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Ymir - Me Gonna Smack You With My Popsicle

28 1 194,449
by Sanguis updated February 5, 2014

Smite God: Ymir

Build Guide Discussion 8 More Guides
Choose a Build: Conquest - Tank/Support
Conquest - Tank/Support Bruiser - Put Some Ice On It
Tap Mouse over an item or ability icon for detailed info

Ymir Build

As soon as you spawn

Build Item Watcher's Gift Watcher's Gift
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion

Actives - Pick 2

Build Item Hand Of The Gods (Old) Hand Of The Gods (Old)
Build Item
Build Item Shielded Teleport Shielded Teleport
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune

Early Game - If Gold is Needed

Build Item Shoes Shoes
Build Item Guard Boots (P) Guard Boots (P)
Build Item Midas Boots (M) Midas Boots (M)

early game - if defense is needed

Build Item Shoes Shoes
Build Item Guard Boots (P) Guard Boots (P)
Build Item Reinforced Greaves (Deleted) Reinforced Greaves (Deleted)

Physical Protection

Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Mystical Mail Mystical Mail
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin

Magical Protection

Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia
Build Item Bulwark of Hope Bulwark of Hope
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin


Build Item Ethereal Staff Ethereal Staff
Build Item Pestilence Pestilence
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak

Ymir's Skill Order

Ice Wall

1 X Y
Ice Wall
3 15 16 18 19

Glacial Strike

2 A B
Glacial Strike
1 4 6 7 10

Frost Breath

3 B A
Frost Breath
2 8 11 12 14

Shards of Ice

4 Y X
Shards of Ice
5 9 13 17 20
Ice Wall
3 15 16 18 19

Ice Wall

1 X
Ymir summons a wall of ice out of the ground that blocks player movement.

Ability Type: Line, Wall
Lifetime: 3 / 3.5 / 4 / 4.5 / 5s
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 12 / 11.5 / 11 / 10.5 / 10s
Glacial Strike
1 4 6 7 10

Glacial Strike

2 A
Ymir smashes his club, doing damage to all enemies in front of him and slowing them. Applies Frostbite.

Ability Type: Line, Slow, Damage
Damage: 90 / 160 / 230 / 300 / 370 (+70% of your Magical Power)
Slow: 35%
Slow Duration: 4s
Cost: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Cooldown: 8s
Frost Breath
2 8 11 12 14

Frost Breath

3 B
Ymir uses his breath to freeze enemies in blocks of ice, doing damage and stunning them. Applies Frostbite.

Ability Type: Cone, Stun, Damage
Damage: 50 / 90 / 130 / 170 / 210 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Stun: 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2 / 2.25s
Range: 35
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 14s
Shards of Ice
5 9 13 17 20

Shards of Ice

4 Y
Ymir begins to freeze the air around him, causing shards of ice to grow on his back and Slowing enemies. After a 3s channel, Ymir erupts out of his frozen state, causing shards of ice to do damage to all enemies in his range. Applies Frostbite. Cancelling the ability decreases the damage.

Ability Type: Circle, Slow, Damage
Damage: 500 / 650 / 800 / 950 / 1100 (+150% of your Magical Power)
Slow: 40%
Radius: 35
Cost: 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100
Cooldown: 90 / 85 / 80 / 75 / 70s

Me Name Ymir

- About the Author -
Hey guys, I'm Sanguis and this is my UPDATED Ymir guide here at Smitefire; I hope that it pleases you to read it as much as it pleased me to write. I've worked extensively on this guide to ensure quality was not overlooked. I would appreciate all and any feedback about the information and presentation of this guide. Ymir is an amazing god, and is one of my favorite Gods to play because of his control and dominance in team fights. Throughout this guide you will find tabs that will talk more about particular subjects. If your looking for breadth, then graze over the small sections, but if you want depth, then take a peek at the tabs found throughout the guide.

- Content Disclaimer -
This guide is 100% my experience with this God and a reflection of my own style of playing, not anyone else's. Everything here has been tried and tested. Take everything I say at face value. If you find something else works for you, then post your thoughts down below! I'm always willing to test out new things to improve this guide!

- Last Updated -
Here are some of the newest updates:
> New & Improved Ymir Builds section
> Updated Roaming & Ganking section
> New Banner designed by TormentedTurnip in the Credit section.
If you want to see all the updates, then click here.

