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This is my first guide that i have ever made. I am still experimenting with what works in different situations but these items are what have worked best for me! Please take the time to read through it and please give me your guys opinion on what has working for you or what i can change.
Linked below is a Guide that i wrote for how to master the Solo Lane! After you guys read this if you would like to check it out that would be much appreciated!
In-Depth Guide To Mastering The Solo Lane
Ok guys and gals I'm going to go into why I choose the items that I did and why I personally think these are what works the best! Before I begin I want to give a thanks to Jordenito who brought some things to my attention about building certain items before the others which I will break down here!
Starting with the Mystical Mark will give you the Health and the Physical Protection you need to sustain the the early game laning phase. It also has a AOE damage over time passive which helps damage minions and the enemy God. I personally really like running Teleport right from the start. It gives you great map presences, while also allowing you to get back to lane even faster to get as much experience as you can. Sometime with playing in the Solo Lane you will be in a 2v1 situation. The Teleport gives you great utility where you can go back, buy items, and get back into lane before the 2 enemy Gods can do any damage on your tower.
Next I HIGHLY recommend getting the Frostbound Hammer. This will give you even more health along with Physical Damage. The biggest beneficial thing of the item would be the 25% slowed movement speed that you apply when you basic attack an enemy. This will give you and your team great lockdown potential.
After these 2 items you will next want to get your Greaves and as soon as you can you will need to upgrade them into the Reinforced Greaves. These will give you even more Physical and Magical protection while increasing your movement speed allowing you to get around the map even faster for ganks and tower protection.
After you have these 3 core items is where you can really start changing up your build so fit with different games and what is needed for your team to have the most success. When you are looking at the AD Heavy build I would almost always get the Sovereignty. The health and the physical protection along with the aura that you provide for your team can be very helpful. Now with the
Hide of the Nemean Lion I would really only build this if the enemy Hunter is very strong. Since it does Reflect 30% of the basic attacks back to attack as damage. This item is very situational. Lets say the enemy Hunter isn't having a huge effect on the game. I would then recommend building either the
Mail of Renewal or the Midgaurdian Mail. I would more recommend the
Mail of Renewal over the Midgaurdian Mail since you are already getting the slow active with the
Frostbound Hammer. Also the Cooldown Reduction with the
Mail of Renewal comes in handy along with the passive of Health and Mana returned to you with a kill or assist.
With the Ap Heavy build this was a little more difficult. Since there are not as many items that grant Magical Protection and Health as the Physical. But there are still a couple items you can substitue into your build. I would still begin with the same 3 items your Mystical Mark, Frostbound Hammer, and then your
Reinforced Greaves. Even though your first item grants you Physical Protection a majority of the lane matchups in the Solo Lane will be against a God who deals Physical Damage. If you are against a God who deals Magical Damage then I would begin with the
Bulwark of Hope. Then I would still build your
Frostbound Hammer and depending on how the game is going at that point i would either continue with the Magical Protection items unless you are begging to roam a lot more. If this is the case i would go for the Mystical Mark. Since with roaming you will find yourself fighting the Hunter who deals Physical damage.
Please note- I haven't talked about it, but you need to always remember to buy and place wards. If you go back to base to buy an item, buy a ward. Knowledge is everything!
You just need to remember you always want to have both Physical Protection and Magical Protection in your build. There will always both types of Gods on the enemy team. Unless you are in a weird game where they are all dealing Magical Damage or Physical Damage. In that case I would only build one or the other!
Now with my Active choices I really like the Teleport. The map presence you can bring into the game now with the new patch where you can teleport to an ally god is really helpful. There are a couple actives that I have seen on him as in Sprint and it has been brought to my attention that some people use Hand of the Gods for lane control. I personally have never used this in my games. I will use it and let you guys know what I think.
Health: 475 (+80)
Mana: 230 (+40)
Speed: 375 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec: 1 (+0.021)
Basic Attack
Damage: 39 + 2.25 (+ 100% of Physical Power)
Progression: 1/.5/1.5x damage
Physical: 15 (+3)
Magical: 30 (+0.9)
HP5: 8 (+0.72)
MP5: 4.4 (+0.29)
*Numbers in parentheses are the amount gained at each level
From what you guys can see from this is that Tyr has a very high scaling the the defensive tree. And especially with his
Change Stance, where you can change between the Assault and the Guard Stances.
