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Ao Kuang Builds & Guides

Chinese Mage Melee Magical
Find the best Ao Kuang build guides for SMITE Patch 12.1. You will find builds for arena, joust, and conquest. However you choose to play Ao Kuang, The SMITEFire community will help you craft the best build for the SMITE S12 meta and your chosen game mode. Learn Ao Kuang's skills, stats and more.
Top Rated Guides Newest Guides

Smite 1: Year 11 Guides & Builds

49 Votes 6
 Build Guide
Ao Kuang Solo Build (11.4)
by DevilPanda | Updated May 1, 2024
17 Votes 2
 Build Guide
Let them fear the Jungle (Conquest-Build)
by JohnnySixtyNine | Updated March 15, 2024
13 Votes 2
 Build Guide
Arena Ao Kuang (High Damage Tank)
by Iscarious | Updated March 30, 2024
7 Votes 1
 Build Guide
Ao Kuang - Leave This Place! Master Guide
by iSeraph | Updated May 31, 2024
6 Votes 3
 Build Guide
Ao Kuang Auto Attack
by Apexios | Updated September 29, 2024
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Ao kuang
by ReySupremYT | Updated March 25, 2024
2 Votes 8
 Build Guide
Ao Kuang jungle
by Xanx evil | Updated January 27, 2024
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Ao Kuang Rings
by Lilxkitsune | Updated March 1, 2024

Smite 1: Year 10 Guides & Builds

47 Votes 9
 Build Guide
A Mighty Kuang (Ao Kuang 10.3 Jungle, Solo, Support[?])
by Petesports | Updated April 3, 2023
Guide In-Depth
6 Votes 0
 Build Guide
Ao Kuang - Jungle
by Majkell | Updated October 10, 2023
5 Votes 0
 Build Guide
"Execute the Solo Lane" Season 10.13 Solo Lane Guide
by LumberingJak | Updated December 22, 2023
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Ao Kuang Lifesteal Build
by Deliam25 | Updated November 5, 2023
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Ao Kuang Jungle S10
by Nyuuckii | Updated March 2, 2023
6 Votes 2
 Build Guide
Season 10 Arena Tank Ao Kuang Guide
by Epiccalnewb | Updated January 30, 2023
Guide Mobile
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Ao Kuang Conquest
by Jorm got yelled at from K | Updated July 24, 2023
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Ao Kuang (Non-Conquest Def Build)
by YasmineReyes | Updated May 22, 2023
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Ao Kuang SPL Builds
by DV-8 | Updated September 8, 2023
4 Votes 4
 Build Guide
Ao Kuang's The Power, The Rings, and The Heals
by ThatOneGuy2470 | Updated February 21, 2023

Smite 1: Year 9 Guides & Builds

26 Votes 5
 Build Guide
Ao Kuang JG melt (P 9.7)
by Vishar | Updated July 15, 2022
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
The king of the eastern seas
by Souleater0985 | Updated July 12, 2022
Favor: 5500 Gems: 200

Ao Kuang Statistics

400 (+82) Health
240 (+38) Mana
375 (+0) Speed
1/.7/.7/1x damage and 1/.5/.5/1x swing time Progression
12 (+0) Range
1 (+2) Attack / Sec
35 (+ 2.4) + 20% of Magical Power Damage

Ao Kuang Skills

Ao Kuang Skill Dragon King's Sword

Dragon King's SwordPassive

Every 10 seconds, Ao Kuang gets a stack of Dragon's King Sword. With a stack available, his next non-ultimate ability that deals damage to an enemy god has a reduced cooldown and heals Ao Kuang. Successfully executing an Enemy god with King of the Eastern Seas fully charges Dragon's King Sword.

Ability Type: Buff
Cooldown Reduction: 2s
Heal: 3% of maximum Health
Maximum Stacks: 3
Ao Kuang Skill Water Illusion

Water Illusion

1 X
Ao Kuang Teleports forward into Stealth, leaving behind a watery form of himself. He remains in Stealth for 5s or until he attacks or takes damage.

Ao Kuang may activate this ability again to detonate the watery form, dealing damage to nearby enemies.

Ability Type: Circle, Teleport, Damage
Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+70% of your Magical Power)
Range: 30
Radius: 20
Cost: 70
Cooldown: 15s
Ao Kuang Skill Dragon Call

Dragon Call

2 A
Ao Kuang summons 6 dragons to his side. For every successful basic attack Ao Kuang makes, a dragon will dive to the target dealing additional damage. This ability ends after all dragons are used, or after 10s.

Ao Kuang may activate this ability again to send forward any remaining dragons in a ranged attack. The dragons damage and Slow the first enemy they hit.

Ability Type: Line, Buff, Damage
Attack Damage: 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 (+30% of your Magical Power) per hit
Ranged Damage: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (+13% of your Magical Power) per remaining dragon
Slow: 30%, for 1s + 0.25s per remaining dragon
Range: 55
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 11s
Ao Kuang Skill Wild Storm

Wild Storm

3 B
Ao Kuang unleashes a storm of lightning from his sword, damaging all enemies in front of him. This will send a Dragon from Dragon's Call forth, dealing damage to hit targets.

Ability Type: Cone, Damage
Damage: 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Range: 30
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 7s
Ao Kuang Skill King of the Eastern Seas

King of the Eastern Seas

4 Y
Ao Kuang grabs a single target, damaging and knocking them into the air. If the target is below a Health threshold, Ao Kuang will also reveal his true form, becoming an airborne Dragon and executing them restoring Health. After transforming Ao Kuang then picks a new location to land, dealing damage to enemies within 20 units.

Ability Type: Target, Knockup, Damage
Damage: 90 / 140 / 190 / 240 / 290 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Execute Threshold: 30%
Heal: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30% of maximum Health
Landing Damage: 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Landing Range: 200
Cost: 90 / 100 / 110 / 120 / 130
Cooldown: 100s

Ao Kuang Lore

Regal, powerful, the Dragon-God of the Eastern Sea commands storms and tides with the flick of a claw, yet he seethes with rage for past humiliations.

As one of four Dragon-Gods, Ao Kuang demands tribute from those along the Eastern shores. For their worship, tides remain calm, rivers contained, and rainfall for crops plentiful. It was not always like this, however. Long ago, Ao Kuang grew greedy and expected greater sacrifices. When they were not given, he sent floods, tidal waves, and devastating storms, striking so much fear into the people they dared not speak of this violence to the Jade Emperor. Ao Kuang enjoyed his total control.

Then came Sun Wukong to his undersea palace seeking a weapon for his famous journey to the West. Despite the offer of other weapons, Sun Wukong took the Ruyi Jingu Bang, an immense pillar that aided in controlling the tides. It was believed none could even lift it, but Sun Wukong spun it with ease. As if this were not humiliating enough, Sun Wukong demanded other gifts of armor, shoes, and helm, all of which Ao Kuang was forced to supply.

Next, the demigod boy Nezha, playing in a stream, inadvertently shook Ao Kuang's palace. Annoyed, the Dragon-God set forth his favorite scout to kill the child, but Nezha defended himself and the scout was slain. Furious, Ao Kuang ordered his third son to destroy Nezha, yet Nehza slew him as well. Completely outraged, Ao Kuang went to Nezha's father and threatened to take the issue before the Jade Emperor, but Nehza tackled the Dragon-King and forced him to submit.

Such repeated shame and humiliation have both humbled Ao Kuang and tempered his fury to steely resolve. Long has he awaited his chance to rise again and exert dominance as a great Dragon-God of the Sea.

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