Me Goods & Me Bads

Me Goods / Me Bads
Me Goods

+ Great Defense
+ Arsenal of CC
+ Can Lane Anywhere
+ Easy to Play
+ Partners Well with Everyone

In-depth Coverage of Me Goods
Me Bads

- No Escape
- Very Slow
- Long Cooldowns
- Ability Reliant
- Terrible Initiator

In-depth Coverage of Me Bads


Ability Explanation

- Intel -

This passive keeps Ymir viable while all other abilities are on CD, as long as you landed your abilities. Frostbite also helps with early and late jungle clears to grab for you or your partner. Overlooking this passive as basically useless just makes you another mediocre Ymir.
+ Tips & Tricks +
  • Most of Ymir's attacks stun or cc. Between the slows take advantage of the increase in basic attack damage. The small things count!

- Intel -

This ability has a medium length CD, but when correctly used can be a game changer. Blocking paths, stopping enemies from using abilities to escape (ex. Flutter), and controlling how team fights flow make this ability by far one of the best form of CC. Ice Wall can be take some time to master, but placing in the right spot at the right time will be worth it.
In-depth Coverage of Ice Wall

+ Tips & Tricks +
  • Be able to anticipate. This takes time, but players give away silent queues when they're about to use specific abilities. A Cupid typically saves Flutter to escape or uses it to gap close and burst you down. Use this anticipation to counter with Ice Wall. Anticipation can change the flow of the fight!
  • Practice with this ability often. Know how and where to place Ice Wall. You can angle the wall so you can body block him in the corner of a wall while your allies attack!
  • Practice with this ability often. Know when to use this ability. Do not cut allies off. Depth perception is key with this ability!

- Intel -

Of all Ymir's abilities, Glacial Strike has the shortest CD with just 8 seconds. Rotating through all of your abilities as well as utilizing Frostbite will ensure this ability is up again. Landing this ability also places a CC and Frostbite on the affected. Make use of this.
In-depth Coverage of glacial strike

+ Tips & Tricks +
  • Use this ability directly after Frost Breath. It's a great combo and damage dealer. This will stun and, then CC the enemy. If you are in duo/long lane with your ally, then they will be able to land their abilities and basic attacks. This typically leaves them severely injured and having to back or ends with their death!

- Intel -

Most incredible ability Ymir has. This conal stun is the amazing. Landing this ability not only stuns the enemy, but deals moderate damage. Utilizing this ability in team fights will surely give you the edge.
In-depth Coverage of frost breath

+ Tips & Tricks +
  • Do not use auto-cast. I like to have this ability ready to use ahead of time. You want to make sure this ability lands. If you have this ability already ready to go, then as soon as the enemy crosses into the affected area, then you activate the ability!
  • This ability affects unlimited targets. Try to make sure you stun as many as possible; especially in team fights.

- Intel -

One of the strongest ultimates I have seen in the game. At level 20 it produces 1100 damage plus 150% of your magical power. This ability can be canceled ahead of time, but does reduced damage. This ultimate is wonderful in team fights right after a Frost Breath. It slows the enemies and makes them scatter (confusion is great in team fights).
In-depth Coverage of shards of ice

+ Tips & Tricks +
  • Make sure you utilize the cancel function of this ultimate. This ultimate takes a few seconds to actually go off, but if you know that the enemy will be able to escape, then cancel by right-clicking. This will ensure a portion of the damage is inflicted instead of your ultimate being wasted. Practicing with this ability will give you a better reference for when to go through with the ultimate and when to cancel.

Ability Cycle Explanation (ACE)

Ability Cycle Explanation

Ability Sequence

> > >
Ymir's ultimate, Shards of Ice, will always take priority when it comes to leveling skills, but we want to max out Glacial Strike first when it comes to our core abilities. Glacial Strike is our main damage dealer and lane clearer. Once this bad boy gets a few levels, it will do enough damage to clear a wave of minions. Next, level Frost Breath. This is the bread and butter of Ymir, but its damage is lacking. The stun on this baby is amazing! I cannot say this enough! Land this ability and you will crush your opponents. Finally, pick up Ice Wall. You will grab this ability at level 3 or 4, but will not touch it again till end game. It's useful, but the other abilities are just far more superior.

Ymir Builds

Ymir Builds
shield of regrowth
In-depth Coverage of Tank/support build
In-depth Coverage of bruiser build
In-depth Coverage of actives




When you first pop into your game you're going to want to grab your starter item ( Watcher's Gift if you're building as a tank/ Vampiric Shroud if you're building as a bruiser), Hand of the Gods (level 1), Eye Of Providence (level 1), and 2 health potions.
The active situation
After grabbing your basic items you will need to head to a specific area which depends on which side of the map your team is on. The picture to the right of us will help us to understand what is going on.

The teams will be divided up as Team Blue and Team Red. The blue Ymir will be part of Team Blue and the Cacodemon Ymir will be part of Team Red.


