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OUTDATED!!! Might update after items are finalized and the game is released!!!
Welcome to my first Smite guide for Bacchus, God Of Wine
Bacchus is a seriously underplayed tank in casual games and pretty much every guide for him is outdated, so I decided to fix both issues with one guide. This guide contains a full tank build for Bacchus so you can burp, smash and drink your way to victory.
If you like (or absolutely hate :D) the guide, please consider leaving a vote so I know if i did a decent (or bad) job. If you vote could you also leave a comment saying what's good and bad about the guide so I can improve it.
You're probably thinking, who does this pretentious noob think he is to talk about the God of Gods. Well, I've finally reached God Rank 10 with Bacchus, And I'm at 100 wins, 300 kills and 3000 assists, so I do have some authority on the subject.
Check out my profile to keep track of my wins with Bacchus:
Grimskull player profile
This guide helped me out a lot while creating this guide. Check it out to improve all your builds
Smite Math Guide
Thanks a lot to Flareb00t for creating this guide.I t helped me a lot. Here's the link to his reddit post:
This guide is based on the concept of getting a maximum amount of Total Effective Health. If you want to get more information on Total Effective Health, watch this vid:
Thanks for reading,
P.S If you read the skill sequence you might notice I put my 8th skill point in Belly Flop. This isn't possible in game, but it means you have to spare it until lvl 9 and then put a point in both
Belly Flop and
19 October 2013: Some major gameplay changes to the skill sequence, items and strategy sections. check them out to see what's new.
27 October 2013: Huge changes to the item build and skills chapters. Check it out to improve your favorite drunkard.
29 October 2013: Fleshed out some item descriptions.
30 October 2013: Added Operation IMB, added Midas Boots as a situational item, added Divine Ruin as a situational item, fleshed out the Strategy chapter and added some general improvements to the guide as a whole.
31 October 2013: Removed Soul Reaver and Winged Wand from the list of possible 6th items. I realized that, as a support, getting items that improve your team as a whole are more important than your own damage or speed. Added Witch Stone to the possible 6th items list as a replacement. Tidied up the purchase orders.
6 November 2013: Removed Magi's Cowl from the build because Magi's Blessing allows you to get your Belch of the Gods off a lot more which is a better advantage then the 40 extra protections. Also changed the order in which you should buy the items.
4 December 2013: removed [Watcher's Gift] as a secondary item. In solo queue it's just not worth it because your laning partner usually doesn't focus on getting last hits. Changed the description of the boots as well. Moved Magi's Blessing from third item to 5th item.
7 December 2013: Changed description of Eye Of Providence according to the latest patch. Might start experimenting with other actives. Will let you guys know what I find out.
11 December 2013: Changed a few things in the items section. Replaced Shoes of Focus with midas boots. Rewrote quite a bit of the strategy section.
10 January 2014: Few visual updates, updated the number of votes received in the intro text, removed some text in the intro. Eye will be staying as an active after the recent ward changes. Rest of the build stays the same.
15 January 2014: Added a little paragraph about Geb in the introduction, since I think my Bacchus build will work wonders on his shield ability.
18 January 2014: Changed the build quite a bit. Bulwark of Hope got replaced by
Hide of the Urchin, since I like it's passive more. Magi's Cowl became the default 5th item, with Magi's Blessing as a substitute if the enemy team is heavy on CC.
Pestilence got removed as a substitute and
Void Stone replaced
Spear of the Magus as a possible 6th item.
22 January 2014: Forgot to add Bulwark of Hope in the build order. Fixed now.
Bacchus is a tank. Tanks do NOT get kills. Tanks do 4 things:
Skill priority: see Skill Sequence
N01 handicap of tanks: you need a good team to excell. This explains it very well: you have to look at a tank as a multiplier: if your team is 2, it becomes 4. If your team is 5, it becomes 10. If your team is 0, it stays zero.
Don't take this as an excuse to blame others for the loss of a game though. Always reflect on a game to see where you made mistakes and make sure you don't make those mistakes again. If you think you've made zero mistakes in a game, you've reached the limit of your potential and won't get any better. The more mistakes you make, the more room for improvement there is.
As a tank you should get satisfaction out of saving teammates and seeing your team excel because of your initiating, NOT out of getting kills.
If this does not apply to you, either don't play tank or play Ares (Ares players will understand this, he should be a friggin mage :D)
I hope this guide will help you guys with playing THE MOST AWESOME, INCREDIBLE, OP, UBER-TANK GOD OUT THERE!!!
If you liked the guide and it helped you please consider leaving a vote and a comment to make me feel good :D
Thanks for reading and see you in game!
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This is an AMAZING guide. I've only played Bacchus for about 2 days, and this guide has shed so much light into his playstyle.
Now I don't have to worry (as much) about his Chug consuming all my mana!
One thing I notice is that I don't think you can level your skills in that order anymore. You're not allowed to max out belly flop at level 8.
Just thought you should know.
thx a lot,
U just pointed out every little detail of playing both this and other Tanky Gods
But as far as I know Beside I have some xp on Moba games(ESP DOTA 2) I'm a little Newbie to Simte(I fairly made 10-20 Games through this game) so I read the whole guide but I couldn't Understand some of the words here I wish u got some Time to explain their meaning to me and what are they for.
Lets start with
1- CC
2- mana buff
3- Jungle buff
Thanks Very much
Yeah, you can pop chug after Belly Flop, I just like to immediately start burping after I jump. It all depends on the situation though.
You can stay in the base, but what if there's a lvl 1 teamfight, or your blue buff gets invaded? Then your carry or your team will be at a serious disadvantage because you're still in the base. It's better to be out there with the rest of the team and be able to CC from the first second.
I did some calculations to prove why it's best to lvl Chug last:
Rank 1:
cost: 50 mana
Percentage Drunk-O-Meter: 22%
==> That's 2.27 mana per percentage (50/22)
Rank 2: 2.86 mana per percentage (80/28)
Rank 3: 3.24, Rank 4: 3.5, Rank 5: 3.70
As you see, your paying more mana per percentage every time you lvl chug, so it's really inefficient to lvl Chug early game because it'll really drain your mana.
Thanks for the support!
The one thing I disagree with is your lack of love for chug and how you use it. Chug has just 4 secs duration. so using it before your jump loses you .5 of a sec at least. The cast time can't be more than .5secs which enemies will need at least that to get their aim on you. So i would pop that after belly flop.
Also Chug is my first point. While you wait for the match to start you can spam chug to get you smashed at 0mana cost in spawn pool You then leave 15~20sec before minion spawn to fight with loads of protections meaning you take much less damage.
Further more I'd get chug to 3points earlier on. The mana you consume is reduced so drastically with these 2 extra points its amazing. Taking away from belly flop/burp early on is not a big deal, they are valuable for their CC not Damage.