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Rama Builds & Guides

Hindu Hunter Ranged Physical
Find the best Rama build guides for SMITE Patch 12.1 and SMITE 2 Patch Open Beta 4. You will find builds for arena, joust, and conquest. However you choose to play Rama, The SMITEFire community will help you craft the best build for the SMITE S12 and SMITE 2 S0 metas and your chosen game mode. Learn Rama's skills, stats and more.
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Smite 1: Year 11 Guides & Builds // Patch 12.1 & Patch 11.12

21 Votes 5
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by TottiGR | Updated December 29, 2024
Guide In-Depth

Smite 1: Year 11 Guides & Builds

271 Votes 38
 Build Guide
Patience! - A Quick Guide for Carries (Y11, 11.1, WIP)
by xmysterionz | Updated February 7, 2024
Guide In-Depth
3 Votes 2
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Patience, you will rule the Battlefield - Rama Crit Build | Y11 Patch 11.1| WIP - first Guide, need feedback
by AbortusBang | Updated January 27, 2024
2 Votes 3
 Build Guide
Rama Year 11 Lifestieal Build
by AstroSurfer | Updated February 29, 2024

Smite 1: Year 10 Guides & Builds

Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Rama SPL Builds
by DV-8 | Updated October 1, 2023
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Rama (Y10, 10.9) Joust Builds
by ElLobezno | Updated September 26, 2023
Rating Pending
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Arena Penta Kill Build Cheat NSFW
by ButtHairFloss | Updated November 10, 2023
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Rama Conquest
by Jorm Was not Paid | Updated July 20, 2023

Smite 1: Year 9 Guides & Builds

10 Votes 1
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Rama crit
by Mordridt | Updated October 25, 2022
5 Votes 0
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Rama ez pentas
by Pixlur | Updated January 28, 2022
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Rama crit OP
by LACOMINO | Updated February 1, 2022
Rating Pending
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Rama S9 Just Hold Left Click and W 15/5/16
by Exosaurus | Updated August 2, 2022
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
by SourBriefs | Updated February 22, 2022
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
general crits adcs
by matiasxd205 | Updated November 4, 2022

Smite 1: Year 8 Guides & Builds

14 Votes 6
 Build Guide
8.1 Rama Guide
by tMParagon | Updated January 26, 2021
Guide In-Depth Mobile
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
by Big_mowi4011 | Updated November 21, 2021
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Rozay's Rama Guide S8.7
by Rozay | Updated August 10, 2021
4 Votes 4
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Rama Arena Build S8
by TheBlueFighter | Updated June 20, 2021
3 Votes 6
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Rama 08/06/21
by MigueLVallejoS | Updated June 8, 2021
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Rama Full Bow
by M.Ala | Updated August 16, 2021
Favor: 5500 Gems: 200

Rama Statistics

460 (+76) Health
205 (+34) Mana
370 (+0) Speed
None Progression
55 (+0) Range
1 (+2) Attack / Sec
35 (+ 2.5) + 100% of Physical Power Damage

Rama Skills

Rama Skill Astral Quiver

Astral QuiverPassive

Rama's Astral Quiver generates an Astral Arrow every 12s. Also, every basic attack that Rama lands will reduce the amount of time to generate an arrow by 2s. Astral Arrows are used with his other abilities. Every Astral Strike Arrow Rama lands has a percent chance that an Astral Arrow pickup will appear on the ground. Drop chance = 30% + (1*level). Picking up an arrow heals Rama for 10 mana.

Rama always starts the match and respawns with a full quiver.
Rama Skill Astral Strike

Astral Strike

1 X
Rama switches to a more powerful arrow that pierces and slows enemies. This ability consumes 1 of Rama's Astral Arrows and deals bonus damage with every shot. Damage from this ability is reduced to 80% for each enemy hit after the first. Rama cannot toggle this ability if he has no Astral Arrows. The slow can be stacked up to 3 times.

Ability Type: Buff
Bonus Damage: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50
Slow: 10% (Stacks up to 3 times)
Slow Duration: 1.5s
Cost: 15 + 1 arrow per shot
Rama Skill Infinite Arrows

Infinite Arrows

2 A
Passive: While this buff is active, every 3rd successful hit on an enemy god will immediately generate an Astral Arrow.

Active: Rama gains increased attack speed.

Ability Type: Buff
Attack Speed Increase: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60%
Attack Speed Increase Duration: 5s
Cost: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60
Cooldown: 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 11s
Rama Skill Rolling Assault

Rolling Assault

3 B
Rama performs a roll in the direction he is currently traveling. After performing a dodge roll, for 5s Rama's next basic attack will consume an astral arrow that cripples the target and deals bonus damage. Rama incurs no movement penalty during this shot.

Ability Type: Dash
Bonus Damage: 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 (+30% of your Physical Power)
Cripple Duration: 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2s
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 11s
Rama Skill Astral Barrage

Astral Barrage

4 Y
Rama launches into the air and shoots 3 powerful arrows at the ground, each successive shot increasing in damage: 70%, 85%, 100% and decreasing in AOE size: 30, 20, 15. Every time Rama generates or picks up an Astral Arrow, the cooldown of this ability is reduced by 0.2s (includes passive regen + picked up deployables + generated arrows during stim).

Rama will fall down as soon as the 3 arrows have been used, or after 5s have passed. He is untargetable for the duration.

Ability Type: AoE
Damage: 190 / 280 / 370 / 460 / 550 (+55% of your Physical Power)
Damage (Max): 459 / 688 / 918 / 1147 / 1377 (+135% of your Physical Power)
Radius: 15 / 10 / 7.5
Cost: 80
Cooldown: 90s

Rama Lore

Ravana's immortal reign subjugates the people. Shiva's boon grants the demon-king invulnerability against gods and beasts. Only mortal men stand a chance of defeating him, but Ravana's might is too potent for a mere man to overcome. All seems lost.

