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In-Depth Guide To Mastering the Solo Lane.

29 2 150,452
by CrazyBerry updated May 14, 2014

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About Me

Hello Everyone! Im CrazyBerry and I am a Solo Lane main in Smite and in League of Legends. Ive always just loved the Solo Lane role and the different dynamics you can potentially bring into the game. I main Tyr and Guan Yu. I have learned that playing the Solo Lane in Smite has significant differences than any other lane in the game.

Before you guys get into reading this guide I will warn you now, I play a very conservative Solo Lane. If you are looking for the Solo Lane guides where it's "Balls to the Walls" damage crazy than this will not be the guide for you. I will touch upon incorporating damage into the various builds you can do but again this is coming from a very conservative player.

This guide is going to be a very lengthy one with a lot of information, but if you have the time reading through the entire thing, I believe, will be very beneficial in helping YOU master the Solo Lane.

The 5 Second Rule

One of the main things that has helped me get better at League of Legends that I have now brought into playing Smite would be the 5 SECOND RULE. This is something that I sorta just made up but that has really proven itself to me and my friends.

The 5 Second Rule is really just that every 5 seconds I look at the mini map. This seems like a tedious thing to do over and over again, but it really does pay off in the long run. Knowledge is everything!

Minions get to the middle of your lane every 30 Seconds. So from the time that they spawn to the time they get to your lane, you should have looked at your Mini Map already 6 Times!

Introduction to Solo Lane

With the Solo Lane I feel like you have the biggest impact on the game. Whether you are the Tanky Front Line for your team, where no matter what you never die, or you are another source of high damage output. And all of this depends on the Gods that you play, and how well you can play in lane.

With the Solo Lane role you typically want to play a God that has more health and armor and magic resistance than the other Gods. I usually always play the gods in the Warrior Class Those 7 Gods include Chaac Guan Yu Hercules
Odin Sun Wukong Tyr and Vamana

Learning the Solo Lane Role

No matter what happens through the game, weather it be your ADC gets shut down or your Mid gets super fed, late game, every team is going to need that Tanky Front Line. You always need to keep this is the back of your head through the ENTIRE game.

The ADC and the MID lane Gods are always going to be higher scaling with more DPS (Damage Per Second.) You have to know your role. You aren't the source for the burst damage, you aren't the source for the ranged attacks. You are the get in the other teams face and say "I dare you to kill me."

Early Game Goals

The most important thing about to game is the first 15-20 minutes of the game. How these minutes turn out for you will show you how the rest of the game is going to be played. You need to set yourself up for success from the very start of the game.

If you play only to react to things, then you are already behind.

You have to play a very proactive game. That is the way to make sure that you are always getting better and always insure success. Your early game goals should be

  • Establishing Lane Dominance
  • Continue constant trading with your enemy God. If you passivly play and then all of a sudden level 10 you go in you will have no idea what you can do to them or what they can do to you. Again Guys Knowledge is Everything
  • Keeping yourself protected through wards

Early Game YouTube Video

Laning Phase

The most important thing that you will need to learn to do is learn how to control your lane. Controlling your lane isnt just winning in kills, it is a combination of multiple things.

  1. One of the most important things that you need to learn how to do would be learning how to freeze the lane and how to keep the minions in the lane that benefits you the most. One of the best ways to learn how to do that is to practice only last hitting the creeps in the lane. by doing this you will be killing the minions and getting the gold for killing them also by keeping the lane in the middle of the lane. This is the most optimal way to keep your money income up and stay safe in lane.

    Every 30 seconds the minions show up into the middle of the lane. Below are some mathamatic examples of the benefits of getting the last hits on the minions.

    Melee Minions-17 Gold when you miss last hit
    25 Gold when you get the last hit

    Ranged Minions-12 Gold when you miss last hit
    18 Gold when you get the last hit

    Getting the last hit over 5 Minutes=1290 Gold
    Getting 0 of the last hits over 5 Minutes=870 Gold

    The average laning phase is around 15 Minutes.

    Getting the last hit over 15 Minutes=3870 Gold
    Getting 0 of the last hits over 15 Minutes=2610 Gold

    Now i know you look at those numbers and say hey that is only a differnece of 1260 Gold that is a full item ahead of your lane opponent if they are bad at last hitting.

