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Xbalanque Builds & Guides

Mayan Hunter Ranged Physical
Find the best Xbalanque build guides for SMITE Patch 12.1. You will find builds for arena, joust, and conquest. However you choose to play Xbalanque, The SMITEFire community will help you craft the best build for the SMITE S12 meta and your chosen game mode. Learn Xbalanque's skills, stats and more.
Top Rated Guides Newest Guides

Smite 1: Year 11 Guides & Builds // Patch 12.1 & Patch 11.12

15 Votes 4
 Build Guide
by TottiGR | Updated December 29, 2024
Guide In-Depth

Smite 1: Year 11 Guides & Builds

46 Votes 4
 Build Guide
Killing Machine Xbal
by Diwens | Updated March 28, 2024

Smite 1: Year 10 Guides & Builds

8 Votes 2
 Build Guide
Unstoppable Xbal
by xXJakkXx | Updated July 29, 2023
20 Votes 7
 Build Guide
We need a Sokka skin for Xbal
by JJustin | Updated August 10, 2023
6 Votes 2
 Build Guide
jaguar canon
by Shinigami66 | Updated May 11, 2023
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Black Hole Jaguar Sun - Fun, casual Xbalanque in-depth guide!
by WesIsNext | Updated July 22, 2023
Guide In-Depth Mobile
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Xbalanque hard hitter, simple
by Mikegues | Updated July 16, 2023
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Xbalanque SPL Builds
by DV-8 | Updated September 9, 2023
7 Votes 9
 Build Guide
Hit hard and far
by KatrinaKandi | Updated March 3, 2023
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Xbalanque conquest
by Jorm Was not Paid | Updated July 21, 2023

Smite 1: Year 9 Guides & Builds

Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Xbalanque 9.12
by TsarIsBallin | Updated January 3, 2023
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Xbal ADC Conquest
by where am i | Updated February 13, 2022
3 Votes 2
 Build Guide
Arena build
by Dionnisios | Updated January 31, 2022
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Bola-Bogaloo (arena-build)
by Mucha_Shaka_Paka | Updated October 3, 2022
2 Votes 5
 Build Guide
Xbalanque silver crit
by Big_mowi4011 | Updated March 22, 2022
1 Votes 4
 Build Guide
Demon hunter build
by pleeyer | Updated January 12, 2023
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
by where am i | Updated April 25, 2022

Smite 1: Year 8 Guides & Builds

13 Votes 2
 Build Guide
by Xbeartooth00 | Updated December 9, 2021
8 Votes 1
 Build Guide
Xibalba's Moon Hunter - Xbalanque Guide (S8.12)
by Parallax Joker | Updated December 26, 2021
81 Votes 11
 Build Guide
Nobody Made any season 8 Xbal Builds So I will 8.10 UPDATED
by Rustofski | Updated October 14, 2021
Favor: 5500 Gems: 200

Xbalanque Statistics

455 (+75) Health
220 (+37) Mana
365 (+0) Speed
None Progression
55 (+0) Range
1 (+2) Attack / Sec
35 (+ 2.5) + 100% of Physical Power Damage

Xbalanque Skills

Xbalanque Skill Dead of Night

Dead of NightPassive

As Xbalanque deals damage to enemy Gods he gains stacks of Dead of Night which increases his Physical Power permanently. For every 1500 damage dealt, after mitigations, Xbalanque gets 1 stack, up to 6 stacks.

Ability Type: Buff
Physical Power: 5
Max Stacks: 6
Xbalanque Skill Branching Bola

Branching Bola

1 X
When Xbalanque toggles on this ability, his Basic Attacks deal additional damage. When the bola hits, it splits into 2 that hit enemies up to 30 units behind the target for 37.5% damage (on-hit effects do not apply). Pressing the ability again cancels the toggle.

Ability Type: Area Basic, Damage
Damage: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50
Range: 55/30
Cost: 4 / 7 / 10 / 13 / 16 per shot
Cooldown: .5s
Xbalanque Skill Poison Darts

Poison Darts

2 A
Xbalanque shoots 15 darts in a cone in front of him, dealing damage with each one. An enemy can be hit by 7 darts, with the other 4 doing 30% damage. Enemies hit are poisoned, taking additional damage every .5s and are Slowed.

Ability Type: Cone, Slow, Damage
Damage Per Dart: 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 (+35% of your Physical Power)
Poison Damage: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (+15% of your Physical Power)
Poison Slow: 20 / 22.5 / 25 / 27.5 / 30%
Poison Duration: 3s
Range: 55
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 15s
Xbalanque Skill Rising Jaguar

Rising Jaguar

3 B
Xbalanque rushes forward and then jumps into the air, becoming immune to Crowd Control. While in the air, he fires darts at all nearby enemies, dealing damage to all in the area. Any enemies that were poisoned by Xbalanque take additional damage.

Ability Type: Dash, Damage
Damage: 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 (+50% of your Physical Power)
Additional Poisoned Damage: 40%
Damage (Max): 112 / 182 / 252 / 322 / 392 (+70% of your Physical Power)
Radius: 30
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 16s
Xbalanque Skill Darkest of Nights

Darkest of Nights

4 Y
Xbalanque shrouds enemies in darkness for 3s. During this time, Xbalanque's Basic Attack range, Attack Speed, and Movement Speed are increased.

Ability Type: Buff
Attack Speed: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60%
Movement Speed: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60%
Basic Attack Range Increase: 40
Range/Radius: 95/35
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90s

Xbalanque Lore

Xbalanque was born with vengeance in his heart.

As one of the Hero Twins, Xbalanque, and his brother Hunahpu, knew their lives would lead them to eventually face the Lords of Death, chiefs of the underworld who murdered their father, but first they would need to master the art of hunting with blowguns and the violent ball game Pitz.

As a test of their strength, they decided to defeat the vain and evil bird-lord, Seven Macaw, who declared himself the Sun and the Moon and replaced his teeth with glistening jewels.

The Hero Twins fired their blowguns at the perching bird-lord, knocking out several of Seven Macaw's glittering teeth. Ferociously he came at them, but only snatched Hunahpu and tore off the boy's arm. Cleverly, the twins enlisted the aid of an elderly couple and advised them to pose as dentists. Seven Macaw sought to ease the pain in his mouth, so, as they were instructed, the dentist pulled the rest of Seven Macaw's teeth and replaced them with white corn. So humiliated was the great bird that he died of despair.

It would be many years and several trials later that, at last, the Hero Twins were able to challenge the Lords of Death and avenge their father, but their final victory allowed them to ascend to the heavens, where Xbalanque was immortalized as the moon, lighting the night for clever hunters everywhere.

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