The Jungle
Oh the jungle. The sweet home of the monkey. Where Furies, Cyclopes, Gold Furies and Fire Giants lay. Let's get into business.
If you are completely unfamiliar with jungling, you should read this guide:
The Jungler's Handbook, written by Subzero008. Give it an upvote if it helped you.
The jungler has many jobs, but I'll sum it up by this:
A Jungler helps his team. Dropping buffs, defending a lane, pushing a lane, ganking, helping clear a wave.
The jungler helps.
There's a general priority for a jungler which you should follow:
1)Lanes. Defend lanes, gank, help push. Mostly when team mates call you.
2)Mid-Furies. Helping yourself and your mid-laner gain more experience and gold.
3)Farm & Drop buffs for team mates. These come hand in hand.
Starting the Match
There are 2 ways of starting the match.
If solo lane is on the right, solo the red buff, then go to the blue buff with your solo laner and from there to the solo lane for a few waves.
If solo lane is on the left, clear the speed and blue buff with your solo laner and then go to the solo lane for a few waves.
Clearing Camps
Hub Batz's clear is strong throughout the entire game, and is really strong in the mid game, where a single ability and an auto attack or two are enough to clear most camps.
Clearing Camps: Your main clearing ability is Overhand smash, as it does the most damage. Early game, you also use Sacred Monkey, as you need the extra clear. Use HoG whenever possible, preferable on buff camps if there are available.
Do not use
Somersault early on to clear camps unless you intend to go back to base or just need to get from camp to camp. Otherwise, you will deplete your mana even more quickly, so stick to Sacred Monkey and Overhand Smash.
Counter Jungling
Counter jungling is done in order to deny the farm and buffs from the enemies while taking it to you and your team. Luckily, Hun Batz is one of the best counter junglers in the game.
There are three key elements in counter jungling.
Fast Clear: Hun Batz is quite strong in this aspect. Use two of your abilities to clear and a few auto attacks and you are good to go. The use of HoG also aids in this situation. When you do use HoG, save it for when you know it'll kill the jungle camp. If you use it from the start and get compromised before finishing clearing, it'll be wasted.
Vision: In order to not get caught with your pants down while counter-jungling, you must have map awareness. Knowing where the enemy jungler and the enemies of the nearest lanes is a must. These are assisted by Wards, obviously. Furthermore, enemies might have wards in the jungle themselves. Sentry Wards can help with that.
Escapism: Inevitably, there will be games where enemies will detect and ambush you. Luckily enough, Hun Batz has spades in disengage. The standard would be just jumping over the wall, but even things go south very quickly and prevent you from doing so, just fear the enemies and then escape to freedom. Plan a route where you know it'll be safe to go to, and pay attention.
Alternatively, you can also duel the enemy jungler when counter jungling. Counter jungling isn't something that should be done defensively and passively. You can go aggressive, if you know you have the advantage.
Fight: Because of your high burst and amazing dueling potential with Fear no Evil, you can easily burst someone down when they try to approach you. Just fear them to the wall and smack them to death.
Your ganks divide into two different categories.
Ultimate Ganks: There is almost no greater ganking tool in the game when talking about Fear no Evil. You can choose towards where to fear your enemies, when, and cannot miss it. Basically, fear them towards you or towards a wall, and slap them while your allies hit easy set-up abilities thanks to you.
Non-Ultimate Ganks: Here you bring almost nothing other than damage. So, the element of surprise is key, to buy you more time to deal your damage. Another tool would be the slow on Somersault. 50% slow for 2 seconds is massive, and while it doesn't immobilize the target as well as your ult, it can certainly help setting up abilities. Just focus a single target and deal as much damage as possible.
So, suppose you have 200 physical power, so
Under Team Fight Tactics and Your Roles, at the last paragraph, first sentence, you put "team fighs" without a "t" in fights
All you need is either
Have not read the guide yet, but I'll have a look at it on the buss tomorrow :)
Here are some spelling mistakes that I spot:
-under the pros&cons under cons by mana hungry there is standing do't instead of don't
I only grab Transcendance because of the huge amount of mana he uses, plus it gives a good amount of power, making his
Bottom line, Heartseeker is a question of personal preference on monkey.
This start is viable, but takes quite some time to stack the items, plus, you lose mobility, and for a jungler, mobility is one of the most important qualities. If you want to start with
BTW, if you want to have the picture of an item from the database, you should put 2 squared brackets in each side, not 1. You do this: [heartseeker], so add one [ in the beginning and one ] in the end.
@TheZodiacWolf - Thank you! Also, I already checked your guide and upvoted it. Sadly enough, I've never played
And please now, Fenrir has enough burst already :D