The easiest way to tell which side you are on is to look at your minimap and determine where the FIRE GIANT is located. If the FIRE GIANT is located on the LEFT side of the map, then you are Team Blue. As a duo/long lane God you will be starting off over by the right side, mid fury camp, located right next to the middle lane. You will be attended by your partner of duo/long lane and the God going to middle lane. The jungler and solo laner should veer off and nab the mana buff located next to solo lane, this is highlighted by the blue circle located right under the red dot, which is the FIRE GIANT. This is a good way to make sure experience and gold isn't divided to much due to proximity of to many people.

Once you clear the mid fury camp, then move on to the next camp. If you have middle assisting or a jungler who decided not to go help secure mana buff with solo, then clear the attack buff. Otherwise, finish off mana camp. I typically save Hand of the Gods to clear this camp quickly and get into lane. Also, I typically give the mana buff to my partner. Be careful of how you use your mana. Use it wisely and be sure when you do use your mana that the ability landed (don't waste mana!). This will be your only crux for a few levels. As long as your passive with your mana you should be fine. Your ADC should be doing most of the lane clear anyway for extra experience and gold. Save your abilities for enemies and occasionally on minions to make it easier for your ally.

If you are building as a bruiser, then Vampiric Shroud should be able to keep your mana issues under control as long as you take advantage of it's passive by Glacial Strikeing the minion wave at the right time and in the right position to clear the wave and get 60 health and mana. Also, Hand of the Gods will be up every other minion wave, so use it effectively. Vampiric Shroud's passive will kick in when using Hand of the Gods.


The easiest way to tell which side you are on is to look at your minimap and determine where the FIRE GIANT is located. If the FIRE GIANT is located on the RIGHT side of the map, then you are TEAM RED. As a duo/long lane God you will be starting off over by the left side mana camp, located right next to you duo/long lane tower, you can also try to steal the enemies mana buff, but you may get ganked. You will be attended by your partner of duo/long lane. The jungler, middle laner, and solo laner should veer off and nab the mid fury camp located next to middle lane on the right side, this is highlighted by the red circle located right of the red dot, which is the FIRE GIANT. This is a good way to make sure experience and gold isn't divided to much due to proximity of to many people.

Once you clear the mana camp, then move into your lane. I typically use Hand of the Gods to clear this camp quickly and get into lane. Also, I typically give the mana buff to my partner. Be careful of how you use your mana. Use it wisely and be sure when you do use your mana that the ability landed (don't waste mana!). This will be your only crux for a few levels. As long as your passive with your mana you should be fine. Your ADC should be doing most of the lane clear anyway for extra experience and gold. Save your abilities for enemies and occasionally on minions to make it easier for your ally.

If you are building as a bruiser, then Vampiric Shroud should be able to keep your mana issues under control as long as you take advantage of it's passive by Glacial Strikeing the minion wave at the right time and in the right position to clear the wave and get 60 health and mana. Also, Hand of the Gods will be up every other minion wave, so use it effectively. Vampiric Shroud's passive will kick in when using Hand of the Gods.

You may notice that Blue Team has an advantage by clearing more camps, which means they have more gold and experience, but since you get to lane much faster, then you and your partner can push the minions quickly into their tower before they arrive. This can lead to two situations:
  • The opposing lane members will not make it to lane in time to stop the first minion wave from chipping at their tower. Which puts you at an advantage of having the lane pushed. Make sure wards are in place (will discuss later) or jungle will mess you up.
  • The opposing lane members will arrive just as you cleared their minions and having to deal with a wave of minions plus you and your teammate. I find this situation to be the best. At level 1-3, a minion wave will tear you up. Use Frost Breath and Glacial Strike and I assure you a FIRST BLOOD will appear for your team. Hopefully your laning mate isn't a noob.


As Ymir I have found most people will assume you are the one to be warding. Not sure who decided this, but I'm a team player and do not mind it. In fact, warding is one of the greatest things! I HATE getting ganked by junglers or idiot team mates who do not call missings until their opposing lane god has his cheese all up on yo' bread.

Warding, though, changes as the game changes. In early lane phases it's safe to place the wards you will receive from Eye Of Providence in the 5 locations I have marked on the map to the right. Obviously, you will only be able to have 3 wards out at any given time, but you can use your judgement in where you would like to place them. I only use those 5 points because they allow me to see incoming enemies before hand and they're very easy to drop and get back into lane. If you are being harassed by your lane, then I suggest only using the closest 3 ward points to the lane. You can drop the wards at those points without actually stepping off the lane.


Determining when "middle game" starts and ends is different from game to game and most times goes unnoticed, but subtle things happen which hint at it being this phase in the game. Let's take a look at some indications which point to it being middle game:
  • Gods, besides the jungler, are starting to help with ganks. (Also, roaming occurs.)
  • Killing the Golden Fury as a team of 3 or more.
  • Destroying towers (not to be confused with damaging the tower).
  • Team fights are starting to happen.

