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Ymir - Chilin' in the Duo

15 0 68,465
by festive1 updated May 16, 2014

Smite God: Ymir

Build Guide Discussion 16 More Guides
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Ymir Build

Starting Items (Choose Either Blink or Eye)

Build Item Watcher's Gift Watcher's Gift
Build Item Wrath of the Gods Wrath of the Gods
Build Item Greater Blink Greater Blink
Build Item
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion


Build Item Reinforced Greaves Reinforced Greaves
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia

Advised Items

Build Item Mystical Mail Mystical Mail
Build Item Hide of the Nemean Lion Hide of the Nemean Lion
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Rod of Asclepius Rod of Asclepius
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade

Useful Actives

Build Item Wrath of the Gods Wrath of the Gods
Build Item Greater Providence Greater Providence
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune

Ymir's Skill Order

Ice Wall

1 X Y
Ice Wall
3 15 16 18 19

Glacial Strike

2 A B
Glacial Strike
1 4 6 7 10

Frost Breath

3 B A
Frost Breath
2 8 11 12 14

Shards of Ice

4 Y X
Shards of Ice
5 9 13 17 20
Ice Wall
3 15 16 18 19

Ice Wall

1 X
Ymir summons a wall of ice out of the ground that blocks player movement.

Ability Type: Line, Wall
Lifetime: 3 / 3.5 / 4 / 4.5 / 5s
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 12 / 11.5 / 11 / 10.5 / 10s
Glacial Strike
1 4 6 7 10

Glacial Strike

2 A
Ymir smashes his club, doing damage to all enemies in front of him and slowing them. Applies Frostbite.

Ability Type: Line, Slow, Damage
Damage: 90 / 160 / 230 / 300 / 370 (+70% of your Magical Power)
Slow: 35%
Slow Duration: 4s
Cost: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Cooldown: 8s
Frost Breath
2 8 11 12 14

Frost Breath

3 B
Ymir uses his breath to freeze enemies in blocks of ice, doing damage and stunning them. Applies Frostbite.

Ability Type: Cone, Stun, Damage
Damage: 50 / 90 / 130 / 170 / 210 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Stun: 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2 / 2.25s
Range: 35
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 14s
Shards of Ice
5 9 13 17 20

Shards of Ice

4 Y
Ymir begins to freeze the air around him, causing shards of ice to grow on his back and Slowing enemies. After a 3s channel, Ymir erupts out of his frozen state, causing shards of ice to do damage to all enemies in his range. Applies Frostbite. Cancelling the ability decreases the damage.

Ability Type: Circle, Slow, Damage
Damage: 500 / 650 / 800 / 950 / 1100 (+150% of your Magical Power)
Slow: 40%
Radius: 35
Cost: 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100
Cooldown: 90 / 85 / 80 / 75 / 70s


Chilin' in da Duo

Playing Ymir

I'm festive1, and Ymir is by far my most played god, I've played him all over the place, in solo, jungle, as a magical bruiser, and the most common role(for me); the tank-support. In this guide, I will be focusing on Ymir as a tank support role, in conquest. Please bear with me, since this is my first guide. If you have any ideas, feedback or suggestions, please tell me in the comments section below. Have Fun! :)

Ymir: The Pros and Cons


Eats Damage
Insane CC
Great Teamwork
Easy to play
Coolest God in Smite

Useless Passive when
Building Health
No Dash/Leap
2nd Slowest God
Ymir, God of Ice, and CC




When playing Damage Ymir, this passive is great, but since we are playing Tank Ymir, it isn't super useful. Yes, it is good to do a bit of extra damage on the side, but that isn't our job, which is to CC the **** out of those little babies.

Ice Wall

Pretty good skill even though we will level it last. You can completely block most jungle paths, as well as partially block lanes. If you are running away from an enemy, you can place it at your feet and it will spawn just as you have run over it, blocking any pursuers.

Glacial Strike

Glacial Strike will mostly be used for creeps, as it doesn't actually kill the wave, but hurts it. (For your Hunter to get the last hits upon) When using it on creeps, basic attack the wave so that the minions stack, and you will be able to hit the whole wave. It does provide some CC, so you can use it after Frost Breath to slow even more. It also does a sizeable about of damage, if the enemy get too close.

