Amongst the snow-capped forests of the frigid north resides the hunter-God of Glory, Ullr. Reserved, secretive, Ullr does not represent the tankard downing, boast bellowing contemporaries of the Norse Pantheon, but pays respectful tribute to glory in all its forms.
Glory is in the silence of snowfall, in the honorable victory earned from single combat, in the perfect curve of a yew bow firing an arrow true. Dotted across the lands of the Faithful, shrines to Ullr can be found in remote, secluded hideaways. It is there that glory is found in the sanctity of a vow, once sworn, never broken, and bound by a ring, no matter how crude, then buried in the earth to weather the ages of time.
Though rarely spoken of, he is highly regarded, even among the Gods, for it is Ullr, not one of Odin’s sons that tends the throne of Asgard while the All Father is away. Other Gods might use the opportunity to abuse the power, but Ullr’s rule is merely an extension thereof. So much so that only the innermost circle even know that Odin is gone.
All the more noticeable is it, then, that Ullr has abandoned this post to join the fray. Early on did Odin take the field of battle, leaving Ullr to manage the kingdom. So great a threat must this war be as to endanger the very survival of Asgard. Whatever the reason, Ullr comes to preserve glory, which, for him, may be the whole world.