If you are wondering about how to roam or where to gank, then click here. I've set up an entire section that is dedicated to roaming and ganking!

Let's point out that just because one of these things happens doesn't mean middle game has begun. Also, these are just a few indications of middle game starting. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to post down below and I will possibly update this area with your suggestion!

Typically, if 2-3 of the above events are occurring frequently, then it's safe to say you are now entering into the middle game. Middle game doesn't mean laning is over, but it does mean you will be weaving out of your lane more often, especially as
Ymir. Ymir is amazing with "surprise" ganks. If Ymir can get behind an enemy god and pin that god between another ally, then things are about to get real uncomfortable for the enemy. Try to Frost Breath before they can detect you. Then, finish off with a Shards of Ice. This stun and slow combo will kill most enemy gods, especially if your teammate is taking full advantage of a locked down enemy.

Golden Fury
Spoiler: Click to view
Team Fights
Spoiler: Click to view


Warding in middle game is at your discretion. No, you still have to ward, but where you place your wards opens up greatly. I still tend to place them around the Golden Fury jungle, but it may be helpful to start throwing a ward over in the FIRE GIANT jungle. There are two reasons for this:
  • Keep an eye on the FIRE GIANT in case the enemy team tries to push the game into end game (we will talk about this later).
  • All duo/long lane members are going to start leaving their lane and gank middle and solo lane. Middle will typically see a duo enemy with the wards that were placed in the Golden Fury jungle, but do not forget to VF3/1. However, if they cut across middle and rush towards solo, then solo will probably not notice, but a well placed ward that is watching FIRE GIANT can also catch incoming enemies. Your team will thank you and make you feel like the God you are.


    End game is very similar to middle game in where it cannot be pinpointed when it begins, but there are indications to point out that the game is wrapping up. These are:
    • At least 4 towers have been taken down.
    • A phoenix has been destroyed.
    • Team fights consisting of all members from each team are occurring.
    • The FIRE GIANT is being killed.
    • You've maxed your build out and are buying health potions and damage/protection potions.

    Typically, if 2-3 of the above events are occurring frequently, then it's safe to say you are now entering into the end game.

    If you see 4 or more towers down on either team, then it's a safe bet that end game is about start or already has. If that many towers have been pushed down, then it means your team or the opposing team is strong enough or had enough time to have pushed an entire lane. Remember, if 4 towers are down that means 2 are down in at least 1 lane which means the phoenix is next to be damaged. If the phoenix is being taken down, then fire minions are being sent down the lane which obliterate the normal minion waves; meaning they well reach the Titan and begin to chip his health away. If these events are occurring, then it's safe to say the game is almost over.

    Another way to tell if you're in end game is if the FIRE GIANT has been killed. Typically, it takes 2-5 Gods to take down the FIRE GIANT. The FIRE GIANT is much stronger than the Golden Fury, so Gods have to be a higher level with much better quality gear to annihilate it. If you are able to take down the FIRE GIANT, then it can be said you're in end game or starting to go into end game, especially once you receive the FIRE GIANT buff which will make your team extremely leathal!

    Also, if you have enough gold to have finished your build and you're now spending them on health potions or damage/protection potions, then it can be assumed the game is almost over because it takes quite a bit of time to acquire that much gold. Your game is either being turtled or is almost over. Either way the game is now in end game. There are several important factors to take in account while playing Ymir during end game.
    • You are the meat shield. Go charge in!
    • You better be accurate because everything counts now!
    • Be aware of your surroundings. Going off by yourself isn't a good idea.

    During end game, Ymir is going to be the God to LEROOOOOOOOOY JENKINS! This means that if a minion wave hasn't caught up to the tower or phoenix your team is about to pummel, then it will be expected of you to pull up your ice and take the beating like the giant popsicle that you are. Also, you may see a group of Gods smaller than your party you're running with, then you better be running full speed into them. You are the meat shield with loads of health and protection. In many cases, the enemy gods will try to run off, but you possess the abilities to stop that.

    It is crucial that you've gotten a grip on Ymir's abilities by this point in the game. Especially, Ice Wall and Frost Breath. No one cares if you land Glacial Strike or Shards of Ice, but if you screw up the aforementioned abilities, then your allies are going to be disgruntled. Ice Wall is your perfect tool from letting enemy gods Flutter away and by end game it will last 6 seconds which means you team has plenty of time to nuke them. Frost Breath is probably more important to land than Ice Wall because Ice Wall only interferes with the enemy god's path, which they can jump, leap, or sometimes maneuver around in time, but a Frost Breath keeps them in place for over 2 seconds which is even more deadly.