  2. More of the offensive way to control your lane would be by doing the act of what is called "Pushing the lane". When you push the lane your minions will be at the enemy tower. By doing that action there are pros and cons to this.

    • Pros- Some of the pros that can come out of this is if you are good at getting the last hit on the minions then you will still be getting your constant gold income. Also with having the enemy tower attacking your minions the enemy god has a less likely chance of getting the last hit, which in turn denies gold from them.
    • Cons- The biggest con of pushing your lane is that it leaves you very susceptible to ganks by the enemy Jungler or Mid Laner. By pushing your lane it is harder to get the last hits on minions, causing you to have less money than your lane opponent. The best and probably only way to counter getting ganked would be buying wards. Wards are probably the most OP item in the game. It grants you vision and also if and enemy walks in the area that your ward is revealing, the game will ping on the mini map.

Here is a Picture of the Mini Map that is given to you every game. You need to contsantly be looking at this. Refer to the 5 Second Rule Above :). The White dots I have added are the optimal spots where you should be placing your wards. This gives you FULL Coverage of the jungle entrances into your lane.

Team Fighting Role

The hardest thing that I had to learn was how to team right properly. Most people just dive into it and just hope for the best. This could not be more wrong! There is a very specific strategy to what you need to learn to do as a Solo Laner.

Depending on your build and the God that you are playing and your team's CC (Crowd Control) that is available is how you need to base your initiations.

The main goal of the Solo Laner is to get to the back line of the enemy team. Going after the Mages and the Hunters. You also want to keep in mind if they have an assassin, because if they have one then they will be going straight for your Mage and Hunter since those are the easiest to kill fast. It is also your job to realize this and peel for your team. If you can keep your Mages and Hunters alive longer than the enemy teams then you will win the fight every time.

You could either be the one who has to initiate for your team or the follow up from someone else's initiation. These specifics will be specified in the play style pull downs for the Gods in the below section.

About is a picture of a normal 5v5 conquest game team layout. If you are the Blue Team than we can assume that the Solo Laner will more than likely be Odin. With this team line up you do not want to be the initiation on your team for the team fight. You will need to let Hades initiate first.

Knowing that Hades has a full team taunt with his Pillar of Agony, you will need to let him go in first. Once Hades has used his ultimate pulling if not everyone, at least 3 Gods of the enemy team toward him, that is when you would use your Ultimate Ability (4 Ability). Since you are playing Odin your ultimate Ring of Spears will keep everyone in AOE area this will optimize the effect of your Ultimate. Once everyone has been locked down in the AOE area of your Ring of Spears than your Ao Kuang can use his ranged abilities tornadoes, and Spirit's Tempest while staying safe in the distance. This is called Chaining Your CC. If you do not chain your CC in the correct order than there is really no point in having it.

Team Fighting YouTube Video

My Favorite Solo Laners

Here is a list of who I believe are the best Solo Laners: Tyr, Guan Yu, Sun Wukong, Chaac, Odin and Thor

Now a lot of you guys will argue that these Gods listed above are pretty much all of the ones that can be played in the top Lane. Well you would mostly be correct.


Tyr 's Playstyle

Guan Yu's Playstyle

Sun Wukong's Playstyle

Chaac's Playstyle

Odin's Playstyle

Thor's Playstyle

They Gods that I have listed above are all Gods that deal in the Physical Damage Category. You can also play Gods that deal Magic Damage in the Solo Lane. Here is a list of the few that I have Had Great success with. Eset, Freya,ZhongKui, Chronos

Isis's Playstyle

Freya's Playstyle

ZhongKui's Playstyle

Chronos's Playstyle

NOW it can be argued that any God can play any in any lane. This is a true statement, you can play Ra, Artemis and others in any lane. However when you get up into the Level 30 area, these are the Gods that I feel can have the most success versus the Physical Damage Solo Laners.


Well if you guys actaully stuck with it and read this entire thing I would like to thank you for taking the time and sticking with me!

Ive put all the information that I have about the top lane into this guide. If you guys have anything you think I should add or if you just want to let me know what I could improve on just go ahead and comment below.