Frost Breath

This is a great ability, as it does both damage and stuns. You can use this to harass as well as to hold them down for you Hunter to smack. Although I don't usually do this, it is possible to level it alongside Glacial Strike. This is because it is a massive stun, if you want to get very aggressive, it's great for securing kills for you hunter.

Shards Of Ice

Ymir's Ultimate, Shards of Ice is great not only for the damage, but for the slow. In a team fight, feel free to use it just for the slow, so that your team can mop up the enemy. You can do a Ymir Ult 'tap' where you cast it, then instantly pop it early, and if they are low enough, they will die.


I would advise that you turn Shards of Ice on auto cast, some times if you need to Ult 'tap' the extra click will waste a small amount of time, possibly allowing them to escape.



Watcher's Gift

Always chose this item when starting, it increases your gold intake, allowing you to get other items faster. As well, the MP5 and HP5 increase is important, it allows you to stay in lane for even longer.

Reinforced Greaves

Reinforced Greaves are my go to tank item, although some times it it possible to go for Midas Boots (P), I prefer Reinforced Greaves because of the passive, as well as the protections and HP5 increase.


The Health and Protections bonuses on this item are too great to ignore, it really shines in team fights. Try to stay near by the enemy carry or other physical characters, so that some of the damage is reduced.

Stone of Gaia

Although Stone of Gaia doesn't give as much health as other Items, it gives great magical protections as well as insane regeneration. At level 20 with the first four items, ( Watcher's Gift, Reinforced Greaves, Sovereignty and Stone of Gaia) you would have 136 HP5. That is Regen.

Mystical Mail

Mystical Mail is actually a great damage dealer, if you do the math. Say you are landing in close proximity with an enemy, for 10 seconds, thats 400 damage, without reductions from protections. Although this may not seem like that much, its a very good 'passive' harass. Pick this item when in close to the enemy while laning, as well as if you think that Physical Protections are required.

Hide of the Nemean Lion

I like to get this item when versing someone very basic attack based, such as Artemis often, when trying to secure a kill, they become an easy target for your carry. Also the Physical Protections are very good.

Hide of the Urchin

This item is a great all-rounder, with both physical and magical protections, and some additional health and mana. Pick this when the enemy team is balanced in terms of damage being dealt by both types.

Void Stone

As said earlier, this is a support-tank build, and your role as a support is to protect your carry, as well as get slapped in the face, saying that, Void Stone is great, if you need a bit more magical protections, as well as boosting your and your mages' damage output.

Rod of Asclepius

Also if you think that you need a bit more damage, Rod of Asclepius is a great option, the health bonus and passive pair well with Stone of Gaia and finally, being the second slowest god, the speed is useful for getting away from tight situations.

Winged Blade

Winged Blade is also a good option for a bit of extra damage, and the movement speed and health bonus shouldn't be ignored. Choose this item if being heavily affected by enemies' slows, the passive is very useful.


This item is a great initiator; blink into the middle of the enemy team before a team fight, and start CCing them. Also if used in conjunction with Ice Wall, it provides a so so escape, just ice wall, and wait until the three seconds are up, and blink away.

Wrath of the Gods

This item is a very useful support item, use it to help clear buffs for your carry at the start of the game, as well, in the late game you can secure kills on the fire giant or gold fury, and that can be a game changer. Using blink in conjunction with Wrath of the Gods can allow you to steal the fire giant or gold fury, just wait till it approaches 25% health, and teleport in just before it reaches that, and then use Wrath of the Gods.

Eye of Providence

Eye of Providence
I will always buy this item in a support role, and I highly advise that you do too. As covered in a later chapter, this gives you great advantages that shouldn't be overlooked.

This item build is based solely of my play style, and is very low damage. If you want to modify this build, or give new ideas, tell me in the comment section. Note: I'm still keeping this a support build.