    Finally, do not go off and roam by yourself. I see many players do this because they think they are, quote, "pro". No, they are just arrogant idiots. I do not save arrogant idiots. They deserve to die. Always play smart and safe. Running together in packs is always a better idea, especially for Ymir. You don't put out as much damage as other Gods typically, but you lock down enemies for long periods of time for your allies. I assure you the other team is going to be running around as squads of 3 or more, so if you're running by yourself you are more than likely going to get ganked, killed, and be out of the game for 30+ seconds waiting to resurrect.


    Honestly, during the end game warding becomes open to the whole map. Ward areas you deem to be highly valuable like FIRE GIANT or Golden Fury. Ganks are less likely to happen at the very end of the game. Most fighting happens right at phoenixes or in middle lane. It doesn't hurt to drop a ward here and there, but priority needs to shift to pushing the Titan.

Roaming & Ganking

Roaming & Ganking

Roaming could simply be defined as the act of moving between lanes, through the jungle, to take out certain buff camps and to assist other lanes. However, ganking could simply be defined as a surprise, coordinated attack on the enemy. The two are quite different, but typically go hand-in-hand. These two actions make up the primary role of a jungler, but as the game progresses, typically starting at middle game, other Gods, beside the jungler, will need to roam and support teammates while occasionally ganking.

For any God, roaming is discretional. There are times to roam and gank; there are times when you need to lane and defend. This intuition of when and when not comes with experience, so don't beat yourself up over it.

As Ymir, I recommend not going off to roam until you at least have your ultimate, unless a teammate is roaming alongside of you. I recommend this because typically you're going to be in duo/long lane which means you are going to level the slowest because you are splitting experience with your laning partner while everyone else is rarely splitting experience. So, if you go off on your own you will typically run into someone who is of a higher level and because Ymir has the second lowest base speed in the game you will probably not be able to out run them, so having your ultimate is like a cactus having needles; it's your self-defense in tough situations.

For the purpose of this section we will use the diagram to the right. The teams will be divided up as Team Blue and Team Red. The Blue Ymir will be part of Team Blue and the Cacodemon Ymir will be part of Team Red.


When you're roaming as Ymir you are doing so to support other lanes. This could be to defend a tower while your ally backs to grab some items or to come in from behind and assist with a gank. Do not worry about nabbing jungle camps unless you are grabbing one for yourself or helping an ally clear the jungle camp faster. This is because you do not want to mess up a jungler's rotation. They might be anticipating certain camps for experience.

On the diagram to the right you see a path for Blue Ymir which shows how to navigate through the jungle in a way that both puts you in a nice position for ganking and for roaming through with stealth. The sky blue circle, near Team Red's first middle tower, is a key point in assisting middle lane allies with ganking the opposing middle lane members. This is because you are now behind the enemy and can Frost Breath before they can react. Make sure to call out a gank ahead of time for your ally (using VG#). This way you can pin the God and secure the kill.

If you are roaming over to support solo/short lane, then use the same path, but cut behind the middle enemy, so you aren't detected. If you are going over to solo/short lane, then there are two key points to gank. You can sneak in at the entrance of their first tower like you did at middle, which is represented with a dark blue circle. I recommend this point if they are between their tower and the middle of the lane. This point allows you to make sure you get behind the enemy unseen.

However, if the enemy in solo/short lane is between your ally's tower and middle lane, then you can enter into gank at the purple circle. I recommend this because if you come in from dark blue circle, then it's going to take you longer to pin the enemy and can possibly give you away.


When you're roaming as Ymir you are doing so to support other lanes. This could be to defend a tower while your ally backs to grab some items or to come in from behind and assist with a gank. Do not worry about nabbing jungle camps unless you are grabbing one for yourself or helping an ally clear the jungle camp faster. This is because you do not want to mess up a jungler's rotation. They might be anticipating certain camps for experience.

On the diagram to the right you see a path for Cacodemon Ymir which shows how to navigate through the jungle in a way that both puts you in a nice position for ganking and for roaming through with stealth. The light pink circle, near Team Blue's first middle tower, is a key point in assisting middle lane allies with ganking the opposing middle lane members. This is because you are now behind the enemy and can Frost Breath before they can react. Make sure to call out a gank ahead of time for your ally (using VG#). This way you can pin the God and secure the kill.

If you are roaming over to support solo/short lane, then use the same path, but cut behind the middle enemy, so you aren't detected. If you are going over to solo/short lane, then there are two key points to gank. You can sneak in at the entrance of their first tower like you did at middle, which is represented with a dark red circle. I recommend this point if they are between their tower and the middle of the lane. This point allows you to make sure you get behind the enemy unseen.