I also want to give a HUGE THANKS to my bestfriend MysticBadger for helping me with the layout and some of the coding!

Check out his his guide below for learning the Support Role!

An (Almost) In-Depth Guide to The Support role

Future Content

  • Adding different Gods as they get released
  • How to videos for Laning Phase and Team Fighting
  • A God Synergy and God Counter Section.
  • The Different play styles for the different gods
  • When to pick what God Section
  • Whatever you guys would like to learn more about

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BestMinionEver (69) | May 15, 2014 12:15am
I just started reading this. I'll just edit this comment if I find more to comment on ;)

Pros to pushing the lane: if the enemy tower hits a minion the enemy gets no gold for it. Even if they last hit it. They get reduced exp as well (at least you did last time I checked).

When it comes to the wards I'd put a ward a enemy red and not enemy blue. As you are saying knowledge is key, so if you know that the enemy jungle is or is not at red that is more valuable than knowing when he is at blue. (If you are under the enemy tower when you see the jungle there you are most likely dead anyways). Also if your mid does not ward, putting a ward between mid camps and FG can give you more of a heads up as well than the ward at your blue. :p
Love how you focus on the minimap, so important. But remember lack of vision of mid/jungle/support is still knowledge and should make you play carefully :)
CrazyBerry (3) | March 19, 2014 7:09pm
Thank you for the compliment! And thank you for bring me this issue, I'm not getting this error but I will continue to look into it to see if it is happening to everyone else!
Pentargonite (62) | March 12, 2014 10:50am
Hey man, it's a nice guide but the pictures aren't working for me :/ Idk if it's the same with anyone else.

EDIT: They are working again! It probably didn't work because I was on my phone :3
Subzero008 (112) | January 24, 2014 5:15pm
Put a WIP in the guide's title, as this is NOWHERE NEAR completion. I'll explain that later on.

Role Explanation

This part of the guide is sadly lacking. You seem to confuse the role of a bruiser and a solo laner. A solo laner is simply one who gets accelerated farm. That is it.

Typically, bruisers are chosen since they can accomplish a variety of roles. They can deal damage, have enough CC to gank while rotating/roaming, all while being tanky enough to be the team's front line.

However, an ADC can certainly solo. A carry getting the extra farm is a good thing, and I've seen hunter solos work even in league. Not League, mind you.

Just say a solo laner's goal is to get enough farm to help his team faster and more effectively than a roaming support. Something like that, instead of saying solo Ra should be the tanky front line.


This is lacking.

You might wonder why. After all, your friend, MysticBerry, received a glowing review from me, and his guide is similarly incomplete.

The main difference between his guide and your is that he explains the different kinds of supports and their playstyles generally, as well a specifically. The latter is incomplete, but there are a few sections that are filled.

You only have one specific god - Tyr - and you give no general info for everyone except bruisers. Remember when I said this felt more like a solo bruiser guide?

Just look at the teamfight section. That is, without a doubt, a section on playing a bruiser. Introduction to Solo Lane and Learning the Solo Lane Role? Both act like you chose a bruiser. There is NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING, on the other half of the equation: everyone else.

Lastly, about the general section on Laning, the only part of this guide that is truly general, it is missing one fundamental flaw and aspect of Smite - Pushing isn't that bad.

This is from a variety of factors. Mainly, certain gods are extremely tanky and won't die from a gank. It is also because of the existence of Teleport to Towers. It is also because the distance from tower to tower in League is much wider than in Smite, so you can stand in the middle of your lane and push to their tower with one ability. In other words, pushing is so safe and effective, everyone will push. End of story.

I know, it sucks! I hate it! I hate how stale the current meta is and how the game presents no viable alternative. Mais c'est la vie.


BBC coding is alright. Honestly, this is a purely aesthetic comlaint, but I dislike the way you and MysticBerry shove the entire god cards in one giant rectangle. They look so big and awkward. Why not icons?


I know what this guide is trying to do, but frankly, this guide should not have been published in this state. If you said you were trying to make a solo bruiser guide, I'd be less critical, but you gave the rather ambitious title of "Mastering the Solo Lane."