Play Style in the Duo

Ymir has great potential for team fighting, as well as being a great partner in the Duo. He partners very well with lots of Hunters; his abilities are great for allowing his Hunter to get kills, as well he makes it easy to last hit creeps, as his Glacial Strike won't actually kill any of the creeps. He can control the lane and very easily protect his Hunter, but sometimes has issues with protecting himself. When playing Ymir, be careful of over extending, as you can get killed. (even with all that health}
General Laning
In General while laning, just use your Glacial Strike upon the creeps (it won't kill them) and then let your Hunter finish them with his wave clear. Try to stay in from of you carry, so most of their harassment goes into you. Use your Harass Combo to harass them, and try to aim for their Hunter If you have damaged them enough to think that you might kill them, just Ice Wall them for your carry to clean up ( Shards of Ice if required for the slow/damage) One of the great things about Ymir is that his harass can become a possible kill, which will keep the enemy team on edge.
The Support Role
As a support, it is your role to secure kills for you hunter, and protect your hunter. In later game your hunter will be the biggest damage dealer for your team, so it is your job to make sure that he is fed, gets all of the last hits, and never dies. It is also important that you get him kills by using your crazy amounts of CC. You must also support your team by securing kills on the gold fury and fire giant with Wrath of the Gods. When the Mid Camps are about to spawn, you should move out of your lane to secure them. It is also a good Idea to help out another team member if they are having trouble, such as a heavy push on their tower. If a team member asks for a gank on their lane, feel free to rotate and gank that lane, Ymir is one of the best Gankers because of his CC.
Team Fights
In Team Fight situations, Ymir truly shines. All of his abilities are CC, so use them, get in the enemy team's face without over extending, and use your CC. In team fight situations, it is important to remember that it is you job to protect your team, and if you have to, take damage for them. It is not your job to be damaged. It is also you job usually to initiate, often using your Team Fight Combo. In a team fight situation, it is best to get the kill on the enemy damage dealers, such as their mages and Hunters, as they are the most valuable kills.

Partners in the Duo

In this section, I will outline good partners in the duo lane, that have a good synergy with Ymir. Each god will receive a synergy grade; Poor, Mediocre, Good, Excellent and Domination.


Apollo and Ymir can work together well, if played right. Apollos abilities are great for catching up to escaping enemies, and so are Ymir's. When Apollo uses his Serenade use your Frost Breath so Apollo can hit his shots. The only thing with Ymir and Apollo that doesn't work hell is Apollo's [[Across the Sky], it doesn't work well with any of Ymir's abilities, and is only good for escaping/catching up on a fleeing enemy.
In General
For wave clearing, you should first use your Glacial Strike on the wave, so then Apollo's So Beautiful will get all of the last hits. If Apollo has Audacity up, your Frost Breath will really hurt; Apollo should be able to get at least 5 shots in. Overall, Ymir and Apollo don't have the best synergy, but working together they can achieve quite a bit.


Transgressors Fate
Calydoian Boar
Artemis and Ymir can work together very well together, with multiple stuns, from, Glacial Strike, Transgressors Fate and Calydoian Boar. Also, Artemis is a basic attack based god, with her steroid Vengeful Assault and her passive Still Target and getting stunned for longer than 4 seconds with her means death.
In General
For wave clearing, all your Artemis should do is basic attack the wave so the minions are bumped back and the wave is smaller, then use Suppress The Insolent to get the last hits. Because of Artemis's passive, she should be building Crit Damage, as well as attack speed. Overall, Artemis and Ymir are quite good paired together, and can really hurt.


Neith and Ymir can be devastating if working together, between the two of them, they have 7 CC abilities, with 3 of those being stuns. On the downside, Neith's basic attacks don't hurt as much as Artemis's or Apollo's. If you communicating, try to call out when an enemy is on low, so Neith can use her ult for it's stun/damage.
In General
Neith has great sustain from Unravel and good wave clear. You should probably level your Frost Breath over your Glacial Strike because of her clear. It is important that your Neith gets mana buff, so she can get as fed as possible. Overall, utilise your CC, so you can hold down the enemy.


