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Jungle + Support , The Blame Roles which you can't Win

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Forum » General Discussion » Jungle + Support , The Blame Roles which you can't Win 10 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » October 4, 2014 4:34am | Report
In League or Normals there are two roles in my opinion that you can never win with. That would be the role of Jungler and Support, these roles, you are bound to catch someone blaming your *** for everything and using you as their excuse for defeat. Even if everyone was equally worst then you, you still will get your *** handed by everyone in the match even if its not your fault, why?
Because you simply picked that role.... and that is what happens when you play that role....
Especially support, its the reason nobody wants to play Support and dreads being forced to play it.

I guess I will start with the less of the two evils.

The Jungler - Second most blamed role in the game, is your mid losing? Well he will blame it on you the jungler, even if you tried to gank, if you failed because the enemy simply had wards or camped tower it is still your fault, simply because you are the jungler and didn't kill the mid laner. If Solo lane is losing you will get *****ed at hardcore for not helping, and if Duo lane is losing they will simply say "Can I ever get a gank?" all meanwhile your entire team is saying the same thing when you know you cannot help them all yet they are all taking their losses out on you for not helping them all at the same time....

The Support
- This is bar none with no doubt the most dreaded role in the game, its like you have to fight just NOT to get this role. In a match lobby you see, Mid/Solo/Jungle and sometimes ADC called immediately... why is that? You never see anyone calling Support as if they are happy or really really needed to call for it because they wanted to support that bad!!! Rarely does that happen... its more like... hey guys... we need a support.... I guess nobody wants to...

The support has the worst blame of all, way worst then the jungler. Not only do you have to give all the last hits to your ADC and fall behind on purpose, you also have to rotate around the map to get camps as if you are a second jungler but at the same time responsible for protecting your team and Duo lane...

You also have to give any kills for the most part to your ADC or team mates. If you take any kill prepared to be type or screamed at for not giving the kill away.

This sets up for three reasons why being support gets you yelled at.

#1 - If the kill happens to get away then your team mate will say, why didn't you kill him? Then you will say "Because I'm suppose to give the kills to you" then he will say, you should have taken it, basically its a lose lose situation, if you take the kill you get screamed at, if you don't and they get away you get screamed at.

#2 - Your death to save your team mate, you are forced to take the damage and die alot in order to save team mates who may have stacks. This sets up a few problems...
- First problem is that if you do die in order to save them from losing stacks, you get looked at as a scrub for dying, and the second problem is, if you do save your own life but your ADC with stacks dies, then he will really ***** at you for not saving him and now he lost stacks. Its another lose lose situation.

#3 - The worst torture. Going negative because you fulfill your role, you gave your ADC every kill, and you traded your life with his to prevent his loss of stacks or farm. This is the worst because your team mate can at any point in the game simply tell you "Negative Scrub Support"... all knowing that every kill he has is given by you and your not suppose to be getting the kills, and all while knowing that you died only to save your ADC so they don't die in place of you...

Isn't it wonderful how you can have no comeback when your negative even if you did your role?

The basic reason why nobody wants to play support is because its a lose lose situation, half of the team mates would be very upset to see you as Geb with 4 kills and 0 deaths.... while the ADC has 0 kills and 4 deaths...

however, if you were to switch that around you would still get *****ed at, if you were geb with 0 kills and 4 deaths you would be called a feeder now, and if the ADC has the 4 kills and 0 deaths he can keep talking **** to you how he has more kills and your the feeder...

Jungle + Support = Most blamed roles, when your team is doing bad these are the roles to blame, why? Simply because that is who you blame even if you don't have a good reason you blame them.
It was solo's fault? Too bad I'ma blame it on the Support or jungler instead....


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by MadDanny » October 4, 2014 5:19am | Report
Support can be bad but can't ruin the other lanes to much.
A pro adc can carry their lane even with a bad support as long as his not that stupid but just new to the role or god.

But a pro support carries the whole game, just like a pro jungler.

A support feeds? Mid and jungler can pick up their slack. But if a jungler feeds. Its usually game over. He either feeds mid or the enemy jungler which makes things worse for everyone on your team.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » October 7, 2014 7:42am | Report
well the Can we have a gank question shouldn't come that much because is duo gankable and other lanes save and your close I would go in and try to kill their adc because it's a set back for them (especially if the kill goes to your adc).

but yeah normally when that's the thing it is the way of mid or solo (or both) screwing up.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GeouZu » October 7, 2014 7:57am | Report
I main support and jungle and i know that feel. Imagine this situation. My team lost a teamfight and is retreating. Enemy chases me (support). I try to juke as much as possible, and run away from my team to buy them some time to escape... at the end i die, and my team yells at me because i gave the kill to the enemy team...

And if i get a kill.. thats mostly a disaster for me because everyone yells at me and says that supports should not take kills.. Thats why it is good to play in duo lane with a friend, that is sane and understands that even if support gets the kill it is still better then enemy escapes and nobody gets the kill.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Vaeldyn » October 7, 2014 11:53am | Report
Tbh ICEN has a big point there. Till the "roaming meta" I was main support, but I switched to solo for the exact same reasons ICEN wrote.
And still in Solo I get hardcore flmed for farming, although I get the highest farm, highest player damage and 8 kills in 10 mins of late game because I'm farmed as ****. Only role that isn't blamed very often seems to be midlane for some strange reason..


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Firraria » October 7, 2014 12:30pm | Report
Icen this thread is the story of my life.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » October 7, 2014 2:57pm | Report
Firraria wrote:

Icen this thread is the story of my life.
Hey you like SWK right? Don't pick him in League.... because it doesn't matter if you are good, someone will type....


With 40 question marks..

You know you hate it when they think you are magically bad for playing a God others don't...


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » October 8, 2014 12:11pm | Report
I hate that so much those things.

even xba can be played in league if you know how to play with hi maDN ALSO your supports know not to take kills


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Firraria » October 8, 2014 12:16pm | Report
ICEN wrote:

Hey you like SWK right? Don't pick him in League.... because it doesn't matter if you are good, someone will type....


With 40 question marks..

You know you hate it when they think you are magically bad for playing a God others don't...

I never play league, most of the people in it are way too srs.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » October 8, 2014 12:20pm | Report
most players in normal matches are too -_-


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