However, if the enemy in solo/short lane is between your ally's tower and middle lane, then you can enter into gank at the purple circle. I recommend this because if you come in from dark red circle, then it's going to take you longer to pin the enemy and can possibly give you away.

Lions, and Tigers, and Bears!

The jungle can be a dangerous place if you wander in not knowing what to expect, then you're good as dead. The jungle is the area between two lanes. It's littered with furies, cyclops, and a Fire Giant. These are jungle camps and are typically farmed by the jungler on your team, but can be picked up by anyone. Here is a simple layout of the jungle camps along with descriptions of each buff:

Spawns: 0:10
Respawns: 1:40
Spawns: 0:10
Respawns: 2:00
Spawns: 0:10
Respawns: 2:40
Spawns: 0:10
Respawns: 3:00
Spawns: 10:00
Respawns: 3:00
Very Hard

The jungle should be traveled through carefully. Being in duo/long lane, as Ymir, means you will most likely be the lowest level on the team (remember you will be giving last hit experience to your ADC). You can avoid danger by having wards placed in the jungle. You can take a look at places I suggest here. Be sure to keep Eye Of Providence, if you purchase it, leveled higher than your opponent's, if one has it, so you can see their wards and destroy them making it safer for you to cross jungle paths without being easily detected.

It's always a good idea to traverse the jungle with an ally. Ymir is bulky enough to survive a bout with an enemy (for so long), but towards the end game there will be team fights which occur, generally, in three areas:
  • In lanes where towers are left - At the end game, 1 or 2 lanes might have 1 more tower up. Most strategies will be to push the tower, so they can damage the lane's phoenix and weaken the Titan. There are two ways to go about this:
    • 5-man Stampede - All of your team rushes a tower (this is where you, Ymir, would typically run under the tower first and take the damage for your team) and quickly destroys the tower.
    • Split Push - This is where 1, maybe 2, teammate(s) goes off from the group and pushes a lane by him/herself and the 4 other teammates are a distraction to the enemy, so the ally who veered off can take a tower down while the enemy is distracted by the other 4 allies. It helps if the 4 allies are pushing a lane with a tower in it or are trying to harass a phoenix.

    Typically, if a team uses a 5-man stampede strategy, then they are asking to start a team fight. If all members of a team are located in one area and the tower's health starts to drop, then the enemy team is going to converge on that area. This will begin a team fight. Using a split-push strategy will reduce the chance of a team fight, but the ally who split from the group runs risk of dying more easily since he/she will be by him/herself.
  • Middle lane - Middle lane is a key lane. I believe it's the backbone of the map and the collapse of the middle lane can be detrimental to the game itself. Losing the middle lane basically makes one large jungle separating duo/long lane from solo/short lane. This is not good to say the least. However, many team fights occur in middle lane around the time of middle game and into end game. It's a centralized lane that as I've said is key to the game. It's only natural to defend this lane with more concern than the others, so many team fights occur here.
  • The Jungle - This is where the most team fights occur. This due to many things:
    • The right conditions - The jungle is great for team fights. The lanes are narrow for abilities to lane more easily. Also, trapping an enemy is easier than in a larger lane with towers.
    • Gold Fury/Fire Giant - These are camps that both teams are vying for. They are game changers and should be warded and watched. Many times, teams will fight one another in an attempt to gain that camp (typically Fire Giant more than Gold Fury).
    The jungle team fights occur as early as when minions start spawning. I've been in situations where one team tries to gank the other team while waiting for a jungle camp to spawn. The jungle is a great place for team fights to take place.

Be careful while roaming through the jungle by yourself. It can be a dangerous place and you will be of no use to the team when you're dead.

Laning Partner C-C-Combo

Laning Partner C-C-Combo
Cooperation rating guidelines

ah muzen cab - The chilling sting

Anhur - Frozen Kebabs

anubis - death's cold grip

Ao Kuang - The frigid Storm

Apollo - The Cold-Hearted Gunslinger

artemis - The frozen bullseye

cupid - Love's cold bite

freya - The Valkyrie's Chilling Embrace

neith - the weaving of a cold fate

xbalanque - The chill of night


Frequently Asked Questions

Recently, I've been asked questions through private messaging and in-game chats (hit me up, my IGN is Sanguis) about the same things and I want to clear a few things up for future viewers.
Q: Is Ymir the best tank pick? // This is quite a vague question. If you're asking if he's the best initiator, then I would say no. Each God has their own unique style and kit. Ymir happens to have a kit that revolves around CC and stun support. I find this to be useful in both casual and league. Find what play style you fit into and then, select not the "best" god, but the God you are best with.
Q: Can I use information from your guide and/or BCCode formatting for my guide? // Yes, absolutely. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I have no problems with you or anyone taking information or ideas you garnered from this guide and putting them into your own guide. All I ask is that you credit me as I do with all those who've made this guide possible. However, if you are specifically looking to create a format that you see in one of the sections, then send me a message and I will gladly help out! One more thing! If you are pondering where I got all these insane colors, then check out this website!