With what I have learned from playing Tyr in a lot of different games and a lot of different match ups, I have personally seen the best results with building
Tyr almost Full Defensive.
With how I personally play Tyr I feel there are going to be a couple people who disagree COMPLETELY with the information in this guide. This guide is based off of my success and what has worked for me!
Since you will be so tanky with these builds usually around 3500 HP end game with heavy armor or MR I mainly focus on the peeling portion of the Team Fights. With the knock up and dash that Tyr has, he is an amazing initiator. Just keep thinking that
Tyr has 6 abilities unlike everyone else who have only 4. Use your
Change Stance (3 Ability) to change between the offensive and defensive stances.
What you really need to focus on with playing Tyr is what combo works the best for you.
Peeling for your team in the team fights is what will be the most beneficial for your entire team. It might not be what you want to do, you might be wanting to go crazy and get all the kills, but this is in the Team Work Chapter!
You need to think what..."What will be the best for the team??" A Tyr who has 10 kills or a
Tyr who peels for his carries and allows his
Ra to get every kill. If you ask me a
Ra who can kill a God with 1 Ability is more scary to me.
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If you happen to face an enemy magical solo-laner, you should replace mystical mark with a magical defense item or a hybrid one (like
As for the rest of the build, generally speaking, you'd want to get at least 25% CDR on tyr. He is a monster when it comes down to his skills and combos that he can pull off, and he can really spam those skills in one fight if you build CDR.
I don't get it why you got
I'm not sure about the skill sequence, but I think that it isn't the best. I'm no
Still, this isn't quite for me.
Here are some guides to help you out:
Guideception: A Guide to Guidecrafting
Code Blue: BBcoding for Beginners
Don't forget to upvote these guides if you have found them useful and helpful.
Further more BBcoding:
Build is inflexible. What is you face a Ra solo? What then?
Lacks a skill section.
Items are also filled with bunches of walls of text like this which present a bunch of info that can be presented in just one or two or three or four sentences but you just give a huge paragraph which so-called "breaks down" your build but in actuality is simple a bunch of needless clutter. This kind of spamming is not only difficult to read without physical pain but also distracts from the main point of your point, which is bad because readers might lose interest and even skip such annoying sections. (I, however, read every single word because I don't skimp for the sake of a fast review.) You need to stop making stuff like this and use some damn, actual, 100% genuine hot BBC coding, fresh from the grill, to avoid eye-searing pain like THIS!!!
Also, I hope you realize that towers deal true damage, and therefore your greaves do literally nothing to help tank tower shots.
Playstyle is a bunch of random info that can be best summed up as "Combos."
The actual teamfight section is filled with generic tips. Give a list of what Tyr can do (Initiation, Sustained Damage, Peeling, Lockdown) and give info on how to do it, and when and why.
Downvote, lacks solid fundamentals. I hope you improve.
Well I am sorry that this was "painful" for you to read. Since this was the first guide that I have ever made I didn't really know how to use any of the coding. Again I am sorry that this was painful for you.
Lacks a skill section.
Items are also filled with bunches of walls of text like this which present a bunch of info that can be presented in just one or two or three or four sentences but you just give a huge paragraph which so-called "breaks down" your build but in actuality is simple a bunch of needless clutter. This kind of spamming is not only difficult to read without physical pain but also distracts from the main point of your point, which is bad because readers might lose interest and even skip such annoying sections. (I, however, read every single word because I don't skimp for the sake of a fast review.) You need to stop making stuff like this and use some damn, actual, 100% genuine hot BBC coding, fresh from the grill, to avoid eye-searing pain like THIS!!!
Also, I hope you realize that towers deal true damage, and therefore your greaves do literally nothing to help tank tower shots.
Playstyle is a bunch of random info that can be best summed up as "Combos."
The actual teamfight section is filled with generic tips. Give a list of what Tyr can do (Initiation, Sustained Damage, Peeling, Lockdown) and give info on how to do it, and when and why.
Downvote, lacks solid fundamentals. I hope you improve.
