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Trapped in my web? Yummy!

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by Vithaliy updated October 12, 2015

Smite God: Arachne

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Arachne Build


Build Item Bumba's Mask Bumba's Mask
Build Item Boots Boots
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Core Items

Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner

Defensive Items (pick one)

Build Item Mail of Renewal Mail of Renewal
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe

Increase your DPS (pick 2)

Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais
Build Item Rage Rage
Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Asi Asi

Actives (pick 2)

Build Item Greater Blink Greater Blink
Build Item Greater Purification Greater Purification
Build Item Heavenly Agility Heavenly Agility
Build Item Weakening Curse Weakening Curse
Build Item Enfeebling Curse Enfeebling Curse


Arachne has a very good boxing kit, but her damage will mostly come from auto attacks in the late game.

Pros / Cons


+ Great boxer
+ Split push potential
+ Broodlings compensate for her bad early game
+ Great carry late game
+ Low mana consumption
+ Average sustain (thanks to Venomous Bite)
Arachne has a really strong kit when it comes to 1 vs 1 fights. She has a steroid than turn into a stun, she has DoT and an ultimate for chasing or escaping in case the fight turns bad.


- Low mobility
- Squishy early game
- Her only escape is her ultimate
- Dependent on the speed buff (as she lacks mobility)
As most assassins, Arachne is a bit squishy, but contrary to most assassins, she lacks mobility which can be a difficult problem to solve



You're the jungler and you need sustain. Bumba's Mask, period.

Arachne has no dash or dash, you really need that extra mobility early.

Take 3 of those, it gonna help you stay longer in the field before recalling.

Take only 1, you're not really mana hungry and you already have 10 MPS with Bumba's Mask

If playing against Thanatos or Thor you should be afraid of being invaded.
Two options: ward next to their speed buff to check if they are doing it, or place a web or it.

Core Item

As you lack mobility, shoes are the first item you want to build.
How to choose between Ninja Tabi and Warrior Tabi?
My recommendation would be the following: if you had the first blood in the first 3 minutes and/or you're 100% sure you're gonna stay ahead of the other jungler, buy the Warrior Tabi (because you will be able to afford Qin's Sais), in all other cases : go Ninja Tabi.

This item is one of my favorites in the game. It has everything you want : physical power, mana, 25% cooldown reduction and a small amount of penetration

More power, attack speed and armor debuff? Yep.

Defensive Items

Very good item in the current meta. It gives you 300 health, 40 physical protection, 15% cooldown reduction (with Jotunn's Wrath online, you already have the 40% cap) and a very good passive for team fights.

Good defense against physical AND magical. If the jungler deals magical damages ( Ao Kuang, Freya or a guardian) you want to go Spirit Robe. It also gives you the 15% cooldown reduction (with Jotunn's Wrath online, you already have the 40% cap) and a good passive that helps you mitigate damages if the team has a lot of CC (for instance: Ymir, Neith).

Defensive-ish Items

400 health, 25 physical power and a very good passive that will help you chase. Of course, this is not a pure defensive item that could also be a replacement for The Executioner if you're behind the other jungler.

300 health, 20% attack speed, a lot of lifesteal and a passive that will also help your teammates (if the solo and carry are physical damage dealers). I'd recommend after you get your defense (as the 5th or 6th item) to help you stay longer in team fights.

"I want more DPS" Items

Very efficient against tanks due to its passive, you will definitely have a good use of this if the opposite team have 2 or 3 front liners. It works perfectly in addition to The Executioner.

If you love crits and love killing people, this item is for you my friend. The passive works perfectly

This item is really important if you have to fight healers (especially with Hel and Aphrodite that are really present in the current meta) and it also gives a lot of penetration. Always a good pick.

Not my favorite pick, but if you have Geb's shield at your disposal, this item will be really efficient. Mostly situational tho.


This passive is not the best but will help you a bit when it comes to boxing. A good thing is that it requires nothing on your side (it's a passive passive!)
Note that is gives physical damage bonus and not physical power, which is really important as it will scale well in late game.

Ability 1
A really good ability that will apply DoT on your target and give you some health back. Really efficient when boxing, but it also helps you cleaning camps faster without loosing too much health early game.
Max it second

Ability 2
Really good steroid. Make sure you won't have minions between you and your target when you activate it so that the 3 attacks will be on the same target and will apply the stun.
Max it third as it mostly shine when you have more items online.

Ability 3
Oh my little broodlings... Those little spiders are really amazing early game. Their power DO NOT scale with your physical power BUT the movement speed of the trail is still really useful late game. Note that you can only have 2 webs at the same time: always make sure they are going to be "broken" by your enemy, otherwise this is just a waste of mana.
Max it first as the damage only works early game.

Ability 4
You're ultimate is unfortunately not your best ability, tho it will save your life. Thanks to the CC immunity it provides and the extra movement speed, it will allow you to get out of difficult situations. DO NOT engage a fight or chase with this EXCEPT if you're 100% sure of winning it without loosing your life in the process. If you have to engage a lot of fights, please buy Greater Blink and use it instead!
As a consequence, I recommend to max it last, just to make sure you won't be too tempted to use it for the damage! ;)

Early Game

Hurry up!
One big advantage of being Arachne is that you'll be able to adapt well to your match-up.

Option 1
If you're afraid of being invaded (against Thanatos or Thor for instance), you can make sure quite simply : place a web on their speed buff.
If they appear on the map : they are doing their buff. If they don't, they are probably waiting to gank you : be careful, you are really squishy.

Option 2
If you think you'll have a good advantage on the opposite jungler, you can make sure that the jungler will be late for the mid harpies by placing a web next to the blue buff. They will have to deal with your spiders before dealing with the jungle monsters and in addition to take damages, the jungler should be 5 seconds late for mid harpies.

NB: Considering you're on the blue side of the map

Note that your spiders will reveal the enemies on the map, which has another good side effect: in case you have a doubt on whose jungling on their team, you'll be able to tell by looking at their build.

Another interesting information: you should have time to place 2 webs and get your full mana back before the jungle camps pop.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Vithaliy
Trapped in my web? Yummy!
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