To save us, Vishnu took human form. Rama, prince of Ayodhya.

At age 16 he was already the perfect embodiment of man. Strong, humble, handsome, patient, devout; he is what mankind strives to be, yet, for all our flaws, can never reach.

When a neighboring kingdom, cursed by Ravana's magic, asked for aid, Rama answered, despite the misgivings of his father. With his brother Laksharma, Rama set out and slew a horde of demons. At the palace, Rama cleansed the curse by freeing the queen from stone. The city celebrated and Rama was invited to string Shiva's bow – with the prize princess Sita's hand in marriage. Shiva's bow could not be lifted by any man, let alone strung, but Rama broke the bow in half. He and Sita wed immediately.

Returning home, Rama was to be crown prince, but the jealousy of queen Kaikeyi forced Rama into exile, where he's remained these past fourteen years.

Yet Rama was recently seen on the field of battle. Word is, Ravana stole Rama's wife, and Rama left exile to embrace his destiny. He must defeat Ravana, free his wife, and set mankind on a path for peace, else darkness and evil will conquer all.

Rama Builds & Guides

Hindu Strength Carry Ranged Physical
Find the best Rama build guides for SMITE Patch 12.1 and SMITE 2 Patch Open Beta 4. You will find builds for arena, joust, and conquest. However you choose to play Rama, The SMITEFire community will help you craft the best build for the SMITE S12 and SMITE 2 S0 metas and your chosen game mode. Learn Rama's skills, stats and more.
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God Token: 1

Rama Statistics

500 (+92) Health
254 (+42) Mana
15.2 (+2.8) Physical Protection
24.58 (+1.42) Magical Protection
430 Movement Speed
0.954 (+0.016) Attack / Sec

Rama Skills

Rama Basic Attack

Basic Attack

Fire a projectile that deals Physical Damage to the first enemy hit.

Damage Scaling: 100% Strength + 20% Intelligence + 100% Basic Attack Power
Range: 8.8m
Radius: 0.48m

Additional Notes:
  • Projectile stops on first target hit, and does not pass through walls.
Rama Skill Astral Quiver

Astral QuiverPassive

Your Astral Quiver generates an Astral Arrow every 12s.
  • Each Basic Attack hit reduces the time to generate an Astral Arrow by 2s.
  • The first time a fired Astral Arrow hits an enemy, it has a chance to drop to the ground.
  • Dropped Astral Arrows last for 10s, and picking one up restores 10 Mana.

Drop Chance: 30% + 1% per level

Additional Notes:
  • You can hold up to 5 Astral Arrows.
  • You always respawn with a full Astral Quiver.
Rama Skill Astral Strike

Astral Strike

1 X
Switch to a more powerful arrow that deals bonus Physical Damage, pierces, and Slows enemies.
  • While this ability is active, each Basic Attack consumes 1 Astral Arrow and Mana.
Bonus Damage: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50
Slow: 10%
Max Stacks: 3
Slow Duration: 1.5s
Range: 8.8m
Radius: 0.48m
Cost: 15 (+ 1 Astral Arrow per shot)

Additional Notes:
  • This ability allows your Basic Attacks to pass through all enemies and walls.
  • This ability's bonus damage is reduced by 20% to each target hit after the first.
  • You cannot toggle this ability if you have no Astral Arrows.
Rama Skill Infinite Arrows

Infinite Arrows

2 A
Focus your mind and gain increased Attack Speed.
  • When activating this ability, if there are any dropped Astral Arrows within 8.8m of you, automatically collect them.
  • While this buff is active, every third successful Basic Attack on an enemy god will immediately generate an Astral Arrow.
Attack Speed: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60%
Buff Duration: 5s
Radius: 8.8m
Cooldown: 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 11s
Cost: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60
Rama Skill Rolling Assault

Rolling Assault

3 B
Roll in the direction you are currently traveling.
  • For the next 5s after rolling, your next Basic Attack will have Haste and consume an Astral Arrow, Crippling all enemies hit and dealing bonus Physical Damage.
Bonus Damage: 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100
Bonus Damage Scaling: 30% Strength
Cripple Duration: 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2s
Range: 7.2m
Radius: 0.48m
Cooldown: 11s
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Rama Skill Astral Barrage

Astral Barrage

4 Y
Launch yourself into the air for up to 5s and shoot 3 powerful arrows at the ground, with each successive shot dealing increased Physical Damage while decreasing in size.

Damage: 190 / 280 / 370 / 460 / 550
Damage Scaling: 55% Strength
Damage Per Shot: 70 / 85 / 100%
Range: 32m
Radius: 2.4 / 1.6 / 1.2m
Cooldown: 90s
Cost: 80

Additional Notes:
  • Each time you pick up an Astral Arrow, the cooldown of this ability is reduced by 0.4s.

Rama Aspect

Rama Aspect Aspect of Precision

Aspect of Precision

Astral Strike is always active, but you have severely decreased Attack Speed and no longer regen Astral Arrows. When out of Astral Arrows, reload. While Infinite Arrows is active, Astral Arrows are not consumed.

Rama Lore

Rama, Prince of Ayodhya, is the mortal avatar of Vishnu, embodying strength, patience, and devotion. When the demon-king Ravana abducted his beloved Sita, Rama took up arms to confront Ravana, defying even Shiva's protection over the tyrant. Worshipers of Rama are seekers of justice, the honorable, and those loyal to family. They look to him as the ideal hero, one who fights for humanity's peace. With his unbreakable resolve and boundless compassion, Rama's journey is more than revenge-it is the salvation of humankind from an era of darkness.

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