you got to the fight too late. Ward up and push.

Also, if you see an opportunity to start a teamfight, communicate with your teammates. Have the tank initiate, if there is one, and then watch the CC fly. When you think you have seen most of it go by, jump in and ult.
notes on ults


If you see the jungler in a bit of trouble, don't be afraid to body block the hits. Especially if Neith just sent an arrow his way. Him dying leads to your team being way more behind late game than you dying, because junglers tend to be behind anyway. Also, you may survive, especially if the jungler turns and uses you as a distraction while they kill whoever was chasing them.

If mid is dead, take over for a while. You can play a decent mid role, and the jungler can take over for you in solo for a while. Just make sure you have a lot of Wards and are watching everywhere for ganks. When mid comes back to lane, don't just immediately leave and go roam again. Push the lane to the tower first.

If you see either jungler (yours or theirs) going somewhere, go there too. There are probably enemies going that way that you can't see, and that spells TEAMFIGHT. Late game, with your 2-second silence, you are a serious teamfight presence and shouldn't miss out (see note above about teamfights).

Objectives and the Final Push

In this stage of the game, Ward EVERYTHING. It is hugely important that you know where everyone is at any time, and since each person can only buy 2 wards and 1 sentry ward at a time, everyone has to contribute to the cause. Sentry Wards go in objectives, regular Wards go in jungle pathways, beside jungle buffs, and in lanes you don't intend to be pushing. Too many times, I have been on a team that was ahead, decided to skimp on Wards, and lost when the enemy team managed a deicide and steal as we attempted the Fire Giant.

Also, stay in groups. The optimal setups for this stage are either a group of 5, all pushing each lane in order, or a 4-1 split push. If your team decides to split push, you are not the split pusher. That is the job of your friendly local ADC. Stick with the group, preferably at the back, and threaten any enemy gods that show up with your horrible silence.

Note: When you take the Fire Giant, DO NOT recall from the Fire Giant camp, because that is exactly where they will look for you. Instead, go to somewhere that your allies aren't going and back from there. Course, if they're all dead (lucky you), go ahead and back from wherever. It won't matter.


Basic farm/poke combo


Basic kill combo



This section is woefully incomplete, mainly because nobody lets me play Hades solo lane enough. It's like either I get stuck as support by default, or I keep getting the same opponents over and over. So I apologize and I will definitely try to keep adding more as I get the chance.



August 26: Published guide

Thanks Where Thanks is Due

Thanks to all the people on SmiteFire for their wonderful BBCode help.

Thanks to Jordenito and Piederman (and whoever else contributed here) for having BBCode templates that were easy to tweak.

Huge props to Adam Doyle for his awesome pictures (in the pros and cons section)

Also thanks to anyone else whose picture I found but not their name.

If I took something of yours but didn't give you credit, please don't downvote. It was either used because I forgot I had seen it on your guide, or I couldn't find who deserved credit. Just comment or PM me and I will be sure to give you credit.

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Eriepo (1) | September 8, 2014 1:28pm
Disclaimer: I play hades mid far more often than solo. So my advice should be taken with that in mind.
First of all abilities.
I agree. Ult and 3 get priority. But I think you should stil drop a point into 2 before Lv 5. Just so you have the option open at least. Then upgraded as necessary or put off until later if desired.
demonic grip: I'm not a big fan of this item. Your 1 is your main applet of blight. 1->3 is your main farm/poke combo. Even if you are Savin your 1. You sound like you don't use your 2 much. It applies blight just as well. If you stand to the side the whole minion wave can be hit.
Is also change divine ruine to a solid B since it's usually more niche but again I'm mid more often than not so I don't see extreme heals too much. Hel and change being exceptions.
Non core items: no pythag piece? It may not give as much power as Bancroft but it has life steal for days. It also gives life steal in aura so it's a nice benifit for your friends in a team fight.
Poly: good item. I think it deserves a slightly lower rating. But it does deserve a spot on the list. I just feel most people over value poly.

I agree with pretty much everything in the game play. I'd also add that of you happen to be far ahead in your lane, don't be afraid to roam and make some plays. Hades 1 v 2s very well. If you see the jungler is preoccupied/dead feel free to move around a bit.

Also as a possible addition. Depending on your confidence (this is for mid as solo gets blue buff). You can buy meditation to increase your sustain. With hades heal and a strong mana source you won't have to leave lane ever. Your sustain should be legendary. And constant sustain can really help give you a lead on your opponent.
Over all I liked the guide.
riomhaire (1) | August 30, 2014 12:01pm
ChummyAllDay wrote:

srry but hades rips holes in everyone

Not entirely sure what this is supposed to mean. If you mean that a fed Hades can decimate entire teams, then yes. If you mean he can end up with the top player damage in a game, no. That always gies to the hunter or jungler (if they're competent).

Also, not sure why you posted it twice.
ChummyAllDay | August 29, 2014 7:34pm
srry but hades rips holes in everyone
ChummyAllDay | August 29, 2014 7:34pm
srry but hades rips holes in everyone
riomhaire (1) | August 29, 2014 1:13pm
I agree with Bancroft's talon being better in most situations. However, the basic attack extra damage can come in handy when pushing down a tower alone, or when trying to basic attack the last 100 hp off that escaping enemy.

Also, the Spear of the Magus is more for the sake of when you rotate to mid lane. Its debuff will allow your mid's abilities to hurt even more, and as Hades isn't built to be just oozing kills, I tend to build him around more of an assist, "leave them open for my teammates to finish off" mindset. Many games I build both, just to make sure nobody's magical protection is effective.

I usually sell Demonic Grip late game, as it was just there early on to make me less dependent on using my only viable escape as part of my farming. I would AA all the minions, and then just use my 3. That way I didn't have to worry about being caught nearly as much of the time.
Devampi (105) | August 28, 2014 8:22am
stuff looks good. But I disagree on some points.

let's start with your core. As far as I normally play hades Demonic Grip doesn't make sense to me because what you do mostly is clear with 1-3. Hades damage is more on his abilities so you won't be aa as much other then clean up etc.

I also somewhat agree and disagree with spear of magus this item is mostly really effective on the ult (on the 1-3 obsidian is better) his other attacks are more dependent on obsidian

this is all (also I find bacroft better then poly on him because of the LS)
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