Guide is rather outdated. teleport no longer exists, please update.
Well Subzero008 I made the guide 5 days ago. Whenever I was doing the build that is the teleport that they had me to choose. If they had another I didn't see it. I'm sorry
Hey, I'm sort of new to smite, and I'm just around to buying my second god. My first god I bought (Yes, I am F2P) was Tyr. While I did have fun with him, I didn't do well with him. I knew the combo, I just wasn't doing well. Thanks to this I will have more fun and hopefully do well enough for me to choose him instead of the starting gods.
Hey thank you LeDozo. I really do appreciate your good feedback. It makes me feel really good finding out that my guide has actually helped people.
If you need more help with laning in general you can go to my profile and check out my other Guide! It goes into depth on how to play the Solo Lane! But again I do appreciate it!! I hope that if this guide does help you out enough you will give me an upvote, if not that is perfectly fine too :D.
Good luck in your future games and if you have any questions about playing the game just message me I'm than happy to help you with your questions!!
I'd suggest strating with mystical mark and rushing it instead of
You get shoes quite late. Shoes are usually first/second items as they allow you to roam, gank, escape and return to your lane faster. I'd recommend doing so.
In both of your late game final builds, either against heavy AP or heavy AD, you put 7 items. No you might mean that there are situationals in there, but it's vague and unclear.
You didn't mention any anti healers items like braawler's beat stick and weakning curse.
Also, you don't explain any items choice.
You do explain a little about skills, but I think it should be in a sperate part from Tyr's Playstyle.
I don't know much about
BBcoding is ok, but the guide itself lacks quite some info and explanations.
I hope you update in the future and expand it. But as of now, it's not enough.
A downvote from me. I hope you expand it and make more guides and learn and get better.
You can always ask from me to help you.
WellJordenito I really appreciate your comment above! It does sadden me that I got a down vote from you but I totally can see where you are coming from. My other guide did not have a build incorporated into it so this was new to me. With you telling me I now have a better understanding of what works and what doesn't!
I will definitely work on an "Item Section" and I will explain my item choices along with what you have brought into the conversation! Yes, now thinking about it I do believe that getting the mystical mark before the
Thank you again for your opinion and I hope that once i work on this guide some more it will be more to a higher standard and we can get that down vote to an up vote!
I'd suggest strating with mystical mark and rushing it instead of
You get shoes quite late. Shoes are usually first/second items as they allow you to roam, gank, escape and return to your lane faster. I'd recommend doing so.
In both of your late game final builds, either against heavy AP or heavy AD, you put 7 items. No you might mean that there are situationals in there, but it's vague and unclear.
You didn't mention any anti healers items like braawler's beat stick and weakning curse.
Also, you don't explain any items choice.
You do explain a little about skills, but I think it should be in a sperate part from Tyr's Playstyle.
I don't know much about
BBcoding is ok, but the guide itself lacks quite some info and explanations.
I hope you update in the future and expand it. But as of now, it's not enough.
A downvote from me. I hope you expand it and make more guides and learn and get better.
You can always ask from me to help you.
Hey buddy! You have a really solid build and know how to play
The first thing is to use bbcode. It's how you change text color or insert pictures of gods or their abilities, like
If you need some help with bbcode, let me know, or you can use this general guide
Next, you need more explanation!
Write about playstyles of
Also, it would be really good to go into explanation on why you pick certain items over others, and when to build certain items.
Finally, it makes your guide look a bit better and more professional to add a section for future content, change log, and a conclusion.
Best of luck in your guide-making! If you ever need help, you know how to reach me :)
Hey MysticBadger! You rote this comment above before I did a lot of work on it today! If you wouldn't mind reading over it again, I would really appreciate it!
Your feedback has been really helpful and I would appreciate more!
The first thing is to use bbcode. It's how you change text color or insert pictures of gods or their abilities, like
If you need some help with bbcode, let me know, or you can use this general guide
Next, you need more explanation!
Write about playstyles of
Also, it would be really good to go into explanation on why you pick certain items over others, and when to build certain items.
Finally, it makes your guide look a bit better and more professional to add a section for future content, change log, and a conclusion.
Best of luck in your guide-making! If you ever need help, you know how to reach me :)