Firstly, this is the first build guide I've written, so be nice ;)
I build Sun Wukong as a lifesteal warrior to maximise his sustain in both 1v1 and conquest, and so far, it has been working very well 99.9% of the time.
- Maintain relatively high damage throughout the entirety of the fight
- High sustain throughout the game
- Very effective against melee Gods
- Fun to play
- Works well with most ally Gods for duo'ing
- Perfect partner for support |
- Difficult to maintain sustain against ranged enemies, without careful, tactical play
- Slow speed early game
- Against high burst damage enemies, very reliant on stuns
Item Choices: When and why?
Starting with
Death's Toll Allows you to have some viable
sustain early on in the game, whether it be 1v1 or conquest, you will need this if you want to keep
poking your enemy as well as
maintaining your health and mana. It also provides a nice amount of
damage, as it should be bought at the same time as level one
Level one
Tabi should be bought in conjunction with
Death's Toll to
maximise your early game damage. Proceeding to max it out to
Warrior Tabi as soon as possible maintains the damage you can dish out with its power and penetration, but also increases your move and attack speed a little, allowing for easier pokes and dodges, while maintaining your
sustain from
Death's Toll with the extra speed.
Devourer's Gloves
Increasing your
lifesteal with Devourer's Gloves helps to keep a steady sustain against your enemy by
poking them, making them cautious and dealing
decent damage, while
healing up off their creep. higher lifesteal makes for less caution being needed while healing off the creep.
While you have the Tiger form of your
72 Transformations to provide a
stun if the enemy makes an attack, or to launch an attack on them, it is VERY helpful to have
Fist of the Gods in order to
stun lock during a hard assault on them, or to follow up on a failed Tiger stun. For me, this active is invaluable to a
sustain build for
Sun Wukong as it helps for
maximum damage potential at
minimal risk, as well as providing more
While the
attack speed,
lifesteal and
power on
Qin's Blades are pretty awesome, what makes this item invaluable is the passive effect, dealing
damage equal to 4% of an enemy God's maximum HP. This speaks for itself, it's great, and a brilliant way to really annoy tanks too :D
[EDIT] If you feel you are taking too long to kill with the
Qin's Blades, feel free to use
Qin's Sais, they don't appear to do much to a full health target, but as their health dwindles, your damage goes through the roof. This is
very effective against enemies that have a knack for escaping with low HP.
This is a
situational item, to be used against only physical enemies in 1v1, and dependant on where the most of your damage is coming from in conquest, duo or solo. The reason we have this is its
cooldown reduction, more
pokes, more
stuns, more
healing on your cloud and more decoys to confuse the hell out of your opponent. If your enemy is magical and you need more defense against them, I suggest using
Runic Shield, but you will lose the CD reduction. However, if you are against magical (or physical) and DON'T need the extra defense, I strongly recommend
Jotunn's Wrath for it's
power and penetration on top of it's
CD reduction. The mana doesn't hurt either :)
Finish off your build (almost) with some very nice extra
power, and incredible crit. From my experience, under 50% HP (due to Wukong's passive) nearly every hit is a crit at this point for somewhere between 500 and 700 damage. Ignore people's gripes here about always wanting the
Rage combo. it
is not needed on Wukong, his passive more than makes up for it and you will find yourself critting far more often than if you had that combo.
Now at this point, Feel free to switch out your
Death's Toll. There is a nice selection of items that fit well with the build:
Great for (obviously) it's incredible
lifesteal, but it also provides a very respectable 40
power. at the 5th stack of this you can be looking at
100-150 health per hit with this.
Brawler's Beat Again, good for it's
lifesteal, and a great item to use against an opponent running any lifesteal, or against a support God like
Hel or
Don't need anymore lifesteal and can afford to lose the 5 from
Death's Toll? Fine, go with some incredibly good
attack peed and movement speed. Allowing for faster
heals from your current lifesteal and better
escape/chase potential.
Arguably better than
Fatalis, because of the
lifesteal and
penetration, and the passive providing even more lifesteal in a pinch. It lacks the movement speed of the
Fatalis so it's a choice you have to make yourself :)
There are many more to chose from that will work. Play around :D
{Suggested by
Considering the high
sustain from this build, provided you don't need the lifesteal,
Heartseeker is a brilliant choice to
maximise damage. This is due to its passive; while the move speed and power are mediocre at best,
Heartseeker's passive is what really makes it shine with this sustain. As with Devourer's Gloves you should rarely see less than maximum stacks on this item, increasing your damage exponentially by turning a 25 power item effectively into a
75 power item.
Thanks for the suggestion Grimskull
You may be looking and thinking, "well what about a second active?"
Choose from:
Pick based on your situation. (Failing the use of your ult to escape
Freya's Ult,
Aegis Amulet is a sure way to shrug it off completely. Same can be said of many other Gods)
its pretty much tough build.
However, it IS called a guide and I would feel like I was stomping all over people's creativity if I added every suggestion that would work well in this :D
Your input has been greatly appreciated :D
Yes Grimskull, I'm a fairly quick learner :P Definitely a little excessive, but it seemed a good idea at the time xD That's a fair point, and if I get over this absolutely shattered, after-work, feeling, I may just add in a section like that :)
(Oh dear... Mazximise ftw >.>)
[EDIT] Okay that feeling wore off rather quickly, and I took your advice Grim, but I did hide it in a spoiler box (Gotta give people the chance to ignore my combo's and try their own)
I wish I could double up vote a guide. If you still want to improve, you could make a skills chapter to detail the different abilities and possible combo's. You referenced me as well, that's classic. My hat's of for you sir! Congratulations on a great first guide!
(there's a typo in your description of
Well yes xD Rage/Deathbringer is nrmally sweet, but why bother with that much crit (on top of defenses) after 50% xD
I suppose it could be one to swap for the
[Added some more BB coding, but now I think I've gone overboard xD Tried to colour code the various aspects of the build]
Now the good stuff: This is one of the few builds I have read that actually has some very good reasoning behind it. You used your brains and it's noticeable. Especially not getting rage because you already have Wukong's passive is pure genius.
Also, I think
great guide, the build alone deserves an up vote (just add some more BB coding)