Cupid and Ymir aren't the best of buddies, but they do combo very well in a few areas. Ymir having lots of health is good for Cupid's [[Share the Love]. Cupid and Ymir's ults also combo very well, because they both slow (added together 65%) and have the same area of effect. If you do this ult combo, you will hit both ults.

In General
If Cupid puts down Share The Love, and you pick up all 3 hearts, cupid will actually gain mana. Cupid should use this to increase both of your sustains. Cupid's passive, Lovestruck, is quite useful, if used in conjunction with his Heart Bomb and your Frost Breath. When wave clearing, use should use Shards of Ice, then let Cupid use Heart Bomb

More Partners in the Duo will be coming!!!


Team Fight Combo

Harass Combo

Kill Combo


As a support, warding is by far one of the most important things you can do, warding gives you vision, I'm going to bring up a rule that CrazyBerry invented, this rule is called the 5 second rule, every five seconds look at the mini map, so you don't get surprise ganked.

Warding Positions
As shown above, the pink dots are wards, the two wards near the mana camps are to see if the mana camps are up, but more importantly, the enemy will have to pass through one of those fields of view to gank you, which will give you an advantage and an early escape. I would advise keeping wards in those positions the entire laning phase. The other two positions are at the Fire Giant and Gold Fury, I place these mid/late game, just so the enemy don't steal either. Remember to always use the 5 second rule, it has saved me many many times.

Summing Up Ymir

I hope from this guide you have gathered that Ymir is not only fun to play, but a great asset to his team, with lots of CC, and that he loves getting slapped in the face. I hope that you have fun playing Ymir, so have fun! :)


I'd like to thank TormentedTurnip, not only for assisting me with a 'technical difficulty' (aka my own stupidity) but for publishing two awesome guides; his guide to BBCode as well as his guide to making guides.

I'd like to thank Jordenito for now maintaining Code Blue, as well as assisting me with the arrow issue.

I'd like to thank Peiderman, Subzero and Jordenito for creating some awesome templates that I used.

I'd like to thank all of those people that have made guides that I've read, they have shown me what and what not to do.

I'd Like to thank CrazyBerry, who came up with the ingenious idea of the 5 second rule.

And I'd like to thank anyone who helps me improve this guide, via the comment section, or just anyone that provides feedback.

I'd also like to thank Mr. Party Pootis (below) because he is inanimate, had a bunch to do with the making of this guide (not at all) and awesome.


-April 10th 2014 - Added
-April 11th 2014 - Changed Starting Build, Added Winged Blade and Removed Some Actives
-April 12th 2014 - Added some more BBCode, and tidied a few things
-April 15th 2014 - Tidied up the play style section
-May 7th 2014 - Added Partners in duo as well as updated some content

Possible Future Changes
-What to do if you fall behind
-Maybe More Builds

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lijntjeuh | September 5, 2014 3:44am
I play Ymir very often! He's such a fun and easy character to play with! :D

I like your build, but I usually add Chestplate of Valor for the high physical defence and some extra mana, + the 25% cooldown means you can pop that Glacial Strike even more!
festive1 (14) | May 1, 2014 1:05am
Greenevers wrote:

For some reason Ymir guides have very nice BB Coding ._.

But anyway, nice guide- too tired to give full feedback, but read it!


Thanks, for the positive feedback!
I am probably be going to do a biggish update with match ups soon.
Greenevers (105) | April 29, 2014 7:55pm
For some reason Ymir guides have very nice BB Coding ._.

But anyway, nice guide- too tired to give full feedback, but read it!

festive1 (14) | April 14, 2014 10:43pm

As Ymir as my main, you did a very nice job. You build almost the same as I build Ymir (different order and I normally build to counter the biggest threats). The only thing I question was scaling your 2 before your 3. In my opinion, the longer stun provides better kill secure, which I believe is more important than creep pushing with your 2, but that's based on preference as you state before. Looks very nice and well informed. +1 from me :)

Thanks a lot, a lot of people have brought up the the Frost Breath over Glacial Strike issue, and it really depends on preference. I think if you know what you are doing, whatever you want to do is good, but for less experienced players Glacial Strike is an easier option. It's all based off my opinion, but levelling Frost Breath first is a very viable option. Thanks for the positive feedback! :)
Macawmagician (1) | April 14, 2014 9:14pm
As Ymir as my main, you did a very nice job. You build almost the same as I build Ymir (different order and I normally build to counter the biggest threats). The only thing I question was scaling your 2 before your 3. In my opinion, the longer stun provides better kill secure, which I believe is more important than creep pushing with your 2, but that's based on preference as you state before. Looks very nice and well informed. +1 from me :)
festive1 (14) | April 14, 2014 8:50pm
Krantos wrote:

Thanks for the awesome guide!

