SMITE's annual Odyssey is the biggest event of the year. This is the time to strike, as here you'll be able to get the most exclusive rewards. Get them while they're hot, when the Odyssey expires, the items are gone aswell!
What do you need to know about the Odyssey:
This year's Odyssey comes in "3 parts". They are as follows, placed in spoilers. (Keep everything more visible)

The items
The items are the most valuable part about the Odyssey by far. These items are mostly exclusive, so you'll want to get them while you can. Each year's Odyssey typically has the extremely rare Tier 5 skin.
There are multiple ways of obtaining the items, however some items may be limited to a specific type of obtainment.
To obtain items, you can do the following:
- Quests. Unlike previous Odysseys, this one has quests. Upon completing quests, you can get points, which will gain you "levels", that'll unlock unique items. Additionally, by collecting points, you can obtain "Odyssey chests", which hold items on their own. These items however, are not unique to the Odyssey, and can be obtained through regular (gem) purchase aswell.
- Purchases. You can buy the items instantly with gems.
- Odyssey points. By getting enough points, you'll be able to unlock a (limited) amount of Odyssey-unique items.

Xing's mountain and the quests
Xing Tian's mountain is a new gamemode unique to this year's Odyssey. See it as an arena survival mode, where you and 4 others face of against AI combatants. AI combatants may sound simple, but these rounds are edited to provide a fair challenge. Bring your best team composition and friends, you'll need it.
Ontop of the new, special gamemode (which will unfortunately be removed when the Odyssey ends) also come quests. These also allow you to get rewards from the Odyssey, without needing to spend a dime on the game.
- Xing Tian's mountain is a gamemode, and can thus be selected like any other gamemode such as Arena/Conquest/etc...
- Xing Tian's mountain rewards are very limited. If you make it to round 5 or higher, you'll get an Odyssey chest. If you make it to round 25 (max.), you get a unique avatar. Note: the rewards are one-time only.
- Quests. Doing quests allows you to obtain points for the Odyssey. With these points, you can unlock a select few item rewards from the Odyssey, without needing to spend any money.
- The quests are "Pantheon-linked", meaning that you can only do the quest-chain of the Pantheon that is currently "active" in the Odyssey. You are also limited to 1 quest a day, so better get to them quickly if you want to finish them all! The "active" Pantheon will change in due course of time during the Odyssey.

Gems - The fastest route
Unfortunately, if you want all Odyssey rewards and the unique Tier5 skin (
Anubis this year), you'll still need to spend money to buy certain items. Which brings us to the 3rd and last point to obtaining Odyssey items: Gems.
You could've seen this one coming, but using gems to purchase your items is your speed-ticket to collecting 'em all!
For a slight amount of extra information about the collectible items, refer to your in-game Odyssey shop, or these patch notes:
- Odyssey Bonus points
This event runs from Friday, 23th of September to Sunday, 25th of September.
Following events ended, removed:
- Party-Up weekend.
- Mid-Autumn Sale.
- Added the Season Ticket (2016) event with appropriate information.
- Grouped double-intro's into 1.
- "Banner" artwork, made by DucksRock, added.
- Created more spacing within the guide.
- Added "rewards" lists for events that had any. (Season Ticket and Odyssey).
- Updated Credits, ToS and Changelog to resemble changes accordingly.
Huge thank you to the contributors. Your feedback has allready been very valuable, and the article isn't even a day old! Let's keep this one going! <3
Interested? PM.
If so, let me know which chapter you'd like to get started on. I'll add you to the credits list.
Currently though I do still think it looks pretty nice. Things I'd change at a glance: having text directly below a photo can make it harder to read. I believe you have to put 2 new lines for one to show up (just a quirk on this site).
You could also add some more graphical headers like these, but I'd have to see how they looked, your guide is already pretty readable and adding them may just make it look too busy.
Finally, you use a lot of double rules, possibly a few too many. Reducing the number and maybe adding some colored ones like the one below may help to make it look less repetitive.
Thanks for the codes!
The way I BBcode, it would be difficult for me to help on that end, unless I had direct access to editing the guide, which is definitely not something I'd ask you for. The reason for that, though, is because I make minor adjustments to the code, and then refresh the guide so I can see the direct aesthetic change. I may do this just for spacing, for example, and things like sizing (size=X), indents, tables, spoilers, etc., all are a bit finicky when it comes to how they act on line spacing.
And that would be the biggest suggestion I could make. A bit more spacing would be great, because things look a little cramped. Here's an example of how I'd enhance the look.
The SMITE Odyssey: 2017
This event occurs more frequently. This event allows you to gain double rewards when playing with friends! A great time to team up!
The double rewards affect the following:
The "editor" can then copy that and use it in a guide as if he/she was making the own guide, and use the "Save" + "View" functions to view their coding, but they wouldn't "publish" it.
Hope you get what I mean. Either way, I take it you want to help us? :3
Edit: I'll add that spacing, it looks better allready, thank you for the input. I will also add you to the credits section.
If you'd like, I'll absolutely help so it cuts your me, I know upkeep on guides is time-consuming. We'd want to keep your general format, so I'm guessing we'd mostly just be adding the wording? Should be easy enough.
The "code" function drives me crazy. For whatever reason, it doesn't list everything exactly. Specifically, it deletes all spaces between like, my spacing example above would be eradicated copying into code, which means you'd have to go back and redo all of the spacing again. Sucks for you =(
I've helped others experimentally with coding before, and do use an unpublished guide to code, view, and revise. The way I've gotten around the code function is just to send the code as-is via e-mail or another service, so it retains everything. Would also be open to other options if you know of any.
Now that I think about it...couple other suggestions on organization of the guide. Rather than split the chapters up as it currently is...well, let's start at the beginning.
You have 2 intro chapters. Consider combining into 1 chapter just called "introduction" or whatever, with each topic (why and what) using the h1 header to emphasize the two topics.
Next, you have a chapter listing the on-going events, and then another chapter explaining the previously listed events, and that separation creates extra bulk that is unnecessary. Consider breaking into individual chapters for each event, with the dates of activity in the chapter name to also help with referencing. You can then go to one chapter just to target a specific event. Make sense?
Then all I need to do is delete those, which might be easier than you telling me where to put lines :P
Also, DucksRock suggested a similar thing in terms of chapters. I'm going to give the big chapters, such as the Odyssey, their own chapter(s), while the smaller events, such as the party up weekends, will stay grouped up. I'm thinking of keeping the "on-going" events list, just for those who are only interested in seeing what events are active in 1 place, but don't need the additional information for it.
I will combine the intro chapters aswell, thank you for the suggestion.