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This build has been archived by the author. They are no longer supporting nor updating this build and it may have become outdated. As such, voting and commenting have been disabled and it no longer appears in regular search results. We recommend you check out our other Fenrir Builds
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Hello, folks! This is my first guide in SmiteFire! English is NOT my native language, sorry if I make any spelling issue. I enjoy playing with all the Builds listed above, but I've found more sucess with the Bruiser one. Thus, without delays, I present you Fenrir, The Unbound.
Check it out my other guides:
Sobek Guide:
Anubis guide:
I recommend you to listen to that music while reading my guide for Fenrir. Or when playing
Fenrir. Or when Ragnarok happens, whatever.
SUMMARY ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Girdle of Inner Power.
~ Greatly Increases your Power.
~ The burst of this Active is INSANE. Consider getting it late game, if you get an Open Spot on your Actives options, due the fact your Damage falls off a lot late game, even with the Assassin items.
5/1/13 - Guide Created.
5/24/13 - Guide Reworked for a little, updated with the the nerfs and buffs for Fenrir.
6/6/13 - Jungle Update! I FREAKING LOVE Bumba's Mask!!!
6/26~27~28/13 - Major Updates. Working on new counters, new jungle routes, new builds. Lot's of stuff are coming, guys!
7/9 - Holy ****, 5 Bars on Guide Rating! Thanks so much guys! Also, build as been changed.
7/18 - More new stuff. Have fun.
8/2 - Surprised? New build for assassin, aka pubstomper.
12/13 - Wow, many upcoming changes. Wow. Such Brutalize.
So, you think that I'm wrong on building Fenrir so tanky instead of pure damage. Well, let me show you some match results. I'll post more later.
Thanks so much for reading this guide. If you have any comment, please don't be afraid to talk. If you plan to critique my guide, remember: That's my first guide.
People that helped to improve this guide shall get their names in here.
TheAmazingComicBookGuy helped with Icons, counter chapters, etc.
RagingStorm helped me with some issues.
SMITEFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new god, or fine tune your favorite SMITE gods’s build and strategy.
Copyright © 2019 SMITEFire | All Rights Reserved
But it is pretty minimal with 10 physical power and 5% lifesteal pr lvl (the first point is awesome though ofc). When you can get 60 damage pr lvl with
But if it works for you go with it of course :)
Why do you max
It increases your survivability in the Jungle, not mentioning you can have pretty high burst on a 1v1, if the
Okay, time for my review. Best brace yourself.
There is some useless info here (We already know that boots don't stack) but you explain the reasons for items quite well. If I would add one more thing, it would be to advise why/why not to get
Nice job explaining, and I like the images. I think you should emphasize that you get a massive 100 physical power with an empowered
I tried the first build. It worked alright. Not much to say here.
I never played Fenrir before. I tried playing him with this guide, and I realized that this guide has one major flaw; it lacks any sort of teaching, other than saying, "use this skill here," and "use this when ganking." I think this guide would be greatly improved if you added sections on:
Dueling in the jungle, Disengaging from fights, Ganking, Invading (take advantage of Fenrir's early game), advice on ganking without your ultimate, contesting camps, and most importantly, what to do as Fenrir during late game. You can't just say "ult whenever you can" for teamfights; you need to give other options.
You don't have to make these all separate sections, but I would appreciate even a sentence about them.
Fenrir isn't a bruiser; he's an assassin. Yeah, focused voidblade is a tanky item, but you'll still die the instant you are focused on.
Remove the proof. We don't need it, and it's pretty much useless clutter.
I like the matchups and the level of detail you put in them (And yes, Neith now stops your
I also liked the picture at the very bottom. Family reunions must get really messy.
Overall, this guide is good, but in an incomplete way. You need to improve the 'teaching' aspect of it rather than any build or aesthetics. But what you have is incredibly good, and I trust you will be expanding this in the future. Upvote.
Copy that, sir. I realized that the Guide is lacking the gameplay section, as you mentioned. Explaining the game phases and such.
Thanks for the critique, I'll try my best to remove the mentioned flaws.
There is some useless info here (We already know that boots don't stack) but you explain the reasons for items quite well. If I would add one more thing, it would be to advise why/why not to get
Nice job explaining, and I like the images. I think you should emphasize that you get a massive 100 physical power with an empowered
I tried the first build. It worked alright. Not much to say here.
I never played Fenrir before. I tried playing him with this guide, and I realized that this guide has one major flaw; it lacks any sort of teaching, other than saying, "use this skill here," and "use this when ganking." I think this guide would be greatly improved if you added sections on:
Dueling in the jungle, Disengaging from fights, Ganking, Invading (take advantage of Fenrir's early game), advice on ganking without your ultimate, contesting camps, and most importantly, what to do as Fenrir during late game. You can't just say "ult whenever you can" for teamfights; you need to give other options.
You don't have to make these all separate sections, but I would appreciate even a sentence about them.
Fenrir isn't a bruiser; he's an assassin. Yeah, focused voidblade is a tanky item, but you'll still die the instant you are focused on.
Remove the proof. We don't need it, and it's pretty much useless clutter.
I like the matchups and the level of detail you put in them (And yes, Neith now stops your
I also liked the picture at the very bottom. Family reunions must get really messy.
Overall, this guide is good, but in an incomplete way. You need to improve the 'teaching' aspect of it rather than any build or aesthetics. But what you have is incredibly good, and I trust you will be expanding this in the future. Upvote.
I'll make sure to review when it's done. Unless you'd prefer me NOT to review.
Go ahead. I'll make sure to notify you.