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SMITE - Events

2 0 6,916
by xZeroStrike updated October 27, 2016

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SMITE - Events Intro - Let's get the fun started!

Amazing artwork created by DucksRock!

Formal: What & Why?

Why this article?

Hi-Rez does a lot of events in SMITE. Ranging from simple events such as a free gem events, all the way to big events, such as the annual Odyssey. Most of these events have a big deal to them:
Lots of rewards, lots of tasks, lots of mechanics, and a lot of money-spending.

Some of these events get so big and confusing, that some players may not be able to benefit from them entirely, simply because they don't know how they work.
This article is designed to not only list all events that are ongoing, but also to inform how they work.

What are we waiting for? Let's get into it!

What are events?

Events are activities, sometimes small or big, organized by a host. Since we're talking about SMITE events, our host(s) is Hi-Rez.

The activities are designed to bring refreshment, goals and the most important, rewards to an allready existing subject. In the context of SMITE, events are designed to keep players interested in the game, allow players to get cool and unique rewards, and to give players a goal: Something to strive after.

The Odyssey 2017

The Odyssey 2017

The SMITE Odyssey: 2017

Explaining the details

Rewards list

SWC - Smite Season Ticket 2016

SWC - Smite Season Ticket 2016


The SMITE Season Ticket 2016 is an event that has been going on for quite awhile.
It is not the first season ticket, as this "event" takes place every year as a contribution to the Smite World Championship events. (These are real life events where the greatest SMITE players clash against eachother for a reward of real money)

The Season Ticket is a great way of obtaining great items. It isn't completely free, as you'll need to pay an "entry fee", worth 400 gems, but after that, you can obtain everything without spending anything more.

The way you go about gaining rewards is fairly easy. Once you spent the gems to get your ticket, you'll immediately be rewarded with a Bellona skin. From here on out, you can gain points via 2 ways:

-Playing games. Yup, simple (and fun, hopefully). Playing and winning games reward you with a small amount of points.
-Voting on winning teams. During the Season Ticket, various "pro" teams combat against eachother. And you, all you need to do is play little Gambler.
Simply vote on either of the teams that are battling, and if you vote on the winning team, you cash in points. The votes you place are free, so you have nothing to lose!

Here's a list of all (current) Season Ticket rewards available, with their required "points".

Rewards list

Lists: Explaining the events

Lists: Explaining the events

This chapter is designed to give all the necessary information about the smaller events that you'll need to know to participate and enjoy the event to its fullest extent!

SMITE: The Reaping

The Reaping is a multi-part event that runs through the month October. It provides various "extra's", such as gem-purchase discounts, free gem opportunities, etc...

Ending - Article conclusion


-> Creating SMITE and creating these events. Images are also designed by them.

-> Article writer.

Zilby - BB-coding.
Branmuffin17 - BB-coding
DucksRock - Suggestions & feedback, amazing artwork (see top of article).

Huge thank you to these contributors! They helped me make this article what it is today. I will do my very best to keep this one going untill the end of days! <3

Agreements, ToS, additional information

- This article is written by me. All information, images, events, etc... are created by Hi-Rez, unless mentioned otherwise.

- If you feel like you deserve credit for anything in this article, PM me and explain why you think you deserve credit.
Note: comments regarding credential business will be ignored. If you feel like you earn credit for anything in this article, these "issues" will be solved between you and me personally.

- This article is a "live article". Meaning that it will be monitored and updated regularly, and perhaps daily. Colaboration is allways welcome. If you wish to help improve this article, feel free to PM me.
The help one can provide are widespread: Provide information / BB-coding help / Writing / etc...

Changelog & Archive

This part is only for those interested. The changelog will include all changes made to the article, and the archive will (from now on) contain all events that have taken place in the past and have ended, for referential purposes.



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xZeroStrike (46) | September 22, 2016 1:21pm
Updated to reflect this weekend's extra event(s):

- Odyssey Bonus points
This event runs from Friday, 23th of September to Sunday, 25th of September.

Following events ended, removed:
- Party-Up weekend.
- Mid-Autumn Sale.
Technotoad64 (46) | September 14, 2016 6:28pm
This can be useful if kept up to date.
xZeroStrike (46) | September 14, 2016 10:47pm
That's the plan. :)
xZeroStrike (46) | September 14, 2016 1:30pm
Article update: (allready? Whew)
- Added the Season Ticket (2016) event with appropriate information.
- Grouped double-intro's into 1.
- "Banner" artwork, made by DucksRock, added.
- Created more spacing within the guide.
- Added "rewards" lists for events that had any. (Season Ticket and Odyssey).
- Updated Credits, ToS and Changelog to resemble changes accordingly.

Huge thank you to the contributors. Your feedback has allready been very valuable, and the article isn't even a day old! Let's keep this one going! <3
xZeroStrike (46) | September 14, 2016 9:29am
The SMITE - Events article is published. Looking for helping hands to help keep this guide updated through (hopefully) SMITE and SmiteFire's lifetime, and to help with BB-coding related stuff.

Interested? PM.
Zilby (132) | September 14, 2016 10:22am
I can assist with bbcode related stuff if you need it. Currently it looks fairly good though.
xZeroStrike (46) | September 14, 2016 10:55am
Thank you. From what I see and have seen you're extremely good at BB-coding. If you want, I can PM you the code of a chapter so you can add additional BB-coding to it.

If so, let me know which chapter you'd like to get started on. I'll add you to the credits list.
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