Thank you for the awesome feedback! :)
festive1 (14) | April 14, 2014 8:49pm
RedStuf wrote:

Ah, Ymir, my favorite god. And that's not just because I own the Twitchymir skin.

One thing I would like to note is that building solely upon health and defense might work against you with Ymir: Decent players who notice this might just completely ignore you because you're hardly a threat to them. I personally like to build a tiny bit of cooldown reduction to continue being as annoying as possible.

On top of that, building these insane amounts of regen may be a lot of fun (I definitely do build the Gaia stone), but hp-regen doesn't really factor in a lot in teamfights, because if you get nuked, you won't have the time to get your HP back. On the other side of course, it's very nice to just be able to sit back for a couple of seconds and get all your health back without going back to base, so you can continue being a nuisance for the enemy team.

Do note that I'm not a very experienced player, so feel free to disregard anything i've said :3

May the Poot be with you

PS: I prefer leveling the Frost Breath before the Glacial Strike because I'm a big fan of the stun ;)

Thanks for the feedback! :) The Health Regen is a side affect of having so much health, and I thought it would be good to mention it, it is true that the regens won't be as useful in team fight situations, but they are great during the laning phase, as well as if you have a successful dive, and then need to regain health.

When playing support Ymir, I value the ability to get in the face of the enemy team and CC them over damaging them, since it's your job to secure kills for your carry. I think that building cool down reductions is a pretty good idea, although it does reduce the tankiness a bit. The build really only has three items, I just advised some others.

On leveling Glacial Strike over Frost Breath (or vice versa) it is a controversial topic, and everyone has there opinions. I prefer securing last hits on minion waves for my carry, where as some people prefer the stun on Frost Breath. It really is just choice.

Anyways, thank RedStuff for the comment, it's great to hear your feedback. :)

May the Poot be also with you.

p.s. I'm considering adding multiple builds as there are so many opinions on what items to build.
Krantos | April 14, 2014 1:12pm
Thanks for the awesome guide!
RedStuf | April 14, 2014 9:44am
Ah, Ymir, my favorite god. And that's not just because I own the Twitchymir skin.

One thing I would like to note is that building solely upon health and defense might work against you with Ymir: Decent players who notice this might just completely ignore you because you're hardly a threat to them. I personally like to build a tiny bit of cooldown reduction to continue being as annoying as possible.

On top of that, building these insane amounts of regen may be a lot of fun (I definitely do build the Gaia stone), but hp-regen doesn't really factor in a lot in teamfights, because if you get nuked, you won't have the time to get your HP back. On the other side of course, it's very nice to just be able to sit back for a couple of seconds and get all your health back without going back to base, so you can continue being a nuisance for the enemy team.

Do note that I'm not a very experienced player, so feel free to disregard anything i've said :3

May the Poot be with you

PS: I prefer leveling the Frost Breath before the Glacial Strike because I'm a big fan of the stun ;)
festive1 (14) | April 11, 2014 6:31pm
MadDanny wrote:

There is no more Reinforced Greaves m
Just Midas Boots (P) and Reinforced Greaves P for tanks.

Oops, I'll change that. Thanks! :)
MadDanny (34) | April 11, 2014 6:37am
There is no more Reinforced Greaves m
Just Midas Boots (P) and Reinforced Greaves P for tanks.
festive1 (14) | April 11, 2014 12:59am
Thanks Pentargonite for the positive feedback , also thanks for telling me about the 5 second rule, I checked CrazyBerry's guide, and he did make it. :)
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