What's Next!?

What's Next!?

I have further parts to this guide I would like to add, but do not possess enough data and information I deem to make those parts effective yet, but do not fear they are being worked on as we speak! Here are some things that are being prepared:
  • Solo Laning
  • Jungling
  • Enemy Gods you will encounter in duo/long lane.
  • In-depth Videos to Give a Better Perspective (Possibly starting a twitch account! Keep a lookout!)
  • Arena and 3v3 Gameplay sections
  • More laning partner combos

If you have any suggestions on what you would like to see in this guide, then please leave a suggestion in the comments below! Thanks!



I fully believe in giving credit where credit is due. This guide was written from scratch, but it wouldn't be here without the help and advice from others!

  • Cupcakess - One of the greatest SMITE players I've had the fortune to team up with. She put up with some of the worst teams to collect data that would help sculpt this guide. If it wasn't for Cupcakess this guide would probably not exist!
  • Jhoijhoi - Is the Mother of Guide Making. This Goddess gave me the knowledge and know-how to create this wonderfully BBCoded guide. Coming into making this guide I had no experience with BBCode, but after taking a peek at her amazing guide (check it out!) I was able to sculpt something that even she would deem respectable!
  • TormentedTurnip - Turnip is one of the most constructive people on this website. If you need an opinion on something SMITE related or looking for some beginner tips to crafting a guide I would point you towards Turnip. I personally asked Turnip to take a look at this page and was quite pleased with the response. Members like Turnip make this community wonderful. Also, he's a great banner designer. He made the banner just down below! I think it's wonderful. Message him right now and get your order in before it's too late! Check Turnip out here.
  • Subzero008 - Sub is a wonderful, if at times brutal, person to talk about bettering your guides. Taking a peek at his guides and reviews has helped this Ymir guide become what it is. Please, go take a look at his page, now!
  • Piederman - While formulating ideas for how to structure certain sections I was talking to friends about different BBCode ideas and an idea came from Piederman! I didn't even notice that one of my friends told me a BBCode format from this amazing author's guide! I just want to point out his guides look just as fantastic! Take a peek here!

I take many things from this community. If you feel I've taken something and haven't credited you, then hit me up. Be aware that things you might have started might have been shared to me by the people above. It's not uncommon for guide makers to send new things to one another!



If you have stuck it out this long, then I appreciate your time at looking at this guide. I put quite a bit of effort into making it as perfect as possible. I feel perfection is always out of reach and anything can be polished. If you have any suggestions please leave them in the comments below! If your suggestion is later added in an updated guide you will be credited!

I hope you have fun with
Ymir! He is an amazing God to play and with the help of this guide I assure you that your success will improve! Thank you and stay tuned for updates!

Change Log

Change Log

Update: 0.1.120413 Published: DECEMBER 4th, 2013
Update: 0.2.121813 published: DECEMBER 18th, 2013
Update: 0.3.012014 published: JANUARY 20th, 2014
Update: 0.4.020514 Published: FEBRUARY 5th, 2014

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HerpDerps | March 28, 2014 5:45pm
Awesome guide you created here! +1 in my book.

BTW when you were discussing lane comp., for Xbal's skills instead of Branching Bolas you put Neith's Sprit Arrow skill.
Sanguis (14) | January 24, 2014 11:03am
General Rule: If you are just scrolling to get to comments, then use the table of contents anchor to skip the sections.

I'm hoping you took the time to read the guide than just scrolling to get to the comments, but I assure you the non-white colors are necessary. I have a large amount of information to doll out and do not want it to be perceived as a wall of text. I was able to cut this down through the use of spoiler tabs, but to make sure the viewer's eye was drawn to certain key elements in what remained I had to use specific colors. As the reader ventures through the guide they will quickly become use to
health topics being referred in green, magic/mana topics being referred in blue, and so on. I find the non-white colors contrast better with white than grey. This has a better "pull" effect on the viewer's eye.

The white is a unique quality I believe this guide only contains. Check every other guide out there. Heck, look at your
Ra guide. Though I find it very informative, you highlight key words as I do, but everything else is in a bland-grey color. I think it looks boring and doesn't contrast well with Smitefire's background. You can't tell me the white doesn't stand out better. The contrast makes it easier to read and the words don't blend into the background. If your words just blend into the background, then it looks more like a wall of text (which we are trying to avoid).

