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You ever see something for the first time, and just weep at the sight of its immense beauty? For some, they weep at the sight of a girl's immense booty. When I first saw Cupid's kit, I immediately spent 3000 favor, because he was just so balanced. Now, his kit... GOT BUFFED! IceColdPappsi back here to bring you a
Cupid guide.
Cupid is so easy to use, I might have to remove the "For Dummies" part of the title.
- So much CC
- Fast and safe Dash
- Team Heal
- OK Clear
- Great Team Fight Potential
- Utility for days
- Squishy
- Mid to Late Game
- Only 2 Damaging Abilities
- Hard Combo
Get ready.
Passive: Lovestruck
This is a buff that stacks. Each basic attack gives you a stack, and when at 8 stacks, your 1 and ult have added effects. Each stack increases your 1 and ult's damage and your 2's healing by 2%. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THIS BOOST!
Now, after reading the above abilities, it may seem like Cupid is a support in disguise. I mean, that kit tho. Time to do him his hunter justice.
Build 1: Parasitic Marriage
It is time to reveal the inevitable truth: people get married and have kids. That's why you're here reading, and why I'm here making this guide. But it is no easy task. It drains you of your mental, physical, and financial stability. This build is here to hopefully get you back and running. If you are true to the ADC name, then this build is perfect. Jotunn's Wrath is there for the basic cooldown reduction and flat penetration.
Brawler's Beat Stick is there to reduce the healing of the enemies.
The Executioner will help you in the penetration department.
Qin's Sais will be your last item to help with your damage against more tankier opponents that are standing between you and your deicide. Lastly, Devourer's Gauntlets is there to increase you lifesteal. However, if you don't know what ADC means, and therefore can't be one, then
Asi is there to give more benefits to keep you alive long enough to get another kill.
Asi will give you 40% lifesteal when you reach low health.
Titan's Bane is a great alternative to
The Executioner, as you do not need to stack on the penetration.
True love is adorable
Thank you for reading through this guide. Hopefully, you have fallen in love with Cupid's kit as much as I have. If you would like, please check out my guides on Agni, Ravana, and Mercury. If you have any suggestions or feedback, please do so in a respective manner. No one needs your sass. Lastly, if you're ever feeling down after getting wrecked so hard in a match, reevaluate yourself while you're drinking a tall glass of IceColdPappsi.
I would like to thank DucksRocks and Branmuffin17 for slapping some sense into me.
Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
SMITEFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new god, or fine tune your favorite SMITE gods’s build and strategy.
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first of all, you telling bran to "just change the build in game" is just completely disrespectful and is one of the wrost answers you could have come up with. that is why i downvoted before seeing your responce.
your build includes: building stacks at the 3rd slot, and
you have no attack speed. at all. you use double lifesteal, your second build is legit full of item combinations on hunters that should never be done ever.
your tough love build is actually better, but why don't you build trans first and where's the lifesteal? plus,
and tbh, bran covered everything perfectly. but you threw that review out the window. sorry if this was unpleasant, but i despise that response of "just change the build in game". your just refusing to recognize the many issues with these builds, which is horrible.
The meta is helpful. The meta is formed for a specific god or class because it's effective, specifically at the high-end level of pros. Consider that most of these players do a lot of research, with trial & error to figure out what works best for the specific god and their playstyle. That said, the meta isn't the only way to be effective, especially in more casual settings. And that's where the problem with the meta lies. There are those that don't have an open mind, and feel that if you don't build the meta way, you suck, or your build isn't viable, or whatever. That's not me.
I also understand that you don't want your build to just be cookie-cutter like everything else. I've talked to others that felt the same way, and even I feel that way a lot of the time. A prime example is my
When I provide feedback, I try to be helpful, and I try to respond positively, as I'm not trying to hurt people's feelings. I've been playing the game quite a while, and I've thought about builds, and talked with others a ton, so my understanding of the basics and mechanics is generally pretty solid, I think. I've written guides and have definitely gotten some feedback, not all of it positive. I use it to increase my understanding, and I ask questions when I don't know's definitely helped me over time.
So my feedback on your builds was already pretty open-minded...I didn't just dismiss
It's absolutely okay to not follow the meta, but when making guides, the point is to still be as helpful to others as possible. When looking to help beginners, providing them with a build is already the main step in making the process easier for them. But building
there are a lot of flaws in these builds, which gets new players to use them. once they dont work, they turn to reddit for advice. you can imagine what happens next.
Oh, and Pappsi, 38.
I see you're starting to produce a bunch of guides...this is the first one I've looked at, but I can also take a look at others if you'd like.
You may or may not agree with my comments...just understand that I'm here to help, and am not trying to insult or otherwise put down your builds...just offering my opinion.
You haven't indicated (or I've missed it) which mode(s) this is for, but for now I'll assume it's universal...just so you know where I'm coming from.
If you DO specifically adapt this for Conquest, you really want to add starting items...usually
In teamfight modes (e.g. Arena/Clash/Assault), I definitely build
With regard to your skill leveling, in pretty much any mode, you're going to want to level
Parasitic Marriage Fed Build
That said, in pretty much any mode,
As for the rest of your items...well, they're all nice with regard to power and pen, but I don't think it's optimal. Now that his attack speed steroid (though low) is a passive effect from his
Also...definitely don't go
How I'd see this build going, using Jotunn's and no Devo's:
With Devo's:
Parasitic Marriage Feeding Build
This one is a yikes. You're just not going to be very effective when 3 of your items have 0 power.
Tough Love (both builds)
Just like the idea with
Not sure what's going on, but in these builds, you have 0 lifesteal went the other direction!!! Lifesteal is great when you're boxing...maybe you're looking to burst the enemy down, and then heal up later with
Drunken Booty Call (both builds)
I like you putting in some humor in your guide. Always appreciate humor. I can DEFINITELY tell you that being drunk SLOOOOOWS you down...not speeds things up. Way slower reaction time. See my
That said, the point of a build shouldn't ever be to skim the attack speed should always be about DPS. It's good that you're not overcapping on either build, but I'm just not sure're making this a hybrid've still got
You have your Feeding build, you have both
Any basic attack build should be centered around either
I like your effort, but I see some definite room for improvement in the builds. If you have questions or want further feedback on any of the details I've provided, please let me know and I'll try to explain.
I can understand not gearing toward Conquest, at which point, items like
I will point out that I very much prefaced my comments by saying they're my opinion. And I also didn't just look at your build and said they could be changed. I read what you wrote on them too.