Downvote, needs expansion. Honestly, if you give a few playstyle examples, I'd have upvoted, but as it stands, it is lacking too much.
CrazyBerry (3) | January 12, 2014 7:42am
Subzero008 wrote:

This guide feels a little outdated. In my experience, pushing is much less dangerous and generally more advantageous than in LoL, especially since everyone in general has higher mobility. Solo lane always ends as a pushing contest. Do you really think that just getting last hits is worth it?

Please answer this question, I can't review without it being answered first.

Yes, Subzero008 Solo Lane always ends up as a pushing constant if you just let the minions decide everything. Honestly with the last hitting I feel that it just has to be a judgement of how your lane is going throughout each game.

But like stated in the 1st section I personally am a very conservative player and I would much rather be in the middle of the lane than at the enemy tower. Staying in the middle, for me, just feels more comfortable knowing that I only have to watch one entrance into my lane from jungle than 2.

Even in LOL there is a good advantage for pushing if you are playing the "Objective" game, and that game can be played in Smite, but again like I said above I think that it needs to be judged on a game by game basis. I also believe that you need to know how to play both of the play styles. Since I do feel that both of these play syles have pros and cons, and I do think that they need to be judged on a game by game basis, that would be some good information to add into the guide.

If you have any other questions feel free to ask me. And I also hope that this guide has some better coding than my other and that it will not be as "Painful" for you to read!

I really do appreciate your feedback, even if it is brutally honest.
Subzero008 (112) | January 12, 2014 4:47am
This guide feels a little outdated. In my experience, pushing is much less dangerous and generally more advantageous than in LoL, especially since everyone in general has higher mobility. Solo lane always ends as a pushing contest. Do you really think that just getting last hits is worth it?

Please answer this question, I can't review without it being answered first.
CrazyBerry (3) | January 8, 2014 1:14pm
Setolino wrote:

Maybe add some mages that can solo to you guide :). Like Ra, Hel,Chang´e, Chronos and so on.

Thank you Setolino!I will defiantly take that into consideration and do some research on who works the best in the Solo Lane! I really do appreciate all of the information that you have asked me to change to make this guide better!

Keep letting me know what you think as this guide gets updated!
Setolino (18) | January 8, 2014 12:23pm
Maybe add some mages that can solo to you guide :). Like Ra, Hel,Chang´e, Chronos and so on.
CrazyBerry (3) | January 8, 2014 12:08pm
CrazyBerry wrote:

Im sorry Serolino that my word usage in defining the lane has angered you to this point. If you give me 5 maybe 10 minutes I will have every "Top Lane" phrase changed to the correct phrase for this game "Solo Lane".

Just stick with me until then and I hope that once all of the mistakes are to yours and everyone's liking you will take the time to read through the guide!

If you have any other dislikes or see something that you think should be changed please don't hesitate to tell me! I make these for you guys and your feedback really does matter to me!

Alright Setolino. From what I have seen i have successfully changed all of the Top Lane phrases into Solo Lane! If you have anything else please don't hesitate to let me know!
CrazyBerry (3) | January 8, 2014 12:01pm
Dark Jaw wrote:

But this is a MOBA, and is pretty similar to LoL. And he'll change it asap, read the comments above.

Thank you Dark Jaw!. I will get everything corrected and at that point, hopefully everyone will be satisfied!

If you have any comments or suggestions about how to improve the guide please let me know. Your guys feedback will only make the future content in this guide, and future guides better!

Thank you!
CrazyBerry (3) | January 8, 2014 11:58am
Setolino wrote:

Top Lane? Please do me a favour and change that. This isnt LoL

Im sorry Serolino that my word usage in defining the lane has angered you to this point. If you give me 5 maybe 10 minutes I will have every "Top Lane" phrase changed to the correct phrase for this game "Solo Lane".

Just stick with me until then and I hope that once all of the mistakes are to yours and everyone's liking you will take the time to read through the guide!

If you have any other dislikes or see something that you think should be changed please don't hesitate to tell me! I make these for you guys and your feedback really does matter to me!
Dark Jaw (44) | January 8, 2014 11:22am
Setolino wrote:

Top Lane? Please do me a favour and change that. This isnt LoL

But this is a MOBA, and is pretty similar to LoL. And he'll change it asap, read the comments above.
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