I appreciate you taking the time to look at my guide, but critiquing the color is of no use to me and almost seems trollish. I would prefer criticism on content rather than aesthetics. Heck, saying that starting with Vampiric Shroud is stupid would be of more use to me. Don't take this comment personally, I just felt you leaving a comment only on the color was quite ridiculous. You didn't mention whether or not the guide, informatively, was any good or if it was a complete waste of time for a reader. Please, for future guides, give something I can work with to better the guide informatively. Hit me with statistics, tell me I'm wrong!


P.S. Your eyes my hurt because of the radiant light blasting down upon you (aka your profile picture).
Talenhiem (33) | January 24, 2014 10:13am
General rule: "If your eyes hurt scrolling through a guide to get to the comments, let it up on the colors". That certainly applies here.

Don't feel bad, it happens to most of us.
Sanguis (14) | January 24, 2014 9:25am
Your build is decent. If a certain build works for you, then use it. You don't have to conform to some meta, but if you're going to highlight your unusual build, then you're going to need data to back it up for the skeptics out there.

Thank you for your time! If you need any help just shoot me a PM!
NoMoreHope (3) | January 24, 2014 12:11am
Wow! this guide is amazing! you did a great job and put a lot of time in to it. I can't ever say that my guide will ever be this good but you have inspired me to take some time to improve my guide find a better build and explain things a lot better. Thanks for the feedback :)
Jordenito (66) | January 20, 2014 8:24am
Great guide.

While i might disagree with some of the items, this is an all round good guide with beautiful BBcoding and really in depth.

Nice job.
Sanguis (14) | December 18, 2013 9:26pm
Thank you so much for you input! It's definitely difficult to see what's missing or minor flaws before the peer edit. I agree that blink is great and maybe I would buy it in more competitive game modes like ranked, but in casual conquest games there is a huge player base of people who do not ward, ever. It drives me insane. Maybe my experiences in casual games has made me this way.

I agree on Gauntlet of Thebes now that you bring it up. I was always on the fence about it. Also, the Vampiric Shroud topic you brought up is a good point. I may update the guide with multiple builds.

I agree Ymir can be telegraphed, but I also believe Sobek is as well. Sobek is my next most played god behind Ymir and just from playing him so much I can tell when that hunk of leather is about to Charge Prey. High quality players can mask the tell, but most of my data came from playing casual conquest. Maybe I will formulate something with blink to make him a better initiator or at least be on the same level as Sobek and Bacchus.

Thank you once again! Great work as always!
Subzero008 (112) | December 18, 2013 4:09pm
Here's my review.


I find it interesting that you ask us to level up the actives before any other items. But yeah, it looks good. Items are rational. Your Ymir seems more like a magical bruiser than a true tank.

I have one problem: the inclusion of Vampiric Shroud. As a support tank, unless you are mid or solo, you would not want, under any circumstances, to last hit a minion. The last hit far bonus should go to your carry not yourself. I find that the Watcher's Gift is more to my liking.


You do a good job explaining the skill and items, and you go into much detail on the former.

I think you are underestimating blink a little, but I'll chalk that to personal taste. I also dislike the inclusion of Gauntlet of Thebes, especially when Sovereignty is already an extremely good option. Or even Hide of the Urchin.

Not much else to say. Pretty good.


You go into a frankly incredible amount of detail in this. I will state again, that I disagree with your suggestion of last hitting for Vampiric Shroud, but there is a lot of useful information here.

One thing that is notably missing is the lack of a guide to roaming. When to roam, why leave your lane, avoiding enemy rotations, staying leveled, etc. Seeing how much emphasis you put on Ymir's "Surprise ganks," it seems odd to not include this.

The gameplay seems very defensive, which is fine by me. Personally, I like to roam solo late game as Ymir (my build has a lot of movement speed) for the sake of warding and stealing the occasional buff, and maybe for a gank on a splitpusher or two.

I disagree with your statement of Ymir being a good initiator. The problem is that Ymir's initiation is both telegraphed and slow. Sobek, with his Charge Prey, is a good initiator. Bacchus' Belly Flop is also very fast and can knock up teams, which also makes it a good initiator. Ymir, in my opinion, is neither fast nor unpredictable, and despite him having a greater form of CC than them, I think he is a worse initiator than them for those reasons.


One annoyingly persistent problem: it's blink, not Combat Blink.

There are also a host of missing or erroneous details, like outdated information (speed on boots) or simply wrong info (you can't crit with Ymir's basics, ever).

But I will say that your BBC coding is gorgeous. You clearly put a lot of work into this, and I approve.


While I might disagree with some parts of this guide, I can see that you clearly put much effort into this. It is well polished and has very few flaws, and in my opinion, is worthy of an upvote.

I look forward to any updates.
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