If you are unfamiliar with jungling, I strongly recommend you check out
Subzero008's jungling guide:
The Jungler's Handbook. Don't forget to upvote it if it helped you and give him a +rep.
Now, the jungler has quite a few roles. Here's a summary of them and their priority:
1) Lanes. Gank, show presence, help push a tower/wave, save a tower/clear a wave.
2) Mid Camps. They give the most experience out of any jungle camp, and getting them also denies them from the enemy team.
3) Farming & Dropping Buffs. For your team mates and for yourself.
Bottom Line:
The Jungler Helps.
Clearing Camps
While not her strongest aspect, Kali's clear and farm are the most important elements in her game. That is because of her poor early game and outstanding late game. You want to get to the point where you become unstoppable as fast as you can. In order to do so:
Lash: To clear the most effectively, start by auto attacking the middle creep in the camp, and then when all 3 creeps are stacked up as close as possible, use Lash. This way, all 3 blades will hit all 3 creeps. From there just keep auto attacking.
When clearing waves, go right in front of the melee minions and throw the blades so they'll all hit the melee and converge at the archers.
Your fastest way of clearing camps and waves is
Lash. In fact, in the jungle, this ability should be the only one you should use to clear. While Kali isn't exactly mana hungry, if you constantly use both
Lash and
Nimble Strike to clear camps, you'll deplete your mana really quickly. Only if you need to clear/get somewhere quickly, you should use both abilities.
Nimble Strike also comes in handy when you need a quick heal. When used a low-health middle creep in a buff camp, you can easily heal for 50% of your health.
Counter Jungling
Now that you know how to clear jungle camps, it's time learn how to steal them from your enemies! Counter jungling both helps you by increasing your overall farm and granting you and your team more buffs while denying the farm and buffs from the enemy jungler. It's risky, but pays off if you can execute it.
There are 3 key elements in counter jungling.
Vision: You must know where the enemy team is, specifically the enemy jungler. This can be achieved by proper usage of team communication, wards and sentry wards to make sure you are not spotted out by enemy wards. Also if you see that the enemy jungler is on low health but went to the jungle to clear, feel free to pay him a surprise visit.
Fast Clear: Kali doesn't really excel at this, but it isn't a major drawback for her either. You must be able to clear the camp as fast as possible before enemies will realize you are invading their jungle. This could be heavily assisted with the use of Hand of the Gods. To utilize it to its best, use it only when you know it'll kill the camp. If you use it right off the bat and get caught, you'll need to retreat and eventually lose time, money and get a cooldown on your HoG.
Escape Route: You must plan ahead an escape route so you could immediately retreat as soon as you say danger incoming. Granted, Kali is pretty good at the safety of counter jungling, as you have an incredibly fast leap, a stun and few seconds of invincibility, so you shouldn't really die if you have all of those available. Nonetheless, it's better that you instantly jump over the wall instead of waiting and having to blow off your ult to try and save yourself from a 3-men collapse on you.
Also, there is a great
Counter Jungling Guide written by
BestMinionEver Which really explains counter jungling in depth and how to do it. Check it out and don't forget to upvote it if it helped you.
Early game, ganking must involve team work and cooperation in order to yield results. As Kali's early game damage is mere, unless enemies are overextending, you will have a hard time killing them on your own. This is where your strongest ganking tool comes to work.
Incense: This ability is nearly impossible to miss and locks down enemies with ease. It can easily set up a guaranteed Searing Pain or Release The Kraken! to help you execute the gank.
Now, don't just jump into the lane thinking you can stun them and it's GG. Some enemies are more evasive than you are. Sometimes you need to flank the enemies and save your leap to chase them, as they'll have a quick escape. It is best to flank from behind, initiate with
Incense and save
Nimble Strike on enemies with high mobility like
Apollo or
What is to follow is up to you. If you have your ult and/or you are ganking your kill target, you can tower dive them, but be careful doing so. If you can't do the job well and get stuck inside the tower, even your ultimate won't save you, especially not when other enemies are incoming. Needless to say, sprint will always help you to stick to enemies running away from you.
Showing Presence
Showing Presence: What it is basically is going to a certain lane and not gank it necessarily but just show your presence to the enemy laner. This will cause them to think twice before pushing and overextending the lane and put some pressure on them. It's good to do so if a lane is being outpushed but you can't quite gank the lane. It's a small thing but can really help your team mates.
I rarely use lifesteal items, since kali as innate lifesteal with
Was this a smurf game / game with low level players, or are you just that good/lucky?
Skills: Very well explained. Skill sequences were nice, along with the overall explanations. No problems where.
Items: I'd advise against
Gameplay: 1. You really need to not overestimate Kali's dueling prowess in the early game. You kinda make it sound like she's invincible, when she kind of...isn't.
2. "Never stop farming." Please remove this sentence and throw it in a fire. Farming is important, but...not really that important.
3. An expanded dueling section would be appreciated, since it's emphasized a lot.
4. Okay, before I read this guide, I'd had played Kali only once. After I read it, I played two matches with her, using this guide as a baseline.
Honestly, the thing that helped me most was the build. Aside from that, I was honestly kinda clueless on what to do. I know that Kali is a late game melee ADC, but I couldn't just keep farming all game. I wish I could get some advice on making the most of Kali when she is weakest.
Overall: The guide seems to have a good amount of info...but I wish I knew what to do. But it did help, so I'm giving it an upvote.
Yeah, was saying in general..
If you're talking about a real-match up, Loki isn't that slow, especially with
Kali might be able to survive Loki's burst which is immensely high, but with his relatively low cooldowns and usually maxing CDR, he can just go right back and ult to finish the job. Kali doesn't do that great against high burst gods, actually. With the 1 second stun and aimed strike before I ult, I could probably finish you off before you could use
I'm just saying, Loki is my most played god, and Kali probably being #2 or #3. Kali does have immense power in 1v1's (due to her passive), but Loki is made for 1v1s and always has been good in 1v1s. Wanna play you in a 1v1 Loki vs Kali one day xD
That is sad,
@MeKali - Glad I could help. Your name kinda says it all about XD
Yes it is xD
If you're talking about a real-match up, Loki isn't that slow, especially with
Kali might be able to survive Loki's burst which is immensely high, but with his relatively low cooldowns and usually maxing CDR, he can just go right back and ult to finish the job. Kali doesn't do that great against high burst gods, actually. With the 1 second stun and aimed strike before I ult, I could probably finish you off before you could use
I'm just saying, Loki is my most played god, and Kali probably being #2 or #3. Kali does have immense power in 1v1's (due to her passive), but Loki is made for 1v1s and always has been good in 1v1s. Wanna play you in a 1v1 Loki vs Kali one day xD
I don't think it's a viable argument for a match up. It's like saying Thanatos has a good match up against all junglers because he can pretty much shut down any god early. Match ups are about comparison between kits and play styles of gods, not by game phases.
And even then, before level 5, Kali can just escape a Loki any time she wants to. Stun him when he comes close when she hears Aimed Strike or just jump to escape. After level 5, if she can survive Assassinate, and she can at a 1v1, she can just counter ult him.
@Greenevers - Did you mean "good looks" or "looks good"? :D
Kinda slang for looks good :3
Btw, I disagree with Loki being Kali's easiest counter :P. I've owned many Kali's in my 1v1 days. Main thing to do with Kali is shut her down early game and end the game quick. If you don't, well you're screwed xD